74 CRIFTINS. SHROPSHIRE. [KlLLY'S Trlckett Samuel, farmer, Grove farm Johnson Samuel, farmer, Gadlas Bowen Thos. jun. cowkeeper, Gadlaa Wiese T.homas, glass engraver Jones Thomas, fa.rm.er Hall Elijah Emanuel, cowkpr. Gadlu Martin John, farmer, Pentrecoed farol Johnson Samuel, farmer, Gadlas farm PEJ'Ij"TBlEOOED. Jones James, farmer EASTWICK. Jones Thomas, farmer, Gadlas (For other names in Pentrecoed, see Evans Miss, Gadlas hall }ranninJg Ellis, fanm er, Gadlaa Dudleston, ) Owen John Dorsett, farmer &; land- Strange Mrs. blacksmith Clay John, farmer &;butdher owner, Pleasant grove CtrLMINGTON is a village and parish on the river work, and' near the church is another but Qllaller Corve and the road from Ludlow to Wenlock, 3 miles camp. Edward Wood esq. of Culmington manor, who north of Bromfield station on the London and North is lord of the manor and Berbert John A1!croft esq, of Western and Great Western joint railway and 5 north- Stokesay Court, are the principal landowners. The soil by-west from Ludlow: the parish includes the town- is gravelly loam and clay loam; subsoil, gravel and ships of Culmington, Seifton, The Bache, Norton and sandstone. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oate and Burley, in the Southern division of the county, lower turnips. The area is 3,558 acres; rateable valne, division of Munslow hundred, Ludlow union, petty £4,597; the population in 1891 was 527. sessional division and: county court district, rural The Bache, I! miles west, Burley, 1mile west, and deanery and archdeaconry of Ludlow and diocese of Norton, 2 miles west, are townships, of which Berhert Bereford. By the Divided Parishes Act., a detached John Allcroft esq, is lord of the manors. part of Culmington was, in 1882, added to Diddlebury. Seifton township is I mile north-west, and has a The church of All Saints is a small and plain building Primitive Methodist chapel. Edward Wood esq. is of stone, in the Norman and Early English styles, con- lord of the manor. sisting of chancel and nave and a western tower with Parish Clerk, Richard Tomkins. an unfinished octagonal spire, t'erminating in a small Letters through Bromfield R.S.O. ; those for the hamlets spirelef of wood and containing 3 bells, dated res- of Bache, Norton &; Burley are received lihrongh pectively 1663, 1629 and 1663: the chancel retains a Craven Arms R.S.O. Bromfield is the nearest money fine double piscina and the stained east' window is a order &;telegraph office. Letter Box cleared at 5 p.m memorial to Mrs. Sandeman: there are sittings for 200 persons. The register dates from the year 1575. Church of England National School (mixed), with resi- The liviug is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £554, dence for the master, built in 1857, enlarged 1879. for net yearly value £540, including 38 acres of glebe. 95 children ; av~rage attendance, 65; Edward with residence, in the gift of Herbert John Allcroft Anthony, master esq. and held since 1891 by the Rev. David Erskine Carriers to Ludlow.-Francis, from Bach Mill, mono 11 Holland M.A. of Worce~ter College, Oxford. In the sat; ; Richard Pheyaey, of Munslow, on mon.; William parish is Norton camp, usually regarded as a Roman Partington, of Aston, mono wed. &; sat OULMINGTON. Overton Benj.mason &;assist. overseer BAOli'E. Bowen Mors T~pton J ohn, painter Bryan George, fanner Wood Edward J.P. Manor house Tomkins Richard, boot maker &;regis- Bamar Ann (Mrs.), faImer COJornERCIAL. trar of hiT<bhs&; deaths for Diddle- NORIl'ON. Cammell Thomas, farmer bury sub-district of Ludlow union La.wley Tbomas, Royal Oak inn; good BrOillllleyThomas, farmer accommodation for travellers, cyclists SEIFTON. Davenport Shadrach.head gamekeeper &;c. &;!Ib..oeing&; general smith Holland Rev. David Enskine M.A. to Herbert John Allcroft esq Lewis Geor.ge, Shopkeeper &;tall or (rector), Rectory Groom Artlhur William, farmer Lewis William, farmer, Medley park I COllOlERCIAL. BURLEY. Lockbart William, farmer Brig<ht Riobard, farmer, New house Childe John, blacksmitih Morris Artamr William, farmer Passey W.lliam, farmer, Manor farm Moyle Edwin, ...meelwright Morris Oliver, farmer, Langley villa Toonkins R. joiner &;builder Roberbs Charles Barlow, farmer CYNYNION is a township in the civil parish of WiIliams-Wynn bart. is the principal landowner. The Oswestry, and with Pentregaer, and a portion of the soil varies from gravel to clayey loam; subsoil, partly parishes of Llansilin (Denbighshire), Selattyn and Llan- on the lime rock and gravel and shale. The chief y-blodwel, was formed in 1844 into an ecclesiastical crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area of parish, under the name of Rhyd-y-croesan e it lies in the ecclesiastical parish is 2,105 acres ; and tbe popu- a mountainous district, on the verge of the county, Iation in 1891 was 401; chiefly Welsh. The area of the adjoining Denbighshire, 3! miles west