HOUSE RECORD Second Year of the 166th General Court State of Calendar and Journal of the 2020 Session New Hampshire Web Site Address: www.gencourt.state.nh.us Vol. 42 Concord, N.H. Wednesday, January 8, 2020 No. 1X HOUSE JOURNAL NO. 23 (Cont’d) Wednesday, September 25, 2019 (Speaker Shurtleff in the Chair) COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS The Speaker made the following committee assignments: Rep. Vose on the Committee on Science, Technology and Energy. Rep. Webb off the Committee on Science, Technology and Energy and on the Committee on Fish and Game and Marine Resources. Rep. Burt off the Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety and on the Committee on Executive De- partments and Administration. Rep. Horn off the Committee on Finance and on the Committee on Children and Family Law. Rep. Tony Lekas on the Committee on Municipal and County Government. Rep. Lucas on the Committee on State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs. Rep. Roy off the Committee on Executive Departments and Administration and on the Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety. SENATE MESSAGE The following entitled House Resolutions sent up from the House of Representatives were not admitted into the Senate under Senate Rule 3-26: HCR 2, requesting an investigation on whether opioids, benzodiazepines, and exposure to agent orange con- tribute to suicides by veterans. HCR 3, relative to welcoming communities. HCR 4, encouraging media outlets not to broadcast the name or image of a suspected perpetrator of a mass shooting. HCR 5, requesting the United States Congress to propose a constitutional amendment to reverse the ruling of the United States Supreme Court in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. HCR 7, urging the president and congress to adopt a policy renouncing the first use of nuclear weapons. HJR 2, recommending and requesting the president of the United States and the United States Congress to exclude the state of New Hampshire from offshore oil and gas drilling and exploration activities. RECESS The recessed Session of September 25, 2019 was called to order by the Speaker on January 8, 2020. Prayer was offered by House Chaplain, Reverend Kate Atkinson, Rector of St. Paul’s Church in Concord. Eternal God; God of new beginnings as we enter this new year, full of promise and possibilities, give us 2020 vision! Help us to recognize what You may be calling us to do, the discoveries and actions You may be guiding us to. Help us to see how You may be urging us to make changes in our own lives, or to bring about change for the good in the lives of others. Help us to acknowledge the dazzling truth that, with Your help and inspiration, we can change the world! Give us the clarity of insight we need to focus on what really matters as this new decade unfolds. Help us to put aside our personal desires and to embrace the needs of our shared world. Give us a longing for healing: healing of divisions - between individuals, communities, and nations; healing of societies torn apart by poverty, homelessness, violence, and addiction; healing of our world, this beautiful, fragile planet, our island home, and healing for ourselves - for broken hearts, shattered dreams, and unresolved hurts, that hold us back from being the people You created us to be. Give us 2020 vision, O God, enlighten the eyes of our hearts, and make us whole. Amen. Representative Linda DiSilvestro, member from Manchester, led the Pledge of Allegiance. The National Anthem was sung by US Air Force Master Sergeant Clint Yager of Manchester. 2 8 JANUARY 2020 HOUSE RECORD LEAVES OF ABSENCE Reps. Steven Beaudoin, Langley, Martin, Nutting-Wong and Radhakrishnan, the day, illness. Reps. Espitia, Harrington, Huot, Lang, Loughman, Myler, Southworth and Varney, the day, important business. Reps. L’Heureux and Viens, the day, illness in the family. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Shane Coughlin, guest of Rep. Rice. Liam McVitee, guest of Rep. Opderbecke. C. David, Marylaine, Dave, James and Samantha Hobson, in-laws, husband, son and daughter of Rep. Hobson. The Honorable Dan Itse, former member from Fremont, and the Honorable J.R. Hoell, former member from Dunbarton, guests of Rep. Burt. The Honorable Jim Belanger, former member from Hollis, and his wife Sandy Belanger, guests of the Speaker. COMMUNICATION October 23, 2019 Mr. Paul Smith Clerk of the House of Representatives State House Concord, NH 03301 Dear Paul: Please be advised that the following representative-elect was sworn into office by the Governor and Executive Council on this day: Rockingham County District No. 9 Michael Vose, r, Epping (75 Olde Bridge Lane) 03042 Sincerely, William M. Gardner, Secretary of State COMMUNICATION VIA EMAIL Mr. Speaker, Colleagues and dear Friends. I was diagnosed with cancer in August. It is called “CLL,” Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Things are pro- gressing more quickly than we had anticipated. For these reasons and not knowing exactly what the future will bring, I have regretfully decided to resign my position as a New Hampshire State Representatives for Stratford county, effective January 1st, 2020. It was not an easy decision to make. I have many good friends on both sides of the aisle. It has truly been a life learning experience for me. Thank you all for the small part you have had in my life’s journey. I will never forget it. I am sorry. Sincerely, Jody L. McNally GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 226 By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on Sep- tember 27, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 226, relative to the renomination of teachers. New Hampshire is fortunate to have thousands of talented and dedicated teachers working to provide our students with excel- lent educations. Like all of us, teachers must be accountable to school officials, and ultimately to parents. HB 226 reverses the groundbreaking teacher tenure reforms passed by the Legislature eight years ago. These reforms gave young teachers time to learn on the job before local districts had to make a long-term decision to keep them. This increased the ability of local school boards to replace low-performing teachers with better ones. HB 226 would not only undo these reforms, but effectively create tenure protection after just two years on the job. This is simply not enough time for local officials to know if new teachers are the right fit for their schools. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 226. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 226, relative to the renomination of teach- ers, become law? Rep. Van Houten spoke in favor. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 213 - NAYS 149 YEAS - 213 BELKNAP St. Clair, Charlie 8 JANUARY 2020 HOUSE RECORD 3 CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Kanzler, Harrison Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Parkhurst, Henry Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Thompson, Craig Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Griffith, Willis Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Jeudy, Jean King, Mark Klee, Patricia Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ebel, Karen Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Pimentel, Roderick Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Lovejoy,
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