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KE[TZAD MEVARCH [N CHAPTER SIX BERACHOS 45a` tt¥P]J{ n]np!B| - who is being choked by a piece of meat, and '"5+ T!! =1. 19 XEi i]]! lDtF - Rava bar Raw Chanan said to is drinking water to dislodge the meat.[L] Ahaye, E|pll =|? b! l|P¥T - and some say he said it to Rav Yosef: .i<p ]tp??a - What is the halachah? Which blessing The Gemara cites the final clause of the Mishnah: should be recited on water, sfach¢faoj[2] or Bo7ie®. Nefushos?[3] |!ilpp] mat niuJ9! N|la lrailt tiBiv ]?i - R' TARFON sAys: one i[.7 lb¥ - He answered him: lE| A:P¥ lJ{ra lTB Pta - Go out who drinks water recites THE O^RE Wuro CREATES JVUMERoUS and see how the people €onduet themselves. I.e. it has become IIVING THINGS AND THEIR DEFICIENCIES. theacceptedpracticetoreciteshefaofaoJbeforedrinking,andBorej The Gemara inquires: Nofasho8 afhermards.un T']l]n 1¥.I lip 'lln WE SIIALL RETURN T0 YOU, KEITZAD MEVARCHIN B„tyr' rlllBB SHELOSHAH SHE'ACHLu CHAPTER SEVEN B[RACHOS 45d r qu 'T',,„(b D,P,D a:,,:"'"].]; Cfiapter Seve" DPD a ,[J I"P)] (J I :t,D b",' :I,„ ',a;:i3?;]i8',['3P: Misfin¢fr The Mishnah discusses the zjmztn blessing which precedes Bjncas ELMdeoro when three or more 1Dt DB19 blbtoF3 people eat bread together. p,I(, ,I., I"p)I(, nmF? lb?#V n¥tv -Three people who ate bread together tra!? Tl]7!B -are required tojoin in z!m«m. [1] bg# ;7.:7,„!]D::xp,#: 7i{pi -If one ate bread of dema!,t2] inp]lJ? n+pap Tiu}x| itry¥t?I -of mouser rz.8ho7i whose fereemoA had 'S:`:I,"b,`"p6!:":: been taken,[3] ]T?ap vjipF? l]ty lw¥a - or of znwzaser 8haj or €ousecrated produce that were redeemed;(4] p" 'fo r6 ,„,, r'bJ ,P,a B„"",I C A?I? b]#ty VjpgB? - or if the waiter ate an olive's volume of bread;[5] lJiaaB! - or a Cuthean ate together iD! Or737ti ?i6*5 with them;[6] 1l+¥ T7!p!p -in all these cases theyjoin inzjmzt» on account of him.[" bE¥ b!S -However, if •[„",I @''7 .'P one ate fez}ez, [8] 1m?llJ? n!p] x'b¥ Tlujx| lty¥p] -mouser rz.8hom whose fe"mch hadnot been taken, ltppxpl =- lTga N.brty ujtpH! .!W - or mouser shenf or consecrated produce that were not redeemed;[g] ninB baSty u}xp¥D| I"3,i rii,lan A?I?a -or if the waiter ate less than an olive's volume of bread; l|?!]T -or a gentile ate with them; Tl# P'E; ,1„7 app| (6) ' 3„, .,„PP 1„„',1' 17+¥ T]JxpIP -in all these cases they do notjoin in z!mpem on account of him.[1°] t]lapp] I).i?¥± z]]ty! -If women, slaves or minors ate bread, TH.+¥ |l!xp!xp |1# - we do not join in z!7mzire on account of them.[]L] nz?9 ly ;':?:.!7pb,D;::[::i; Tl]P!P -What is the minimum amount of bread that one must eat in order to be obligated to join in zz.mz4n?[]2] co b}B }jb 6D.Pb b, 3,I )„P, "",,I, NOTES :,D.:%B¥"D::; iDal }froFt }pB 1. I.e. in a collective blessing that is recited in plural form ( "Le£ %8 bzess disputethroughouttheTannaicperiod(seeKjddwsfoj7i75b).Intheenrl p:':J::gB::" [He] of Whose we have eahen," "Blessed is [He] Of Whose we hove eaten Amoraic period, it was resolved that they were not to be considered Jew etc. ") as an introduction to Bzroas Ha[Maeon (Rasfaj,. see Chapter Intro- (seeCfa"ZJjn6a).OurMishnahpredatesthatfinalresolutionandreflect =:=:= duction). See jidebez.nz6 yo7rofa and Rosfa for a disoussion of what is con- the Tannaic opinion that the Cutheans are considered Jews (Tog. fi B"Pn i,`5j sidered"eatingtogether";seealsoMishnah50aandOnacfaChafm193:2-4. YeJ"dch Hechasid, Tog. HaRosh). tD 75# n.1 iair` 2. Demaj is produce that was purchased from an ignorant person (om 7.[I.e.hecompletesthethree-personquorumandenableBustoreciteth faoarefz) who might not have separated all of the required tithes. It is zjmztr} blessing.] ;:g?,,?g:,:,bT,;;i Rabbinically prohibited to eat de77rof without separating those tithes The Gemara (47a) will explain that it was necessary for the Mighnfl i ,Blrt :„„', i," `t.3 i7jRP rTtp7v which are in doubt. See above, 40b. toteachthatalthoughonewhoeatsdema!j,etc.,appearstohave¢(}mmil P7r,`7 '`t,pl '`# 3. [Mcioser rishon is the "first tithe." When one completes the process- ted a transgression, the zjmz4n blessing that is subsequently recited i I,D, .#£,Btt i,BB not considered a blessing brought about by a transgression (RaeA!