CENSUS 1971 PART x-A TOWN & VILLAGE DIRECTORY SERIES 21 UTTAR PRADESH 1 DISTRICT "HARANPURS DISTRICf CENSUS HANDBOOK D. M. SI)lHA.. OF THE INDIAN" ADMINISTRATIVE SE~V~ D.rector of Census Operatiom Uttar Pradesh fS ,W' 45 78" -------- -----1----- -----------------:--------------1--------1 30' DlSTRlcrr SAHARAN PUR )~) '5 ;'-0 KMS. _~_~ __ I__:"'_";:.J s ,II 15 r'~-- o 30'-- 30' 0:: o z., TOWN IY POPULATION SIZE -----',...- $TAn eOUNDAII'!' .• _.. ..".. .. _ . __ DlSTRlcr IH-'L.Nr:,ill'l'Y Vtl<,AS I(,HtlN:"' a:'-l.'N[)"~Y DISTMICT HEAOQ1JpkHw;. @ TAHSIL HEAOQU1I1P(R~ (Q! VJ".S f(l1ANO kEAOQUARTfIlS. P f'OL\(_( STA.HON PS Uil.8-II.N.AIUA ~ VIUA.GE WitH pOI'UI /lotiON S,COO OM MOllE • OTHkR IMFOI'ITA",T ROAD 1IA,Il,W4.,. UN! WITH STATIO,.. IItOAO GAUC.£ • __,_.,." ___-... Name nf thlt" Areo rl' NARRow "AlI<OE .. I_..... _~_11 Tonsli Km'l RIVllt I:INO ~TUAM • SAHARAN PUR POST' TElEGIlAPH Qi'=FtCE .• PT ~A\(UR A!H HOU~E. TRAVHLEAI' BUNGAI.OW, ETC. RH DE09ANO HOSPITAL, OISPEN~A""', P H CENTRE, ETC. ROORKEE + DEGREE C.OLLEr..E, H. S, SChOOL l.!!),CJ TOTAL MAN PI; IMPORTANT VILLAGE MAItKE.T .&; fJ. 30' 15" Har-Ki-Pairi or Brahama Kund is the most Sacred bathir.g Ghat in Hardwar, which is one of the four centJrcs where Kumbh is held every twelfh year on rotation. It is the pIacc where king Bhatllrihari is said 1K> have performed "Tapa" and a1lllained salvation. Larer, king Vikramadib'ya go, the tank and pair.iea aSlJepsJ constructm in momory of his brother king BhaJ1rihari. Ini1JalJ.y Ganga flowed at this very sPOll but has changed i.a COllrse co~verting Har-Ki-Pairi into an extensl\Pe Iakc. The place is surrounded by varioulghatJa and IJemples, among which important are Yogeshwar temple, Someshwar temple, Shri &ita Ram temple and BawknaIlh temple, CONTBNTS Pac. Aab.owledgementl .... I Inaroduceoq Note ••• W-aJ TOWN AND V'lLLAGB DIRBCTOR'I' TowaDlnceol7 Sta_~ I-Status, Growth History and Functional Oategory of Towns "0 4-5 Stateme~ II - fhYSieal Aspects and Location of Towns, i 969 6-7 III-Municipal Rinancc 1968-69 St~tement 8-9 s4tement ~V -Civic and other Amenide,s 1969 n. 10-11 ~~ent \r - Medical, Educational, Redreational ~nd Cultural FacUities in Towns, 1969 ee. 12-13 SWement VI - Trade, Commerce, Industry and 'Barlking, 1969 ! 14-J5 'Stafement VII-Population by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, 1971 16-17 ~DIrectoIy 1-8aharaapar Taludl 'I) Alphabetical List of, Villages 22-21 VUlage Directory (Amenities and land use) (ii) 28-79 t-MakaI'r.... (i). Alphabetical Lisa of VilJap '0. 83-87 (0) Village DirecfA)r, (ADlenitiQl and land USC) ... 88-181 a...Deobuul TaIaIU . Cl} Alphabctiea1 Lilt of Villages ••• 114-187 (if) Vf1Iage Directory (Amenities and land use) '0' 188-171 .-1\oo1"kee Tala. (I> Alphabetical LIst of Villages .oa 175-178 -(II) V~e Direoaory (AmenidCl and laud use) .... 180-221 • .,.... Tahsilwiae AbstraCtl of Educational, Mcdlcal and other AmenJda g1wn In VUJage J)Jreotorr •___ .. A C K NOW LED G E ME NTS At the 1971 Census it has been our endeavour to compile both Census and non-Census statistics at the village and block level in a uniform manner. To ensure that these statistics are available to the users as soon as these are sifted and compiled, the District Census Handbook has been divided into three parts. This is the Jirst part of the series, the Village and Town Directory, which mostly comprises non-Census data. We are deeply indebted to the State Government for their everwil1ing and prompt help .to us at all stages. The District Census Handbooks are being published by us on their behalf. I wish to express my gratitude to Sri M. LaL Chief Secretary to U.P. Government, [or all' the gUidance and facilities affor­ ded to us in the conduct of Census in this State. I am also grateful to Sri P. C. Pandey, Secretary, G. A. D. (Now Commissioner, Rohilkhand Division, Bareilly) and his successor, Sri A. P. Dixit, for the facilities given by them in sorting out vari~us administrative matters relating to the publication of these Handbooks. I am ex.tremely thankful to the Di3trict Officers for their whole-hearted co-opera­ tion in furnishing the desired information and the District Census Officers for their hard work and sustained efforts in collecting the same. The programme for the printing of District Census Handbooks has been heavy indeed, more so as three parts ~re being published, one in Hindi and two in English. The arrangements made by Sri A. Dar, Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, U. P., Allahabad for the printing of these volumes, are thankfully acknowledged. Joint Superintendent, Sri J. S. Gupta, ljc New Government Pres~ Aishbagh, Lucknow has also beel! extremely helpful in bringing out the maps. In the Census Office, everyone has done something for this stupendous task of compilation and collation of statistics, preparation of notes and reading of proofs. I am grateful to Sri K· S. Sinha, Deputy Director, Headquarters, the Tabulation Officer and other staff of th'e Technical Section, who have shared the burden and helped in bringing out these Handbooks. I must also express my gratitude to Sri A.Chand.rasekhar, Registrar General, India, Sri K· D. Ballal and Dr. B. K. Roy Burman, Deputy Registrars General and Sri K. K· Chakravorty. Central Tabulation Officer for their constant help and guidance despite their own heavy preoccupations. Lucknow D. M. SINHA. Dated: October 3. 