.1R Acta Entomologica Sinica, October 2011 , 54(10) : 1194 -1203 ISSN 0454-6296 fria*Ilt0 2010 )17i±-13VIRIEtailf3)-* 1 2 -44-e, 1 3 71-PLI 4 / t 2 5151 2 * , J ,A /Pia 9 PJ / 'f=k / 111 1.1 I'-VAl441:"QtAltV0Pf./fl-M, 1311 510640; 2. f+5MIli)(1HtittNIP7 R, *fr1,114.109CP-;.ti:PAligMilf-IM.,!0:14.54, ItP: 210095 ; 3. 1$31'E -ViiitrkANIIRM, 13141.31: 526537; 4. r-4:-Wilii-Xtfitt11(.f1-1.-OFASf, 1s*ffii.X. 512005 ) : 2010 4116 )1 10 -12 H ,Q IA 'IP i+j , KifiMaffi1X. ;FIAT friA[FM; Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee) rrj fimoutexHmmmeovitg.:, ig-g;-.1g-)MriAAIIIIWMAMPAAV=C4OF-Mliq , HYSPLIT VOLT' }-*T ArcGIS RILti, GrADS, )(Mbi1V5,11111M MX*F9i :1) tr-b)Ellinfrit-4/A6 LittRTz-g11%.01qt31.A.fifqi ,-33)1i AK ttl'Afitlf ; (2) Ai Itn 11ik-A-friAVItiKrri3KIFAilf-_""Uklift: friAV-1-1143I-Miffit 4104 Ir*Rpf-rfii xlaritmais symtv, {iciffir'EU} tf it 1 WM- Mtifij-th [14.1 511J; (3) fra=6111- AOn tV111,ffiltj-}-11Srr-V.ff 1+41-c-RI, 6 rf {tit IT:JANA [11,3 VIA* 4tiff J I 41, ,11.1-Y; 8:4-WE , , tAlf'11:11M411JUl'in iYi of ft. iii: RiaS11-1-V ; ANNA ;1 r idL; +1t`11 411' ; JIMA 4' ®`13A=4: Q968 katui: A tg-''0454-6296(2011)10-1194-10 Analysis of a migration process and the source population of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee) ( Lepidoptera Pyralidae ) in 2010 QI Guo-Jun'LU Fang2, GAO Yan' , HANG Ju-Lin3, LAN Ri-Qing4, ZHANG ZH A I Bao- Ping2, L,U Li-Huai*( 1.Plant Protection Research Institute,Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Crop Diseases and Pests, Ministry of Education,College of Plant Protection,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095, China; 3. Pest Forecasting Station of Fengkai County, Fengkai, Guangdong 526537, China; 4. Agricultural Science Institute of Shaoguan City, Shaoguan, Guangdong 512005, China) Abstract : A typical great migration event of rice leaf folder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis ( Guenee)occurred in rice region of southern China and south part of southern Yangtze River during June 10 - 12 , 2010. In order to illustrate the population characteristics of the pest and further reveal the atmospheric dynamic mechanisms of large-scale immigration of C.medinalis, the migration process of C.medinalis and the atmospheric backgrounds that influenced the landing process were analyzed by using HYSPLIT, a trajectory analysis software for the simulation of migration trajectories, GIS ( Geographic Information System ) and GrADS ( Grid Analysis and Display System). We obtained the following results: (1) The population of C. medinalis in northern Guangdong resulted mainly from immigrations, but supplemented by a little local breeding.( 2 )Southwest of strong low-level jets carried large-scale invasions of C.medinalis into Guangdong. The involuntary landing populations of C. medinalis were caused by rainfall, the immigrants of C. medinalis landed obviously on the marginal rainfall zone such as Qujiang District, Zijin County and Fogang Couty, and the differences of the spatial distribution of the rainfall zone directly resulted in the significant differences of C.medinalis population densities that landed at Qujiang District and Nanxiong City.( 3 )Simulations of migration trajectories indicated that most of the immigrants came from south- western Guangdong. The double-cropped early season rice of this area with Yangchun City as the representative was in the reproductive stage in early June (flowering and filling stage to milk stage) , which 4t:Y91111: Mlf/LiAtthlk( 11k)1 .11-0Fxrjf (200903051) 1'rnt11: 9 .W$111, , 1985 , , fiffIEJII1,1ffJM.tdiliNaP,9111Bilft, E-mail: super qi@ 163. com *illifurz- Corresponding author, E-mail: Ihlu@ gdppri. corn IRK) H11)1 Received: 2011-02-14; A H11)1 Accepted: 2011-09-19 10 it)] 1W1E'4, filAtrit2010 vn-ka--UillRift.aN3r1A 1195 was deteriorative for C. medinalis as food, so this area could provide a great amount of emigration moths of C. medinalis to form the large-scale invasion into northern Guangdong. Key words; Cnaphalocrocis medinalis ;migration; population characteristics; low-level jets; trajectory analysis; insect source area fflAtn- Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee) I-11.4--V-IIIVJ7friAtiltlg#AVe310434H ZA11171(411.-#11-1niLYEAif:Aft'A. 2010; -4,2010), k-31' Ayr 1969 1977, 1980 1983, 1988 .9.-Eviasu-ri-mmi]nNif:ARIV'AtJI,Mfnt-r 1991 *112003 2008 4ii-ii.,.4A4N(Mgsrf-n3-K* Calf41-01PC ,2000;falgIlfrif-1,2006;j4-4A-1.4, A-4 2008),TMVft7frIxtfEV6-19], qb_017 TfriAtc-ritt4nitAtta4Mil, AK. AffR2010 WitreMil tiiitV4AA'A-Ao Xtfri.uttkffi 6A li=U nmvRM VArit0n)(1-EIIIHIM01107tV11,JEfriaa at ft4-tR ( nts.TAAtMs4. 2000), A._gP:TI-11.1I-APATPOWri<illtfILttf-11 HYSPLIT ArcGIS 31-ALIVOTR.At-tt4. Rfilit.1-WW-6=WalE GrADS fri#AA:n-VVVAltR-14Aisii)JiltAffIRAA#1, UjtjltffiVAARt-CfrsiPARVJRVI tl, 114.-MAK9MANO.AVItiKre,Ji.±A7431RA itliftf41:1A4M-. 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