Residents speak out on taxes and By Shlr'ey A. McShane School And at least 20 resl. teachers, urge return to 'real world' SlaH Wrller theIr own pockets and have dents addressed the board on Farms ICsldent Cmdy Pang Tempers flared and OpInIOns to newly elected ir~tee Sear~ ltors and an overstaffed central theIr concerns about property watched as others lo'lt theIr born asked the board when It clashed durIng a public hearing Jobs as part of corporate down Taylor's proposed budget reduc admInistratIOn" taxes, school fundmg, school plans on makmg budget cuts at last week's Grosse POInte slzmg tlOn package submitted to the Tho~e oppo~d to Taylor's spendmg, teacher salal'les, consldenng the Legislature m school board meetIng "I thmk It'S time the school board last month Taylor pro plan, lIke Greg Winne, the teacher dedIcatIon, the reputa. August voted to elImmate prop. BefOle votIng on a proposed distrIct looked at ways to cut poses to cut approxlmatIey 30 head engmeer at Monteith tion of the school dIstnct and erty taxes as a source of local tax Increase of 2 7 percent to and step mto the real world," percent from the dIstrict's ~chool, saId Taylor IS not aware the future of publIc educatIon fundIng for schools SUPPOltthe 1993.94 budget, the Mumga said. budget by pnvatlzmg support that a custodian does more A number of residents, lIke Superintendent Ed ShIne told boal d held a hearIng on Sept 2 "While prIvate mdustry has services, custodia] workers and than clean the bUIldIng He Vmcent Mumga of Grosse the audience that the dIstrict to receive testimony from the made cuts and changes, the ed- SOCial workers The plan has performs mamtenanw and re POInte Park, told the board first needed to have the 1993- taxpayers The boa I d Will votE' ucation establishment has be. not yet been discussed or can. pairs on electrIcal, plumbmg they work m pnvate mdustry 94 budget and tax rate ap on the mcrease at Its meetmg come the last establIshment to sldered by the board and heating systems and also and have had to make sacn proved. WIth that out of the on Monday, Sept 13 change," saId Park reSident "The focus of my plan was to plovldes bUildIng securIty, a fices. They've worked one or way, he saId the admmlstratlOn About 100 people crowded Margo Parker, who contended focus on the mtegnty of the prIvate company would not be more years Without a pay raIse, can then begm to formulate into the Wlckmg Llbl ary at that dIstrIct'S budget mcrease~ classroom and the qualIty of able to supply that kmd of ser had to lIve With less medIcal plans, develop scenarIOS and set educatIOn," Taylor ~aId, addmg Grosse Pomte South High each year WIthout any signs of prlOntles benefits, are paymg more out of leform that he IS trymg to ellmmate A number of people reacted "$40,000 yearly salanes for Jan. See TAXES, page 2A Your Community Newspaper Grosse Pointe News Vol. 54, No. 36 38 pages Grosse Pointe, Mkhigan Since 1940 50~ September 9, 1993 Week ahead Hunt Club State mediator fails to host Sunday, Sept. 12 in teacher talks, A ceremony will be held 10 Patterson Park m Grosse horse show Pomte Park to honor distrIct state LIttle League champI- fact finder sought ons in the 12.year old cate- By Jim Stlckford StaffBy ShirleyWriterA. McShane gory StaHWnler Issues of salary and cost con The ceremony will begin The Grosse Pomte Hunt tamment kept the Grosse at 11'30 a m The Little Lea- Club, an orgamzatlOn that Pomte school board and the 'Both parties guers WIll recelvP cItatIon has upheld the finest tram- teachers' umon from reachmg aWalds tIons of the equestrIan sport an agreement last week. agreed that getting smce 1911, will maintain Fans of equestrian sports can visit the Grosse Pointe Hunt Both SIdes agreed to bnng m some outside help Grosse Pomte Chamber that tradItIOn and host a re- Club on Sept. 24-26. when the club holds a three-day riding a mediator from the Michigan MUSIC wIll begm Its 30th gIon-wide horse show on the competition. Riders from across the state and the Midwest are labor relations department, might bring them season WIth a concert m the weekend of Sept. 24-26. expected to attend. saId Tom Whall, preSIdent of Crystal Ballroom of the The show, sanctioned by the Grosse Pointe Education closer together.' Grosse Pomte War Memonal the MIchIgan Hunter nders The club used to host offer kids a chance to learn AssociatIOn The medIator, how at 2:30 pm. Jumper ASSOCIatIOn, wIll