INDEX TO SCRIPTA CLASSICA ISRAELICA VOLUMES I-XXX Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. I, 1974 (with Joseph Geiger, Daniel Gershenson and Israel Shatzman) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. II, 1975 (with Joseph Geiger, Daniel Gershenson, Ranon Katzoff and Israel Shatzman) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. III, 1976/1977 (with Joseph Geiger, Daniel Gershenson, Ranon Katzoff and Israel Shatzman) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. IV, 1978 (with Joseph Geiger, Daniel Gershenson, Ranon Katzoff and Israel Shatzman) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. V, 1979/1980 (with Joseph Geiger, Daniel Gershenson, Ranon Katzoff and Israel Shatzman) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. VI, 1981/1982 (with Akiva Gilboa, Ranon Katzoff and Doron Mendels) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. VII, 1983/1984 (with Ephraim David, Daniel Gershenson, Doron Mendels and Lisa Ullmann) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. VIII-IX, 1985/1988 (with Daniel Gershenson, Ra‘nana Meridor and Lisa Ullmann) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. X, 1989/90 (with Ra‘nana Meridor, Israel Shatzman and Lisa Ullmann) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XI, 1991/2 (with Jonathan J. Price and Lisa Ullmann) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XII, 1993 = Ra‘anana Meridor Volume (with Jonathan J. Price and Lisa Ullmann) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XIII, 1994 (with Hannah M. Cotton, Jonathan J. Price and Lisa Ullmann) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XIV, 1995 (with Hannah M. Cotton, Jonathan J. Price, Lisa Ullmann and David J. Wasserstein) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XV, 1996 = Abraham Wasserstein Memorial Volume I (with Hannah M. Cotton, Jonathan J. Price and David J. Wasserstein) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XVI, 1997 = Abraham Wasserstein Memorial Volume II (with Hannah M. Cotton, Jonathan J. Price and David J. Wasserstein) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XVII, 1998 = Abraham Wasserstein Memorial Volume III (with Hannah M. Cotton, Jonathan J. Price and David J. Wasserstein) Scripta Classica Israelica vol. XXX 2011 pp. 191-247. 192 INDEX TO VOLUMES I-XXX Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XVIII, 1999 (with Hannah M. Cotton, Jonathan J. Price and David J. Wasserstein) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XIX, 2000 (with Hannah M. Cotton, Jonathan J. Price and David J. Wasserstein) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XX, 2001 (with Hannah M. Cotton, Jonathan J. Price, David M. Schaps, David J. Wasserstein and Netta Zagagi) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XXI, 2002 (with Hannah M. Cotton, Jonathan J. Price., David M. Schaps, David J. Wasserstein and Netta Zagagi) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XXII, 2003 (with Hannah M. Cotton, Jonathan J. Price, David J. Wasserstein) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XXIII, 2004 (with Hannah M. Cotton, Jonathan J. Price, David M. Schaps, David J. Wasserstein) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XXIV, 2005 (with Hannah M. Cotton, Jonathan J. Price, David M. Schaps, David J. Wasserstein) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XXV, 2006 (with Daniela Dueck, Rachel Feig Vishnia, Deborah Levine Gera and David M. Schaps) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XXVI, 2007 (with Daniela Dueck, Rachel Feig Vishnia, Deborah Levine Gera and David M. Schaps) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XXVII, 2008 (with Daniela Dueck, Rachel Feig Vishnia, Ranon Katzoff and Deborah Levine Gera) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XXVIII, 2009 (with Albert Baumgarten, Daniela Dueck, Rachel Feig Vishnia, Donna Shalev and Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XXIX, 2010 (with Albert Baumgarten, Rachel Feig Vishnia, Donna Shalev and Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz) Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XXX, 2011 (with Gabriel Danzig, Rachel Feig Vishnia, Donna Shalev and Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz) Articles and Book Reviews: Alphabetically by Author Géza Alföldy , Pontius Pilatus und das Tiberieum von Caesarea Maritima: XVIII, 85. Géza Alföldy , Nochmals: Pontius Pilatus und das Tiberieum von Caesarea Maritima: XXI, 133. Eran Almagor , Review of George Cawkwell, Thucydides and the Peloponnesian War : XVII, 225. Eran Almagor , Strabo’s Barbarophonoi (14.2.28 C 661-3): A Note: XIX, 133. Eran Almagor , Review of Richard Wallace and Wynne Williams, The Three Worlds of Paul of Tarsus : XX, 312. Eran Almagor , Review of Daniela Dueck , Strabo of Amasia. A Greek Man of Letters in Augustan Rome : XXI, 294. Eran Almagor , Review of Martin Ostwald, Oligarchia. The Development of a Constitutional INDEX TO VOLUMES I-XXX 193 Form in Ancient Greece : XXII, 311. Eran Almagor , Review of Emily Greenwood and Elizabeth K. Irwin (eds.), Reading Herodotus: A Study of