EDITION — 1--------- VOL. X X X V III NO. 24. MAKNE WOODS, P H IL L IP S , M A IN E , JA N U A R Y 6, 1916. PRICE 4 CENTS closed! their houses and gone to North LETTER FROM are trout there we know, for we put IN NO. CAROLINA Cam lima to do winter business at that 31 adult 8-inch teauiti s t’ ere some LOCAL SHOTS resort, but the lake in its new fail j WAKEFIELD years ago; a few have been caught. IN THE WINTER of snow looks just as beautiful as of Now, gentle anglers, don’t all rush WERE BEATEN old. The view from everywhere so ------------ at once to this Lake expecting to have Proprietor Hill of The Belgrade white and charming against the back-1 Wakefield, Maas., Jan. 1, 1916. more than ‘‘fisherman's luck.” Some ground of the dark pines across the! To the Editor of Maine Woods: days they do, and some days they Mail Match Shot Tuesday Night Entertains the Children and lake. The cold weather of the last' Ice fishing on Lake Quannapowitt, don’t. Some days one bait and then Created Much Interest Carves the Turkey few days has again closed the lakes Wakefield, is yielding many good another, several of them in fact. which the warm spell opened anew strings of fair-sized pickerel and a You all know how it is. We are (Special to Maine Woods.) and the prospect now is that the us- few black bass. The ice is new conveniently situated on the Boston Androscoggin shooters wfere cap­ Belgrade Lakes, Me., Jan, 3.—Bel- ual amount of ice will be harvested about five inches thick, covered & Maine Railroad, Portland Division, tured by the Livermore Falls team grade Lakes lias settled down for the unless smother warm spell comes a- with snow. One four-pound pickerel ten miles north of Boston. We have in the first shoot cf the Lewiston winter. A number of citizens have gain before the ice gets thick enr and one of five pounds have been nearly thirteen thousand population, club. The match was shot “ through, landed Lately, and two two-pound fine schools and churches, several the mails,” that is, Livermore shot bass. Most of the pickerel caught factories, first-das® fire and police at home as did the Andro club and are smaller. The four-pound pickerel deportments, and social life raised tr the results obtained, by telephone di* was a handsome fish, and a smart tLe limit. rec.tly after the match. The range one. While the angler was busy The fishing and hunting season was 50 feet and scores were made with his traps, the fish actually Lu Maine having come to a glorious offhand. The scores were Liver­ wriggled to the hole in the • ice, end, I have ventured spin this let­ more, 120L, Andioscognn 1,148. plunged downward, headfirst and dis­ ter out to unusual length! knowing Whitney with 43 tost nosed out appeared as any sane pickerel ought fulll well how hungry you sporting Stetson by one point for high gun to do. The angler was heartbroken, editors must be fer “ copy.” I beg for the Lewiston club. though ail the while he had seven you will find space to publish the The Livermore scores were higher other good fish to his credit, all of capping enclosed regarding birds in .than Lewiston by two Or three legal length (10 inches) safely laid the woods and around our dwellings. po.nts to a man from Pushard, who away in his creel. We saw a string It. is clipped frem the Boston Post with 45 was high man to Wendafll of 21 caught yesterday This lake i of today. I am one of-the uncrown­ last man with 34. PUMP is one of the best fish . pends in ed (unpaid) deputies of the state and Eastern Massachusetts. It is one always take pleasure in doing work Androscoggin Rifle Club. GUN mile long by one-half wide; not over for the birds. Whitney, 555544444 3—43 16 feet deep in any place, soft bot­ Among, many other modem things Stetson, 555544443 3—42 The “ Good Old Stand-by ” tom and very weedy over a large worthy of mention is our overpower­ Kroon, 544444444 4—41 The gun that users swear by against all comers. area. There are no streams enter­ ing tax rate of $25.20 per thousand. Edwards, 555544443 2—41 Pick out some friend you know who uses one. ing it, cnly three narrow ditches We are almost a city; the political Turgeon, 554444444 3—41 Ask him about it. Let him show you the Solid Breech, Bottom Ejection—shells, smoke and largely overgrown and Impeded by cocoon is about ready to burst open; Kincaid, 555544433 3—41 gases go down away from your face; three Safety bushes and grass. Numerous open certain would-be banner bearers are Hammond, 554444444 3—41 Devices, simple