District Survey Report of Minor Minerols, tamtaro (Except River Sand) Prepored in accordonce with Pora V (iii) of 5.0.141 (E) Doted 75th Januory 2016 of Ministry ol Environment, Forest ond Climote Change Notification. GOVERNMENT OF JHARKHAND DISTMCT- JAMTARA JAMTARA DISTRICT JHARKHANO + PREPARED BY DEIAA UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF DEPUW COMMISSIONER CUM CHAIRMAN DEIAA, JAMTARA e-*,, iErs\,s G EOLOGIST ASSISTANT MININ6 OFFICER DISTRICT G EOLOG ICAL OFFICE ]AMTARA DUMKA )hlr' )11qplR EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, IRRIGATION ]AMTARA n '(ffi* ("q9 EXEXCUTIVE ENCINEER, ,,u,r,o^o, ,oJi OFFICER ROAD CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT JAMTARA ^H#-', Dy. COMMISSIONER / CHAIRMAN, DEIAA, JAMTARA Ch.No Description Preomble 5 1 lntradudian 7-8 1.1 Locotion ond Geographicol Areo 7 1.2 Administrotive Units 7 1.3 Cannectivity 7 2 OveNiew oI mining dctivity in the disttict 9 3 List of Mining leose in the distrid 70-26 3.1 List ol opeiotive stane mines in the district i.2 List of non-operdtive stone mines in the district 73 3.i List of Terminated / Cancelled Leose of Stone Mines 18 34 Patential blocks of the District 19-26 4 Detatl ol Bayolty or Revenue received in last 3 yeors 27 ; Detoil of ptoduction of minor minerol in last 3 yeors 27 e Genercl prdile ol the Dis'trict 28-35 b.,L River System 6.2 Climote 28-i0 6.3 6eomorphology 6.4 Soil 32 5.5 lrrigation 33 6.5 Physiogrophy 33 6.7 Demography 6.8 Forest (Floro & Fduno ) 35-36 7 Land Utilizotion Pottern of the District 37-iA 8 Ground Water Scendrio 3944 8.1 Hydrogeology 39 8_2 Consol id dted Formation 40 Se m i -Co nsa lid dted F o rmat i on 8.4 2epth to Woter level I Ground woter mondgemet strotegy 4548 9.1 6rou nd woter d evelopment 45 9.2 GROUND WATER RESOURCES 46 9.3 GROUND WATER REUTED ISSLJES & PROBLEMS 45-47 9.4 RECOMMENDATIANS 48 70 Roinfall: Month Wlse 49 77 Geology & Mineral wedlth of the oreo s0-52 72 Brief Disdster Risk Profile 53-54 12.7 Vulnerability of the state 53 12.2 Mine Disaster 54 13 OVERV'EW OF IMPACT OF MIMNG AN ENIy,RANMENT 55-59 Conclusion & Reference 60 Prior to the formation of rharkhand Minor Minerar concession Rure 2004, the mining operation for minor minerar were carried out in unscientific manner in. rdentifying this fact in exercise of power, conferred by section 15 by Mines and Minerars (Deveropment and Reguration) Act 1957 and a other powers enabring it in that beharf, the industry Mines & .eorogy Department, Govt. of Jharkhand framed the aforementioned rure, and it has been amended with period of times in the year 2OO7,2A7O,2074,2O75 and 2017 . Keeping in view of experience ga!ned in perioci of one decade, the MoEF&cc came out with Environmental rmpact Assessment Notification s.o.-1533(E) dated 14th sept.2006. rih* n".n made mandatory to obtain environmentar crearance for different kinds of deveropment projects as listed in Scheduled -t^ of notification. Further, pursuance of the order of petition Hon'bre Supreme court {c) No. 1g62g 1g62g of 2009, dated 27',h Feb.2oL2 rn the matter of Deepak Kumar etc., vs state of Haryana and others etc., prior environmentar ciearance has now become mandatory for Minint of Minor Minerars irrespective ofthe area of Mining Lease. And also in view of the Hon'bre Nationar Green Tribunar, orcrer dated the 13th Jan.2015 the rnatter regarding sand, Brick earth, & burrowed earth cutting for Road construction has to take prior E C For Mining Lease irrespective of the fact that whether the area invorved is more or less than 5 hectares' They arso suggested to make a poricy on E.c for sand incruding other minor minerals mining lease in cluster. ln pursuance MoEF&cc Notification s.o. 141(E) dated 1s,h ian.2016, District Environment lrnpact Assessment Authority (DETAA) & District revel Expert Appraisar committee (DEAC) has been formed for Category -82 Minor Minerals having area less than or equal to 5 ha. \4oEF&cc in consurtation with state Government has prepared Guiderines on sustainabre sand & other Minor minerals mining detailing the provisions on Environmental Clearance for cluster. creation of District Environmental rmpact Assessment Authority (DETAA,) & proper monitorinB :f Minor Minerals Minint using rnformation Technorogy to track the minerar out materiar from sou rce to destin ation. DEAC iviil scrutinize and recommend the prior environmentar crearance of Mining of Minor l!4ineral to DErAA on basis of District survey report. This wiI moder and guiding document !