~ .... 1948. PARLIAMENT OF NEW SOUTH WALES. I)F~PARTl\!IENT OF MAIN RC)ADS. TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT FOR Year ended 30th June, 1948. Ordered to be printed, 2 December, 1948. Wholly set up and printed in A ustralia, by ALFRED HENRY PETTIFER, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES. 1949. • 95367 -I 1948-330 [48. 6d.] DEPARTMENT OF MAIN ROADS, N.S.W. TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 1948. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. The Minister 1 SECTION I. FINANCE. Receipts and Payments ... 1 Review of Financial Position of the Roads Funds­ County of Cumberland Main Roads Fund 3 Country Main Roads Fund 4 Developmental Roads Fund 5 SECTION n. OPERATIONS. Review of the Main Roads System- County of Cumberland 6 Planning of Newcastle and District Arterial Road System 6 Planning of Wollongong-Port Kembla District Main Roads System ... 7 Country 8 Alterations and Additions to the Main Roads System ... 9 Metropolitan Road Widening Schemes 10 Road Construction- County of Cumberland Works 11 Country Works (Excluding Western Division) 12 Developmental Roads and Works ... ..., 14 Work carried out for Other Authorities 15 Road Maintenance­ General 16 Bituminous Surface Treatment, etc. 16 Quality of Gravel for Sealed Roads 17 Shortages of Plant and Materials ... 17 Roadsides 18 ~ Mechanisation of Maintenance Work 18 Shoulder Maintenance 18 Snow Removal 19 Western Division ... 19 Bridges and Ferries- Bridge Maintenance . 20 Bridge Construction . 21 Revised Standard Loading for Bridge Design 23 Ferries 23 Plant-- Central Workshop 23 Field Workshops and Plant Maintenance in the Field ... 24 Research and Testing 25 SECTION Ill. SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE. PAGE. Financial Position ... 26 Capital Cost 27 Traffic 27 Maintenance 28 SECTION IV. MISOELLANEOUS. Traffic Striping 29 Weight of Loads on Road Vehicles 30 Railway Level Crossings ... 30 Conferences of State Road Authorities of Australia 30 Instruction on Plant Maintenance and Operation 31 Acknowledgments 31 SECTION V. ApPENDICES. Appendix PAGE. No. 1 County of Cumberland Main Roads Fund-Statement of Receipts and Payments... 33 2 Country Main Roads Fund-Statement of Receipts and Payments 34 3 Developmental Roads Fund-Statement of Receipts and Payments 35 4 Sydney Harbour Bridge Account-Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet 35 5 Aggregate Statement of Income and Expenditure from the inception of the Main Roads Board 1st January, 1925, to 30th June, 1941, and of Cash Receipts and Payments from 1st July, 1941, to 30th June, 1948 . 36 6 Summary of Loan Liabilities-Main and Developmental Roads Funds... 39 7 County of Cumberland Main Roads Fund-Summary of Expenditure on Construction Works 4.0 8 Country Main Roads Fund-Summary of Expenditure on Construction Works 46 9 Developmental Roads Fund-Summary of Expenditure on Construction Works 51 10 County of Cumberland Main Roads Fund-Expenditure during the year 1947--48 on the maintenance and improvement of Main Roads, Bridges and Ferries 54 11 Country Main Roads Fund-Expenditure during the year 1947--48 on the Maintenance and Improvement of Main Roads, Bridges and Ferries "7 12 Proclamation of Main Roads, 1947--48 65 13 Declaration of Secondary Roads, 1947--48 65 14 Proclamation of Developmental Roads, 1947--48 . 66 15 Proclamation of Developmental Works, 1947--48 . 66 16 Length of Proclaimed Roads in New South Wales 67 17 Length and Percentage of Main and Secondary Roads Maintained by the Department and Councils in the Eastern and Central Divisions of the State as at 30th June, 1948 67 18 Expenditure on Main and Secondary Roads by the Department of Main Roads and Contributions by Councils from 1925-26 to 1947--48 ... 68 19 Peat's Ferry Bridge-Financial Statement and Traffic Statistics from 5th May, 1945, to 30th June, 1948 69 20 Metropolitan Road Widening Schemes-Statement showing Location and Extent of Sections which have been Widened and Reconstructed 70 DEPARTMENT OF MAIN ROADS, NEW SOUTH WALES. TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT FOR PERIOD 1st JULY, 1947. TO 30th JUNE. 1948. The Honourable the Minister for Transport, Sydney. In accordance with the pr.ovisions of section 6 of the Main Roads Act, 1924.45, I have the honour to submit the Twenty-third Annual Report for presentation to Parliament. The report covers the period from 1st July, 1947, to 30th June, 1948, though a few matters referred to are carried beyond the latter d~te for c,onvenience and completeness of record. MINISTER. During the whole period under review, the Honourable M. O'Sullivan, M.L.A., as Minister for Transport, has been in charge of the administration of the Main Roads Act. SECTION 1.