OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Volume 37 Rochester, N. Y., March 9, 1962 No. 18 RIT Debaters SC Campaigning Limelighters to Appear Attend Congress Set for April In Ritter-Clark Gym This past weekend, three var- The following students have sity debaters, Barry Winters, Bob been nominated by Student Coun- The singing group which has recently won popular Meagher and Hugh Franklin, cil as candidates for president a pproval will be appearing here. They never fail to prove represented the students of RIT and vice president of the student at the Joseph F. O'Brien Inter- governing body for the 1962-63 themselves hilarious, versatile, and above all, good show- State Debaters' Congress, which school year: men. was held at Penn State University. President: Don Lehmbeck This congress, now in its 27th The Limeliters, RCA Victor his devotion to The Group, could (Photo 3), Buffalo, N.Y.;George easily crash the matinee idol year, was attended by 80 dele- recording trio who will be ap- Murray (Photo 3), Norfolk, N.Y.; circuit, being an accomplished gates from 14 colleges and uni- pearing at the Ritter-Clark gym Don Quant (Elec 4), Rochester, actor with physiognomy usually versities, among which were N.Y.; Joe Wimmer (Pr 3), Mem- on Sunday, Apr. 8 at 8 p.m. have Rutgers, Fairleigh Dickinson, required in those circles. The 27- phis, Tenn. in two brief years become known year-old linguist speaks half U.S. Naval Academy, Albany, Vice President: Dan McGilli- as the "singing Mort Sahls" dozen languages fluently and Allegheny, Brockport, and others Barry Winters cuddy (Bus. Adm 3), Rochester, among the cognescenti of the from New York and Pennsyl- sings in over twenty tongues and N.Y.; Terry Sholley (Pr 2), Her- entertainment world. Not to be dialects. In addition, Hassilev is vania. shey, Pa.; Russell Trimble (El- confused with the rash of beard- a recognized banjo and guitar The legislature was modeled ec 3), Ontario, N.Y.; Barry Win- less college youths who have virtuoso. after the United States Con- Management Seminar ters (Photo 3), Penfield, N.Y. made a mad rush for the banjo Glenn Yarbrough, a vocal star gress, complete with caucuses, Presidential candidates are re- and the latest copy of "Sing in his own right before joining committee meetings and assem- Speaker Announced quired to have a 2.5 cumulative Out," the Limeliters present un- bly sessions where the actual the Limeliters, plays the classi- average and vice presidential hackneyed material in fresh, cal guitar and is the main solo bills were debated. The two Dr. Raymond W. Mack, chair- candidates a 2.25. modern arrangements. Each of singing voice of the trio. A lyric major topics were: "What pro- man of the Dept. of Sociology, Any qualified student desiring their numbers bears the hallmark tenor of startling clarity and cedures should the federal gov- at Northwestern University, will of professional musicianship and ernment follow to guarantee be the featured speaker at the to be a candidate for either of- warmth of tone, Yarbrough ap- sophisticated humor. In the words proaches each song with an un- civil rights to all citizens?" and fianl meeting of this year's 10- fice must submit a petition bear- or one observer, "The Limeliters affected simplicity that wins im- "Should labor organizations be session management seminar of- ing the signatures of 100 RIT are incapable of the musical mediate audience response. His under the jurisdiction of anti- fered by RIT, which will be held students, if he or she is not naivety that characterizes most versions of such old chestnuts trust legislation?" In both cases, at the Treadway Inn next Mon- nominated in Student Council. folk-singers." as "Molly Malone" never fail to a bill was presented by the day, Mar. 5, at 12 noon. Dr. Mack These petitions may be obtained Louis Gottlieb, bass playing fire up the most jaded "expense majority, and in the case of the will speak on "Factors in Social from Student Council representa- spokesman for the group, has a account" audiences. labor issue, a minority report Change." tives and must ,be returned by Ph.D. in musicology,which par- was presented. The resulting de- A member of the Northwestern Mar. 15. During their recent tour of over tially explains the professorial bate on which bill to accept was faculty since 1953, he has acted Campaigning will start off in 40 major cities, the Limeliters aplomb of his hilarious introduc- quite lively. as director of the University's high gear on Apr. 2. Election proved to be utterly unique among tions; these explanatory remarks, program for Bell System execu- events will include a coffee hour male "folk-singing" groups by Throughout the assembly ses- which fans have come to cherish tives and has been consultant to on Apr. 4 and the big election sions, the speakers were judged as much as the