. As . A - ; 7 ■ '• ’ .X -, ■) PAGE TWENTY-POU* THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1967 liattflfgHlgr lEofttittg IJwalii Average Daily Net Prras Run The Weather Far the Week Ended October 12, 1067 Faraeant af D. 8. Wsatbar t m a a Supper and Fair. I t will open at !> The Little Flower of Jesus Moth­ Buckingham Church men will at­ The second of three Thursday sale a t the Legion Home.set for About Towd 1:30 p.m. and continue to 8:30, ers Circle-wrill hold a regular meet­ tend the,first laymen's supper of eyentng meeting will be held to­ Wednesday, Oct, 28. with aupper served at three sit- ing tomorrow night at 7:4S at the the season of the Hartford East night at Center Congregational 12,690 OcTBsloMBl ratal loalghL Law Th« LjuUes Aid Society of the tinga, S, 6 and 7 p.m. Urs. Alvah home of Mrs. James Murphy, 22 Asoociation of • Congregational Church in the Felowship room at The Manchester Community Play- SO to 55. Rnliaday, littia eaotar, B u c k in g h a fh CTongregatiorul. A. Rusaell, Mountain Rd. may be Waddell Rd. A toy demonstration Churches tomorrow at 6:45 p.m. 8 o'clock. Thd Rey.b Clifford O. era will meet at the home of their TOMORROW S ? Member of the Audit Mgh near 00.- Church h u eet the date of Satur­ called for reservations. MrsT Fred. will., follow the meeting. The co- at the F irst Congregational Simpson is conducting the series president Philip Russell, 33 Cham­ > Bureau of drcnlatton day, Not. 3, for Ita annual Harvest Clay is chairman of the supper hostess will be Mrs. Donald Duffy. Church, East Hartford. Dr. Ken­ which deals with’ the earliest bers St., at 8 o’clock Saturday Mancl^eeter— A City of Village Charm committee, and Mrs. Robert Mc­ neth Kohler, e^tepuUve secretary stories of the Old Testkpient. Re­ night Committees will be formed HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Connell and Mr. and Mrs. Harold A liquidation sale of surplus of the Churchmen's Brotherhood. freshments and a time Of fellow­ to work oh "The Chalk Garden,” Berner are co-chairmen. machinery at G r^ Manufacturing Evangelical and ' R e f o r m e d ship will follow. the Players’ first production of yOL. LXXVII, NO. 16 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1957 (Ctuaifled AdveitlBtaig ea Paga 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS > Co., 668 Hilliard St., sqhedulcd for Churches, will be»the speaker. ., the season. Under the sponsorship Arrangements have been made Monday, .will not be neld, according The American I-egion 'Auxiliary of the MancJiester Regietered RUMMAGE SALE Notice for the annual ladles night party to Louis Marmitt, New Haven Miss' Terry Ivaniski. 101 Cen­ will hold its. second meeting of Nurses Assn., it will be presented j of the Hartford Chapter. National hardware w-holesaler. Who is ter St., has returned after a buy­ the month Monday at 8 p.rri. In the Nov. 15 and 16 at the Bowen Association of Accountants, which handling the transaction. ing trip in New York City, and Legion Home. Guests will be the School. UN to Hold I M w II'i Soda Shop is slated for Oct. 26 at the Avon attendance at the Hairdressers two high school girls who attend­ AMERICAN LEUION H A I L \ Country Club. The social hour will convention at the Hotel Statler. ed Girls State, at Storrs last June, Arthur R. Taylor, admission of­ Flu Epidemic 6ST BCain St., Maaehester Hartford Pembroke C ollege start the festivities with a buffet Club will meet at the home of and their parents. They are Miss ficer of Brown University, Provi­ Good, Clean dothing: For Children and Adulta dinner from 7 to 8:30, followed by Mrs. Philip .Steiger Jr., 8 Brighton Mrs. Anthony J. Gryk, general Mary Austin, daughter of Mr. and dence, R.I., will visit Manchester Vital Talks dancing. Mrs. William Austin, 5 Ridgewood High School on O ct 31. He will WM bo CLOSED tvory Rd., West Hartford, Tuesday at 8 chairman of the harvest hoe down St., and Jean ^lauchard, daughter Over 250 Pairs Of Shoes For Men, Women and Children p.m. Mrs. Harold Holstein, presi­ being held Saturday night In St. meet with students and confer with of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Blan­ officers of the school.