03/07/2020 Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez Home Curriculum Courses PUA ALF. FST Publications Video Audio Text Prof. MARTÍN CARBAJO NÚÑEZ Alfonsiana, PUA, FST Home > Professors > CARBAJO NÚÑEZ Friday 03 July 2020 Prof. Martín CARBAJO NÚÑEZ Professor at three university institutions: 2 in ROME: Antonianum (PUA) - Alfonsian Academy (PUL) 1 in USA: FST, in affiliation with the Univ. of San Diego. ...& in Spain: E.S.E.F. Contact by email Nationality: Spain (ES) Religious institute: ofm Position: Extraordinarius Faculty of Theology Publications | Courses | Syllabi & resources | Messages Accademic degrees*: Dott. Th Morale - Dipl. Comunicazione Sociale | Laurea Filologia Germanica - Tecnico specialista in Informatica Curriculum vitae in English www.antoniano.org/carbajo/professoriViewMCN.php?lg=en&id_utente=550 1/20 03/07/2020 Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez ____________ ______________ ____________ ___________ - Download: Video | Audio | Full text. - My Youtube channel. - Syllabi, readings and resources for my courses at the Alfonsian Academy - Syllabi, readings and resources for my courses at the PUA - Correspondent Member of the Pontifical Marian International Academy - ORCID: 0000-0002-2814-5688 QUALIFICATIONS: - Doctorate (SThD) degree in Moral Theology (Rome 1995-2001); - Social Communication (Gregorian Univ. 1996-1998); - Germanic Philology (English) (Santiago Comp. Univ. 1981-1986); - Pedagogic qualification; - Computer technician (Santiago 1993-1995); - Evaluation by an Independent International Commission. _________________ SOME PREVIOUS TASKS IN HIS O.F.M. PROVINCE (Spain): - Rector of the Minor Seminary (1989-1995). - Superior of S. Antonio de Herbón santuary, for six years. - Definitor in his Franciscan Province (1992-1995). _________________ POSITION & RESPONSIBILITIES: - Rector Magnificus ad interim of the Pontifical University Antonianum (2013-01 till 2014-07) , - Vice-Rector (Vice-Chancellor) of the Pontifical University Antonianum (Decree 086/11 till 2014-07), - Dean ad interim of the Faculty of theology (1st semester 2005-2006), - Vice-Dean of the Faculty of theology (2005-2011), - Commission for Cultural activities a member 2013-2016 (Alfonsian Acc. – PUL),. - Professor extraordinarius (with a Social Ethics specialization), - Director & Reference person for Computer Science matters (2002-2014) , www.antoniano.org/carbajo/professoriViewMCN.php?lg=en&id_utente=550 2/20 03/07/2020 Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez - Head of the Pro-Affiliation Commission (2005-2011) , & previously a member of that Commission (2002-2005), - Commission for the Economy: a member from 2002 till 2011, - Council of the Faculty of Theology: a member since 2004 , - Senatus Academicus: a member from 2009 till 2014, - Directive Council of these scientific magazines: "Liceo Franciscano" (since 2003), "Veritas", Revista Ecclesiastica Brasileira (REB), Verdad y Vida. - Correspondent Member of the Pontifical Marian International Academy (Since 14-11-2010) , - Forum of ethical-economic thought. - Forum on Media Ethics METT 2019 - (Official page: Think Tank Qatar) _________________ MAJOR RESEARCH FIELDS: - In the Social Ethics field, professor Carbajo investigates about the present relevance of the Franciscan philosophical and theological tradition in order to help humanizing the global world through all that has to do with Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation. More