• t Washington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper Volume LI LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA. APRIL 28, 1951 Number 51X Seven Virginia Publications Take SIPA Trophies ----------------· D~ctmlli~dP~~b~~~ First Woman President Elected by SIPA At SIPA Banquet Tonight Virginia schools won seven first-place troplues for excellence tn newspapers, magazines and yearbooks at tonight's Southern Faye Johnson Cartooning is Fun Interscholastic Press Association 's convenrton banquet held at the Virginia Military Institute Dining Hall. Defeats Two Says Dave Breger Other first places wenr to Tennessee, West Virginia and In Light Vote In Sketch Speech South Carolina schools. "Cartooning for me, is mainly Huntington East High School of Huntington, W. Va., had SIPA delegates broke trndlt1on fun." said Cartoonist Dave Breger the honor of being the first school ever co receive an SIPA today to elect their first remale yesterday ln a talk before a large trophy for a radto news program. The program is called uH igh· president. crowd of SIPA delegates and landers on the Air.,. Fnye Johnson. delegate from Du­ Wasbwglon and Lee students and Pont High School. Belle, West Vlr­ faculty in Lee Chapel. Professor 0. W. Riegel, director of the Lee Memorial Jour· gtnia, won 129 votes to defeat Ben· Breger, whose "Private Breger" nalism Foundation, was toastmaster for the ban quet. H e in· nett Meador. Hickory, N. c. High, and "Mister Breger'' cartoons were troduccd Miss Beatrice Cobb, edi­ and John DuVal. Isaac Litton and are widely syndicated, SPOke High, Nashville, Tenn. Meador tor and publisher of the Morgan­ on "The Craft ol t.be CartoonlsL." ton. N. C. New'S-Rerald, the key­ was second with 89 votes and Du­ Using a drawing board to illus­ 1 Quill and Scroll Val third with 27. note speaker of the convention. trate his talk with sketches of "Service ls a much overworked Light Turnout "Mister Breger," the war-time Hails 25th Year word," MJss Cobb told the as­ Of the more than 600 delegates. creator of GI Joe proved to his sembled delegates. "but no field only 245 ca:~t their ballots in the audience that cartooning Is run. offers greater opportunities for election today. This represents He quickly sketched portraits of With Banquet service or greater interest than an ave1·age turn-out. at SIPA polls, tus be-spectacled and freckled hero Wllh Washington-Lee High work on a weekly or small daUy." which are never crowded. Last lo Illustrate paints. School of Arlington as hosL, mem­ Giving the highlights or her year. 220 votes were cast. Created "Private Breger" bers of Quill and Scroll, natlonnl more lhan 30 years experience on The new president is attending hil!h school Journalism society, a small town dafly, the speaker Breger said he had experimented announced lbat sbe was "really her third SIPA convention. Sbe Is wll.h cart.oonlng !or several years celebrated the organl.zation's 25th editor of the Panther Press, her too biased in (o.vor or such a life before entering the Army. Once anniverl>ary with a banquet In school paper, and president of the Robert E. Lee Hotel last. night. to approach it. objectively." in, though, he was put lo work re­ "The main quallficatlons for local Qulll and Scroll chapter. She About 150 persons attended Lhe pairing trucks. Te remedy this, 'Rork ln tbis field are a. love or is active in other school activities dinner sponsored by Washington­ havlng won membersh ip on the he created "Private Breger" and SIPA Director 0 . W. Riegel presents a trophy to a ha.ppy student dele­ people. a good education with firm sold the cartoon to the Saturday gate a.t the annual convention banquet. The banquet ellma.x.ed the Lee Hhth School's Maude Orn­ groundlng in spelling, grammar Student Council. A member of the dorff QuHI and Scroll chapter. National Honor Society, sh e also Evening Post which used it regu­ three-day convention program, ending the assooiatlon's 22nd gathering. and Engltsh. plus attendance at a larly. Breger was put in the New John Patrick, president of the good journalism school," Miss Cobb received the D.A.R. Good Cltl.zen­ chapter, was toastmaster. shlp Award. She was Southern York Art Section of the ArmY and said. United States representative to shortly was put on the st.atf of the Washington Good Reporting City The highlight was a choral sing­ The doors are open and there the Voice of America Broadcast. newly created Yank. ing program by the Madrigal is plenty of room for advancement N.S.P.A .