>RIES BELOW FINAL •. Spay, wiody an* cold today. 1HEDAILY Clear t«l'cold tonight. Sun- Red Bank, Freehold EDHION ny tM cold tomorrow. 7 Long Branch 7 .'- (tot BtUlb, PM. » 9 /••• Monmouth County * Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 163 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1969 30 PACES 10 CENTS Sees Another 'Teapot Dome/ Threatens Court Action not repealed Monday by the subject to private ownership Hughes said the 290,000 paign extensively against the the land. The amendment He asserted: legislature, he will go to court until a New Jersey Supreme acres involved represents proposal this fall. would' establish' undisputed ti- "Not even the best- to have it repealed. Court decision in 1961 that property in 17 counties and "I'm going to take this Issue tle when the land has been informed voter could discern The governor said the lands said they were public, "represent nearly 400 square to the people in any case," he held continuously since 1891. from the question you have constitute an asset of at least, 'Bad Law' miles, or 5 per cent of the to- said. "This kind of giveaway In addition to the loss to the framed what is really at $1 billion that could be lost if That decision, Hiering said, tal land mass of New Jersey. is reminiscent of Teapot school fund, Hughes contend- stake. the referendum is allowed to "is bad law." These lands are larger than Dome." ed; the referendum jeopar- "He could not know that stand. And Assembly Majority the combined area of Bergen This was a reference to giv- dized conservation, fishing you seek to strip the state Qf But State Sen. William T. Leader William K. Dickey, R- and Essex Counties. They arc ing away of federal oil rights and wildlife in the Garden lands constitutionally ded- Hiering, R-Ocean, the legisla- Camden, said he didn't think eight times larger than the during the Harding Adminis- State. icated to our school fund and tive sponsor of the measure, there was much chance the area of Hudson County. tration. Hughes, in a four-page to hand them over to private said he didn't think Hughes legislature would repeal the "What are the financial di- A resolution approved by memorandum to the legisla- interests. had any understanding of the" referendum proposal, sched- mensions of this giveaway?" the legislature calls for a con- ture, called the language of "He could not know that problem. He emphasized that uled to go before the voters in the governor asked. "It is es- stitutional amendment to es- the referendum question de- the courts of this state have tidelands had always been November. timated that the reclamation tablish private ownership of ceptive and confusing. (TIDELANDS, Pg. 3, Col. 6) Garbag SHREWSBURY - The, pub- He said later that he will have, to be a cost analysis of puuuea vi uuuue ynue in* lic should be represented by recommend to the^Municipal the garbage collection .busi- ie PUC yesterday as a rep- two collections, Mr. Neff told creases that ranged from SO counsel at the current Public Public Service Coordinating nenesss "or any regulatory legis- seritative of both his bor- the PUC. • per cent to 300 per cent in re- Utility. Commission hearings Committee '— a nine-town latlatio; n will be useless." lgh and the MPSCC. He The PUC. Is under increas- cent years. and. the scheduled legislative watchdog group — that it pe- '""If you're going to regulate, Id the commission that In ing pressure from municipal "The margin of profit is too bearings on proposals for tition the legislature and Gov. youi have to regulate with a irewsbury annual garbage officials to seek regulatory steep," claimed Hillside May- regulation of the garbage in- Richard J, Hughes for nam- purpose,poi " he said, "and the Election costs increased powers over the garbage in- or Alexander Menza. "The dustry, Shrewsbury Council- ing of a public, counsel. He purposput e • should be to sold om $12,000 to $32,000 in the dustry. increases are arbitrary and man^ Roberta Neff said last will present his recommenda- pricepri s at some reasonable i-year period from 1958, al-, A line of local officials tes- we don't get a cost break- nigM. tion: to the MPSCC at ttiat ratrat e of return.. In order to lough there hasn't been any tified at yesterday's public down. Mr, Nett was one of -tht' group's meetings 1»ittte> Sil- do that, you must know the gnificant population in- hearing, calling for state con- NtW.'MrMjr municlp'al o«i- ver next Tttursday, Mr. Neff garbaggai e firm's investment, •ease. At the same time the trol over garbage removal "We're frightened about said.. •'?