- FINANCE. RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS. The total receipts of the Denartment during the financial year 1947-48 showed an increase of £740.000 over those of the previous year. The figures were £4,399,238 in 1946-47 and £5,139,238 in 1947-48. The principal increases were firstly in resnect of the proceeds of motor vehicle taxation (£202,730), and secondlv in respect of receipts from the Commonwealth Government on account of petrol taxation nQt drawn "by the State during certain war years (£398,830) and amounts'allocated for expenditure on proclaimed Developmental Roads (£120,857). The increased receints from motor vehicle taxation were due to the !!"rowth in the number of re!!"istered motor vehicles. These rose by 10.87 per cent. from 358,450 at 30th .Tune, 1947, to 397,410 at 30th June, 1948. The £398,830 received from the Commonwealth Government on account of petrol taxatiQn not drawn by the State during 1943-44 and 1944-45 is an amount voluntarily foreg-one by the State during the war years. New South Wales was the only State which did not draw the full amount of petrol tax due at that time and, following on subsequent representations by the State Government, the Commonwealth Govern­ ment paid the amount towards the end of June, 1948. It will be appreciated that this receipt is a non-recurring one. The amount of £120,857 rereived from the Commonwealth Government for expenditure on nroclaimed Developmental Roads is p,ortion of a total amount of £~82.000 paid to the State during 1947-48 under section 6 (4) of the Commonwealth Aid Roads and Works Act, 1947, for expenditurE' on roads othE'r than main roads in sparsely populated areas. Despite the considerable increase in the number of registered motor vehicles during 1947-48. current receipts from the prQceeds of petrol taxation in that year (£Ul'l1.637) showed only a slight increase over the figure for 1946-47 (£1,310,459) and this was due to the effects of increased restrictions in the use of petrol. 2 Payments on account of {)rdinary maintenance works increased by almost 12 per cent. from £2,217,746 in 1946-47 to £2,482,089 in 1947-48. Due to uncontrollable factors, the cost of carrying out main­ tenance works increased by approximately 15 per cent. during 1947-48, so that less actual work was done in that year than in the previous year. Construction payments in respect of ordinary works rose from £1,080,115 in 1946-47 to £1,326,986 in 1947-48, the increase being 23 per cent. Of that percentage some 14 per cent. represented the uncontrol­ lable rise in the cost of carrying out the works. In addition to the ordinary loan repayments due for the year, a payment of £696,096 was made from the County of Cumberland Main Roads Fund in the liquidation, before their due dates, of certain outstanding loan liabilities of that Fund. This action was taken with a view to the saving of the interest and exchange charges on the loans and having regard to the immediate cash resources of the County of Cumberland Fund. The table hereunder provides a summary of the operations on the roads funds during the year ended 30th .June, 1948. Details of the receipts and payments for the financial year and of the cash available are shown in Appendices 1 to 3. County of Country Develop. Compara- Heading. Cumberland mental tive total Main Roads Main Roads Total. Fund. Roads for Fund. Fund. 1946-47. , £ £ £ £ £ REOEIPTS. Motor Vehicle Taxation ..........................................I 529,769 1,724,567 ...... 2,254,336 2,051,606 Share of Motor Vehicle Registration and License Fees...... 10,800 1,215 ...... 12,015 30,264 Current Receipts from Petrol Tax .............................. 312,935 1,018,702 ...... 1,331,637 1,310,459 Proceeds of Petrol Tax not drawn by the State during 1943-44 and 1944-45 .......................................... 93,725 305,105 ...... 398,830 ...... Allocated for Expenditure on Proclaimed Developmental Roads ............................................................ ...... ..... 120,857 120,857 ...... Contributions by Councils ....................................... 243,639 6,035 ...... 249,674 244,043 Repayable Loan moneys provided by State Government... ...... 250,000 50,000 300,000 400,000 State Government., Commonwealth Government and other Authorities for Special Work .............................. 40,696 51,032 ...... 91,728 26,127 Hire of Department's Plant and Motor Vehicles............ ...... 269,018 ...... 269,018 191,400 Other..................................................................... 78,039 33,104 ...... 111,143 145,339 Total Receipts .............................. £ 1.309,603 3,658,778 170,857 5,139,238 4,399,238 PAYMENTS. Maintenance- Ordinary Works ................................................... 413,139 2,068,950 ...... 2,482,089 2,217,746 Special Works carried out on bebalf of the State Government, Commonwealth Government and other Authorities ...................................................... 1,714 4,004 ...... 5,718 5,427 Total Maintenance Pavrnents ............... £ 414,853 2,072,954 ...... 2,487,807 2,223,173 Construction- Ordinary Works ................................................... 444,520 781,279 101,187 1,326,986 1,080,115 Special Works carried out on bebalf of the State Government, Commonwealth Government and other Authorities ...................................................... 32,653 54,055 ...... 86,708 82,707 Total Construction Payments ..............
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