Ann Toxicol Anal. 2012; 24(2): 73-80 Available online at: c Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique 2012 www.ata-journal.org DOI: 10.1051/ata/2012012 Original article / Article original Counterfeit drugs and pharmaceutical preparations seized from the black market among bodybuilders Médicaments de contrefaçon et préparations pharmaceutiques saisis sur le marché noir parmi les bodybuilders Vera Coopman1, Jan Cordonnier1,2, 1 Eurofins Forensics Belgium, Lieven Bauwensstraat 4, 8200 Bruges, Belgium 2 Chemiphar N.V., Lieven Bauwensstraat 4, 8200 Bruges, Belgium Abstract – Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify active ingredients present in counterfeit drugs and phar- maceutical preparations seized from the black market among bodybuilders. Preparations in closed or sealed packaging with different batch numbers (n = 74) and two preparations without labels were analyzed. Methods: The identi- fication scheme was based on reversed-phase liquid chromatography with a photodiode array UV detector and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Methanolic sample extracts of tablets, capsules, oral jellies and water–based in- jectables were chromatographed on a ChromSpher 5 C18 column using a gradient program of triehylammonium phos- phate and acetonitrile as mobile phases and were monitored at the wavelengths 220 nm and 254 nm. Oil-based in- jectables (n = 41) were extracted with hexane and methanol. The methanolic sample extracts and diluted supernatant layers were injected into an Agilent 6890 N gas chromatograph with a fused silica CPSIL 8CB low-bleed capillary column and Agilent 5973 inert mass selective detector operated in full-scan mode. The identified compound(s) were checked against the active ingredient(s) declared on the label. Conclusion: Packaging from counterfeits produced in underground labs cannot be visually distinguished from packaging originating from legitimate pharmaceutical compa- nies. Out of 74 labeled products, the content of 25 (33.8%) did not match the label. Anabolic androgenic steroids are commonly found on the black market among bodybuilders, predominately esterified in oil-based injectables. Out of 40 steroidal oily solutions, the active ingredients of 21 (52.5%) did not match the label: one preparation did not con- tain an active compound, 20 contained other or more active ingredients. The additional compounds were often present in smaller quantities, which could be indicative of contamination. Active ingredients such as methandrostenolone, sildenafil, tamoxifen, quinine, clomiphene, dehydroepiandrosterone, anastrazole, clenbuterol, stanozolol, oxandrolone, liothyronine, finasteride and melatonin were identified in tablets, oral jellies and water-based injectables. Key words: Black market, bodybuilding, liquid chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, anabolic steroids, counterfeits Résumé – Objectifs : Le but de cette étude était d’identifier les ingrédients actifs présents dans les médicaments de contrefaçon et de préparations pharmaceutiques saisis sur le marché noir parmi les bodybuilders. Méthodes : C’est sous emballage fermé et scellé, avec numéros de lots différents (n = 74) et deux préparations sans étiquette que ces analyses ont été réalisées. Le système d’identification a été basé sur chromatographie en phase inverse liquide avec un détecteur UV à barrette de photodiodes et de chromatographie en phase gazeuse-spectrométrie de masse. Des extraits d’échantillons méthanoliques de comprimés, de capsules, gelées orales et injectables à base d’eau ont été chromatogra- phiés sur une colonne C18 ChromSpher 5 en utilisant un programme de gradient de tampon triehylammonium phosphate et l’acétonitrile comme phase mobile et ont été contrôlées à des longueurs d’onde 220 nm et 254 nm. Des injectables à base d’huile (n = 41) ont été extraits à l’hexane et au méthanol. Les extraits d’échantillons méthanoliques et dilués en couches surnageantes ont été injectés dans un Agilent 6890 N chromatographe en phase gazeuse avec de la silice fondue CPSIL 8CB purge basse colonne capillaire et Agilent 5973 détecteur de masse inerte sélective exploité à plein mode de balayage. Le composé identifié a été vérifié (ou les composés identifiés ont été vérifiés) par rapport à l’ingrédient actif déclaré (ou les ingrédients actifs déclarés) sur l’étiquette. Conclusion : Les emballages de contrefaçons pro- duits dans des laboratoires clandestins ne peuvent pas être distingués visuellement de ceux provenant de sociétés Correspondence: Jan Cordonnier, [email protected] Article published by EDP Sciences 73 Annales de Toxicologie Analytique 2012; 24(2): 73-80 V. Coopman and J. Cordonnier pharmaceutiques légitimes. Sur les 74 produits étiquettés, le contenu de 25 (33,8 %) ne correspondait pas à l’étiquette. Les stéroïdes anabolisants androgènes