2005-2006 CCoonntteennttss Cowra – Your Council ................................................ 1 Fact File ................................................................ 3 A Word from the Mayor .............................................. 1 General Manager’s Report........................................... 8 Principal Activities................................................... 10 Expenses & Payments ............................................. 32 Environmental Activities............................................ 40 Cultural Awareness ................................................. 56 Works Carried Out By Council .................................... 59 Employment within Council ....................................... 60 Associated Organisations & Companies ....................... 62 Other Information ................................................... 63 Freedom of Information Report .................................. 66 Financial Statements ............................................... 67 CCoowwrraa –– YYoouurr CCoouunncciill Your Council Members - Councillors An ordinary Local Government election was conducted on 27th March 2004 and the following eleven (11) Councillors were elected to office:- Cr Bruce Miller Cr Ruth Fagan MAYOR DEPUTY MAYOR Cr Timothy Bush Cr Ian Brown Cr Lisa Evans Cr Christine Norton Cr Garry Starr Cr Jack Mallon Cr Alan Thompson Cr Robert Watt Cr Bill West 2005/2006 ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 1 OF 67 Cowra – Your Counciill … contiinued.. Every year the elected members elect a Mayor and Deputy Mayor. The following Councillors were elected to these positions in September 2005 and held these positions during the term of this report:- Mayor - Councillor Bruce Miller Deputy Mayor - Councillor Ruth Fagan Councillors are residents and ratepayers and share the community’s concerns about the quality of life in the shire. They determine Council policy and are responsible for planning its future directions. Whilst all Councillors attempt to make themselves available whenever possible, the Mayor has set aside time on Monday afternoons to discuss particular matters with individuals. Should you desire an appointment with the Mayor, please contact Council on (02) 6340 2013 to arrange an appointment. Further, should you wish to raise an issue with all elected members, Council conducts an open forum at 5.00pm prior to each Corporate Committee, Operations Committee and Council Meetings to give the opportunity to members of the community to address Council. Contacting Your Council General Enquiries Cowra Shire Council Administration Centre 116 Kendal Street Cowra Private Bag 342 Cowra 2794 Ph: (02) 6340 2000 Email: [email protected] www.cowra.nsw.gov.au After hours phone service: Council’s phone lines are open from 8.00am - 4.45pm Monday to Friday, after which a 24- hour emergency service is available by phoning 0419 219 231. 2005/2006 ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 2 OF 67 FFaacctt FFiillee About Cowra Cowra Shire is located in Central New South Wales, only two hours to the nation’s capital, four hours to central Sydney and a quick eight hours to Melbourne. The Shire covers an area of 2,800 square kilometres comprising the main township of Cowra and has a number of small villages including: Billimari Darby’s Falls Gooloogong Morongla Noonbinna Wattamondara Woodstock Wyangala Population Growth Shire Population 13,400 Cowra Town Population 9,500 Cowra Shire’s population is increasing, with an average annual growth rate over the last 30 years of just under 1%. The population growth for Cowra, based on past trends, is illustrated below: 2005/2006 ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 3 OF 67 Fact Fiille … contiinued.. VViissiioonn Cowra to be the most attractive & rewarding area in all aspects of life in rural NSW. MMiissssiioonn Foster community relations, actively lead, facilitate and ensure sustainable development and provide, maintain and extend Council services to improve the quality of life for residents throughout the shire. MMoottttoo “Cowra Shire Council – Creating a Better Future”. VVaalluueess We value: Sustainability Financially viable and environmentally sustainable outcomes Local solutions to local problems A long term vision Honest, open, objective and accountable decision making Community involvement in decision making Continuous improvement Cost effective & commercially competitive service delivery 2005/2006 ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 4 OF 67 Fact Fiille … contiinued.. Elected Representatives COUNCIL (Eleven Councillors including Mayor) MAYOR Professional Staff General Manager’s Office Governance Liaison with Mayor & Councillors Corporate & Community Relations Tourism Citizenship New Business Enquiries Japanese Relationships Environmental Corporate Services Cowra Operations Services Department Department