Get outside and have fun! have and outside Get • Get 5 teaspoons of oils per day per oils of teaspoons 5 Get Carry a water bottle when you are exercising for more than half an hour. an half than more for exercising are you when bottle water a Carry • Oils Get 3 cups of dairy per day per dairy of cups 3 Get Wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and maybe a hat if it’s sunny outside. sunny it’s if hat a maybe and sunglasses, sunscreen, Wear • Dairy prevent injury. prevent Eat 6 oz of grains per day per grains of oz 6 Eat Warm up with dynamic stretching before intense physical exercise to to exercise physical intense before stretching dynamic with up Warm • Grains it’s cold outside. cold it’s Eat 5½ oz of protein per day per protein of oz 5½ Eat Dress for the weather to prevent overheating or pulling a muscle when when muscle a pulling or overheating prevent to weather the for Dress • Protein Eat 2½ cups of veggies per day per veggies of cups 2½ Eat exercising. Vegetables Wear comfortable shoes with good arch support to prevent injury when when injury prevent to support arch good with shoes comfortable Wear • Eat 2 cups of fruit per day per fruit of cups 2 Eat Remember to dress in comfortable, moveable clothing when exercising. when clothing moveable comfortable, in dress to Remember • Fruits Dressing for Exercise for Dressing Improving mood and mental health mental and mood Improving - concentration and memory. and concentration Improving muscle and bone strength bone and muscle Improving - Reducing risk of some cancers some of risk Reducing - reach the brain to increase increase to brain the reach Reducing risk of or controlling Type II Diabetes II Type controlling or of risk Reducing - Exercise helps oxygen oxygen helps Exercise - Reducing risk of heart disease heart of risk Reducing - - Controlling weight Controlling - ntain a healthy heart. healthy a ntain mai to day per sodium of grams Regular exercise can help improve health by: health improve help can exercise Regular • Heart Association (AHA) recommends getting no more than 2300 2300 than more no getting recommends (AHA) Association Heart health care provider’s office. This can save you time and money! and time you save can This office. provider’s care health When exercising, the body requires adequate sodium. The American American The sodium. adequate requires body the exercising, When • Getting adequate exercise can help keep you healthy and out of your your of out and healthy you keep help can exercise adequate Getting • the day and aim to get about 2 cups of water within 4 hours of exercise. of hours 4 within water of cups 2 about get to aim and day the better sleep at night. at sleep better To prevent dehydration and muscle cramping, drink water throughout throughout water drink cramping, muscle and dehydration prevent To • Staying physically active reduces stress level, and allows you to get get to you allows and level, stress reduces active physically Staying • hour through sweating and breathing. and sweating through hour memory. When exercising, you can lose up to ¼ gallon (or 32 ounces) of fluid per per fluid of ounces) 32 (or gallon ¼ to up lose can you exercising, When • neurotransmitters, leading to greater concentration and improved improved and concentration greater to leading neurotransmitters, the number of calories in a large banana with peanut butter. peanut with banana large a in calories of number the Exercising helps oxygen reach the brain and increases certain certain increases and brain the reach oxygen helps Exercising • calories walking for an hour at the speed of a 20 minute mile – about about – mile minute 20 a of speed the at hour an for walking calories activities working each of the main muscle groups. muscle main the of each working activities Avoid overeating after exercise. A 150 pound adult burns about 225 225 about burns adult pound 150 A exercise. after overeating Avoid • two or more days a week of muscle strengthening strengthening muscle of week a days more or two AND activity aerobic Eating protein before and after exercise helps the muscles recover. muscles the helps exercise after and before protein Eating • 1 hour and 15 minutes of vigorous intensity intensity vigorous of minutes 15 and hour 1 OR activity aerobic intense a weekly average of 2½ hours – just 21 minutes a day – of moderate- of – day a minutes 21 just – hours 2½ of average weekly a butter. peanut with banana a as such snack, carbohydrate