THE DIAPASON JULY 2018 Summerall Chapel at The Citadel Charleston, South Carolina Cover feature on pages 22–23 www.concertartists.com 860-560-7800 [email protected] PO Box 6507, Detroit, MI 48206-6507 ,Z>^D/>>Z͕WƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚĐŚĂƌůĞƐŵŝůůĞƌΛĐŽŶĐĞƌƚĂƌƟƐƚƐ͘ĐŽŵ W,/>>/WdZh<EZK͕&ŽƵŶĚĞƌƉŚŝůΛĐŽŶĐĞƌƚĂƌƟƐƚƐ͘ĐŽŵ ANTHONY & BEARD ADAM BRAKEL THE CHENAULTS JAMES DAVID CHRISTIE PETER RICHARD CONTE LYNNE DAVIS ISABELLE DEMERS CLIVE DRISKILL-SMITH DUO MUSART BARCELONA JEREMY FILSELL MICHAEL HEY CHRISTOPHER HOULIHAN DAVID HURD SIMON THOMAS JACOBS MARTIN JEAN HUW LEWIS RENÉE ANNE LOUPRETTE ROBERT MCCORMICK BRUCE NESWICK ORGANIZED RHYTHM RAÚL PRIETO RAMÍREZ JEAN-BAPTISTE ROBIN BENJAMIN SHEEN HERNDON SPILLMAN CAROLE TERRY JOHANN VEXO BRADLEY HUNTER WELCH JOSHUA STAFFORD THOMAS GAYNOR 2016 2017 LONGWOOD GARDENS ST. ALBANS WINNER WINNER 50th Anniversary Season THE DIAPASON Editor’s Notebook Scranton Gillette Communications One Hundred Ninth Year: No. 7, In this issue, we are pleased to present a wide range of short Whole No. 1304 features for your reading pleasure and edifi cation. Yves Rech- JULY 2018 steiner, artistic director of France’s Festival Toulouse les Orgues, Established in 1909 provides us with a historical overview of transcribing music for Stephen Schnurr ISSN 0012-2378 the organ. André Lash gives us a fascinating glimpse into the 847/954-7989; [email protected] culture of the pipe organ in China. You will be amazed to learn of www.TheDiapason.com An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, the organ’s growing presence in that part of the world! And Brian the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music Gurley reports on the recent gathering of the Conference of church building and the Schuelke organ at Trinity Evangelical Roman Catholic Cathedral Musicians in Michigan and Indiana. Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Be CONTENTS In “Harpsichord Notes,” Larry Palmer’s good friend and sure to read entries featuring young organists: the East Caro- FEATURES colleague Beverly Jerold paints a picture of “actual” eighteenth- lina University Young Artists Competition as well as the work Transcribing for organ: A historical overview century performance practice. In “In the wind . .,” John Bishop of the Young Organist Cooperative. by Yves Rechsteiner 16 discusses the unique details of the consoles of several American Our cover feature is about a true work in progress, Cornell Baroque in Beijing: Alive and Well organbuilders, past and present. So many of us have sat at Skin- Zimmer Organ Builders Opus 135. This project, when com- by André Lash 19 ner, Austin, and Möller consoles, and even if the builder’s name- pleted, will transform the organ of Summerall Chapel at The Conference of Roman Catholic Cathedral plate is no longer present, we instantly identify the look and feel Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina, into a new instrument Musicians Conference XXXV: of these iconic consoles! Gavin Black, author of “On Teaching,” incorporating much of the existing fabric of the organ that has Kalamazoo, Michigan, and South Bend, Indiana, January 2018 is taking a short hiatus, but will return soon. been a part of this historic building for generations. by Brian F. Gurley 20 Further along in our issue, we continue our summer carillon Our work at The Diapason does not slacken in the sum- calendar, begun last month, for those who enjoy music outdoors. mer months! Each issue provides much to absorb. Share this NEWS & DEPARTMENTS And, once again, we provide a very extensive listing of organ and issue with a friend to introduce them to our journal. Consider Editor’s Notebook 3 choral recitals, especially in our international section, for our giving that person a gift subscription. Student subscriptions are Letters to the Editor 3 Here & There 3 many readers who travel far and wide in these summer months. an incredible bargain! If you would like for us to send a friend Appointments 6 Our Here & There section contains a plethora of news a free sample copy, send me contact information, and we will Carillon News 9 articles. We are all saddened to report the loss of the historic gladly pass along a recent issue. Q Harpsichord Notes by Larry Palmer 10 In the wind . by John Bishop 12 Letters to the Editor REVIEWS Book Reviews 14 Buffalo Catholic Cathedral enclose the two solo stops at the request when the work was done. This organist New Organ Music 14 New Recordings 15 I enjoyed the Andover history article of the incumbent organist. actually wanted to have a new eclectic New Handbell Music 15 in the June 2018 issue, but want to clarify The organ was failing mechanically organ designed and built, but was sty- issues about the 1876 Hook organ in the when Schlicker was hired. Herman mied by the historical importance of NEW ORGANS 24 Buffalo Catholic Cathedral. Schlicker was not interested in historic the Hook organ. The current design SUMMER