precisely, he tries to formulate a global ethic and an integral ecology in the perspective of the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition. - In the field of Communication Ethics , professor Carbajo studies the relationship between public and private realms in human life and in Social networks. More specifically, he investigates on the ethical challenges of the new digital age and on the journalistic deontology regarding informational privacy. __________________ A FAVORITE QUOTE: The new Information Technologies are already unavoidably embedded in our daily life. For many people, they are "the chief means of information and education, of guidance and inspiration" (RM 37). We are in a new culture, a new way of being and thinking; so we can rightly say that, in social communication, our destiny is at stake. With my research and academic activity, I try to discern how to inhabit the new digital environment, taking inspiration from the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition. __________________ SOME SPECIFIC THEMES OF HIS ACADEMIC ACTIVITY: 1) SOCIAL COMMUNICATION: www.antoniano.org/carbajo/professoriViewMCN.php?lg=en&id_utente=550 3/20 03/07/2020 Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez - Finlandia, Helsinki 2-5/03/2014 - Peru, Lima 3/09/2014 . - Polonia, Toruń 11-15.01.2021 . - Portugal, Portomâo 29-1-2014 - Qatar, Doha 21-22.01.2019 - Colombia, "Media & Ethics": Cali 31-8-2012 | Medellin 10-9-2012 | Cartagena 12-9-2012 | Bogotá 14-9-2012 | All || Video: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. || Photo (all) | Cali. - Spain, 22-11-2011 | "Mass Media & Values": Audio ||| Jan. 1,2011: TV interview - Video 1,2,3,4 | Download ZIP - Brasil, "Virtual World & Ethics", 22-9-2011 | Text | Audio: 1, Conference talk , 3, 4 | Video: 1, Conference talk , 3,4. ||| "The trading of private life", 15-4- 2004. - Italy, Assisi 7-02-2019 || Bologna 5-05-2018 || Molfetta 24-01-2018 | Video: 1, 2 ||| "Dialogue", Assisi 9-13 dic 2002 ||| Rome oct. 2010. - USA, Oakland 5-08-2018 ||| Oceanside: 10-12-2017 || 24-10-2018 ||| Berkeley: "Cinema and Visual Culture", July 2001,2002,2003 ||| Danville: 8-9 sept 2003 | 8-2012 & Radio ||| July 2008. - Mexico, "Real and Virtual Worlds", UDEM Univ., Monterrey, 12-14 May 2003. 2) CONSECRATED LIFE & PARISH IN THE DIGITAL AGE - Italy, Assisi 8-09-2019 || Rome 11-03-2019 || Assisi 7-02-2019 || "Digital era & the consecrated" Rome 21-5-2015 || Baronissi 25-5-2015 - Singapore, "The Franciscan Tradition", 9-09-2013. - Portugal, Algarve 16-01-2017. - USA, Oceanside 28.10.2019 || 7.12.2019 || 23.09.2019 || 4-8.11.2019 || Los Angeles 18-11-2017. - Spain, "The Franciscan Parish Priest": Puenteareas 22-11-2011 ||| Bishops & Confer-ga 25-9-2012. 3) ON HUMAN WORK & Catholic Social Teaching: - Portugal, Beja 24-1-2012 | "Human Work": Audio | "Catholic Social Teaching": Audio | Debate - Colombia, "The Franciscans & Human work", Bogotá 30-8-2012 || Photos. - Mexico, Guadalajara - Mexico 16/04/2018 . - Ecuador, Quito, 6-09-2011 | Audio | Interview | Condecoration. - Chile, Santiago | 10-09-2011 | Audio - Italy, Assisi 10-11-2008 ||| Tivoli 18-4-2011 || 10-5-2012 ||| Trento 14-4-2009: Interview | Video - Download. - USA, Oceanside CA 3-12-2016. 