~ " I Cave you 1trave ll ecl a great deal I" I " Yee, all over Europe nnd in Africa. 1No, I hnve n ot been to America nnd have ND WHEELMAN October 20, 1897 no am bition to go there. T hne seems td n ZEA LA me a great scope fo r bue ine•• in Aue- Qll ~ ~T~H~E:_. ~N:!E:W~-~:_:~~~~~~~~""Itmi\Y"li:~~~;;;d""l:he;;;:-u~,...-" I t may be aseumea t hen, that t ralneia ; more even thnn in England M Master !>'!etcher ie n coming wheel man y es, l am very well satisfi ed with our ei who will play havoc wi th the records, ' on busi ness here. We iutend sending out pt A Cycling Celebrity. ©bis Dllu lo pAnfield cycle fi t ted with Dunlop •o me Bicyclenovelties and new lines, such ns Club .. tyres? ' " tho Dun lop bi cycle. It wne on this in " Well, at nnyrnte he is commencing mnchine that J . W. Stocks did 32 miles early. H e ' " ouly ten years of age nnd yards in t he hour, and the C'atford We trust that Lawrence Fletcher's m1nra· ... An Interesting Interview 4.J,S tioo to "Paddyland " will have no bid rid~• au A riel juvenile bicycle · fi tted Gold Vase value £300, has been won K, WITll eff•ct upon the club be bas do11e FO much with D ll ulop tyres,' nod for bis age bas every time since its inception, on the for, but ce rtainly eiuce be l•ft Liverp,101 Mr Lawrence Fletcher done some good wo rk." same machine. Twice Stocks won, and the Anfield runs have not been so well attended. On Saturday week there w•s a Busine•s called us on Friday last to " Your health has not suffe red from this year it was a quest ion which should over-cycling, has 1t, Mr F letcher ?" ride the machine. Somehow it was very poor muster-for Aofielder.-aod last that handsome edifice in Lichfield and Saturday, the run to Holmes Cb•p<!l "'as Colombo Streets, Chrislchurcb, the ".Not at all; in fact I consid".r that the arranged that A. E. Walters should, nnd not much better attended Amongot thuoe training I bnve bad on the bicycle hns 88 you know, he won. Another nov~lty I premise• of the A ustral Cycle Agency wbo participated were Sid Keehno 1 on a Limited, and whilst there hlr Lawrence enabled me to stand the etrain of business is the D unlop punct ure stop. lt conmts G.O. Kei?.e r, Harry Saunders, who ~ee m ed much better than l otherwise would have of a viscous fl uid contn10tng molecules to bave quite got ove r bis •truigles in the · Fletcher, accompanieu by hlr E. 11. C. N.C. U. fifty miles cb•mpion,bip race, and ~ Burloy, local nrnnager of the Dllolop done ." held in suspension by a secret cbemico 1 "You have done some good riding in proce••· I Hellier. (Tbe An fielders muster better for ~ Pneumatic Tyre C.: omp11ny Ltd, came club mos rn the winter. - E o. /JS] upon the scene. The nsit of Mr Fletcher, your time, have yo u not?" When a tyre receive• a puncture who is the greatest CJ cl ing celebrity tb11t " Well, yes, I have done a little riding the out-r ush of ni r carries the•e bas let visited this country, has been and have beld so me records, hl\v10g been molecules into the puncture and closes it looked-for for some time. lt may a wbeelman since 1875, t ho ugh l have up, and it stops even considerabl. cuts. only been in t he cycle trade for fiv e l t only adds two ou nces to the weight of © Anfield Bicycle Club here be remarked that il1r :Fletcher I years. P reviously l w1i. Ill t he rubber the tyre. and is an absolute preventative llxt holds the respousible position of mnnag­ heh ing director in England of the Austral and gold-dust trnde on the Gold ColU!t of poro•ity." \he Cycle Agency Limited; and is also in Africa, .and my know led/le about " What do you think of the fall in managing director of that mammoth r ubber then gnined is very useful, ns you pric.. s ?" lldl( may well understand." "It will not affect the highest grade pet'"' English concern, the Griffiths wb C~cle Corporat10n Limited. Mr J . 