• in Chicago In 1949. Since "Private Breger" was the Singers, a selected 12-voloe IP'OUP ln lbe small paper field, the speak­ Faye was Introduced by her name of the cartoon he sold com­ Says BBC Correspondent Miall from Washington-Lee High School. er concluded. predecessor, Buzzy Shull of Win­ mercially to the Post, Breger The Madrigals have had several Miss Martha Gt•ey Mickey from ston-Salem, N. C.'s R. J . Reynolds created th e name "G.I. Joe" for By WALT RANDALL I~ unknown ln other capitals, the outstanding engagements and have Hanes High in Winston-Salem. H igh, at lonlght's convention ban­ his Y ank cartoon. The unique situation of corres­ correspondent added. sung on television. They are di­ N. c., was introduced as new ad­ quet. B ack to ''1\tister Breger" pon dents ln Washington, as com­ Rejection Is Problem rected by Eleanor Crist. visory committee chairman for Out ot the Army, the cartoon's pared with lhe other capitals of ''Tbis position can make the Founder Sends Letter (Continued on page four) name has changed to ''Mister th e world, was described bY Leo­ Journalist's Job harder." Miall said. Toastmaster Patrick opened the -----------­ Breger'' and has become widely nard Miall, chlef BBC <British "The problem Is rejection. It's dif­ after dinner progTam by reading Broadcasting Company) corres­ SIPA News Brie'S popular. I t Is sYlldlcated in 197 ficult to ferret out the lrutb.'' a letter from George Gallop, who J J n ewspapers all over the world, pondent in the United States, to Mlall cited the Department of SlPA delegates last night. founded Quill and Scroll 25 years Breger said, "and the translation (Contlnued on page four) ago. Gallop's letter pmlsed the IA fo rmer SJPA studen.t presJ-Ifo r foreign editions o! "Mister Mlall's speech. "Covering the organization. and the SIPA and dent has been around for this Breger" Is one of the largest bead­ U.S.," was given before conven ­ urged the young journalists to year's convention. Harry Gowen aches 1n tbe whole job." tion delegates in Lee Chapel at 8 new heights in the field. or Princeton, W . Va.., who was (Continued on page four) p.m. A congratulatory telegram from SIPA president In 1948-49, is 0 . W. Riegel, professor of Jour­ Qu111 and Scroll Executlre Sec­ now In his second year at Vir­ n alism a t Washington and Lee, r etary Edward Nell was also read ginia. M1Utary Institute here. introduced the speaker. by Patrick. Wben Harry was an SIPA dele­ Job 1\fade Easy The SIPA speakers and officials gate, he represented Princeton Ipresent were then Introduced by High School "Washington is a wonderful place to work. Work is made easy Patrick, and followed tbls Lhe • • • for you," Miall said. members of the host Maude Om- A special commendation award wenl to L'Echo de Roanoke, a The BBC corresPOndent men­ French-langu age newspaper pub­ tioned the elaborately mimeo­ 1 lished four times yearly by Jef­ graphed SPeeches provided. and do:.:::;~~~:::~:ced~ nn ferson Hlgh School in Roanoke. At being able to record interviews McJimsey then gave a brief his­ present. L'Echo is the only foreign­ and sessions of Congress as ex­ tory of QuUI and Scroll at Wasb­ language publication in SlPA com­ amples of how a correspondent's ington-lt'e, and then Patrick In- petition. job Is made easy. troduced the main speaker, Dave ONE OF THE TROPHIES a.ward­ • • • People who know shorthand are Breger. ed at tonight's banquel The official And another former SIPA prexY rare, and some can hardly type, Breger Is the rartooolst who SrPA seaJ is mounted on the is n ow a member ol the Washing­ Miall said. "The President or the created "Mister Breger." In hls plaque. ton and Lee faculty. He Is Dr. Mar­ United States reads statements brief remarks, he said he h ad two shall F lshwick, assistant profes­ at a snail's pace, so the slowest In­ observations to make. Association's New Seal sor of American S tudies. Dr. Fish· DAVE BREGER terviewer can get It all.'' All this LEONARD l\llALL (Continueo on pare foorl wick was SIPA presldent in 1939- Used for Second Year 40 when he represented J efferson For many years convention Senior High Sch ool of Roanoke. workers ol the SIPA bave been try­ Yesterday Dr. Flshwick presided Boy and Girl Delegates to 22nd SIPA Meeting Praise ing to find a speoiR.l emblem to at a conven tion meeting in Mc­ express the top features and pur­ Cormick Library. He introduced poses of the yearly conferences. Miss Eleanor Green (Mrs. Merle Southern Hospitality and Smoothness of the Convention But It wasn't untU last year's Miller >. who spoke on "The Lit­ 21st annual meeting that t.be em­ erary Market." B y PATRICIA BOWMAN ception given to all those attend­ By SPENCER UA.l\IRICK wonderful music. Although Uttle blem was created and introduced.
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