LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE Tampa, Florida 33607 In accordance with the Americans with of your receipt of your notice to appear in FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. 5/21-5/28/21LG 2T Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Disabled Court at: Hernando County Peggy Welch ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE —————————————————— persons who, because of their disabilities, (352) 754-4402. TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA need special accommodation to partici- DATED May 17, 2021 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE pate in this proceeding should contact the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE /s/ Alexandra Kalman FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTAND- FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ADA Coordinator at 110 N. Apopka Ave. CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA ING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH Inverness, FL 34450, by calling 352-341- Alexandra Kalman, Esq. CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA Florida Bar No. 109137 CASE NO.: 2020 CC 000285 ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) CIVIL DIVISION 6424, seven (7) working days prior to the YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECE- date service is needed; if you are hearing or Lender Legal PLLC ARBOR LAKES PROPERTY OWNERS DENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Case No.: 2021 CA 000019 A voice impaired, call 711. 2807 Edgewater Drive ASSOCIATION, INC., Orlando, FL 32804 6JGFCVGQHſTUVRWDNKECVKQPQHVJKUPQVKEG MADISON ALAMOSA HECM, LLC, Plaintiff This notice shall be published once each Tel: (407) 730-4644 is May 21, 2021. Plaintiff, week for four consecutive weeks in La vs. Fax: (888) 337-3815 Personal Representative: -vs- Gaceta Newspaper. Attorney for Plaintiff WILLIAM M. RILEY; BETTY M. Travis Church THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Service Emails: RILEY; AND UNKNOWN PARTIES IN P.O. Box 40 [email protected] POSSESSION, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, Court on this 6th day of May, 2021. De Leon Springs, FL 32120 CREDITORS, TRUSTEES OR OTHER [email protected] Defendants. Angela Vick, Clerk of the Circuit Court Attorney for Personal Representative CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, 5/21-5/28/21LG 2T UNDER OR AGAINST MARY G. DUFINA, By: s/ Jennifer L.Steelfox NOTICE OF SALE Pamela Grace Martini Deputy Clerk —————————————————— PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 Florida Bar No. 100761 DECEASED; KATHRYN WIEBER AND DeWitt Law Firm .CY1HſEGQH2COGNC)/CTVKPK2..% UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF KATHRYN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Notice is given pursuant to the Final WIEBER; SHERYL WEAVER AND 607 W. Bay St., Tampa, FL 33606 Judgment of Foreclosure dated May 10, 6068 S. Apopka Vineland Road, Suite 5 FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR Orlando, FL 32819 UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SHERYL 5/21-6/11/21LG 4T HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA 2021, in Case No. 2020 CC 000285, of WEAVER; THOMAS CHAMBERS AND the County Court in and for Citrus County, Telephone: (407) 955-4955 —————————————————— Email: [email protected] UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF THOMAS CASE NO.: 2020CA000828 Florida, wherein ARBOR LAKES PROP- CHAMBERS; DAVID SUMMERFIELD ERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., is 5/21-5/28/21LG 2T CITIBANK, N.A., NOT IN ITS INDI- AND UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF DAVID VID U AL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY Plaintiff and James F. Riley, as Executor —————————————————— SUMMERFIELD, if living, and all unknown ofthe Estate of Betty M. Riley, is the De- AS OWNER TRUSTEE OF NEW IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE parties claiming by, through, under or RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE LOAN fendant, the Clerk of the Court shall sell against the above named Defendants the property at public sale on June 17, FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR TRUST 2019-RPL3, CITRUS COUNTY FLORIDA who are not known to be dead or alive, Plaintiff, 2021, online at 10:00 a.m., according to whether said unknown parties may claim Administrative Order 201-01, at www.cit- Case No: 2021-CA-000190 an interest as spouses, heirs, devisees, HERNANDO COUNTY vs. rus.realforeclose.com, in accordance with MICKEY BILLINGSLY; STATE OF FLOR- MICHAEL C.S. SCHUMPERT a/k/a grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, Section 45.031, Fla.Stat. The following trustees or other claimants, claiming IDA, DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, described property set forth in the Order of MICHAEL C. SUTHERLAND and JOHN Defendants. E. SCHUMPERT, by, through, under or against the said Final Judgment: KATHRYN WIEBER AND UNKNOWN Lot 53, ARBOR LAKES - UNIT III, ac- Plaintiffs, SPOUSE OF KATHRYN WIEBER; IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF NOTICE OF SALE cording to the plat thereof, as recorded v. SHERYL WEAVER AND UNKNOWN FLORIDA IN AND FOR HERNANDO NOTICE IS GIVEN that, in accordance in Plat Book 17, Page(s) 64 and 65, of REKOWAY, INC., a Dissolved SPOUSE OF SHERYL WEAVER; COUNTY, FLORIDA with the Final Judgment of Foreclosure the Public Records of Citrus County, Foreign Corporation, THOMAS CHAMBERS AND UNKNOWN entered on May 7, 2021 in the above- Florida CASE NO.: 2021-CP- 173 Defendants. SPOUSE OF THOMAS CHAMBERS; styled cause, Doug Chorvat Jr., Hernando Property Address: 4498 North Lake DAVID SUMMERFIELD AND UNKNOWN IN RE: ESTATE OF county clerk of the court, shall sell to the Vista Trail, Hernando, FL 34442 NOTICE OF ACTION SPOUSE OF DAVID SUMMERFIELD; ANTHONY EDWARD SPADARO, highest and best bidder for cash on June Any Person claiming an interest in the TO: REKOWAY, INC. THE SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND Deceased. 