4) ON ECONOMICS: - Poland, Olsztyn 11/12-06-2018 . - Peru, Lima 5/09/2014 . - Portugal, Beja 24-1-2012 | Audio | Dialogue - Spain, Santander 15-7-2015 | Murcia 9-3-2012| Audio ||| Murcia 14-10-2014 | Video 1 , 2 || Interviews: TVG 12-10-2014 | RNE 9-03-2012. www.antoniano.org/carbajo/professoriViewMCN.php?lg=en&id_utente=550 4/20 03/07/2020 Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez - Chile, " Franciscan friars & Economics" | Santiago 10-9-2011. - Colombia, "The Franciscans & Economics", Medellín 12-9-2012 || Photos. - Brasil, Petropolis 8-9-2010. - Mexico, Mexicali 1-9-2018 ||| Lectio prima , ITF Monterrey 2-8-2010. - Italy, Taormina e Adrano 3&4-09-2015 ||| Mestre 14-05-2015 ||| Sarno 2-05-2015 ||| Assisi 12/14-4-2013 | 8-11-2014 ||| San Giovanni Rotondo | 29-6-2010 - Argentina, Buenos Aires 26-3-2010. 5) ON GLOBAL ETHICS: - Chile, Santiago | 10-9-2011 | Audio. - Colombia, "The Franciscans & Global ethics", Bogotá 28-8-2012 || Photos. - Israel, Jerusalem 2/5-4-2013. - Italia, Faenza 5-01-2020 || 5-01-2019 ||| Rome 5-01-2018 ||| Roma 5-01-2017 | 1-05-2016 | 26/27-04- 2016 | Roma 11/12-02-2016 | "Religions and Peace", Rome 13-11-2013 | Rome 16-6-2012 | video ||| Assisi 9/13-12-2003 ||| Benevento 19-3-2007 ||| On family: Rome 18/19-03-2015. - Argentina, Buenos Aires 7-4-2006. - Peru, "St. Francis & Global Ethics", Lima, 3-9-2011. - Portugal, Vatican II 23-1-2013. || Foto - Spain, Valencia, 22-2-2007 ||| Madrid 18-12-2008 ||| TV Interview 1-1-2012. - Turkey, Istanbul 27/09/2014 . - USA, Oakland 4-08-2019 || Oceanside – San Diego 27-10-2016 || 1-12-2016 - Video. - Venezuela, Caracas 3-7 jan. 2005. 6) FRANCISCANISM: - Colombia, "The Franciscans and ethics" (24 hours), Bogotá 28/30-IX-2012 || "Responsible use of Media" (20 hours), Bogotá 3/7-sept-2012 || Photos || Evaluation || Gratefulness. - USA, 30.08.2019 || Oceanside 4-08-2019 || 21-09-2019 ||| 10.08.2019 ||| Danville 23.08.2017 ||| Multicultural Institute, Berkeley, 13-19.7.2009. - Puerto Rico, 1-3/08/2017. - Peru, Lima 2-09-2014 . - Italy, Rome 5-01-2016 ||| Rome (Curia) 29-01-2014 ||| Assisi 9/10-11-2013 ||| Assisi 16-6-2012 ||| Rome 16-6-2012 | video 1 , 4 ||| Castelspina, 24-25 sept 2005 ||| Fara Sabina, June 2008 & 2009. - Mexico, Tijuana 14-18.10.2019 ||| Mexicali 1-9-2018 ||| 14-12-2016 ||| Querétaro 18-22 August 2009. - Spain, ESEF Madrid 17-18.04.2020 || 28/04-1/05.2018 || 3-7.06.2019 || Coruña 9/04/2016 || Santiago 16-09-2014 ||| Madrid 17-21/03/2014 || 20- 24/04/2015 || 18-22/04/2016 || 16-20/05/2016 ||| St. Bonaventure Department, University of Salamanca 13-18 nov 2006. 7) ON ECOLOGY AND THE INTEGRITY OF CREATION: - Colombia, Cali 7-8/09/2017 . www.antoniano.org/carbajo/professoriViewMCN.php?lg=en&id_utente=550 5/20 03/07/2020 Prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez - Peru, Franciscan Studies Week – Lima 1-5/09/2014 (five dissertations) || 11-15/09/2017 (four dissertations) . - Mexico, Guadalajara - Mexico 15/04/2018 . - Filipinas, Tagaytay 4-9.5.2020. - Italy, Ecology and communication 28/09-01/10 2020 || Presentazione libro, Roma 27-02-2020 || Bologna 8-03-2020 || Roma 29-02-2020 || 12-05-2018 || 27-28.04.2018 | 17-18.05.2019 || 8-9.05.2020 || Terni 14-01-2016 | Lavinio 22-07-2015 | Corso GPIC – Rome 9/19-04-2013 ||| Rimini 28-09-2013 ||| Massa 28-11-2014. - Italy, 2.03.2020 ||| Rome 21-4-2012 | Audio | Debate ||| Rome 16-6-2012 ||| Predazzo 14-12-2012. - Italy, Course on "Environmental Ethics" (Master - Rome 2011) ||| Rome 15-6-2013 . - Spain, Madrid 04-05-2020 . ||| Valencia 11-04-2019 . - Poland, Olsztyn 25-26.05.2020 || 27-28.05.2019 .
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