What is the reality of BAI’AT and SPIRITUAL REFORMATION? Hadhrat Mufti Ahmed Khanpuri Translated By: Moulana Abdullah Ghadai (First Year Iftaa Student, Darul Iftaa) Published By: Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah www.daruliftaa.net All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system without permission from the publisher. Title : What is the reality of Bai’at and spiritual reformation? By : Mufti Ahmed Khanpuri Saheb (Daamat Barakatuhum) Published and Distributed By: Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah 35 Candella Rd, Sherwood Durban, South Africa Tel: (+27) 31 207 5772 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.daruliftaa.net Contents Foreword ................................................................................ 6 Reality of Bayah ..................................................................... 8 An Easy to Understand Example ........................................ 10 How to Fulful the Rights of Allah ...................................... 13 Rights of People .................................................................... 16 The Reality of the Hereafter ............................................... 19 Adherence to the Prescribed A’maal .................................. 21 Tasbeehat .............................................................................. 23 Effect of Haram Food ........................................................... 33 Tawbah - The Only Remedy for Sins ................................. 34 Company of the Righteous .................................................. 37 Do Not Fall in the Deception of the Nafs ........................ 38 Keeping in Contact with your Shiekh ................................ 41 Silsala of Hadhrat Mufti Ahmad Khanpuri ...................... 43 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم احلمداهلل حنمده ونستعينه ونستغفره ونؤمن به ونتوكل عليه، ونعوذ باهلل من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيأت أعمالنا من يهده اهلل فﻻ مضل له، ومن يضلله فﻻهادي له، ونشهد أن ﻻإله إﻻاهلل وحده ﻻشريك له، ونشهد أن سيدنا وموﻻنا حممدا عبده ورسوله. أما بعد: أعوذباهلل من الشيطان الرجيم. بسم اهلل الرمحان الرحيم. َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ إِ َّن الذ َين يـُبَايعُونَ َك إِنََّما يـُبَايعُ َون اللَّهَ يَُد اللَّه فـَْو َق أَيْد ِيه ْم فََم ْن نَ َك َث ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ فَإنََّما يـَْن ُك ُث َعلَى نـَْفسه َوَم ْن أَْوفَى بَما َع َاه َد َعلَْيهُ اللهَ فَ َسيـُْؤتيه أَ ْجًرا ِ َعظ ًيما. )الفتح:١٠( Translation: Indeed those who pledge their alle- giance to you, they, in reality, pledge their alle- giance to Allah (because they do this to please Al- lah). Allah’s hand is above theirs (Allah approves of it). So whoever breaches (the pledge) does so to his own detriment (because only he will suffer the consequences). Allah will soon grant a tremendous reward to the one who fulfills the pledge that he makes with Allah.(Al Fatah Ayah 10) Foreword his book in your hands is a translation of guidelines for those who wish to spiritually reform themselves by Hadhrat Muftī Ahmed Khanpuri Sāhīb (dāmat Tbarakātuhum - may his blessings remain. Ameen) Apart from being an astute and brilliant academic, Hadhrat Muftī Sāhīb is also one of the foremost senior khalīfah’s of Faqīhul Ummah Hadhrat Muftī Mahmood Hasan Gangohi, (rahmatullahi alayhi) a world renowned muftī and spiritual guide [shāykh]. Many ulama, muftīs and thousands of people from around the world and all walks of life have quenched their thirst of spirituality from the deep ocean of his special acquaintance with Allah [ma’rifah]. In the recent past, it has been observed that Hadhrat Muftī Ahmed Khanpuri Sāhīb possesses a similar mag- netic force like Hadhrat Muftī Mahmood Hasan Gang- ohi (rahmatullahi alayhi). Ulama and muftīs around the world regard him as the “Crown of the Ulama”.Thousands of people from all walks of life have pledged allegiance for spiritual reformation [bai’a] on the hands of Hadhrat Muftī Sāhīb and as a result have changed their lives. They 6 made repentance [tawbah], started performing their salāh, reading Qur’an, and steadily ascending the ladder of ma’rifah. As a result, they now enjoy a good, wholesome life [hayātan tayyibah]. This is a well-known fact. We have observed that many people take bai’a with the hope of re- forming themselves but unfortunately do not succeed. This makes them lose confidence in the concept of bai’a. Bai’a is proven from the Qur’an and ahādīth. If one takes bai’a and does not benefit, that failure cannot be attributed to the bai’a itself. Rather, it is attributed to not following the guidelines of bai’a. If one purchases a computer and does not follow the manual, that failure is a result of his own negligence and not attributed to the computer. In this book, Hadhrat Muftī Sāhīb presents basic guidelines with practical examples for those who really wish to reform themselves. The translation of this book has been done by Mawlāna Abdullah Ghadai from USA – a first year iftā student of the Darul Iftaa. We also acknowledge the previous translation of this book by Muftī Muhammad Minty (hafidhahullah). We make duā Allah accept the translations and make them a means to understand and enhance the benefit of bai’a. Ameen. (Muftī) Ebrahim Desai Amīr, Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah South Africa 7 Reality of Bay’ah Bay’ah entails obeying the commandments of Allah Ta’ala.