music itself, are starring in concerts — unassisted Air Research and Development assembly on Apr. 9. on their abilities as parliamen- deadly accurate take-offs on aca- and unsupported by other acts— Command and the Foreign Ser- Election Day will be Apr. 10, tary speakers by judges from the demic stuffiness. that were overwhelming critical vice Institute of the State Depart- Block students will receive ab- schools in attendance. RIT was Alex Hassivelev, were it not for and box office successes. honored to have one of its rep- ment. Dr. Mack is currently sentee ballots about two weeks resentatives, Barry Winters, vice president of the Midwest before this. awarded one of the four silver Sociological Society and Associ- keys, which designate the owner ate editor of Sociological Quar- as a superior parliamentary terly. speaker. This year's seminar, concluding Educational Film Monday, has been the most suc- cessful to date, according to RIT's Series Continues Student Deferment John B. Gibson, coordinator of The third film in the educational the program. During the series, series is titled "Fungi." It will be which began last Oct. 16, nation- shown on Mar. 15 in room E-125, Tests Scheduled ally recognized experts were fea- at 12, 12:30, 3 and 3:30, and is tured as speakers, and the semi- open to all. Applications for the Apr. 17 nar attracted a record number administration of the College of registrants, 69, from 34 area The film, lasting 20 minutes, Qualification Test are now avail- companies. uses time-lapse photography, able at Selective Service System photomicrography and animation local boards throughout the to demonstrate the importance of country. fungi in the world. Among other Greek Housing things, it will show how they Eligible students who intend to grow and get their food and their take this test should apply at On New Campus importance as converters of dead once to the nearest Selective Serv- RIT's new Henrietta campus matter, and also their economic ice local board for an application may have Institute-built frater- significance as a source of food, and a bulletin of information. nity and sorority houses. The as agents in food processing and Following the instructions in question is currently being as a cause of disease in plants and the bulletin, the student should fill studied by Institute personnel animals. out his application and mail it and fraternity members. immediately in the envelope pro- On Feb. 28 and Mar. 1, A. vided to: Selective Service Exam- Stephen Walls, director of Stu- Effective Mar. 20, 1962, the ing Service, P.O. Box 586, dent Activities, and a represen- break between classes will be Princeton, N. J. Applications for tative from each fraternity on extended to 10 minutes, be- the Apr. 17 test must be post- campus visited Brown University, ginning at five minutes before marked no later than midnight, Providence R. I., and the Uni- the hour and ending at five Mar. 27. versity of Conn., Storrs, Conn. minutes after the hour. According to the Educational Both these schools have univer- This change has been ne- Testing Service, which prepares sity-built housing for all fra- cessitated by the relocation and administers the test for the ternities. of the College of Business at Selective Service System, it will Joe Wimmer, Kappa Sigma the 50 Main St. W. building, be to the student's advantage to Kappa; Norm Ross, Phi Sigma and will be in effect through- file his application at once. Test Kappa; Tom Malloy, Tau Epsilon out the Institute as of the results will be reported to the Phi; John Walther, Sigma Pi; above date. student's Selective Service local and Bill Wieck, student repre- SINGING MORT SAHLS—The Limelighters will be on campus board of jurisdiction for use in sentative on the Housing Sub- This change will affect the considering his deferment as a Committee, made the trip with day school only. Apr. 8. Concert admission will be $2.50 per head, tickets to student. Walls. be available soon. Page 2 • RIT REPORTER • March 9, 1962 Latest & Greatest; Of all the George Whatshisname). barmaids in the world I think There has been an unfortunate Objective Accomplished! I shall never see one more gen- tie for first place of the parking erous than her ... This year's el- lot-naming contest: George What- Suggestions and comments from college editors repre- ection has the makings of a very shisname & Jim Stevens (Food senting 17 area colleges were the result of a day devoted to' dirty, dirty-type campaign: I Adm I); I'll figure something should like to resolve: "Fellow out before Spring Weekend; may- the better organization and use of college publications. campaign managers whomsoever be a date with Kate Smith or What was gained from the Third Annual College News- you be, that we not let this hap- something .
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