from Oswestry, township is 785 acres ; rateable value, £709. The popu- in the Western division of the county, hundred, petty lation of Oynynion with Pentre-Gaer in 1891 was 193- 8essional division, county court district and incorpora- Pentre-Gaer is a township 3! miles west from Oa- tion of Oswestry, rural deanery of Oswestry, arch- westry. The scenery is varied and' romantic, and the deaconry of Montgomery and diocese of St. Asapb. Christ whole district mountainous. The soil is strong, mostly church, at Rhyd-y-croesau, consecrated in 1886, in upon limestone. The area. is 1,045; rateable value, place of a previous church built in 1838, is a small £666. building of 'Stone in a debased Gothic style, consisting Parish Clerk, William Evans. of chancel and nave and! an embatt1ed western tower Deputy Parish Clerk, John Bissell. containing 2 bells: divine service is conducted alternately in the Welsb and English languages. The register Letter Box cleared at 5.25 p.m. Letters are received dates from the year 1838. The living is a rectory, through Oswestry, arrive at 7·50 a.m, Llansilin is the average yearly value from tlthe rent-charge £202, nearest money order office, Oswestry the nearest including 9 acre'S' of glebe, with residence, in the gift telegraph office of the Bishop of St. Asapb, and held since 1879 by National School, Rhyd-y-croesau (mixed), built in 1850, the Rev. Richard Jones T.A.K.C.L. The Earl of Powis for 70 children; average attendance, 39; Misa Annie is lord of the manor; Sir Herhert Lloyd Watkin Elizabeth Williams, mistress CYNYNION. Jones John, shopkeeper Edwards JoIhn, farmer, Pen-y-bryn Jones Rev. Richard T.A.K.C.L.(rector Jones Bobert, farmer Edwards In. farmer, 'I'an-craigy-thew of Rhyd-y-croesau) Lloyd 'Ilhos. farmer, Cem-y-maes EVanB John, farmer, Hemblas Edwards AlIen, farmer }rorris Hu.,<>Ihfarmer, Evans Wm. farmer, ~ant-y-gollen Edwards Edwd. fanner, Cefn-y-maes Roberts Mary (Miss), farmer Jones Edward, cowkeeper Edwards Thomas, farmer WiHiams Hy. Cross Foxes P.B. Lawnt Jones Lewis, farmer, Gwerniduon Evans Maria (Mrs.), farmer, Forest PENTRE-GAER. Jones Sarah (Miss), fanner Guillam. John, farmer, Pandy Newydd )Iorris Joseph, fanner Jones Jane (Miss), farmer Edwards John, farmer Roberts Edward, farmer, Tan-y-coed DAWLEY is a town and very extensive parish on the court district, petty sessional division of Wellington. road from Wellington to Bridgnorth, with a station at rural deanery of Shifnal, archdeaconry of Salop and Horsehay in this- parish on the Wellington and Severn diocese of Lichfield. The town is lighted with gas Junction branch of the Great Western railway, 4 miles from works in Chapel street, built in 1857, and belong- south-east from Wellington, about 2~ north-west. from ing to the Dnwley Gas Company. The parish was Madelay and 5 south-west from Shifnal: it is in the formed into a Local Government District in 1876, bu~ Mid division of the connty, in Wellington division of under the "Local Government Act, 1894" (56 and 57 South Bradford hundred, Madeley union and county Vict. c. 73), an • Urban District Council has- been Ill- DffiECTORY.) SHROPSHIRE. DAWLEY. 75 tablished. The church of the Holy Trinity, erected in Medical Officer of Health, William Nealor Thursfield 1845, is a building of freestone in the Gothic style, M.D., D.P.H. Shrewsbury consisting of ehaneel, nave, south transept, north porch Surveyor, William Henry Bailey, Dawley road and an embattled western tower containinlf 5 bells: Sanitary Inspector, John James Bailey, Dawley road: there i~ a font of Norman date. The register date. from the year 1666. The living was declared a vicarage Police Station, Sergeant John Davies, &; two constables Dec. r r, 1866, average tithe rent-charge £6, net yearly value £300, including 3 acres of glebe, with residence, Public Officers. in t!he gift of the Bishop of Lichfield, and held since Assistanu Overseer, iWilliam Henry' Railey, Dawley road 1888 by the Rev. Thomas Richard Joseph Fawkes. Collector of Queen's 'I'axes & Poor's Rates, SIaney Callear, Here are Wesleyan, Baptist, Congregational, Methodist Dawley Bank New Conneaion and Primitive Methodist chapels. The Inland Revenue Officer, William Heas Market Hall, erected in 1867, and the property of the Medical Officer &; Public Vaccinator, Dawley District, Urban Council, is a square building of red brick, with Madeley Union, Sir Charles Buckwortb: Herne Soame an ornamental frontage and vaults underneath, and is bart. High street surmounted by a turret containing one bell and a clock, Registrar of Birbhs, Deaths &; Marriages, Dawley Sub- presented in 1867 by the late Lieut.-CoL William district, John 'I'homason, !High street; deputy, William Kenyon-Slaney. The market day is on Saturday, for Taylor, Chapel street the sale of meat, vegetables and provisions, and is well Relie.ving Officer, No.
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