Take-down, the Hammerless patches in the new first freezing grooming themselves, prior to don­ Pendleton, 554444444 3—41 feature. si’ ow the location of several springs. ning the ermine, and all indications Whitebouse, 5 54444443 3—40 Then when you are ready to buy it go to the Remins- ton-UMC dealer in this community. Vou’ll know him by The lake is easily reached by trol­ point to a lively contest at our prim­ Chase, 556444443 2—40 the Rmd Ball Mark of Rmmington-UMC—the Sign of Sportsmen’s Headquarters. ley, one line running along by and aries in February next. Our new Julia, 555444433 3—40 To keep your gun cleaned and lubricatad right, close to the east Shore, and Wiley's up-to-date movie theater is a fine J. White, 5 55444483 3—40 use Ram Oil, the new powder solvent, rust pro- 555444438 3—4 ▼ontative and gun lubricant. boathouse at the end of the park; one, seats about 1,000 and is located Hosmer, also Rosson’s boathouse at the head on Main street exactly opposite City Pottle, 544444443 3—39 Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. Hall. All hands come and see us. Abbott, 544444443 2—38 299 Broadway, Naw York cf the lake. About two months ago wTe planted five hundred adult white J. CJ. Hartshorne. Bly, 554444432 3—38 perch in this Lake, and two years H. Coombs, 544444433 3—38 ago three hundred thousand pike- Hibbert, 544444433 3—38 perch fry all alive and kicking. Next PROP. BLACKWELL Woodhouse, 544444433 3—38 season they Should give us same Waliugfond, 554444333 2—37 rare sport, as well as a splendid OFF FOR FLORIDA Haskell, 544444333 3—37 Pelley, 5 5 5 444383 0—36 PLEASANT ISLAND GAMPS pan fish. They grow in some wat­ ers to weigh five or six pounds each; Elliott, 554443333 2—36 HOTEL BLANCHARD On Cupsuptic Lake. Fishing une.. ^ , , „ , STRATTON MAINE „ . „ „ , , .. c • , , „ are smarter titan a black bass; slim Predicts Big Business for Season Delano, 544443333 3—36 celled. Best of hunting. Special rates _ ^ ___ _ ^ ^ t’ Randall, 544444333 2—36 In the center of the Fish and Game as a pickerel hut marked like a of 1916. for June, October and November. Jordan, 444443333 3—35 Section. Write for booklet. yellow perch, with fins like a perch. Write for booklet. Cushman, 444443338 3—35 WESTON U. TOOTHAKER, Prop., Two of these perch, five inches long, Mr. and Mrs. Dion O. Blackwell of HOTEL BLANCHARD, Curley, 4 4 4 443333 3—35 STRATTON MAINE. E. H. GROSE. Prop. Pleasant Island, - - Maine were caught last season. This lake Round Mountain Lake Camps passed has produced a few white perch of through. Phillips Wednesday en route Getehell, 444443333 2—34 twro pounds each; quite a Lot , of for (New York and Florida, where A Men, 444333332 2—31 five-pound pickerel; one black bass they intend to spend the winter. of seven and a quarter pounds, and Prop. Blackwell reports a very suc- Total, 1143 1 Mountain View House |tons of German earp, shiners, hern-1 cessful year with, his camps filled pout, yellow perch and eels. One practically all the season. Livermore Fails Club. Mountain View, Maine carp was captured at the outlet of The past year, according to Mr. Pushard, 45 | For further particulars write or address the lake which weighed 46 pound®; RHackweflil, was especially successful CooJidge, 43 its spawn weighed three pounds. We during the bunting season. The num Dalit on, 43 | L. E. B0WLEY, had two slices; its flesh, looked Like ber of his guests during the fall were Bartlett, 42 beef, texture fine-grained, and when more than double those of the prev­ Buck, Mountain View, » * » Maine.| 42 cooked with pork tasted not unlike ious year. The cause of this, he Adkins, 42 sword fish. A substantial screen feels sure, is the reduction in the Li­ Larkin, 42 was placed at the outlet before cense fee from $25 to $15. Cloutier, 41 Ed. Grant’s Kennebago Camps planting the adult white perch, just Mr. Blackwell predicts that 1916 Winter, before mentioned. will be the banner year for the sport­ Armistead, 1 41 Log camps with baths, open fires, etc. Best trout fly-fishing, both lake and 41 We have another smaller lake, but ing business in Maine. Robinson, stream, canoeing, mountain climbing, etc. Excellent cuisine. Post Office Ray, 41 and Long Distance Telephone in Main Camp. For rates, descriptive circulars twice as deep as Quannapowitt, Crys­ With hi® camp® already nearly all 40 and other information, write tal lake the source of our domestic booked he look® forward to a pleas­ Waite, 40 CD.
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