1972. Director of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh. INTRODUCTORY NOTE 1. Historyor District Census Handbook. It has been customary to bring out vital statistics at most of the Censuses. A list showing the population of villages in each district was published after the 1891 Census. Such', information was, however, not brought out in 1901. Village Directories were prepared for a~l districts in 1911, but could be published only for thirteen due to the outbreak of the First W:orld War. At the 1921 Census, these were published for all districts in the form of District Census Statistics. In 1931 villagewise statistics were compiled but could not be published owing to financial stringency, resulting in loss of valuable data. At the 1941 Census,., restricted tabulation was undertaken in the wake of the Second World War, but the utility of Census statistics was recogfl.ised and these were published. The District Census Handb'o~k in its present form was b~ought out at the 1951 Census, and was publi­ shed alongwith another volume titled District Population Statistics. In 1'961 Census, att­ empts were made to render the District Census Handbook more informative, as in addition to Census data pertaining to each village, data about its level of develoment and ameni. ties 'were also collected. A' tht 19'" 1 Census, efforts have been made to compile both Census and non-Census statistics "'t village/town level in a uniform manner with an enlarged scope. As the District Census Handbook makes Census statistics available for the smaller territorial units, it is constantly referred to for severa] purposes of administration, demar­ cation of electoral constituencies, planning the development and so on. To ensure that these statistics are available to the users early, the District Census Handbook has been divided for being published separately into three parts : . Part A : Town and Village Directory Part B : Village and Town-wise Primary Census Abstract Part C ; Analytical Report and Administrative Statement-District Census Tables•. 2. Scope or District Census Handb,.ok. Part A of the Handbook comprises the Town and Village Directory. In village Direc- ory, particulars of amenities in regard to Education, Medical; Power supply, drinking water supply, Post and telegraph and Communications have been given. Besides, it con­ tains land-use statistics, days of weekly markets and places of religious, historical or archa­ eological interest in each village.. The Town Directory comprising seven statements throws light on the status of the town,' its origin, growth of population, functional category, location and physical aspects, Municipal finances, Civic and other amenities, Medical and Educational facilities and statistics pertaining to Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking. Apart from these, it also gives the distribution of population of the town by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes. l'art B represents data down to village level for rural area and block level for towns. It contains the Primary Census Abstract which incorporates figures of area, number of occupied resiqenqal 40u~es and house40ld~1 total population ~ncJ i~ br~k-up by $~ ( iv ) scheduled caste and scheduled tribe, literate pDpulatiDn, wDrking pDpulatiDn by nine. brDad industrial categories Df cultivatDrs, agricultural labDurers, wDrkers engaged in fDrestry and livestDck etc., in mining and quarrying, in manufacture or repair, in construe· tion, in trade and commerce, in transpDrt and cDmm!lnications and in Dther services as well as the non-working pDpulatiDn. Part C deals with the administrative stati~tics pertaining to the district in aU field of develepment. The Census tables pertaining to. language, religion, migratio.n and eCDnDmic activities are being reprDduced in this part. A wr;te up indicating changes in SDcie-econemic and demegraphic characteristics Df the district during the last decade is also. being included in it. 3. Town Directory given in Part A presents data for all the Census towns of the district. There is no. uniformly accepted definitien ef. a town. The histerical, poli­ tical, cultural and administrative consideratiens are generaU), taken as criteria for rural­ urban classificatien. An urban area, in contradistinctien to the rural, cemprises a large majority of inhabitants who.
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