the Motor City Horse Show, responsIbIlIty. It's a lot of ever, was unsuccessful m bnng Ed Shme Gerda BIelItz and Zelda draw riders from across the a class A event That show work to take care of a horse, II fi Oh superintendent Kell MIller will open the state as we as rom 10, IS now held m Bl00 mfiIeld, she saId, but rIdIng IS a lot 109Membersboth SIdesoftotheanGPEAagreementvoted program WIth by playmg IndIana and IllinOIS Sched- and has corporate sponsor- of fun The club offers pro. Monday mght to brIng In a fact before the deadlIne Sonata m A Major by uled events mclude eqUIta- shIp from CadIllac and An grams for rIders of all ages finder, who WIll lIsten to both Franck "If It'S not pOSSIbleto get an tIon class events and hunter heuser-Busch and expenence levels Colker Sides and then Issue a non agreement before the deadlIne, LIght refreshments WIll class events. "Class A events are for SaId don't worry If you want bInding recommendation then we try to get one before follow each program The In equitatIOn events, the profeSSIOnals," saId to nde, but don't own a \\Than saId the fact fmdmg pro school "tarts," <;ald Grosse publIc IS mvited, admISSion Judges Judge how the rIder Colker "That's where US horse - there ale several ce'ls could be lengthy Pomte schoob supermtendent 1S $5 performs In hunter classes, OlympIC team'l come from A horses owned by the club """"e canno\. set a deadhne," Ed Shme "If that IS not POSS1 Judges Judge how the horse horse .used m class A events that can be used by mem- he said "We are at thell' ble, there 1S a law that qay" performs mIght cost $100,000. A horse bel'S and those taking mercy ThIS could take several stl'lkes are illegal, so teachers Monday, Sept. 13 There WIll also be several used in class B events, on classes months because the fact finder return to work whIle negotla Jumpmg competitIOns. In the other hand, usually costs RIdmg is a sport that ap. usually IS allowed 30 to 40 twns contInue" The Grosse Pomte Farms schooling Jump events, nders about $3,000 to $5,000 peals to people of all ages, days after hearmg both SIdes to CIty counCIl will meet at 7.30 NeIther Shme nor Whall are Judged on the baSIS of There's a bIg difference" and can last a hfetlme, wrIte a report." could predIct last week how p m at the Farms city offices tIme and the number of The Hunt Club IS the only Colker saId The three-year contract cov. located on 90 Kerby long It would take for the Sides faults If a rider and horse place on the east SIde where The publIc IS mVlted to at. erIng the 530 teachers and 11- to reach a tentatIve agreement hIt a pole or knock off a post, people can nde horses, saId tend the show. There will be brarlans m the Grosse Pomte "Both partIes agreed that The Grosse Pomte Woods faults are Imposed Colker Grosse Pomters are no charge, but parking IS Education AssociatIOn expIred gettIng some outSIde help CIty councd WIll meet at 7 30 AccordIng to show commit- lucky to have a faCIlIty lIke lImIted The FrIday, Sept 24 at mldmght Aug 31. Members mIght brmg them closer to- p m. at the Woods CIty hall tee member Sue Colker, the Hunt Club In their program begins at 1 p.m of the bargammg teams for the gether," Shme saId "This on 20025 Mack The meeting class B events are for what midst, she saId The Saturday and Sunday school board and the teachers means that the partIes agreed was rescheduled because of might be conSIdered amateur She also feels that horses programs begin at 8 a.m. had hoped to reach an accord Labor Day. See CONTRACT, page 2A The Grosse Pomte school board will meet at 8 p.m. m Schools reject only bid for administrative offices the Wlckmg Library at By Shirley A. MCShane Grosse Pointe South High One bId was sumbltted on hononng the mayors' requests lett "We are a publIc entIty VOl'.I don't see the harm. Dur. School to vote on a proposed StaH Wnter Aug. 24 for $278,000 by Greg All bIds are off at 389 St. "There IS no comrmtment to withm the Grosse Pomtes and mg that time nothmg adverse 2 7 percent tax increase Nelson, a local builder The of- h ClaIr as the Grosse Pomte semor ousmg on t'--IllS board", Harper Woods and two of those dIS gomg hto happen, equestall we "are fer was for a land contract WIth saId preSIdent Timothy How- entItIes have asked us for a fa- omg IS ononng a I' school board voted unammously $78,000 at closmg and the bal.
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