sont généralement trouvés dans le marché noir parmi les culturistes, principale- ment estérifié dans l’huile à base de produits injectables. Sur les 40 stéroïdiens solutions huileuses, les ingrédients actifs de 21 (52,5 %) ne correspondent pas à l’étiquette : une préparation ne contient pas de composé actif, 20 contenaient des ingrédients autres ou plus actifs. Les autres composés sont souvent présents en petites quantités, lesquelles pourraient être indicatives de contamination. Les ingrédients actifs tels que methandrostenolone, le sildénafil, le tamoxifène, la quinine, le clomiphène, déhydroépiandrostérone, anastrazole, le clenbutérol, le stanozolol, oxandrolone, liothyronine, le finastéride et de la mélatonine ont été identifiés sous forme de comprimés oraux, gelées ou à base d’eau injectables. Mots clés : Marché noir, musculation, chromatographie en phase liquide, chromatographie en phase gazeuse- spectrométrie de masse, stéroïdes anabolisants, contrefaçons Received 29 April 2012, accepted after revision 28 May 2012 Published online 22 June 2012 1 Introduction tion of the active ingredients on the labels was used as a guide- line to obtain theoretical concentrations of 1 mg/mL. The sus- Bodybuilders purchase preparations to enhance muscle pensions and solutions were vortex-mixed and sonicated for ff size and strength and to alleviate adverse e ects associated 10 min. After centrifugation, 50 μL of the supernant layer with steroid use or to mask steroid abuse. Counterfeit prod- was transferred to an auto-sampler vial containing the exter- ucts produced in so-called “underground labs” are available on nal standard solution, 20 μg/mL diphenylamine in the initial ff the black market and are o ered on the internet as legitimate mobile phase. After homogenization, the sample was injected pharmaceutical preparations. Besides the health issues associ- into the HPLC/PDA. For the GC/MS analysis, the methano- ated with the use of androgenic anabolic steroids and drugs lic supernant layer was diluted (1:1) in methanol (containing obtained without the mandatory subscription, unexpected side 100 μg/mL diphenylamine) before injection. effects can occur when preparations do not or do not only con- tain the claimed active compounds. The identification of active ingredients in confiscated ille- 2.2.2 Oil-based injectables gally distributed anabolic steroid products and/or black mar- ket drugs was previously reported by Walters et al. (1990), Musshoff et al. (1997), Ritsch et al. (2000), Thevis et al. Oil-based injectables were extracted with methanol and (2008) [1–4] and Kohler et al. (2009) [5]. hexane [6]. This paper reports the analysis of 76 products confiscated from the black market among bodybuilders. Identification of active compounds in sample extracts was based on reversed- 2.3 Liquid chromatography phase liquid chromatography with a photodiode array UV detector (HPLC/PDA) and quadrupole gas chromatography- The HPLC/PDA analysis was performed using a Varian mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Prostar solvent delivery module in combination with a Var- ian Prostar 410 auto-sampler and Varian Prostar photodiode 2 Materials and methods array detector. Data acquisition and analysis were performed r 2.1 Samples with the Varian Star and Polyview software. A Lichrospher 100 RP-18 (5 μm) was used as a saturation column. The sepa- Preparations confiscated from different individuals sus- ration of compounds was performed in gradient mode with the pected to use or to be involved in the black market of counter- use of a ChromSpher C18 column (150-mm length × 4.6 mm feits and pharmaceuticals among bodybuilders were submit- i.d.,5μm particle size, Chrompack) connected to a C18 guard ted to the laboratory for identification of active compounds. column (4-mm length × 3.0 mm i.d.,3.5μm particle size). Tablets (n = 26), capsules (n = 3), oral jellies (n = 4), aque- The oven temperature was set at 35 ◦C. The mobile phases ous solutions for intramuscular injection (n = 2) and oily so- consisted of 25 mM TEA-phosphate buffer (A) and acetoni- lutions for intramuscular injection (n = 41) were analyzed. trile (B). The following gradient elution was programed: 95% Preparations in closed or sealed packaging with different batch A at time 0 min, changed to 30% A at 30 min and held for numbers (n = 74) and two preparations without labels were in- 5 min. The injection volume was 50 μL. The scan range was cluded in the study. 220–340 nm and the chromatogram was monitored at 220 nm and 254 nm for 35 min. Before injection of the next sample 2.2 Sample extraction the column was allowed to re-equilibrate for 10 min. The UV spectrum of an unknown was compared with the UV spectra 2.2.1 Capsules, tablets, oral jellies and water-based of approximately
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