0. "Ob, ye•, l can give you •.ome of_ my English machine•. There can be . no beg Sborland, manager of the Christchurch, records. l n 1885 1 rode a tricycle tra m poseibility of a correspondrng reduction T depiit, performed the ceremony of rntro­ Land's End to John o' G roat. in 8 day• until reduction is made in the com- OOll'. ducing ue to Mr Fletcher. The meeting 23 hour• 55 min. I n 1 89~, on a ponent parts nnd the price of labor. was all the more cordial, as the name of safety bicycle, with Dunlop tyres, I As for the latter co ming down, Mr F letcher 11as farn1ltar to us, as it will got over the same ground under the men at the Humber work• nro on be to most of our readers, and THE XEw four days. This record was lowered strike for higher wage•, but the Humber ZEAL AND WrrEELMAl< was well-known in '94, first by R H . Carli•le, to people will make a hard fight." to Mr Pletcher, as he rend• it regularly 3 day• H hours 15 minutes, and then by1 " W hat do you think of the New Zea- in England. Afte r the conventional tbe present holder , G . P . Mills, ~ ,)ay•, land Metropolitan Cycle Show ?" " How do yo u do's, 11 " Pleased to meet 5 hours 49 mi nutes. As far b.1ck as " It must be a good thing and give nn you's," etC., we lost uo tiLne 111 requesting 1879 I lowered the world'• road record on impetu• to the trade, as it did in the great wheel luminary of England to ©an or dinarAnfieldy for twenty-fo ur hours, doi_ng M elBicyclebourne. Showe have been overdone Club grant us an interview. '!'bis, Mr .l<'letche'r 227 miles; but in '93 on a H umber, with in England, but here it is a novelty that readily consented to do, an:i the time Dunlop• of course (this with a smile), I must do good. \V e shall bnve e. large Jlm was arranged for noon the next day at did 329 miles in t he same time. In 1893. exhibit and we intend making it an ••dWU Mai the same pince. I secured the world's record fo r 1000 interesting one. The idea of a reln_r be • Twelve o'clock on Saturday found Mr miles in 4 days 2~ hour•, and thie was ride is a very good one e.nd J hope it vlo1 sue Fletcher and .i\lr Sborland up to not beate n t ill '96, whe n T . A. Edge did' will be succeeefully carried out, nnd I ud it in l '.l hours less, but when I rode from wish the show every success." Ant the eyes in business. They were right T ho in the thick of trade records and the J ,ands End to Inverness a nd back to "You have not always ilevoted your- met pao many documents "hich are a necessary Sttrling, while Edge vrns on picked ronde. self solely to the cycling trade? " Aa 1 acc•1m pauiment of a busrneBs of such I have won the t hree forty-fo u r hour " N 0 I have dabbled a bit in literature magnitude. Although th us engaged scre.tcb races of the Anfield Clnb, an d and b~ v e written three noveh-one our victim came to the attention; have ridden in I may my hundreds of .entitled' Into the Unknown.'" and banding u• a mooeter advertisement twenty-four hou r races. 1 rode on the " Ob, t heological? " · -which had just been fixed up, and average about 15,000 miles a year, about "No nothi ng of t he sor t. T he other ' which will shortly n•tonish the natives, the di etance I nm now from Old E ngland t wo a r~ 'Zero the Slaver' and ' The as 1t offers " sometbin_g fo r not hing," as l can only give you my general impre_• · Shadow of D eath.' I nm pleased to sny will be seen by referrmg to another page sions of the colonie•, as I only arrived 111 that all have received a considerable - 0 1u opinion was aoked concerning it . Melbourne by the Orizaba. early . in amount of popularity. I have another ' O llr "valuable opinion" having been A ugu •t, and since h ave been to Adelaid e novel ' L egend of the Land'• End' no w © Anfield Bicycle Club expressed, Mr Fletcher remarked :­ and Sydney. J coneMl er Melbourne ~ runni ng t hrough t he Bristol Times and "Yon want to interview me, do you ? " best cycling city 1 have seen anywhere, the Irish Independent." " Yes, that's it." with its wood pavements and broad -;;-Whom do you coLsider tl•e hest " Well, I suppose I must submit to streets.'' English rider." . th the ordeal. What do you want to Our interviewer ventured to interject "Oh, J. W. Stocks is certnrnly thee know?'' a remark, when M r Fletcher, with a best all-round mnn in England at " A.II about yourself, and your bw.ei­ THE VERY F IRST I VE L.
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