The American Heart Association recommends the average adult gets gets adult average the recommends Association Heart American The • high a eat exercise before hour an half about energy, maximum For • Eating for Exercise for Eating Exercising for Health for Exercising Discover Hamilton Discover more about healthy living and engaging in the City of Hamilton: MSU Extension – Ravalli County msuextension.org/ravalli Walking Map Bike Walk Bitterroot bikewalkbitterroot.org Bitterroot Events bitterrootevents.net Bitterroot Public Library bitterrootpubliclibrary.org Hold your Keep your chin Bitterroot National Forest http://www.fs.usda.gov/bitterroot/ head high parallel to the Bitterroot Trail bitterroottrail.com ground Bitterroot Valley Chamber of Commerce bitterrootchamber.com Move your City of Hamilton cityofhamilton.net shoulders Look forward Champion Trees National Register americanforests.org naturally Hamilton Downtown Association hamiltondowntownassociation.org Hamilton Farmers Market hamiltonfarmersmarket.org Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital mdmh.org National Register of Historical Places npgallery.nps.gov/nrhp Ravalli County Museum & Historical Society ravallimuseum.org Gently tighten Ravalli County Government ravalli.us Swing your arms freely stomach muscles Visit the Bitterroot Valley visitbitterrootvalley.com FOR MORE INFORMATION Walk smoothly, Keep your BUPA Health Content Team. (2015). Food for Exercise. http://www.bupa.co.uk/health-information/directory/f/ rolling foot from back straight food-for-exercise heel to toe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Physical Activity and Health: The Benefits of Physical Activity. https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/pa-health/ The American Heart Association. (2014). American Heart Association Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adults. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/HealthyLiving/PhysicalActivity/FitnessBasics/American-Heart- Association-Recommendations-for-Physical-Activity-in-Adults_UCM_307976_Article.jsp#.WCdtqPkrLIX United States Department of Agriculture. (2016). What is MyPlate. https://www.choosemyplate.gov/MyPlate U.S. Department of Health, Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2015). 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 8th Edition. http://health.gov/dietaryguidelines/2015/guidelines/. People who live in walkable communities are 2x more AUTHORS Katelyn Andersen, Sarah Gray, Lindsey Manning CONTRIBUTORS Montana State University Extension, Dale Mayer likely to get enough exercise LAYOUT MSU Extension Communications, Alexa D’Atri than those who don’t. REVIEWERS Dale Mayer Developed in partnership with funding from Ravalli County Heman Grant This map is designed to encourage visitors and residents to explore the city of Hamilton. The routes selected are based on points of interest, public parks and accessibility. Each route time is an estimate based on the average walking © 2016 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in speed of 3.1 miles per hour. all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Jeff Bader, Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717. Take a walk Hieronymus around Hamilton. Park Routes: Hieronymus Bitterroot N 3.3 miles, 65 min 4.9 miles, 95 min Stonegate Daly Extension 1.6 miles, 35 min 3.4 miles, 75 min and Bronc Osprey College of Nursing 1.6 miles, 35 min 2.2 miles, 45 min River 3 miles, 60 min walking path Geneva Ave 1.75 inches = 0.25 miles Bitterroot River Fairground s Stonegate Dr Fairgrounds Rd Hamilton Adirondac Ave Dog Park Ave Daly New York Ave Hamilton High School Franklin Ave Alice Ave Alice N 1 N 2 N 3 N 4 N 5 st N 6 nd St N 7 rd N 8 th St St th N 10 St th St th St th St St Thomas St th St Bitterroot River St Bayberry Ln Aquatic Center Kurtz Ln Kurtz Pine St Silverberry St Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital Hamilton Downtown East Main St Claudia Vester Wilson Driscoll Park State St Athletic Ctr. Steve Powell Park Bitterroot river access Public Library American Hattie Ln Bedford St S 4 Legion Park S 5 S 6 S 7 Daly Ave Daly S 8 th S 9 th th St St th St th St th St St S 2 Ravalli St S 3 nd rd St St Bitterroot River River/Kiwanis Parks Daly Elementary S 1 School st St Kurtz Ln Kurtz Baker St Grove St Rocky Mountain Laboratories Montana Ave Roosevelt Ln Bailey Ave Nichol Ln connection to Bitterroot Trail.
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