CARILLON CALENDAR 24 The article implies the Tellers-Kent restoration, but a prominent organ histo- is the result of extended diplomacy organ company carried out major altera- rian persuaded him to not transform this and negotiations between builder and CALENDAR 24 tions in 1925. This is inaccurate. They instrument into a Schlicker organ. So, organist. There are observers, myself RECITAL PROGRAMS 29 did a cheap electrifi cation with pulldown work was done on it, but it was far more among them, that have regretted that CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 30 and stop actions and built an expression radical than anything done by Tellers. the rebuild was not done more con- box to enclose the Choir organ. They Some examples: wind pressures were servatively. No blame goes to Andover; did add separate treble chests to extend lowered, stops were reregulated to alter they did beautiful work, and did their THE DIAPASON non-mixture stops to 61 notes and added the ensemble, a schwimmer reservoir best to try and save as much of the old JULY 2018 two celeste ranks. The Swell Violina was was installed on the Swell chest. (Inci- organ while pleasing the client. How- lowered to a TC stop, and the Choir one dentally, it never worked properly, and ever, where is this organist now? Gone was on was a separate unit chest. The prevented the Swell tremolo from work- not only from the position, but working majority of the original pipes and all of ing.) The Solo Tuba was mounted on the in a non-musical fi eld. Maybe there’s a the wind pressures were unaltered. In top of the swell box in en chamade style. lesson here? 1939, Tellers’s Buffalo representative The Andover rebuild refl ects the Sincerely, extended the front of the swell box to wishes of the organist who was there David Snyder Summerall Chapel at The Citadel Charleston, South Carolina Cover feature on pages 22–23 Here & There COVER Events The Legion of Honor Museum, Cornel Zimmer Organ Builders, Denver, San Francisco, California, continues North Carolina; Summerall Chapel at The organ recitals, Saturdays at 4:00 p.m., Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina 22 free with museum entry: July 7, The British School, Jonathan Dimmock; 7/14, Storming of the Bastille, Jonathan Editorial Director STEPHEN SCHNURR Dimmock; 7/21, David Hegarty; 7/28, and Publisher [email protected] John Walko. 847/954-7989 August 4, Angela Kraft Cross; 8/11, President RICK SCHWER David Hegarty; 8/18, John Walko; 8/25, [email protected] St. Mary’s Cathedral, Ruffatti organ Rodin and the Impressionists, Jona- 847/391-1048 than Dimmock. The Cathedral of St. Mary of the The museum features 1924 Skinner Editor-at-Large ANDREW SCHAEFFER [email protected] Assumption, San Francisco, Cali- Organ Company Opus 455, of four manu- fornia, continues recitals and choral Methuen Memorial Music Hall als, 56 voices, 63 ranks. For information: Sales Director JEROME BUTERA programs, Sundays at 4:00 p.m.: July https://legionofhonor.famsf.org. [email protected] 608/634-6253 1, Karen Beaumont; 7/8, Christoph Methuen Memorial Music Hall, Circulation/ Tietze; 7/15, Kevin Kim, violin and Methuen, Massachusetts, continues Association of Lutheran Church Subscriptions KIM SMAGA organ; 7/22, Paul Fejko; 7/29, Anni- organ events: July 4, Samantha Koch; Musicians (ALCM) announces [email protected] 847/481-6234 versaries 1668-1718-1768-1818-1918, 7/11, Amanda Mole; 7/18, Carson “Hearts, Hands, Voices,” local work- Roland Voit. Cooman; 7/25, Clara Gerdes. shops for church musicians: July 14, Designer KIMBERLY PELLIKAN August 5, Christopher Henley; 8/12, August 1, Margaret Harper; 8/8, John Des Moines, Iowa; 7/19–20, Richland [email protected] 847/391-1024 Pierre Zevort; 8/19, Chase Olson; 8/26, Robinson; 8/15, Alexander Pattavina; Hills, Texas; 7/21, Sioux Falls, South Norman Paskowsky. 8/22, Dong-Ill Shin; 8/29, Colin Lynch; Dakota; 7/27–28, Minneapolis, Min- Contributing Editors LARRY PALMER St. Mary’s Cathedral houses a 1971 October 26, Hector Olivera; November nesota; 7/28, Knoxville, Tennessee; Harpsichord Fratelli Ruffatti organ of four manuals, 30, Christmas open house; December 1 August 1, Park Ridge, Illinois; 8/25, BRIAN SWAGER 89 ranks. For information: & 2, A Merry Music Hall Christmas pro- Vero Beach, Florida. Carillon www.stmarycathedralsf.org. grams. For information: www.mmmh.org. ³ page 4 JOHN BISHOP In the wind . THE DIAPASON (ISSN 0012-2378) is published monthly by Scranton Gillette Routine items for publication must be received six weeks in advance of the month of Communications, Inc., 3030 W. Salt Creek Lane, Suite 201, Arlington Heights, Illinois issue. For advertising copy, the closing date is the 1st. Prospective contributors of articles GAVIN BLACK 60005-5025. Phone 847/954-7989. Fax 847/390-0408. E-mail: [email protected]. should request a style sheet. Unsolicited reviews cannot be accepted. On Teaching Subscriptions: 1 yr.
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