\ l'ich is a compendium of avairabre minerar resources, geographicar setup, environmentar and e:o:ogtcal set up of the district and replenishment of minerals and is based on data of various ceoartments, published reports, Journal and websites, The District Survev report will form the 53sis for application for environmental crearance, preparation of reports and appraisar of prcjecs District survey Reports are to be reviewed once in every five years a5 per statue, h o *e,rer this is an interim report, which will be updated at regular intervals. n ne with above guideline Chief Secretary of Government of Jharkhand issued a letter to all leputy Commissioner's Vide letter No. -Ig74/Cs dated 01_0g-2017 & Notification No. Khani(vivid) '67 /2017 /190s dated 16-08-2017 by secretary Government Department of industries, jhari<hand, Mines & Geclogy, Government of tc prepare a District survey Report as per guideline of sustainable.Sand Mining guidelines with the assistance of lrrigation department (Minor), Forest department, Mining & Geology Departments. The Main objective ofthe preparation of District survey Report is to ensure the following:- 1. ldentification of Mineral Resources in the district. 2. Identification of areas of minor minerals having the potential where mining can be allowed. And 3. ldentification of area and proximity to infrastructure and installations where mining shou ld be pr.oh ihited. Jamtara district is situated in the North Eastern part of Jharkhand state. The district is situated in the Northern Plain of lndia and eastern plateau and hill region. Jamtara town is the administrative headquarters of this district. lt is bounded by Deoghar district in north, Dumka and West Ben8al in the east, Dhanbad and West Bengal in the south and Giridih in the west. The district is situated between 24'9'51" North and 23" 47'55" North latitude and 86" 27'58" East and 87" L7' 26" East longitude, having an area of 1802 km2 (approx). Total population of the district is 79A,2oi , with the population density of 440/krr'? (As per Census 2011). Jamtara district comprises of only one administrative sub-division (Jamtara) and six development blocks, namely Kundahit, Nala, Jamtara, Narayanpur, Karmatar and Fatehpur. There are 1175 villates and 118 Gram Panchayats in the district. Jamtara is on the Main Line of the Eastern Railway from Howrah to Delhi, thus it is well connected with other important cities of the country, such as, Ranchi (2a2km), Chittaranjan (14 Kms), Ka rmatanr Vidyasagar (18 Kms), Patna (293 Kms), Howrah (245 Kms by railway. Sevaral passenger buses run regularly from Ranchi, Dumka, Deoghar, Giridih, Asansol, Chittaranjan and other places in Jhaikhand to Jamtara. The nearest major airport is Birsa Munda Airport. This airport has domestic flights from Ranchi, lndia and is 243 km from the center of Jamtara, lndia. so_c'o"E *. 2 87"Co',E *+,N S UTTAR PRADESH o R r s-s I N JAMTARA DISTRICT JHARKHAND z + LEGEI{O o 'lo , nri'40 0'E The district has total 16 operative and 3z non-operative stone mines, which generate on an average royarry ofaround 1 crore rupees, arong with a Dead Rent of a.oura? r.rt r., .rr"". every year, Mineral based industries in the district incur an investment of approximately Lakh rupees. Jamtara is rich iir mi.erais such a. stone, Ferdspar, Presece-185 ofsand euar,, Granite. stone is observed in Karmatanr Vidyasagar and-Fatehpur ui".ti * and Narayanpur block is rich in Rajnrahar lrlrt trap Basait. carnet Biotite Gnei.ss is present in Narayanpur Block. Noticibre amount of deposii of Sand stone is observed in tlre southern part of Nala Block. Picture showing mining of Stone in Jamtara District Lease ho ld er M./s Keshaw Stone Lokdih I a n'rta ra 37s/P 16.09.2008 23"55',21.28"N Udoyog, (Pa h rudih) to to Pro- Sri Wakil 15.09.20i8 23"55',26.34"N Hembram, 86"49',38.36" S/o Sri Rasik E to Hembram, 86"49',41.0s"8 at- Lokdih (Pahrudih ), P.o-Bewa, P.s Mihijam, Dist- lamtara Sri Gan esh Kundahit 72,05.201.1 23"56',45.09"N H ernbram, to to 11.05.2021 23"56'47 .r2"N Harinarayanpur, 87"08',33.36"E F. o- Kun dah it, Dist- to iamtara 87'08',36.15" E -_l Sri Laxman Dubey Digharia Binda pat 2?.17.2008 Si o Sri N ilkanth har to Du bey, 21.12.2018 At & P. o- Ku kraha, Ch rtra, Dist- D eogh ar & Sri Alun Chandra Chcudh a Tapa n kumar jha 03.09.2010 23"56',55.8"N b.Bablu raut to 86"52',s6.3"E V lir Ba u ripasra 02.0s.2020 23"56',46.9"N :'c+Cist:-lamtara 86"52',52.5"E Irp:ress infratech Cha ndradipa Ja mtara 636 to 19.10.2010 23"53',38"N r,i.ltd. Director- 639,64 to 86"49',41.83"E Sr Pa n kal Das, 1/P,r1 18.10.2020 23"51'42.07"N 46/P,1.
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