m t h e WEATHEB -Forecast by D. «• Weather Boreau, . Hartford. NET PBES^.BDN /-.. AVEBAUE DAILY OlBCDlATlON - Bain tonight and probably Wed­ for tlie Month of Febmary» 1930 nesday morning; slightly warmer ■ tonight, colder Wednesday. ^ 5,503 Uembera of »•»* Ao«IH Bnreau of f^rcnlationa PRICE THREE CEN’EB TWELVE PAGES SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 18, (Classified Advertising on Page 10) VOL. XLIV., NO. 143. AS “OLD IRONSIDES” WENT TO SEA AG AIN !i, SENATORS IN ROW - i OVER HUSTON FUND ____ <♦; ' ■ '■ — Issue Subpoena to Obtain Ibutthreemen Thirty Persms Invites Italian F oreip Min­ Records of $36,000 De- RUNTHE HOUSE, ister to Private Confer­ posit Made by the G. 0. P. In Fire On Steamer ence to See If an Agree­ HOWARD AVOWS ment Cannot Be Arranged Leader Last Year, T, * March 1 8 Passengers and crew, squeezing ■ ! Bogota, .,o" through portholes to escape the! (A P .)—The bodies of between ZO behind them, jumped into i With France— Mnssolmi Washington. March Ncbraska CongTCSsman De- and 30 passengers and crew of the ' water the surface of which Aftcr a heated exchange iMth c^nair * o river steamer ‘ Bucaramanga were , was covered with petroleum releas- man Huston of the Republican Na­ .0 tu. Magdalena rlvef « , M In Telephonic Communi­ tional committee and a row among nounces Gag Rule in Low­ La Dorada today. xa. J ' the water were burned to death be-! its members, the Senate Lobby com­ ■The Bucaramanga berthed at tne fore they coul swim away. cation With His Delegates small river town was destroyed yes­ er Chamber— Contrasts Only ten paissengers of . a list mittee today issued a subpoena o terday when its cargo of petroleum thought to number more than 30 obtain from the New York broker­ caught fire. Captain Antonio Velez London, March 18.— (AP.)—Sec­ were saved. Most of the crpw per­ age firm of Blythe and Bonner refusing to leave his ship was burn­ Conditions in the Senate. ished. retary Henry L. Stimson himself records of a 336.100 deposit made ed to death. I today undertook the role of media­ last year by Huston. tor in the Franco-Italian navsd dis- The committee recessed for a tew Washington, March 18.— (AP)— ; . pute, seeking to solve the problem Representative Howard, 70-year-old | whU. ! of naval relationship between tfie Holland, who was sWl in New Nebraska Democrat, today de- i GARRETT MADE $122,000 two countries which is threatening nounced what be termed “ the gag j virtueil failure of the five-power na­ rules of the House," and “absolute J val conference. announced Moore had Private Conference control by the will of three." , IN A SIX YEAR PERIOD Colonel Stimson invited Dino For the first time in his long life,, Grandi, the Italian foreign minister Huston. the Nebraskan said, he was speak-; and confidant of Premier Mussolini, To issue Subpoena <s- ing with notes for fear he might HER PET DOG KILLED to meet him privately in what was ‘•That’s in accordance with advice pronounce “intemperate sentences — .TO . — " a ; “ . T S S T S S S has taken to the sea again. historic frigate, pictured, here as it was set afloat at SHE W ES SOON AFTER said to be the first consultation of I caused to he delivered to him, should I speak extemporaneously.” Former Head of Boston Liq­ its kind held between ‘ these two refuse te ^Ive us these Lake Geneva, Wis., March 18. delegation heads since, the naval States — (AP)—Excitement induced by conference started. re.r.nrfls’*’’ Walsh asked. uor Squad Started With a Italy claims the right to absolute •■I am not refusing," Huston ex- forum preserving the power service 132 years ago. seeing her pet dog killed by an naval parity with France, although nlained. “ I am protesting a p m st speech,'and announced _ ^that__ | gought to finish rebuilding the vessel automobile, today was blamed Washington was a man far more professing a willingness to disarm, for a heart attack that proved the unfairness of this powerful than the President of the ! Bank Roll of But $178 even completely, if other nations “If you don’t agree the subpoena United States— “our princely col-^ fatal to Louise Boyd- Dickinson, will follow her suit. France, on the 68, widow of Nathan Dickinson, will be issued." Walsh asserted league, the gentleman from New, other hand, has set a total proJect­ Huston, a former president of In 1923. founder of the Dickinson Seed York, Mr. Snell, chairman of the gag JAKEY DISEASE ed naval tonnage for herself far in th? Tennessee River Improvement rules committee of this House.” He | CENSUS TO ENUMERATE Company, Chicago. She was excess of what the other powers Association, obJected strenuously t^ stricken Sunday night, a