1936. CONGRESSIONAL ~ECORD-HOUSE_ 9123 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Clerk read as follows: The committee to attend the funeral is as follows: Hon. WILLIAM FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1936 B. BANKHEAD, af Alabama; Hon. BERTRAND H. SNELL, of New York; Hon. J. R. MITcHELL, of Tennessee; Hon. CLARENCE W. TuRNER, of The House met at 11 o'clock a.m. Tennessee; Hon. HERRoN PEARSON, of Tennessee; Hon. JERE CooPER, The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., of Tennessee; Hon. WALTER CHANDLER, of 'Tennessee; Hon. B. CAR­ ROLL REEcE, of Tennessee; Han. J. WILL TAYLOR, of Tennessee; Han. offered the following prayer: WILLIAM B. OLIVER, of Alabama; Hon. HENRY B. STEAGALL, of Ala­ Almighty God, unto whom. all hearts are open, all desires bama; Hon. CLAUDE A. FuLLER., of Arkansas; Hon. JoHN A. MARTIN, of Colorado; Hon. JAMES A. SHANLEY, of Connecticut; Hon. CLAR­ known, and from whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the ENCE F. LEA, of California; Hon. CARL VINSON, of Georgia; Han. E. E. thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit, Cox, Of Georgia; Hon. D. WORTH CLARK, of Idaho; Han. JAMES Mc­ that we may perfectly love Thee and worthily magnify Thy ANDREWS, of Illinois; Hon. CLAUDE V. PARSONS, Of Illinois; Han. holy name. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ARTHUR H. GREENWOOD, of Indianaj Ron. GuY MARK GILLE:rTE, of Iowa; Han. JoHN M. HousTON, of Kansas; Hon. BRENT SPENCE, of The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and Kentucky; Hon. RILEY J. WILSoN, of Louisiana; Han. WILLIAM. J . GRANFIELD, of Massachusetts; Hon. WILLIAM P. CoLE, Jr., of Mary- approved. land; Hon. JOHN D. DINGELL, Of Michigan; Han. CLARENCE CANNON, INVITATION TO ATTEND FUNERAL SERVICES of Missouri; Hon. WALL DoXEY, of Mississippi; Hon. WILLIAM M. Mr. O'CONNOR. Mr. Speaker, I offer a resolution and WHITTINGTON, of Mississippi; Hon. CHARLES F. McLAuGHLIN, of Nebraska; Hon. JAMES. G. ScRUGHA.M, Of Nevada; Hon. WILLIAM. N. ask for its immediate considera.tion. RoGERS, of New Hampshire; Hon. MARY T. NORTON, of New Jersey; The Clerk read as follows: Han. JoHN J. DEMPSEY, of New Mexico; Han. THOMAS H. CULLEN, of New York; Hon. SoL BLooM, of New York; Hon. RoBERT L. House Resolution 545 DauGHTON, of North Carolina; Ron. RoBERT CROssER; of Ohio; Hon. Resolved, That the Clerk of tlle House is hereby directed to J"ED JoHNSON> of Oklahoma; Hon. WALTER M. PIER.6:, of Oregon; invite the Vice President and the Senate to attend the funeraL 1Hcm: PATRicK J: BoLAND; ·of'Pennsylvanta;· Hon.-·FR.ANCI8 E. -wAi:rER, · of the late Speaker, the Honorable JosEPH W. BYKNS, in the House 'of Pennsylvania; Hon. JoHN' J. McSwAIN1 of South Carolina; Hon: of Representatives at 12 o'clock meridian on Friday, June 5, 1936 •• FRED H. HILDEBBANDT, -of south Dakota.; Hon: JAMES P. BuCHANAN, Resolved, That invitations be extended 't? the President of the of Texas; Hon. SAM RAYBURN, o! ·Texas; Hon. ABE MURDOCK, of Un.ited States and the members of his Cabmet, the ~e! Justice 'Utah; _Hon. A: wn.LIS RoBERTSON, of Virginia; Han. MoNRAD c . and Associate Justices -of the Supreme Court of-the Uruted States, WALLGREN, of Washington; Ron. JoE -L. SMITH, of West Virginia; the Diplomatic Corps (through the Secretary of .state) • the Chief Ron. MicHAEL K. REILLY, of Wisconsin; Han. PAUL R. GREEvER, of of Staff o! the Army, the Chief of Naval Operat10ns of the Navy, Wyoming; Hon. ALLEN T. TREADWAY, o! Massachusetts; Ron. CARL the Major General Commandant of the Marine COrps, ~d the - E. MAPES, of Mlch.igan; Hon IsAAc BACHARACH, of New Jersey; Hon. Commandant of the Coast Guard to attend the funeral m the FRANK CRoWTHER, of New York; Han. WILL;IAM R. HEss,. of Ohio; Hall of the House of Representatives. Hon. BENJAMIN K. FocHT, of Pennsylvania;· Hon. CHARLEs W. ToBEY, The resolution was agreed to of New Hampshire; Han. J?EWEY SHoRT, of Missouri; Hon. WILLIAM ' M. BERLIN, of Pennsylvarua; Han. WILBURN CARTWRIGHT, of Okla- ADJOURNMENT FROM JUNE 8 TO JUNE 15, 1936 homa; Hon. JACK NICHOLS, of Oklahoma; Hon. JAMES M. MEAD, of Mr. O'CONNOR. Mr. Speaker, I offer a concurrent reso- New York; Hon. R. EwiNG THoMASoN, of Texas; Han. SIMoN MoUL­ ToN HAMLIN, o! Maine. lution and ask for its immediate consideration. The Clerk read as follows: AIR CORPS OF THE. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES House Concurrent Resolution 53 · Mr. ROGERS of New Hampshire. Mr; Speaker, on Resolved by the HO'USe of Representati1>es (the Senate concur- - tWednesday of this week the Speaker ap.pointed the · gen- · ring), That when the two Houses adjourn on Monday, June 8, 1936, tleman from Alabama [Mr. HILL], the gentleman from New they stand adjourned until 12 o'clock meridian Monday, June 15, Jersey [Mr. McLEAN],. and myself to act as House conferees 936 1 · on the bill (H. R. 11140) to provide more effectively for : The House concurrent resolution was agreed to. the national defense by further increasing the effectiveness ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS and effi.ciency Of the Air Corps of the Army Of the United Mr. O'CONNOR. Mr. Speaker, I offer a concurrent reso- States. lution and ask for its immediate consideration. .Mr. Speaker, I ask .unanimous- consent that -the gentle- The Clerk read as follows: man from South Carolina [Mr. McSwAIN] and the gen- House concurrent Resolution 54 Ueman from Vermont [Mr. PLUMLEY] be added as House Resolved by the HO'USe of Representatives (the Senate concur- conferees. ring), That notwithstanding any recesses Of the Senate or House The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the of Representatives or the adjournment of the second session of the gentleman from New Hampshire? Seventy-fourth Congress, the President of the Senate and the -There was no objectioni and the Speaker appointed Mr. Speaker of the House of Representatives be, and they are -hereby, ·uc·SwAIN and Mr. PLmrTE·Y as addl'tional conferees on the authorized to sign any enrolled bills or joint resolutions duly passed .i.YJ.I u...u.. by the two Houses and which have been examined by the Com- part of the House. mittee on Enrolled Bills of each House and found truly enrolled. AMENDMENT OF EMERGENCY FARM MORTGAGE ACT OF 1933 The House concurrent resolution was agreed to. Mr. KLEBERG submitted a conference report and state- coNFERENCE REFORTS ment on the bill <H. R. 9484) to amend section 36 of the Mr. O'CONNOR. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, as amended. that, notwithstanding the adjournment or recess of the House until June 15, 1936, it may be in order to file conference re- LEAVE OF ABSENCE ports with the Clerk for printing under the rules. By unanimous consent, leave of absence was granted to The SPEAKER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. BROWN of Michigan on account of important business. There was no objection. MESSAGE OF CONDOLENCE PRINTING OF FUNERAL SERVICES IN THE RECORD Mr. O'CONNOR. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent Mr. O'CONNOR. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to insert in the REcoRD at this point a telegram received that the order of services for the exercises today in honor of from the Speaker of the House of Puerto Rico. the late Speaker and the proceedings thereunder be printed The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the in today's RECORD. gentleman from New York? The SPEAKER. Without objection, it is so ordered. There was no objection. There was no objection. JUNE 4, 193~7 P.M. COMMITTEE TO ATTEND FUNERAL Hon. SoUTH 'l"B.nmLE, Clerk of the HO'I.tSe of Representatives: The SPEAKER. Pursuant to House Resolution 544, the Deeply moved by death illustrious Speaker, Hon. JoSEPH W. Chair appoints as members of the committee to attend the BYRNS. I desire to extend to the House of Representatives the expression o! my heartfelt sympathy for. Irreparable loss sustained. funeral of the late Speaker at Nashville, Tenn., the following MIGUEL A. GARCIA MANDEZ, Members of the House. which the Clerk will read. Spea.ket: of the HO'U8e.. 9124 ~ONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JuNE .5· Resolved, That a oom.mlttee of · two Senators be- appointed by ltECESS the Vice President to join the committee appointed on the part Mr. O'CONNOR. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House of the House of Representatives to attend the funeral of the de­ stand in recess, suhject to the call of the Chair. ceased Representative. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to The motion was agreed to. the House of Representatives a.nd transmit a copy thereof to the Accordingly the House <at 11 o'clock and 13 minutes fa.mily of the deceased. a.. m.) stood in recess subject to the call of the Chair. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased Representative the Senate do now take a. recess until AFTER RECESS 10 o'clock ante meridian tomorrow. The House was called to order by the Speaker at 11 o'clock Senate Resolution 3l~une 1 (calendar day, June 4), 1936 and 55 minutes a. m. Resolved, That the Senate has hea.rd with profound sorrow the The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., announcement of the death of Hon. JOSEPH W. BYRNs, la.te Speaker offered the following prayer: of the House of Representatives. Resolved, That a committee of two Senators be appointed by the Almighty God, the Father of us all, give ear to our suppli­ Vice President to join the committee appointed by the House of cation.
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