Regis University ePublications at Regis University Brown and Gold Archives and Special Collections 11-25-1942 1942 Brown and Gold Vol 25 No 06 November 25, 1942 Follow this and additional works at: https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Education Commons Recommended Citation "1942 Brown and Gold Vol 25 No 06 November 25, 1942" (1942). Brown and Gold. 212. https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold/212 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brown and Gold by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL. XXV, "No. 6 REGIS COLLEGE, DENVER, COLO. November 25, 1942 PROM TO BE AT BROADMOOR TONIGHT ------------------------------------------------------------------+ Dance Location Switched From Cosmo Regis College Hosts Forensic League Exams Before Christmas After Charige in Gas Rationing Date At Annual College Debate Conference Final exams for the first Regis College was the host last+-----------___;::..__::__ ­ semester have been advanced The site for the annual junior prom this evening has been Friday and Saturday, November to the period from Monday, changed from the Cosmopolitan hotel to Ec1die Ott's Broad­ Dec. 14 to Thursday, Dec. 21 and 22, t()... the annual Rocky moor according to J. Donald K1: cGregor, president of the Regis Celebrates at 17, inclusive, it was an­ junior class. This, he said, was the decision of the junior class Mountain Forensic league confer­ nounced M o n d a y, when changes in the school calen­ after the government postponed gas rationing until the first ence. More than half a hundred Homecoming Bonfire dar for December and Janu­ of December. 'fhe Cosmopolitan was originally chosen be- ary were published by the debaters and speakers represent- The annual Regis College bon- ----------- ---=--+cause of the ease with which it Rev. John J. Gibbons, S.J., is reached from all parts of the ing Colorado State, Colorado col- fire was held Friday, November dean of Regis College. city, but with transportation now 6, at 8 p. m. on the Regis campus; lege, Colorado university, Denver This is a departure from Father Conway a minor difficulty, the Broadmoor with huge success. Pep talks university, Greeley State, Loretto the catalog calendar which provides the private atmosphere were given by members of the listed the examinations as of Regis' proms of the past, and Heights college, as a guest of the football team and faculty; and beginning Jan. 4, after the Attends Radio Meet league, and Regis College, con- several cheers, together with the Christmas vacation. It was is definitely the more desirable Etlso announced by Father spot-McGregor said. vened at Regis. Stein Song, were led by cheer liibbons that the Christmas leader Herman Faulhaber. vacation will begin Thurs­ NON-DECISION ROUNDS PRICE UNCHANGED After the bonfire, about 50 of day, Dec. 17, and will end on The schedule of the meet in­ the students gathered at the Civ­ the day of the second semes­ The price of bids remains the ter registration - Monday, same as formerly announced, that cluded three rounds of non-deci­ ic Center and formed a "snake Jan. 11. Classes for the sec­ is, two dollars and a half. Formal dance" rally. The line moved ond semester will begin at Sioned debating, two rounds on attire will be required tonight. Friday and one- round on Satur­ down Sixteenth street, through 9:15 o'clock Jan. 12. several hotel lobbies, and back to Tickets which were issued for the day; one round of original oratory, The previously set date Cosmopolitan will be accepted. the Civic Center. The forthcom­ for the annual retreat has one round of extempore speaking, Regis is to have the Broadmoor ing game with Fort Hays was .1so b e e n postponed, but and one round of after-dinner exclusively to itself tonight, and loutlly advertised by means of April 21, 22 and 23 are speaking. Decisions were not probable day,» for hoi <ling McGregor emphasized that the cheers and yells. made but the individual speakers the retreat, the announce­ dance is strictly closed to all but Credit is given to the following ment read. At the same time and debaters were rated individu- students and alumni of the col­ freshmen who devoted the Thurs­ that these new dates were ally as superior, excellent, good, lege. day and Friday evenings preced­ made known, it was urged and fair. A banquet was held that those boarding students Friday evening for the speakers ing the rally to \he building of who must travel · s h o u l d The chaperons for the prom­ The Rev. E. A. Conway, S.J. in the students' dining hall in the the bonfire: George Bucher, Ned m a k e tlteir reservations ·enade this evening are all mem­ Daly, John