COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1993 SESSION OF 1993 177TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No.1 SENATE Ladies and gentlemen, the Ambassadors for Life, led by TIJESDAY, January 5, 1993 Barbara Chavous and Gwen Foster, Director, who will join us at this time. The PRESIDENf. This is the constitutional day and hour (A musical selection, "Battle Hymn of the Republic," was for the convening ofthis 177th Regular Session ofthe General rendered.) Assembly. (Applause.) The PRESIDENf (Lieutenant Governor Mark S. Singel) The PRESIDENf. Once again, the Chair is indebted to called the Senate to order at 12 m., Eastern Standard Time. Senator Hardy Williams for bringing to us the Ambassadors for Life. PRAYER PRESENTATION OF ELECTION RETURNS The Chaplain, Reverend JUDfIH A. McKEE, Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, York, offered the following prayer: The PRESIDENf. The Chair recognizes the Sergeant-at­ Let us pray. Anns. The SERGEANf-AT-ARMS. Mr. President, I have the o God, our Creator, we give You thanks for Your good gift honor to present the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Brenda oflaw by which You create order out ofchaos, community out K. Mitchell. of isolation. Renew the ties of mutual regard which fonn our Secretary MITCHELL. Mr. President, I have the honor to civic life. Grant wisdom, integrity, sound reason, enlightened present the election returns and the certificate of campaign speech, and understanding hearts to our Legislators as they expense reporting compliance for the Senators, the State Trea­ carty out the duties and responsibilities of their office. suier, the Auditor General, and the Attorney General elected We especially ask Your blessings upon those about to take at the General Election held Tuesday, November 3, 1992. the oath of office this day, that they may be worthy of the ministry of State entrusted to them. ELECTION RETURNS FOR STATE Bless our Commonwealth with good government, honest TREASURER, AUDITOR GENERAL, AND industry, truthful education, and an honorable way of life. ATTORNEY GENERAL LAID ON THE TABLE Defend the defenseless. Provide for the poor. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance; The PRESIDENf. The Chair thanks Secretary Mitchell prejudice and fear; and from every evil course ofaction. Make for the returns for the State Treasurer, Auditor General, and us who corne from many traditions, races, and nations a united Attorney General, and these will lay upon the table. people, and enable us to seek the common good. Give us a vision ofYour kingdom in which there is justice, ELECTION RETURNS OF SENATORS righteousness, peace, and freedom for all, and give us the cour­ The PRESIDENf. The returns ofthe Senators will be read age to act on that vision. by the Clerk. Bless now this Assembly and the work which it does, that The Clerk read the election returns as follows: Your will may be done among us. In Jesus' name. Amen. FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT Philadelphia Vincent J. Furno (D) 67,866 The PRESIDENf. The Chair thanks Reverend McKee, who Karl H. Desimone (R) 22,112 is the guest this day of Senator Mellow and Senator Bortner. THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS Philadelphia Roxanne H. Jones (0) 59,437 MUSICAL PRESENTATION BY Michael G. Floyd (R) 13,295 AMBASSADORS FOR LIFE FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT The PRESIDENf. At this time, the Chair is very pleased to Philadelphia Hank Salvatore (R) 52,211 announce that as a special order of business and through the Michael J. Stack, III (D) 44,362 good graces of Senator Hardy Williams from Philadelphia, we SEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT have with us a quartet to sing just a few patriotic selections. Philadelphia Chaka Fattah (D) 66,330 Lawrenc:e R. WatsoD, n (R) 14,733 2 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL - SENATE JANUARY 5, NINTII SENATORIAL DISTRICT FORlY-SEVENTII SENATORIAL DISTRICT Delaware Clarence D. Bell (R) 61,468 Beaver Gerald J. laValle (DIR) 92,444 Mary Ellen Mclaughlin (0) 37,395 FORlY-NINTII SENATORIAL DISTRICT ELEVENTII SENATORIAL DISTRICT Erie Anthony BU7Z Andrezeski (0) 54,089 Berks Michael A. O'Pake (D) 60,038 Steven M Brooder (R) 43,885 Joyce O'Brien (R) 27,267 Whereupon, the following named persons were declared TIIIRTEENTII SENATORIAL DISTRICT duly elected Senators in the General Assembly of the Com- Lancaster Gibson E. Annstrong (R) 54,478 monwealth of Pennsylvania: Joanne A. Petitto (D) 30,572 First District-Vincent 1. Furno FIFTEENTII SENATORIAL DISTRICT Dauphin John J. Shumaker (R) 56,389 Third District-Roxanne H. Jones Dave Tamanini (D) 39,196 Fifth District-Hank Salvatore Seventh District-ehaka Fattah SEVENTEENTII SENATORIAL DISTRICT Montgomery Richard A. Tilghman (R) 66,728 Ninth District-Clarence D. Bell Joe Gambescia (D) 44,121 Eleventh District-Michael A. O'Pake Thirteenth District-Gibson E. Annstrong NINETEENTII SENATORIAL DISTRICT Fifteenth District-John J. Shumaker Chester Earl M Baker (R) 66,090 Joseph S. Magid (D) 37,197 Seventeenth District-Richard A. Tilghman Nineteenth District-Earl M. Baker 