–that is, fulfilling those orders which Allah Ta’ala has commanded us to do, asking forgiveness for those acts which we were ordered to abstain from but we still committed out of heedlessness, and making a firm inten- tion to stay away from such acts. This is what bay’ah is. These two things, i.e. repenting over past sins and actions and making an agreement to not do them again, is the basic idea and reality of “bay’ah.” Reality of Repentance (Tawbah) There are four conditions that have to be met in order for tawbah to be accepted: 1. Leaving sins The most essential step is to abstain from the sin that one is repenting from. Repentance cannot be accepted if one is still indulged in that sin. For example, if a person is sit- ting in a place of impurity, and now he wishes to cleanse himself, the first step is to leave the place of impurity, and then take a bath to achieve his goal of cleaning himself. Even if all the water in the world was to be poured on him while he was still in this place of impurity, he will still not be considered clean. 2. Being ashamed (nadamat) The second step is to be ashamed and worried about the sin one has committed. He should be thinking: “What 8 have I done?”, “Whose order did I disobey?”, “I have dis- obeyed such a Mighty Being.” 3. Having a firm intention to abstain from sins in the future The third step is that he should have the firm intention in his heart that he will not commit this sin ever again in the future. 4. Restoring rights The fourth step is that he should think and reflect wheth- er the sin he is seeking forgiveness from violated the rights of Allah Ta’ala or the rights of a fellow human being. If he has violated someone’s rights, his tawbah will not be complete until he restores that right. Two Types of Sins Some sins are such that the sinner has not violated any- one’s rights. To repent from this type of sin, only the first three steps have to be observed. For example, someone cast a lustful glance at the opposite gender, or he drank alcohol. In committing these sins, he did not violate any- one’s rights. Once this individual completely stops drink- ing and casting lustful glances at the opposite gender, and is ashamed and worried about this act, and makes a firm intention to not do it again, his tawbah will be complete. The second type of sin is in which a person violates the rights of another. In order to repent from this type of sin, along with the first three steps, the fourth must be ob- served as well, which is, restoring the right of that person. 9 For example, someone stole another’s possession, or physically abused another. Thus, in order for his tawbah to be complete, it is necessary for him to not only fulfill the first three steps, but the fourth as well. He will then have to return the stolen item to the original owner and ask forgiveness from the physically abused individual. Without this step, ones tawbah will not be complete. An Easy to Understand Example You have an electricity connection at your house and some time passes during which you have failed to pay the bill. Because of this, the electricity company cuts off your power. Now, when you are trying to have them turn the power back on, you are asking their forgiveness and giving the excuse that you forgot to pay the bill and you promise that this won’t ever happen again. You are doing everything possible in order to have them turn the elec- tricity back on. However, even if they accept your apology and turn your power back on, they will still require you to pay the outstanding balance from the previous bill. They will not forgive this outstanding balance. The most that they may do is waive the late penalty fees. The original bill will still have to be paid. Similar is the case of tawbah. Tawbah will not be accepted until you fulfill the rights of those whom you have violated. Types of Rights There are two types of rights: 1. The rights of Allah 2. The rights of people 10 Rights of Allah As soon as a person reaches the age of puberty, he be- comes obligated to fulfill those commandments of Allah that previously weren’t necessary for him to fulfill or complete. For example, salah(prayer)and saum (fasting) become fardh (obligatory).If someone has the necessary amount of wealth then he will have to give zakat(alms) to the needy.
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