Gleason, Marion la­ early, because of the heavy The annual convention of the bers of the Regis Parents' club. Administration building. flow of traffic during the cina, Bryan Miller, Thomas Mo­ Christmas }Jeriod. Association for Education by Ra­ The chaperons are Mr. and Mrs. REGIS PARTICIPANTS ran, Aldo Notarianni, Galen Rowe, ,dio was held in Chicago on No­ J. J. Gonzales, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Among those participating in and Raymond Stewart. vember 10, 11, and 12, in connec­ Winter, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Faul­ the meet from Regis were, in de­ tion with the school broadcast haber, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond bate: affirmative, Robert Hansen conference. The Rev. E. A. Con­ Ryan. and Guy Reed; negative, John way, S.J., treasurer of the Rocky B e 11 and Francis ..Morriss, and OPA Accountant Lectures to Commerce Mountain Radio Council, repre­ Richard Brown and John Moro­ sented the council at the conven­ Homecoming Dance zumi. Reed also competed in ex­ Students During Delta Sig Assembly tion and presented the council's tempore speak_ing. Jim Sunder­ report to the national treasurer. land was entered in after-dinner The Delta Sigma sponsored a meeting the hbrary on Fri­ The director of the Rocky Moun- Judged a.Success speaking and Peter Albi repre­ ' tain Radio Council, Mr. Hudson, day, November 13, at which Mr. Frank Peel, an accountant The "R" club sponsored Home­ sented Regis in the original ora­ oqas given the annual award of the. for the O.P.A. gave an interesting lecture to a group of com­ coming dance held last Saturday tory group. Francis Morriss pre­ association for outstanding serv­ evening, November 7, in the gym sided as toastmaster at the ban­ merce students. The meeting was held io give the students a ice to radio. quet Friday night. better lmdcrstanding of the purpose and problems the Office was a huge success according to Joe Castor, "R" club president. Decorations for the dinner Fri­ of Price Administration faces. This dance saw a large percent­ day evening in the students' din­ Mr. Peel told the students that+ cos t of items controlled by the age of the student body in at­ ing hall were in charge of Gerald America is facing a period simi- board increased only .4 per cent, Choralers Sing Before tendance together with many old R. Wolski and Felix A. Blubaugh. lar to the days of· the first world less than one-half of one per cent. grads and friends of Regis. As Members of the reception commit­ war. In an effort to control some Uncontrolled items increased 16.9 was to be expected, the usual tee for visiting delegates were: Parents and at Mass of the problems, Congress formed per cent. number of alumni was not at the Felix Blubaugh, Frank Newton, the 0. P. A. The first days of its "The 0. P. A.," •said Mr. Peel, The Regis College Choral club, dance due to wartime conditions Vincent G. Cook, Charles. W. Lis­ existence were difficult ones, and "was formed for the purpose of under the direction of Mr. Walter and the number of alumni in the ton, Richard T. Verran, Donald even now their support is not too protecting the consumer." · Thus J. Ong, S.J., with James P. Hoare armed services. McMahon and Jack McMahon. good. To freeze almost every­ far, six biiiion dollars · have been as accompanist, has appeared Coaches meeting at a Satur­ thing, the 0. P. A. passed an PROFITS FOR JACKETS saved just on the purchase of war twice in the past two weeks, sing­ day luncheon set the tentative emergency price control act. This materials. "As you, the youth of ing before the Regis College Par­ "As is the custom," reported time for the next conference of act was passed to establish prices, today, wiii be paying for this war, ents club on Monday, November 2, Castor, "the profits made at the the league as next April and the to prevent increase of price, to any saving is welcome." in the Regis College library; and "R" <:lub sponsored dance this place as the University of Denver. prevent hoarding, to assure money The board has four main divi- again on Thursday, November 12, year will be used to help pur­ would get its worth, and to pre­ sions: price, ration, rent, and le­ at the annual salem requiem Mass chp.se letter-jackets or sweaters vent a collapse in ptices. gal. The price division is to main­ for the deceased of Regis College. fo~ letter winners in Regis Aylward' Transfers to DRASTIC STEP tain and control all commodities. Those who sang were: first ten­ sports." Castor also wishes to It was a necessity to take this This is one way to stop a further ors, Joseph J.
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