24, 2021 at 11:00 A.M., at Hernando surplus from the sale, if any, other than URBAN DEVELOPMENT; UNKNOWN County Courthouse, 20 N Main Street, the property owner as of the date of the lis 6923 N. Broken Arrow Trail TENANT 1; UNKNOWN TENANT 2, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Room 245, Brooksville, FL 34601, the Hernando, Florida 34442 RGPFGPUOWUVſNGCENCKOYKVJKPFC[U Defendant, The formal probate administration of the following described property: after the sale. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to estate of ANTHONY EDWARD SPADA- LOT 17, BLOCK 1302, SPRING IF YOU ARE A PERSON WITH A DIS- quiet title to the following property in Citrus NOTICE OF SALE RO, deceased, whose date of death was HILL UNIT 20, ACCORDING TO ABILITY WHO NEEDS ANY ACCOMMO- County, Florida: Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to January 27, 2021 and whose Social Secu- THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED DATION IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND, a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered rity Number is XXX-XX-0534, is pending IN PLAT BOOK 9, PAGES 65-80, IN THIS PROCEEDING, YOU ARE EN- SITUATE, LYING, AND BEING IN CIT- in the above-styled cause, in the Circuit in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, PUBLIC RECORDS OF HERNANDO TITLED, AT NO COST TO YOU, TO THE RUS COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO WIT: Court of Citrus County, Florida, ANGELA Florida, Probate Division, the address of COUNTY, FLORIDA PROVISION OF CERTAIN ASSISTANCE. LIVE OAK ESTS UNREC SUB LOT 5 VICK, the Clerk of the Circuit Court will which is 20 N. Main St., Brooksville, FL Property Address: 12191 SHAFTON PLEASE CONTACT COURT ADMINIS- DESC AS: COM AT NW COR OF SEC sell the property situate in Citrus County, 34601. The names and addresses of the ROAD, SPRING HILL, FL 34608 TRATION, , , , TELEPHONE WITHIN 2 Florida, described as: personal representative and the personal 5-18-20 SD COR ALSO BEING THE ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTER- WORKING DAYS OF YOUR RECEIPT OF SE COR OF SEC 32-17-20 TH S 0DEG LOTS 25, 26 AND 27, BLOCK 230, representative’s attorney are set forth be- THIS SUMMONS; IF YOU ARE HEARING low. EST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE SALE, 00M 18S W AL W LN OF SD SEC 5 INVERNESS HIGHLANDS SOUTH, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY OR VOICE IMPAIRED, CALL 1-800-955- 2244.0 FT TH S 89DEG ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THERE- All creditors of the decedent and oth- 8771. OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS JCU DGGP ſNGF CICKPUV [QW CPF VJCV [QW OF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK er persons having claims or demands PENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIM BEFORE /s/ Alan Schwartzseid are required to serve a copy of your written 3, AT PAGES 51 THROUGH 66, OF against decedent’s estate on whom a copy ALAN SCHWARTZSEID, ESQUIRE THE CLERK REPORTS THE SURPLUS FGHGPUGUKHCP[VQKVQP6JG.CY1HſEG THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF CITRUS of this notice is required to be served must AS UNCLAIMED. Florida Bar No.: 57124 of C.W. Wickersham, Jr., P.A., Plaintiff’s COUNTY, FLORIDA. ſNG VJGKT ENCKOU YKVJ VJKU EQWTV 9+6*+0 CLAYTON & MCCULLOH, P.A. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT attorney, at 2720 Park Street, Suite 205, at public sale, to the highest and best THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE 1065 Maitland Center Commons Blvd. TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF If you are a person with a disability who Jacksonville, Florida, 32205, Phone Num- bidder, for cash, online at www.citrus. needs an accommodation in order to par- Maitland, Florida 32751 ber: (904) 389-6202, not less than 28 nor THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE (407) 875-2655 Telephone realforeclos e.com, at 10:00 a.m. on June ticipate in a proceeding, you are entitled, OQTGVJCPFC[UQHVJGſTUVFCVGQHRWD- 17, 2021. DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS E-mail: [email protected] NOTICE ON THEM. at no cost to you, the provision of certain NKECVKQPQHVJKU0QVKEGCPFſNGVJGQTKIKPCN ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTER- assistance. Please contact the ADA Co- [email protected] with the Clerk of this Court, at 120 Mont- Attorneys for Plaintiff EST IN THE SURPLUS FUNDS FROM All other creditors of the decedent and ordinator for the Courts within 2 working gomery Avenue, Inverness, Florida 34450 THIS SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE other persons having claims or demands days of your receipt of your notice to ap- 5/21-5/28/21LG 2T before service on Plaintiff or immediately CICKPUV FGEGFGPVŏU GUVCVG OWUV ſNG VJGKT —————————————————— PROPERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE pear in Court at: Hernando County Peggy thereafter.
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