Strategic Planning & Policy Committee Agenda - 1 December 2020 - Agenda Strategic Planning & Policy Committee Agenda - 1 December 2020 Council Chambers Waipa District Council 101 Bank Street, Te Awamutu Chairperson SC O’Regan Members His Worship the Mayor JB Mylchreest, EM Andree-Wiltens, EH Barnes, AW Brown, LE Brown, PTJ Coles, RDB Gordon, ML Gower, MJ Pettit, EM Stolwyk, CS St Pierre, M Tauroa (Te Kanohi Representative), BS Thomas, GRP Webber 01 December 2020 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM Agenda Topic Presenter Time Page 1. Apologies Chairperson 09:00 AM-09:01 AM 3 2. Disclosures of Members' Interests Chairperson 09:01 AM-09:03 AM 4 3. Late Items Chairperson 09:03 AM-09:04 AM 5 4. Confirmation of Order of Meeting Chairperson 09:04 AM-09:05 AM 6 5. Confirmation of Minutes Chairperson 09:05 AM-09:07 AM 7 5.1 Strategic Planning & Policy Chairperson 09:07 AM-09:10 AM 8 Committee Unconfirmed Minutes 3 November 2020 6. Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust - Phil Lyons 09:10 AM-09:40 AM 18 Sanctuary Mountain Update 7. Community Services Quarterly Report to 30 Sally Sheedy 09:40 AM-09:55 AM 53 September 2020 Morning Tea Break 09:55 AM-10:15 AM 8. Review of the Waipā District Council Trade Graham Pollard 10:15 AM-10:45 AM 67 Waste Bylaw 2011 and the Waipā District Council Wastewater Drainage Bylaw 2011 9. Finalisation of the Hamilton Waikato David Totman 10:45 AM-11:05 AM 78 Metropolitan Spatial Plan 1 Strategic Planning & Policy Committee Agenda - 1 December 2020 - Agenda 10. Delivery of the Enviroschools Programme in Kristina Barnes 11:05 AM-11:35 AM 126 Waipā District for the 2019/20 Financial Year 11. Update on Covid-19 Recovery Debbie Lascelles 11:35 AM-11:55 AM 138 12. Meeting Schedule for 2021 Chairperson 11:55 AM-11:56 AM 232 13. Resolution to Exclude the Public Chairperson 11:56 AM-11:58 AM 233 2 Strategic Planning & Policy Committee Agenda - 1 December 2020 - Apologies APOLOGIES Recommendation That a) the apologies of Councillors Gower, O’Regan and Thomas for non-attendance be received; and b) that [insert name] be nominated and elected to chair the meeting in Councillor O’Regan’s absence. 3 Strategic Planning & Policy Committee Agenda - 1 December 2020 - Disclosures of Members' Interests DISCLOSURE OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS Members are reminded to declare and stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected member and any private or other external interest they may have. 4 Strategic Planning & Policy Committee Agenda - 1 December 2020 - Late Items LATE ITEMS Items not on the agenda for the meeting require a resolution under section 46A of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 stating the reasons why the item was not on the agenda and why it cannot be dealt with at a subsequent meeting on the basis of a full agenda item. It is important to note that late items can only be dealt with when special circumstances exist and not as a means of avoiding or frustrating the requirements in the Act relating to notice, agendas, agenda format and content. 5 Strategic Planning & Policy Committee Agenda - 1 December 2020 - Confirmation of Order of Meeting CONFIRMATION OF ORDER OF MEETING Recommendation That the order of the meeting be confirmed. 6 Strategic Planning & Policy Committee Agenda - 1 December 2020 - Confirmation of Minutes To: The Chairperson and Members of the Strategic Planning and Policy Committee From: Governance Subject: CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Meeting Date: 1 December 2020 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To confirm the open minutes of the Strategic Planning and Policy Committee meeting held on 3 November 2020. 2 RECOMMENDATION That the open minutes of the Strategic Planning and Policy Committee meeting held on 3 November 2020, having been circulated, be taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting. 3 ATTACHMENTS Strategic Planning and Policy Minutes – 3 November 2020 7 Strategic Planning & Policy Committee Agenda - 1 December 2020 - Confirmation of Minutes Time: 9.00am Date: Tuesday 3 November 2020 Meeting: Council Chambers, Waipa District Council, 101 Bank Street, Te Awamutu PRESENT Chairperson SC O’Regan Members His Worship the Mayor JB Mylchreest, LE Brown, PTJ Coles, RDB Gordon, ML Gower, MJ Pettit, EM Stolwyk, CS St Pierre, BS Thomas, GRP Webber. 1 APOLOGIES RESOLVED 02/20/65 That the apologies for lateness from Mayor Mylchreest and apologies for non- attendance from Councillors Andree-Wiltens, A. Brown, Barnes and Committee Member Tauroa be received. Councillor St Pierre / Councillor Thomas [Mayor Mylchreest arrived at 9.02am] 2 DISCLOSURE OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS Councillor Coles declared an interest in item 10 ‘Quarterly District Growth Report’ regarding the stormwater discharge pipe in Cambridge North . 3 LATE ITEMS There were no late items. 