the Logoi in Book 5 of Herodotus’ Histories: XXIX, 101. Neta Aloni-Ronen , Hera and the Formation of Aristocratic Collective Identity: Evidence from the Argive Plain: XVI, 9. Walter Ameling , Eine jüdische Inschrift im Metropolitan Museum, New York: XXII, 241. Yehoshua Amir , Homer und Bibel als Ausdrucksmittel im 3. Sybillenbuch: I, 73. Yehoshua Amir , Qeokrativa as a Concept of Political Philosophy: Josephus’ Presentation of Moses’ Politeia : VIII-IX, 83. Yehoshua Amir , An Anti-Semitic Utterance of Pliny the Elder?: VIII-IX, 130. Moshe Amit , The Disintegration of the Athenian Empire in Asia Minor (412-405 B.C.E.): II, 38. Ory Amitay , Some Ioudaio-Lakonian Rabbis: XXV, 131. Shimon Applebaum , Domitian’s Assassination: The Jewish Aspect: I, 116. Shimon Applebaum , The Roman Theatre of Scythopolis: IV, 77. Shimon Applebaum , Benjamin Isaac and Yehuda Landau, Varia Epigraphica: IV, 133. Shimon Applebaum , Jewish Urban Communities and Greek Influences: V, 158. Shimon Applebaum , Benjamin Isaac and Yehuda Landau, Varia Epigraphica: VI, 98. Shimon Applebaum , Points of View on the Second Jewish Revolt: VII, 77. Shimon Applebaum , The Status of Jaffa in the First Century of the Current Era: VIII-IX, 138. Valentina Arena , Libertas and Virtus of the Citizen in Cicero’s De Republica: XXV, 39. Antti Arjava , Review of Uri Yiftach-Firanko, Marriage and Marital Arrangements, A History of the Greek Marriage Document in Egypt, 4th century BCE-4th century CE : XXIV, 310. M.T.W. Arnheim , Homeric Social Values: VI, 1. David Asheri , Review of V.P. Yaïlenko, Greek Colonisation, VII-III centuries B.C. The Epigraphical Evidence : VII, 129. David Asheri , Review of Joseph Mélèze-Modrzejewski and Detlef Liebs (eds.), Symposion 1977. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte : VII, 130. David Asheri , Review of Dionisie M. Pippidi (ed.), Inscrip ţiile din Scythia Minor grece şti şi latine : Volumul I, Histria şi împrejurimile : VII, 132. David Asheri , Review of Barbara Scardigli, in collaborazione con Paola Delbianco (ed. and trans.), Nicolao di Damasco, Vita di Augusto : VII, 133. David Asheri , The Art of Synchronization in Greek Historiography: The Case of Timaeus of Tauromenium: XI, 52. David Asheri , Review of José Miguel Alonso-Nuñez, La Historia Universal de Pompeyo Trogo. Coordenadas espaciales y temporales : XII, 217. Ernst Badian , Phrynichus and Athens’ oijkhvia kakav: XV, 55. Roger S. Bagnall , Review of Joseph Mélèze-Modrzejewski, Droit impérial et traditions locales dans l’Égypte romaine : XII, 200. Roger S. Bagnall , Review of Joseph Mélèze-Modrzejewski, Statut personnel et liens de famille dans les droits de l’Antiquité : XIV, 171. Roger S. Bagnall , Missing Females in Roman Egypt: XVI, 121. Philip Baldi , Review of John N. Adams, The Regional Diversification of Latin 200 BC-AD 600: XXVIII, 155. Barry Baldwin , Review of Leofranc Holford-Strevens and Amiel Vardi (eds.), Noctes Oxonienses, The Worlds of Aulus Gellius : XXVII, 166. Doron Bar , Roman Legislation as Reflected in the Settlement History of Late Antique Palestine: XIV, 195. Elie Bar-Hen , Les Sens Divers du mot Duvnami" chez Thucydide: II, 73. Elie Bar-Hen , Le décret Mégarien: IV, 10. Bezalel Bar-Kochva , Menas’ Inscription and Curupedion: I, 14. 194 INDEX TO VOLUMES I-XXX Bezalel Bar-Kochva , Hellenistic Warfare in Jonathan’s Campaign near Azotos: II, 83. Timothy D. Barnes , Review of Anna Maria Andermahr, Totus in Praediis. Senatorischer Grundbesitz in Italien in der Frühen und Hohen Kaiserzeit : XIX, 306. Timothy D. Barnes , From Toleration to Repression: The Evolution of Constantine’s Religious Policies: XXI, 189. Timothy D. Barnes , Eusebius and Legio: XXVII, 59. Raqui Milman Baron , Survey of Inscriptions Found in Israel and Published in 1992-1993: XIII, 142. Albert I. Baumgarten , Eduard Norden and his Students: A Contribution to a Portrait, Based on Three Archival Finds: XXV, 121. Albert I. Baumgarten , Review of Seth Schwartz, Were the Jews a Mediterranean Society? Reciprocity and Solidarity in Ancient Judaism : XXX, 160. Hans Beck , Review of Jeremy McInerney, The Folds of Parnassos, Land and Ethnicity in Ancient Phokis : XX, 298. Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen , Review of Elizabeth A. Meyer, Legitimacy and Law in the Roman World: Tabulae in Roman Belief and Practice : XXV, 168. Andreas Bendlin , Rituals or Beliefs? ‘Religion’ and the Religious Life of Rome (review article): XX, 191. Eugenio Benitez , Review of Catalin Partenie (ed.), Plato’s Myths : XXIX, 112. Moshe Benovitz , The Political Candidate in the Fifth Satire of Persius, lines 176-179: A Slave to Ambition or to Foreign Religion?: XXIII, 57. Miriam Pucci Ben-Zeev , Il movimento insurrezionale in Giudea (117-118 A.C.): IV, 63. Miriam Pucci Ben-Zeev , Alexandria ad Aegyptum: 117-119 A.D.: V, 195. Miriam Pucci Ben-Zeev , Review of Aryeh Kasher, Jews and Hellenistic Cities in Eretz-Israel: Relations of the Jews in Eretz-Israel with the Hellenistic Cities during the Second Temple Period (332 BCE-70ce) : XI, 184. Miriam Pucci Ben-Zeev , Greek and
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