Department • Development Control • Records Management • Parks, gardens & village • Land-Use Planning • Rates & Water Billing beautification • Compliance Inspections • Insurances • Noxious Weeds • Companion Animals • Accounts payable & • Water & Wastewater Regulation receivable • Council Facilities • Plumbing & Drainage • Customer Service including Caravan Park, Regulation & On-site • Financial Plans & Budget Cemeteries, Airport, Sewage Management • Human Resources Aquatic Centre, Materials • Zoning & Building • Community Projects Recycling Facility (MFR), Certificates • Cultural & Special Events Saleyards & Council • Health Regulation & Food • Civic Centre, Library & buildings Safety Inspections Art Gallery • RTA roadworks • Environmental Protection • Strategy & Growth • Engineering design & Regulation • Information Services • Construction & • Public Entertainment maintenance of roads & Licensing footpaths • State of the Environment • Depot Operations Reporting • Subdivision certification • Rural Addressing 2005/2006 ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 5 OF 67 AA WWoorrdd ffrroomm tthhee MMaayyoorr It is with much pleasure that I have the opportunity to present the 2005/06 Annual Report to you. In reading the report the full extent of Council’s involvement in the day to day activities of our community are highlighted and I hope appreciated. From the moment we rise of a morning until we retire at night Council’s diversity of responsibilities affects our lives from roads to footpaths to water to sewer to sporting and cultural activities and our future needs to planning for civic activities and the list goes on… The financial report fully documents the prudent management of Council’s funds; where they were raised and where they were spent. Some of the major expenses were the continued water mains replacement programs and the completion of the southern section water mains upgrade, the continued maintenance and upgrade of our shire roads with between $4.5-5 million being spent and the further development of the plans for a new sewerage treatment plant and the future major upgrade of the Civic Centre. Much time and effort has been devoted to planning for our future needs as well as trying to keep pace with the ever changing face of State Planning Laws. Amendment 14 to our LEP (1990) generated much debate with regards to the use of our rural lands and although the final outcome was not universally accepted it has enabled us to concentrate on the development of a new LEP, in consultation with all of you which will reflect the changing landscape of our farming community while preserving our very precious farmland for future generations. This process will continue in stages through the remainder of 2006 and be completed I hope in the latter part of 2007. The severe drought conditions have severely impacted on the economic activities of our farmers, their associated suppliers and service industries with an obvious flow-on effect to the broader community both economically and mentally. Council’s focus in this area is twofold, firstly to endeavour to communicate better with all affected groups to understand the situation and how it is affecting individuals and to offer assistance if possible and, secondly to develop a strategy for an emergency water supply if Wyangala Dam continues to fall. To this end we have refurbished the old intake well beside the river and we continue to discuss with Central Tablelands Water the longer term proposal of upgrading the water mains from Woodstock to Cowra. The proposed skatepark has also caused much debate and although the finances have been approved and the plan has been passed by Council there are still a number of outstanding conditions which have to be addressed before it can proceed. Other planning matters which may be of interest are the development of a five year rolling plan for all of our roads. We’ve had two road summits to date and an interim report has been noted by Council with the plan to be finalised in March 2007. A similar approach is also intended for our future water needs. Council and the community seem to be as active as ever in social, cultural and sporting events, some of the highlights for me have been: 2005/2006 ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 6 OF 67 A Word from the Mayor … contiinued.. - The 25th Anniversary of the Sportsperson of the Year Awards hosted by cricket legend, Mr Max Walker with local jockey Mathew Cahill scoring a rare 2nd win in this prestigious award; - The continued success of the Cowra Wine Show which is now firmly entrenched in the top 3 or 4 shows in Australia; - The Reading Bug Relay which came to town in October to encourage all of us to read and to read to our children and grandchildren; - Our Australia Day celebrations where we welcomed Judy Nunn as our Ambassador
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