- Moodoy — bo^niiing The Edgar Circle Of the South dent of the Women's. Auxiliary of James' School hall by the Ladies chard, 19 Homestead St. Miss Bar­ Household Articles Of Every Kind On Mideast Methodist WSC8 will hold a food the Rehabilitation Center, ‘will Here: O s^rn of St. James, requests that mem­ bara Wallett. chairman of Girls The WBA Guard Chih will hold sale Saturday ' at Hals;s store. speak and show slides. Mrs: Vin­ bers' of the decorating committee State, Is in charge of arrange­ Monday. Oct. 21. Members are asked to have their cent M. Corso Jr. and Miss Eliza­ meet at the school tomorrow night Its anniversary dinner tonight at DOORS OPEN AT 9:15 A.M. United Nations, N. Y„ Oct. donations at the store by 9 a.m. ' beth Root will serve refreshments. ments. Members at this time may the Rosemount Restaurant In Bol­ Hartford, Oct. 18 (/P)—Thefnot necessarity mean the flu has 18 {/P)—Prodded by Syria and I at 8:30. bring articles for the rummage ton at 6 o’clock. not hit there. ‘They have been State Health Commissioner alerted to report, and perhaps the Soviet - Union, thek 82- - r has ordered his department they Juat have not reported,” he nation U.N. Assembly Vailed to stop laboratory testing for added. Ian urgent .session today to Asian flu. The reason, said Over 50% Poeltive Caaea ! take up charges the United HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUYS AT Commiesioher Stanley H. Os­ In the latest batch of b I o o d | States and Turkev are about born, enough suspected Asian samples taken in Voluntowm, D r,' t^uch off a Middle East Missiles ^Work' flu cases haye been proven, Osborn said,' more than half were Madmillan that there no'longer is any '" X rtfe t,s:?"or;jhi. batch of ' HALE’S SELF SERVE and MEAT DEPT. doubt that Connecticut has an about 20 la completed, he said no ** scheduled an afternoon niMl- New Contracts n e further testa will be conducted. 1 ^ the formality of "("-ringreferring; J . Otl (b AM •11 • ! Qidming for Asian flu epidemic. TO the "There'a no need waating our The trail of the disease now has that she is in danger Million money." aald Dr. Oaliorn today. been traced as followt. Dr. Oaborn mlnent Turkish atta^ck. "We Juat wanted to be aure we said; From the southeast, upstate, The .Assembly planned to con­ Washington. Oct. 18 — Tlie Conference had it, and now we know wa’ve arriving in Hartford Monday an<1 vene right after the Steering Com­ Air Force today announced con­ '/ got It.” Tuesday, and. on up to the Maaaa- mittee meeting to take up the tracts totaling more than 3183 By JMIN M. HIGHTOWER 60,000 on Thiiniday chuaetta border. Syrian complaint, which was sec­ \Vgshinffton, Oqt. 18 i/P)— In the meantime, report! of flu The purpose of the department's onded by a Soviet charge that the million for producing components eoaea continue to pour into the rapid reporting system "Instituted United States is masterminding of the Thor intermediate and the President Eisenhower is* de­ FOOD FESnVAl State Health Department. Moat veloping » far-reaching pro­ a week ago, the commissioner ex­ the alleged plot. The Russians Titan IntercontlnenUl ballistic of them are baaed on tchool ab- plained. is to warn areas which said the Turks plan to attack im- mla-siles posal to pool the scientific Pinehurst Fall Canned Food sale this year will be known as the SHURFINE sencea. The total eatimate for have not been afflicted so that mediately after their elections' ^ . .u brainpower and creative re­ FOOD FESTIVAL. Our Associated Grocers warehouse staff ha<,v prepared BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION the aUte aa df Thurada’y ia about vaccine may be used. 27 I announcement aald that the 00.000. Dr. Oaborn laid. To his knowledge, he said, the Turkey’s U.N. delegate. S ey fu l-U °"‘''acta involved no new funds sources of the North Atlantic some very attractive special values for you. Please buy in quantities ad- but signified formal confirmation Alliance. The aim is to meet ^/vertlsed for special price savings, • PLUS In Hartford, the estimate for vaccine, which ia not being dis­ lah Elsin. termed the Syrian the week through Thursday is tributed by the health depart­ charge fantastic. He said the of earlier agieementa. the challenge of Russia’! The Western Klectrlc " Co. re­ When you visit the show at the Armory this week, stop in at Pinehurst . 1,000 In public achoola, 250 in pri­ ment. ia atlll not available to pri­ weapons as well as its prog­ vate achoola. and 500 adult*, ac­ vate physicians. (Continiied im Page Ten) ceived the largeat of the contracts We are just a few steps from the Armory at the Comer of Middle Turnpike HALE’S nd Anniversary. cording to Dr. Alfred L. Burgdorf, for 3104,192.000 for radio inertial ress in the conquest of space. 82 guidance for the Titan and Thor. Th* first hint of a program with plepty of parking. •ity health director. Other communities which today The work will )>e done by the Bell along this line came in the toast COOKIE DEPT.
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