3 November 2020 Page 1 of 10 10508261 8 Strategic Planning & Policy Committee Agenda - 1 December 2020 - Confirmation of Minutes 4 CONFIRMATION OF ORDER OF MEETING RESOLVED 02/20/66 That the order of the meeting be confirmed. Councillor L. Brown / Councillor Webber 5 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RESOLVED 02/20/67 That the open minutes of the Strategic Planning and Policy Committee meeting held on 6 October 2020 having been circulated, be taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting. Councillor Gordon / Councillor St Pierre 6 UPDATE FROM SPORT WAIKATO Matthew Cooper and Amy Marfell of Sport Waikato presented on changes to the organisation by way of PowerPoint presentation and answered questions of the Committee. RESOLVED 02/20/68 That a) The report titled ‘Update from Sport Waikato’ (document number 10503882) of Debbie Lascelles, Group Manager Strategy & Community Services be RECEIVED. Councillor St Pierre / Councillor Thomas 7 PUBLIC FEEDBACK AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE DRAFT LAKE TE KOO UTU CONCEPT PLAN Reserves Planner, Tofeeq Ahmed and Senior Reserves Planner, Anna McElrea presented the report by way of PowerPoint presentation and answered questions of the Committee. 3 November 2020 Page 2 of 10 10508261 9 Strategic Planning & Policy Committee Agenda - 1 December 2020 - Confirmation of Minutes The draft Lake Te Koo Utu Concept Plan (draft plan) was approved by the Strategic Planning and Policy Committee on 5 May 2020 for public consultation. Individuals and organisations were able to provide feedback both online and via hard copy forms over an eight-week period from 18 May to 13 July 2020. The purpose of the staff report was to provide a summary of community feedback on the draft plan and to seek endorsement of staff’s recommended changes to the draft plan in response to the feedback received. The draft plan will then be presented to the Strategic Planning and Policy Committee for adoption in February 2021. A high level of interest was shown in the draft plan, with 220 forms of feedback received. The majority of the respondents were very supportive of the key components of the draft plan. Improving the water quality of the lake was a clear priority for the community; with high levels of support for the proposed initiatives to achieve this including the creation of a western lake wetland, the integration and enhancement of all outlets flowing into the lake, daylighting and riparian planting of piped waterways. There were also high levels of support for protecting and restoring all the heritage features, and restoring and enhancing the reserve banks through planting indigenous vegetation. Some concerns were raised that the proposed mārā hūpara play trail and the meeting place would detract from the natural beauty of the reserve, create additional parking demand and potentially create conflicts between visitors walking dogs and other users. Others noted the need to consider improving accessibility of the reserve and stormwater quality prior to it entering the lake. The staff report also summarised the findings of the investigation into the proposed flushing of the lake, and based on these findings, recommended retaining the proposed lake water quality improvement projects. The staging and prioritisation to implement the draft plan will largely be determined through the Waipā District Council 10 Year Plan 2021 – 2031 and subsequent budget processes, however, it is noted Council will also be seeking external funding to implement aspects of the draft plan. The staff recommendation was amended to include water quality improvement actions as set out in the concept plan and to investigate funding opportunities with the Waikato River Authority. RESOLVED 02/20/69 That the Council’s Strategic Planning and Policy Committee: 3 November 2020 Page 3 of 10 10508261 10 Strategic Planning & Policy Committee Agenda - 1 December 2020 - Confirmation of Minutes a) RECEIVE the report titled ‘Public Feedback and staff recommendation on the Draft Lake Te Koo Utu Concept Plan’ from Tofeeq Ahmed, Reserves Planner (Doc ID Set 10468901); b) ENDORSE staff recommended changes to the draft Lake Te Koo Utu Concept Plan as set out in appendices 3 and 4 (Doc ID Set 10480114); and c) ENDORSE staff recommendation to not progress any further investigations into the option of flushing the lake to improve its water quality and to progress the water quality improvement actions set out in the concept plan; and d) INVESTIGATE funding opportunities with the Waikato River Authority Councillor Gordon / Councillor Thomas 8 CIVIL DEFENCE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT QUARTERLY REPORT Presented by Emergency Management Operations Manager, Dave Simes, the purpose of the report was to provide the Committee with a quarterly update on matters relating to civil defence emergency management (CDEM) in the Waipā District. This included matters arising at national, regional and district levels including emergency management activities under the shared service arrangement between Waipā, Ōtorohanga and Waitomo District Councils.
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