`,` fl€ ' ,D q7 'xp'| ,P'b5 ing of food grown in Eretz Yisrael, the requirement to separate ferz4mofa ) r)37 `t @1 '01D and mciaser (i.e. tithes) devolves upon it (see Mcasras 1:5-8). Prior to the note 10). [The Gemara (ibid. a,b) will also explain what tranBgrcrsio :'„B' separation of Je"m¢h, the food is fat;eJ and may not be eaten by anyone, may have been committed by one who ate mcaser righon whose f¢mumu* L#= including a Kohen. The owner must first separate approximately two has been taken or maeser sfaenE. or hefadesfa that were redeemed. Th Gemara also explains the novelty of the ruling that the waiter is eligibl '9pn 1" rmn percent (see Terz4mos 4:3) of the produce as terz4mafa, and present it to to complete the quorum.] I r! 1513,rs the Kohen. (This fermmafa is sometimes referred to as Jerz4moh gedozah, JP: ap ilcaingi i.e. £fa€ greaifer ferzcmch, to differentiate between it and ferztmas maaser, 8. FoueJ and the other items listed here are prohibited for consumptio [1 ,A Dwh] whichisseparatedbytheLevi;seebelow.)Afterseparatingtera4mafe,the I:¥iftBfi`9(a (see note 3). ownersetsasidetenpercentoftheremainingproduceasmaaserrishon, 9. [And he ate the maaser she72a. outside of Jerusalem.I which he presents to the Levi. He then separates ten percent of the p Jb rml 10. One who ate prohibited food is ineligivle to join in zzmz{&, Fuuthrm rem¢j7Dzng produce as 7"ouser sfae]tj (the second tithe), which remains in more, he does not even recite Bjroas HaMaeon on his own, for one doe his possession to consume but is sanctified and must be taken to 9,afpg,I:Ej:: not recite a blessing for the consumption of prohibited foods (f}¢mben SHELOSHAH SHE'ACHLu CHAPTER SEVEN BERACHOS 45a4 A?I? 1¥ - At least an olive's volume. I»iJ{ r7i]n? l?i - R' Yehudch says: n¥la? 1¥ - At least an egg's volume.[]3J Gem¢rn The Gemara seeke the source of the Mishnah's ted to raise his voice above that of the reader?[18] it?#!¥ opening ruling that three people who ate bread ''btp] ]]!¥! t]1FT.b#T! lai? nph„ - For it is stated: Ifoses tuoHJd together are required to join in zfmzi73 : 8pede and Gel wouRE respond to him with a voiee.r" T`ap •blp +!B J{!P - From where is this matter derived?[14] "blp?„ lptb llra?A - Now, it was not necessary for [the Torah] The Gemara presents two answers: to state "£th a t7oiee. [2°] ,,bip?,, luib "?a ,lp] -What, then, •pt5 ]| iDS -RavAssisaid: nxppll]] l" 'Ht`b|a,, It|P luS| does [the Torah] mean to teach by saying zo€th a zJo).ce? ibip? "lip! i»V - For Scripture states: I)oczare (plural) the grcaf- rtph b¥ - It teaches that God responded with the voice of ne88 Of Ha8han with me cnd, lct u8 exalt His Neyme together.TTbA Moses, i.e. with a voice equal to that of Moses.[21] IPF ]n?E l?i - R' Abahu said: J<?Bn - It is derived from The Gemara cites support for this ruling from a Baraisa: here: "]]lH.btt} b|-I ]]F ri|P# 'n t]ty lB,, -Wfoen JcoJl owf the ']B lra! Jt!?B - It was simflarly taught in a Baralsa: Tl# Name of IIa8hem, aserthe (rhardi) greaine88 to our Clod,USA JtilpB Tb inli ibip B1?}B? 7Ngi E]aibp] - TIIE TRANSIATOR Is NOT PERIMu"D To RAISE HIS VOICE ABOVE that of TRE READER. The Gemara derives another law from the verse Decha7ie the J<iipB i#? 1blp Bia}B? t]BiopE i¥?# .1{ EliF] - AND IF IT Is NOT greatness of Hashem u)ith rue .. poSSIBm FOR Tlm ThANSIATOR To RAlsE ms volcE To TRE LEVEL J<?# la T!q ]1. 1©¥ - Rev Chanan bar Abba said: ,i!iy! T?!» oFthe voice of THE READER,[22] J<iTp?] ibip ttilpB l#n? -THE tra¥ - From where is it derived, concerning one who answers READER SHOUID REDUCH HIS VolcE to the level of the voice of the "Amen" to ablessing, |t]PB |P lnll tbip Bla?I t€.bp -thathe translator AI`m READ. should not raise his voice above that of the one who recited theblessing? ''`iT! map n"l!] "t 'nE ]bTa„ lD#!P -Forit The Gemara discusses whether there is any possibility of two is grfuhedr. Declare the greatne88 of Ha8hem with rue and let u8 people reciting the zzmzt7} blessing: exalt lids Narr.e together.un lt?J]* - It was stated: nDS? lJ?¥V E]?!P - The subject of A related ruling is cited: two people who ate bread together T!TII I?t] ]t .al+? - is tT9 T? TIPptp 1?-I lt?# - R' Shimon ben Pazzi said: T1#P 1?!p a matter of dispute between Rav and R' Yochanan. IB¥ Ilo J{lipB TP lbi' 1blp a.?!B+ lJttyl.
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