PDF Output of CLIC (clustering by inferred co-expression) Dataset: Num of genes in input gene set: 5 Total number of genes: 16493 CLIC PDF output has three sections: 1) Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) Heatmap shows pairwise correlations between all genes in the input query gene set. Red lines shows the partition of input genes into CEMs, ordered by CEM strength. Each row shows one gene, and the brightness of squares indicates its correlations with other genes. Gene symbols are shown at left side and on the top of the heatmap. 2) Details of each CEM and its expansion CEM+ Top panel shows the posterior selection probability (dataset weights) for top GEO series datasets. Bottom panel shows the CEM genes (blue rows) as well as expanded CEM+ genes (green rows). Each column is one GEO series dataset, sorted by their posterior probability of being selected. The brightness of squares indicates the gene's correlations with CEM genes in the corresponding dataset. CEM+ includes genes that co-express with CEM genes in high-weight datasets, measured by LLR score. 3) Details of each GEO series dataset and its expression profile: Top panel shows the detailed information (e.g. title, summary) for the GEO series dataset. Bottom panel shows the background distribution and the expression profile for CEM genes in this dataset. Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) with Dataset Weighting Scale of average Pearson correlations Num of Genes in Query Geneset: 5. Num of CEMs: 1. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Dscr3 Vps26a Snx8 Vps26b Tbc1d5 Dscr3 Vps26a Snx8 CEM 1 (45 datasets) Vps26b Tbc1d5 9030624J02Rik 0610031J06Rik Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:5.Predicted483.SelectedDatasets:45.Strength:0.2 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]retromercomplex",Page1 Tmem55b Atp6v1b2 Atp6v0d1 Tspan14 Amdhd2 Lamtor1 Pip4k2c Slc46a3 Slc17a5 Slc36a1 Fam50a Hs1bp3 Vps26b Vps33a Vps26a Tbc1d5 Smpd2 Acot13 Pnpla7 Ostm1 Nhlrc3 Aagab Wdr81 Hmgcl Spg21 Casp9 Mroh1 Vps11 Rragc Dscr3 Appl2 Hsdl1 Pqlc2 Fnip2 Tom1 Napg Naga Hexb Neu1 Hexa Snx8 Hes6 Plin3 Arsa Ctns Ctsa Pigc Flcn 0.0 1.0 GSE48338 [8] GSE30160 [6] GSE8621 [12] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE21711 [6] GSE31166 [6] GSE4043 [6] GSE48204 [6] GSE7348 [6] GSE15610 [12] GSE35260 [21] GSE8065 [18] GSE15872 [18] GSE26745 [24] GSE35318 [12] GSE32328 [24] GSE42877 [14] GSE14769 [24] GSE11723 [9] GSE9123 [8] GSE17647 [24] GSE20987 [12] GSE46854 [20] GSE30176 [12] GSE46185 [6] GSE30855 [6] GSE37907 [24] GSE36414 [8] GSE55809 [8] GSE14891 [8] GSE19684 [14] GSE43825 [31] GSE32986 [18] GSE33726 [48] GSE41925 [8] GSE47959 [8] GSE6383 [6] GSE40260 [6] GSE31378 [9] GSE20696 [8] GSE50603 [12] GSE7767 [6] GSE19836 [114] GSE27932 [14] GSE10182 [7] GSE42061 [12] GSE21861 [8] GSE16002 [9] GSE20391 [11] GSE40795 [50] GSE8788 [6] GSE5202 [12] GSE37000 [47] GSE33156 [18] GSE38031 [8] GSE32095 [24] GSE50687 [38] GSE4671 [28] GSE20177 [14] GSE5309 [7] GSE38257 [14] GSE15318 [24] GSE24121 [9] GSE17728 [12] GSE4034 [24] GSE16266 [6] GSE6789 [12] GSE16516 [18] GSE24061 [88] GSE33942 [12] GSE9247 [15] GSE11732 [15] GSE23496 [9] GSE9368 [12] GSE39886 [24] GSE12986 [10] GSE8156 [6] GSE11044 [6] GSE28593 [9] GSE27720 [6] GSE17256 [8] GSE43620 [8] GSE6933 [15] GSE20500 [6] GSE24789 [9] GSE19181 [6] GSE18042 [18] GSE34629 [6] GSE19732 [20] GSE20390 [6] GSE20604 [6] GSE17316 [12] GSE29262 [12] GSE32102 [49] GSE8683 [11] GSE8960 [18] GSE15767 [6] GSE8660 [6] GSE13869 [8] GSE40087 [15] GSE4288 [36] GSE9763 [20] GSE35044 [9] GSE37029 [15] GSE18115 [8] GSE4518 [12] GSE21393 [6] GSE4535 [6] GSE6065 [100] GSE44339 [14] GSE16684 [6] GSE20335 [8] GSE32330 [12] GSE4695 [6] GSE54056 [12] GSE45895 [27] GSE5232 [6] GSE9460 [26] GSE53480 [16] GSE46970 [15] GSE18064 [12] GSE10176 [6] GSE42591 [26] GSE9804 [9] GSE35785 [10] GSE52338 [12] GSE18322 [12] GSE30873 [6] GSE3554 [6] GSE38696 [8] GSE6116 [70] GSE45487 [9] GSE25088 [24] GSE9441 [36] GSE17796 [39] GSE36530 [6] GSE23178 [6] GSE31359 [8] GSE59319 [6] GSE17649 [36] GSE12073 [12] GSE23600 [10] GSE18395 [8] GSE30192 [6] GSE15871 [18] GSE23495 [6] GSE39770 [10] GSE16623 [6] GSE26616 [6] GSE46150 [8] GSE12536 [6] GSE21841 [18] GSE10273 [9] GSE2433 [10] GSE23006 [48] CEM+ CEM GSE34902 [6] GSE53986 [16] GSE28389 [20] GSE21900 [12] GSE26568 [6] GSE8512 [207] 0.0 GSE34324 [12] GSE7683 [12] GSE35332 [12] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE22180 [60] GSE32334 [19] GSE21905 [6] GSE48811 [20] GSE47967 [18] GSE29081 [6] 0.2 GSE9975 [36] GSE56345 [9] GSE53077 [8] GSE22005 [23] GSE21996 [14] GSE8044 [6] GSE48397 [10] GSE34732 [12] GSE20372 [6] 0.4 GSE8513 [10] GSE4786 [9] GSE19885 [9] GSE12499 [10] GSE24683 [8] GSE30684 [6] GSE4718 [6] GSE12049 [6] GSE2197 [6] 0.6 GSE31004 [8] GSE46797 [6] GSE3296 [16] GSE39458 [6] GSE5582 [6] GSE6482 [9] GSE42565 [6] GSE52358 [8] GSE50439 [15] 0.8 GSE20100 [15] GSE11161 [6] GSE50865 [12] GSE6674 [15] Score 18.03 18.08 18.22 18.30 18.40 18.82 18.93 18.98 18.99 19.13 19.48 19.70 19.78 19.82 19.88 19.90 19.99 20.24 20.31 20.45 20.95 21.06 21.13 21.15 21.74 21.75 22.06 22.40 22.49 22.99 23.24 23.31 23.61 23.65 24.32 24.95 25.34 25.42 25.70 26.09 26.13 26.36 27.12 28.87 32.71 1.0 Notes 1110034G24Rik D6Wsu163e Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:5.Predicted483.SelectedDatasets:45.Strength:0.2 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]retromercomplex",Page2 Atp6v1c1 Trappc12 Dnase1l1 Nudt16l1 Tmem18 Ppp1r21 Atp6ap1 Fam63b Slc38a9 Zfyve26 Gnpda1 Pcmtd2 Ube2q1 Coq10a Slc35f6 Mcoln1 Mms19 Rnf167 Uap1l1 Fam21 Manba Mpv17 Sumf1 Klhl24 Asah1 Vps18 Fbxo3 Foxo3 Fads1 Coro7 Cpt1a Naglu Galk2 Sgpl1 Lgmn Uckl1 Stk38 Hacl1 Gusb Plin2 Paox Tpp1 Cln6 Ttc5 Grn Mnt Taz Asl 0.0 1.0 GSE48338 [8] GSE30160 [6] GSE8621 [12] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE21711 [6] GSE31166 [6] GSE4043 [6] GSE48204 [6] GSE7348 [6] GSE15610 [12] GSE35260 [21] GSE8065 [18] GSE15872 [18] GSE26745 [24] GSE35318 [12] GSE32328 [24] GSE42877 [14] GSE14769 [24] GSE11723 [9] GSE9123 [8] GSE17647 [24] GSE20987 [12] GSE46854 [20] GSE30176 [12] GSE46185 [6] GSE30855 [6] GSE37907 [24] GSE36414 [8] GSE55809 [8] GSE14891 [8] GSE19684 [14] GSE43825 [31] GSE32986 [18] GSE33726 [48] GSE41925 [8] GSE47959 [8] GSE6383 [6] GSE40260 [6] GSE31378 [9] GSE20696 [8] GSE50603 [12] GSE7767 [6] GSE19836 [114] GSE27932 [14] GSE10182 [7] GSE42061 [12] GSE21861 [8] GSE16002 [9] GSE20391 [11] GSE40795 [50] GSE8788 [6] GSE5202 [12] GSE37000 [47] GSE33156 [18] GSE38031 [8] GSE32095 [24] GSE50687 [38] GSE4671 [28] GSE20177 [14] GSE5309 [7] GSE38257 [14] GSE15318 [24] GSE24121 [9] GSE17728 [12] GSE4034 [24] GSE16266 [6] GSE6789 [12] GSE16516 [18] GSE24061 [88] GSE33942 [12] GSE9247 [15] GSE11732 [15] GSE23496 [9] GSE9368 [12] GSE39886 [24] GSE12986 [10] GSE8156 [6] GSE11044 [6] GSE28593 [9] GSE27720 [6] GSE17256 [8] GSE43620 [8] GSE6933 [15] GSE20500 [6] GSE24789 [9] GSE19181 [6] GSE18042 [18] GSE34629 [6] GSE19732 [20] GSE20390 [6] GSE20604 [6] GSE17316 [12] GSE29262 [12] GSE32102 [49] GSE8683 [11] GSE8960 [18] GSE15767 [6] GSE8660 [6] GSE13869 [8] GSE40087 [15] GSE4288 [36] GSE9763 [20] GSE35044 [9] GSE37029 [15] GSE18115 [8] GSE4518 [12] GSE21393 [6] GSE4535 [6] GSE6065 [100] GSE44339 [14] GSE16684 [6] GSE20335 [8] GSE32330 [12] GSE4695 [6] GSE54056 [12] GSE45895 [27] GSE5232 [6] GSE9460 [26] GSE53480 [16] GSE46970 [15] GSE18064 [12] GSE10176 [6] GSE42591 [26] GSE9804 [9] GSE35785 [10] GSE52338 [12] GSE18322 [12] GSE30873 [6] GSE3554 [6] GSE38696 [8] GSE6116 [70] GSE45487 [9] GSE25088 [24] GSE9441 [36] GSE17796 [39] GSE36530 [6] GSE23178 [6] GSE31359 [8] GSE59319 [6] GSE17649 [36] GSE12073 [12] GSE23600 [10] GSE18395 [8] GSE30192 [6] GSE15871 [18] GSE23495 [6] GSE39770 [10] GSE16623 [6] GSE26616 [6] GSE46150 [8] GSE12536 [6] GSE21841 [18] GSE10273 [9] GSE2433 [10] GSE23006 [48] CEM+ CEM GSE34902 [6] GSE53986 [16] GSE28389 [20] GSE21900 [12] GSE26568 [6] GSE8512 [207] 0.0 GSE34324 [12] GSE7683 [12] GSE35332 [12] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE22180 [60] GSE32334 [19] GSE21905 [6] GSE48811 [20] GSE47967 [18] GSE29081 [6] 0.2 GSE9975 [36] GSE56345 [9] GSE53077 [8] GSE22005 [23] GSE21996 [14] GSE8044 [6] GSE48397 [10] GSE34732 [12] GSE20372 [6] 0.4 GSE8513 [10] GSE4786 [9] GSE19885 [9] GSE12499 [10] GSE24683 [8] GSE30684 [6] GSE4718 [6] GSE12049 [6] GSE2197 [6] 0.6 GSE31004 [8] GSE46797 [6] GSE3296 [16] GSE39458 [6] GSE5582 [6] GSE6482 [9] GSE42565 [6] GSE52358 [8] GSE50439 [15] 0.8 GSE20100 [15] GSE11161 [6] GSE50865 [12] GSE6674 [15] Score 12.50 12.52 12.55 12.71 12.77 12.80 12.92 13.13 13.20 13.44 13.45 13.63 13.71 13.97 14.17 14.37 14.58 14.78 14.83 14.83 14.88 15.04 15.13 15.27 15.56 15.62 15.65 15.69 15.72 15.72 15.73 15.81 15.93 15.96 16.25 16.53 16.61 16.66 16.76 16.93 17.24 17.29 17.44 17.49 17.51 17.56 17.77 17.87 17.92 17.95 1.0 Notes 5031439G07Rik Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:5.Predicted483.SelectedDatasets:45.Strength:0.2 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]retromercomplex",Page3 AW549877 AI413582 Slc26a11 Fam134a Fam117a Commd4 Tmem51 Lamtor4 N4bp2l1 Hmg20a Wdsub1 Vipas39 Slc37a4 Lrsam1 Tex264 Scarb2 Pxmp4 Tmub2 Zfp839 Fbxl20 Fbxw4 Mapk3 Ddhd2 Lrrc57 Spsb2 Snx13 Vps39 Naa60 Mkrn1 Mfap3 Lace1 Uvrag Cnot8 Tpra1 Soat1 Tctn3 Tbcel Orai3 Chkb Npc1 Hscb Snx1 Psap Nek9 Sord Nbr1 Cuta Itfg3 Rit1 0.0 1.0 GSE48338 [8] GSE30160 [6] GSE8621 [12] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE21711 [6] GSE31166 [6] GSE4043 [6] GSE48204 [6] GSE7348 [6] GSE15610 [12] GSE35260 [21] GSE8065 [18] GSE15872 [18] GSE26745 [24] GSE35318 [12] GSE32328 [24] GSE42877 [14] GSE14769 [24] GSE11723 [9] GSE9123 [8] GSE17647 [24] GSE20987 [12] GSE46854 [20] GSE30176 [12] GSE46185 [6] GSE30855 [6] GSE37907 [24] GSE36414 [8] GSE55809 [8] GSE14891 [8] GSE19684 [14] GSE43825 [31] GSE32986 [18]
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