few did not name the other two persons i Boston, March 18—(AP) Bank think fit, and has refused with the committee action chara^t® concerned in what he called the; minutes after witnessing her finality to grant Italy parity. ' ized it as unwarranted mterferenc^ HITS HARTFORD; deposits totalUng $122,959.28 credit­ pet's death. rule of three.” ' It was understood that Premier with his personal affairs. He UNEMPLOYED ed to Oliver B. Garrett, former head Amendment Choked. NUMBER OF Mussolini was in direct telephonic asserted that his “character had of the Boston police liquor squad, ■ communication with Signor Grandi In his dviwiing voice, the legisla-1 this forenoon. tor said that tariff amendments, oil THREEMENILL and his wife, Florence, during the ^ "'Th.‘ “ ommittoe first PthPh^'' “ j The nature of the conversation years 1923 to 1929, were revealed ^ obtain a record of all of Hust investigations, power investigations, Governmenl to Watch C lose-DEMOCRATS IN NEED | EARL OF BALFOUR was not disclosed but there was neSunts with the New York firm and the Norris lame duck Joint res­ todav in a statement read at a hear- J much speculation as to whether im­ but when Senator olution had been choked to death by ing in the investigation of his recent j portant exchanges between the lican, of Indiana. Protested and rule limitations—“ simply because . ly the Result of Next' Q p Doctors Believe PoisonJa- Duce and his foreign minister might threatened to carry the fight to the every member knows that in order ^ pensioning. xwox in 1Q23 ' IS SERIOUSLY ILL • /I. ir»» PIJ* The figures showed that m 1 not be going on. Senate, the subpoena was limited to to drag a measure from a hostile j Se records of the $16 100 contnbu- maicaGmgerlsBemgSold committee a petition to that end | Month’s Count— Then Ac-i — J ITALY FIRM tion from the Union Carbide Com must be signed by 218 members of J wa. r,\chfd to the year 1928 ■ London, March 18.—(AP.)—'The pany. the House.” . i Thomas Hewes, of Farming- In State— Feet of Strick­ When $39,575.70 were created to Today's Bulletin Says His Italian delegation to the naval con­ Stormy Scene He contrasted conditions m the | tion Will Be Taken. their accounts. Deposits for otoer ference was reported today to have The discussion raged in 1^ Senate*where, he said, “every mem- ■ years during the period were. 192-i, held firmly to its stand at the out­ mittec room for several minutes her has the inalienable right to of­ ton Gives H)s Views of a en Men Paralyzed. ioA in- 1925 56,344.51; 1926, ?lo, Condition Is Causing Anx­ set of the naval conference for na­ Sid was one of the stormiest scenes fer amendments to any pending Washington, March 18(—(AP) >' . A&r. 770.65; 1927.’ $27,420,^iS2^„|29.: val pkrity with France. that has taken place since the lobby hill,” teUing of the manner in which Administration officials are await­ 029 80 Of the total deposits $55,- iety-—Is 82 Years T)ld. Secretary Stimson, ,undertaking committee started its sessions sev­ the two bodies handled the tariff ing expectantly the census of unem­ New State Organization.’ Hartford, March 18.-d(AP) — S w O T h to cash, $21,991.00 to the role of rhediator in the Franco- eral months ago. Scclts. and $45,527.03. ployment next month, which is to Some form of "alcoholic neuritis’ Italian naval dispute, in an effort Robinson put in heatedly that the Previous to “passage of that tariff The accounts were credited under j to solve the problem which is committee might as well sub^ena caused by some poisonous drug be­ bill under the gag rules,” Howard determine for the first time the Waterbury, March 18 — (AP) — the names of Florence H. Garrett, . Woking, Surrey, Eng., March 18. threatening the outcome of the con­ all of Raskob’s records concerning said, protesting members had an- ing included in the manufacture of ___ _ _ . X., er.,. ‘ number of persons idle in the Unite l New machinery for the Democr^ic |-g — ^ F H. Garrett, Florence Ga^ett, B. j — (A P)—A change for the worse in ference, had a conversation with expenditures last year. H Woodside, Florence Garrett, j the condition of Lord Balfour, vet­ J^ilfin'^tSe i e S toattoe'^Senatel States as a result of ^conomm con- Foreign Minister Grandi of Italy After an exchange with S ta to r Party in Connecticut as a means to- J physicians at the Municipal trustee for Oliver g ! eran British statesman who has this afternoon. Black, Democrat, Alabama, Robin- “working under its liberal rules J (jitjons, including the depression fo. ward leading the party to the road j hospital today to be the malady Oliver B.
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