•'• " :<~':& an>d you must have a com- umber of bidden dropped costs to rescue cities and next year," he added. "They (scavengers) could come in dn who ittima at the Commenting after the bear- plete breakdown of costs and urn live firms to one, and towns from scavengers. tow the cosK increase." ' la service decreased ' and ask $1 million and what JngjTto Newaric yesterifay. ing, Mr. Neff said thtre jyffl Many of the officials com- can we do? Where do we me nearing was prompted by a request 61 Gov: Hichard" Ire KeABimk. MMdleMM. Eatimtoum J. Hughes' Wat the PUC look of St. Valentine's Day that brought these swans into proposals for legislation gather to form a heart with their long necks at that • would give the state agency power to regulate the Chicago's Lincoln Park Zop. ' (AP Wirephoto) industry. Hughes said sky- rocketing costs and shortage of disposal sites vested the garbage industry with a pub* MIDDLETOWN - The Be interest that should be Board of Education will re- subject to rate regulations by Genovese Dies, submit its defeated school the commission. budget unchanged to voters Commission President Bren- Tuesday, Feb. 25. dan Byrne explained at the The board made the deci- outset that the three-hour sion by unanimous vote of session "was not meant to Mafia Chief tain members present after a two- be an investigation or an ad- hour public hearing last night versary hearing" into the gar. But even in prison, Geno- attended by eight residents, bage industry. vese's power in La Cosa Nos- two of them newly elected Also addressing the com- tra, or, the Mafia, was so im- bTardTnembeisrAbsenlrfronr" yp mission-were-Mayor—John-E.- niensethat federal agent^ the voting were Harold Cope- the state legislature to pro- a. public meeting Monday Monica of Orange, who has pectetdd hihim of continuintii g to land,_who^sj!ntwon|_he op- vide property owners with night after the Board of Edu- been spearheading a drive for run the far-flung crime syndi- poses resubmissionwifBouT"-tax-relief, „ , -cationts-reorganization meet- state regulation of the indus- cate. • change, and Frank A. Braun, ing at 8 o'clock. try, afflt~Orauge'6tnihcilmea- Once called "King of the who left the meeting early, Board Vice President; Carmtae Copone and Qulncy Racketeers" by former Kew but stated'he agrees with the James Van Dover, reintroduc- Lucarellc; John R. Naisby York Gov. Thomas E. Dew- majority. ing the same two tax levy Jr., deputy mayor of Sparta resulted from' congestive - ey, he emerged as the Ma- Former Township Commit- questions for the $1,943,847 Township,, Sussex; Council- heart failure for which the 71- fia's dominant figure in the year-old Mafia chieftain had. mid-1950s after reputedly or- teeman J. Crawford Compton budget, said, '^1 don't see any man Walter F. Boright Jr. of 1 SMOW SCULPTORS REWARDED — John J. Moses, declared he is astounded at place to logically make cuts." ICenilworth: Batoli Sandor. been undergoing treatment dering the assassinations of Red Bank's director of parks and recreation, left; the board's "arrogance" in for more than two months. two major rivals, Frank Cos- resubmitting unchanged a A sole dissenting vote to Genovese, of Atlantic High- teilo and Albert Anastasia. Mayor Daniel J. O'Hern and Mrs. T. F. Kingland the resolution was cast by laken. lands, N. J., was serving a budget the voters have re- Gregory Guarino who ex- An attempt on Costello's life congratulate crafty brothers Ray and William Patter- jected, Mayor Monica testified that 15-year sentence for i traffick- failed, and Genovese's body- pressed his thought that the garbage collection costs in ing in-narcotics — the only ion of 83 John St., Red Bank, for fashioning the "I am astounded to hear voters already had demon- guard, trJKl for attempted, people like you entertain re- Orange increased from $188,- major charge', on which, the mupterTwas acquitted after biggest snowman to win the department's contest strated their feelings on the 000 last year to $288,000 this government was ever able to submission of the same bud- proposed budget.. Costello testified he. had nev- yesterday. (Register Staff'Photo) get when the people have told year, although acquisition of convict him despite numer- er seen the accused assailant "* you they want a cut... How Board members Lawrence land for a highway resulted ous arrests. He was indicted before. long do you think you can Schaefer, William Schlosser in 900 fewer homes to serve. 13 times. , (GENOVESE, Pg. %: Col. 8) continue to raise the tax rate and Robert Quinn were not 40 cents each year?" Mr. present. Compton demanded. In Tuesday's referendum Ho Irregularities MIDDLETOWN, Pg. 2, Col. 4 the $794,972 levy for current expense purposes failed 281- Youngman Advises Marlboro 222 and the $28,600 levy for capital outlay was rejected Found in Shooting 282-215.
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