E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 2002 No. 77 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was great sacrifice, just as spiritual free- Church in Stillwater, Oklahoma, my called to order by the Speaker pro tem- dom and new birth come from the hometown. He provides ministerial pore (Mr. SIMPSON). blood of Your Son shed at Calvary. In support to Oklahoma State Univer- f His Name we pray. Amen. sity’s personnel and athletic programs f and to most of my family. He is also a DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER board member of Marriage Partners, an PRO TEMPORE THE JOURNAL organization that strives to reduce the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The divorce rate and strengthen marriages fore the House the following commu- Chair has examined the Journal of the and families in Oklahoma. nication from the Speaker: last day’s proceedings and announces Pastor Williams has served as Chap- to the House his approval thereof. WASHINGTON, DC, lain of the Week at the Oklahoma June 12, 2002. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- State House of Representatives and has I hereby appoint the Honorable MICHAEL K. nal stands approved. been a featured writer for national pub- SIMPSON to act as Speaker pro tempore on f lications. He has been a keynote speak- this day. er and seminar leader for many Chris- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE J. DENNIS HASTERT, tian colleges and conventions, both na- Speaker of the House of Representatives. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the tionally and throughout the great f gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. WAT- State of Oklahoma. He has worked KINS) come forward and lead the House across denominational lines to promote PRAYER in the Pledge of Allegiance. unity amidst diversity. The Reverend Kent Williams, Mr. WATKINS of Oklahoma led the Pastor Williams and his wife, Kay, Sunnybrook Christian Church, Still- Pledge of Allegiance as follows: have two sons, Gabe and Joel. Also water, Oklahoma, offered the following I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the with them on the trip to Washington prayer: United States of America, and to the Repub- has been their nephew, Clinton Sovereign God, I thank You for this lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Renken. great country, for President Bush and indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Pastor Williams is deeply committed for these Members of Congress who are f to the service of his community, his dedicated public servants divinely ap- church, his family and the Lord. Today INTRODUCING PASTOR KENT pointed by You. Lord, build a spiritual I join with my colleagues in thanking WILLIAMS, GUEST CHAPLAIN wall of protection around all of our Pastor Williams for honoring us with leaders, our armed forces, and our citi- (Mr. WATKINS of Oklahoma asked his presence, his message, and his pray- zens. ‘‘Contend with those who contend and was given permission to address ers. with us.’’ You are faithful from ever- the House for 1 minute and to revise f lasting to everlasting. and extend his remarks.) We seek Your guidance and wisdom Mr. WATKINS of Oklahoma. Mr. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER as we strive to discern and accomplish Speaker, I have the great pleasure of PRO TEMPORE Your plan and purpose. We commit welcoming our guest chaplain in the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ourselves to upholding Your absolute House of Representatives today, Pastor Chair desires to make an announce- law, standards and precepts. Give us Kent Williams. I thank him for the ment. strength and courage, both in policy most appropriate and inspiring prayer After consultation with the majority and personal example, to be people of he has offered up on our behalf as we and minority leaders, and with their character and integrity, and may ‘‘In seek divine guidance for the task that consent and approval, the Chair an- God We Trust’’ be expressed in our lies before us today. nounces that during the joint meeting lives, not just stamped on our coins. Pastor Williams graduated with a de- to hear an address by the Honorable Continue to work in us and through us, gree in theology from Ozark Christian John Howard, Prime Minister of Aus- that we would be people with pure College in Joplin, Missouri. For 25 tralia, only the doors immediately op- hearts and clean hands. years he has been serving as pastor in posite the Speaker and those on his As Abraham Lincoln anticipated, churches in Missouri, Oregon, Texas, right and left will be open. ‘‘that this Nation under God shall have and Oklahoma. No one will be allowed on the floor of a new birth of freedom,’’ may we ac- Pastor Williams now serves as senior the House who does not have the privi- knowledge that freedom comes from pastor at Sunnybrook Christian lege of the floor of the House. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3455 . H3456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 12, 2002 Due to the large attendance that is The Senator from Florida (Mr. NEL- My friends, let me say to you today anticipated, the Chair feels the rule re- SON); that America has no better friend any- garding the privilege of the floor must The Senator from Mississippi (Mr. where in the world than Australia. be strictly adhered to. LOTT); Australians and Americans enjoy each Children of Members will not be per- The Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. other’s company. We share a love of mitted on the floor, and the coopera- NICKLES); sport, and in some of them we are tion of all Members is requested. The Senator from Texas (Mrs. fierce competitors, and we even from The practice of reserving seats prior HUTCHISON); time to time share the Academy to the joint meeting by placard will The Senator from Idaho (Mr. CRAIG); Awards. not be allowed. Members may reserve The Senator from Indiana (Mr. When I last came to this great Cham- their seats by physical presence only LUGAR); ber of democracy on the 12th of Sep- following the security sweep of the The Assistant to the Sergeant at tember last year, the smoke still hung Chamber. Arms announced the Acting Dean of in the air over New York and Wash- f the Diplomatic Corps, the Honorable ington. Brave and courageous police- Jesse Bibiano Marehalau, Ambassador men and firemen, with no regard for RECESS of Micronesia. their own safety, searched in the hope The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The Acting Dean of the Diplomatic of finding survivors. The scale of loss ant to the order of the House of Corps entered the Hall of the House of and destruction was yet to be fully cal- Wednesday, June 5, 2002, and clause 12 Representatives and took the seat re- culated. In seeking justice and not re- of rule I, the Chair declares the House served for him. venge, in choosing calm consideration in recess subject to the call of the The Assistant to the Sergeant at over blind fury, in turning to friends Chair. Arms announced the Cabinet of the before turning on enemies, the United Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 6 min- President of the United States. States of recent months has led a great utes a.m.), the House stood in recess The Members of the Cabinet of the reaffirmation of all of those great val- subject to the call of the Chair. President of the United States entered ues and principles on which both of our During the recess, beginning at about the Hall of the House of Representa- societies are based. 10:50 a.m., the following proceedings tives and took the seats reserved for America fought back magnificently, were had: them in front of the Speaker’s rostrum. and in the process has won the admira- At 11 o’clock and 2 minutes a.m., the tion of the world. You demonstrated to b 1050 Assistant to the Sergeant at Arms an- the world that where fundamental free- JOINT MEETING OF THE HOUSE nounced the Prime Minister of Aus- doms flourish, evil men can do their AND SENATE TO HEAR AN ADDRESS tralia, the Honorable John Howard. worst, cause death and devastation, BY THE HONORABLE JOHN HOW- The Prime Minister of Australia, es- but in the end, they will never win. ARD, PRIME MINISTER OF AUS- corted by the committee of Senators In his inaugural address, George TRALIA and Representatives, entered the Hall Washington spoke of the destiny of the The Speaker of the House presided. of the House of Representatives, and American people to preserve the sacred The Assistant to the Sergeant at stood at the Clerk’s desk. fire of liberty. That promise has been Arms, Richard Wilson, announced the [Applause, the Members rising.] kept for more than two centuries, but Vice President and Members of the The SPEAKER. Members of the Con- never more so than since the appalling U.S. Senate who entered the Hall of the gress, it is my great privilege and I events of September last year. Through House of Representatives, the Vice deem it a high honor and a personal these times, Australians have shared President taking the chair at the right pleasure to present to you the Honor- your shock and anger, and have been of the Speaker, and the Members of the able John Howard, Prime Minister of partners in your resolve.
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