1WENlY-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT Twenty-first District-Tim Shaffer Butler Tim Shaffer (R) 62,628 Rich Bartchy (D) 27,734 Twenty-third District-Roger A. Madigan Twenty-fifth District-John E. Peterson TWENlY-TIIIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT Twenty-seventh District-Edward W. Helfrick Bradford Roger A. Madigan (R) 60,632 Twenty-ninth District-James J. Rhoades Union Hany A. Vansickle (D) 22,938 Thirty-first District-Hal Mowery 1WEN1Y-FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Thirty-third District-Terry Punt Venango John E. Peterson (R) 52,137 Thirty-fifth District-William 1. Stewart Clearfield Howard Shakespeare (D) 36,341 Thirty-seventh District-Mike Fisher 1WEN1Y-SEVENTII SENATORIAL DISTRICT Thirty-ninth District-Gene Porterfield Northumberland Edward W. Helfrick (R) 49,695 Forty-first District-Patrick J. Stapleton Thomas E. Hennan (D) 33,822 Montour Forty-third District-Michael M. Dawida 1WENlY-NINTII SENATORIAL DISTRICT Forty-fifth District-Albert V. Belan Schuylkill James 1. Rhoades (OIR) 86,727 Forty-seventh District-Gerald J. LaValle TIIIRlY-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT Forty-ninth District-Anthony Buzz Andrezeski Cumberland Hal Mowery (R) 49,755 Robert H. Fowler (0) 42,350 STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT TIIIRlY-TIIIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT The PRESIDENT. For the record, the Chair has been in- FI8Dklin Teny Punt (DIR) 79,307 formed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth that all of the TIIIRlY-FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Senators-elect have filed in her office the accounts and affida- Cambria William J. Stewart (D) 64,489 vits as required by the Act of June 3, 1937, P.L. 1333, Section Tony Joseph (R) 28,407 1632. TIIIRlY-SEVENTII SENATORIAL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE Allegheny Mike Fisher (R) 75,312 Vincent Sortino (0) 37,735 The PRESIDENT. The next order of business win be the TIIIRlY-NINTII SENATORIAL DISTRICT administration ofthe oath of office to the newly elected Sena- Westmoreland Gene Porterfield (0) 50,624 tors. It is a distinct honor and privilege to have with us two Mike Smith (R) 39,883 distinguished judges - Judge James R Kelley ofthe Common- wealth Court ofPennsylvania, and Judge James R Cavanaugh FORlY-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT Indiana Patrick 1. Stapleton (D) 51,186 ofthe Superior Court of Pennsylvania. These gentlemen have Lance Alexander (R) 36,738 kindly consented to come here today to administer the oath of office to the Senators-elect and to the officers, in accordance FORlY-TIIIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT with Article Section 3, oftbe Constitution ofPennsylvania. Allegheny Michael M Dawida (D) 71,274 VI, Linda Dilonardo Schlegel (R) 26,912 We will now proceed to the administration of the oath of office to the Democratic Senators-elect by Judge Kelley. FORlY-FIFTII SENATORIAL DISTRICT Allegheny Albert V. Belan (D) 67,462 1993 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL - SENATE 3 Will the Democratic Senators-elect please present them­ selves in front ofthe rostrom. Please bring with you the Bibles SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS which have been placed on your desks. Would all please rise. RESIGNATION OF I have the honor ofpresenting Judge Kelley, who will now SENATOR JAMES GREENWOOD administer the oath ofoffice to the Democratic Senators-elect. The PRESIDENT. As a special order ofbusiness, the Clerk Judge KELLEY. Thank you, Mr. President. will read the following correspondence from Senator Green­ I do not need to recite the pleasure and honor it is for any wood: jurist to render the oath to those discharging the public trust. (The following correspondence was made a part of the re­ and particularly for me, having selVed here many years, it is cord at the request of the President:) a personal honor. I would ask you, when I ask you to give your name, that January 4, 1993 you recite it just as the Clerk did in the reading ofthe certifi­ Lieutenant Governor Singel cation ofelections. And, likewise, the Constitution allows you 200 Main Capitol Building to either swear or affirm, so when I do that you will make Harrisbmg, Pa 17120 your choice. I ask you to please place your left hand on your Bible and Dear Mark: raise your right hand and repeat after me: As you know, tomorrow at noon I will take the oath of office as I, (your name), do solemnly swear or affirm that I will obey a Representative in the United States Congress. Pennsylvania's and defend the Constitution ofthe United States and the Con­ Constitution prohibits a Member of Congress from serving in the State Senate, so I hereby tender my resignation from the Senate stitution of Pennsylvania, and that I will discharge the duties effective at noon, January 5, 1993. of my office with fidelity. It has been an honor and my great privilege to represent Bucks Sworn. County in the Senate. I thank you, as well as my colleagues on both (Applause.) 'sides ofthe aisle and all of the Senate staff for the help and courtesy The PRESIDENT.
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