HARYANA EDUCATION CODE Grant-in-aid, Fee, Scholarships, General, Recognition Rules, Punjab Primary Education Pupils’ Funds Rules, Building Fund Rules, ¥v ana Aided Schools (Security of S ' ' > Rules, and APPli^LiCES 1978 CHANDIGARH e Controller, Printing and Stationery, Haryana 1978 FOREWORD Haryana has made significant progress in the field of Education. In order to keep abreast of the changing rules, a large number of amendments have been, from time to time, made by the Govt in the various provisions contained in the Education Code. New orders relating to the interpretations of the provisions of the code and instructions for the constitution and maintenance of different Pupil Funds have also been issued by the Directorate of Public lostruction. In addition to the above, Haryana Aided Schools (Security of Service) Act, 1971, a id service rules have been incorporated in the code. The Grant-in-aid rules applicable to privately managed schools have been liberalised and various clarifications have been issued from time to time. As none of these amendments in various Acts and Rules were readily available at one place, the need for a revised and up-to-date edition of the compliation was being acutely felt for quite sometime Accordingly, the present Issue of the Education Code has been thoroughly revised by incorporating all the amendments, orders and instructions issued from time to time. The present Education 'llode is the first of its type compiled in Haryana and is corrected up to 31st Dec,. 976. I hope this publication, being self contained, will act a reference book for all those who are concerned with the promotion and development of education in .te State. This edition now replaces all the provious editions and reprints of the Punjab education Code applicable to the State of Haryana. O.P, Bhardwaj Director of Public Instruction, Haryana. Chindigarh, the 22nd November, 1977 Xot> Ll> Contents Articles Page Chapter I,—Definition and classifications 1—46 1—4. Chapter n, Grants-in-Aid Section A :— General Objects of grants 47 5 Grants under special Rules 48 5 Govt’s right to Apportion Money Available for Grants to 5 Divisions/Districts etc. 49 Right to determine number of schools in an Area eligible for grants 50 5 Sanction of the Department 51 5 Sanction of Govt, required in cases not provided 52 5 for Authority to Inspect Aided schools 53 5 Source of Grants 54 6 Form of Grants 55 6 Correspondance with the Department 56 6 Section B :—Conditions of Maintenance Grants Maintenance Grants 57 6 Application for Maintenance Grants 58 6 Conditions on which Maintenance Grants are given 59 6 Conditions for the release of Maintenance Grant 59A 7 Refusal of grants 60 8 Partial Refusal of grants 61 8 Application for new grants necessary 62 8 in all cases. Mode of Award 63 8 How Maintenance Grant is to be 64 8 calculated, (ii) Contents Articles Pages Accuracy of Teacher’s Acquittance Roll 65 10 Exclusion of undesirable persons as teachers 66 10 Grant admissible only for trained Teachers 67 10 No grants for teachers of un-economically small classes. 68 11 Approved Expenditure 69 11 Approved Income 69-A 11 Distribution of Expenditure common to Tuition 70 11 and Boarding District-Education Officer may reduce or disallow expenditure 71 12 Grants how paid 72 12 Continuance, Alteration and withdrawal of grants 73 12 Powers of the Department regarding grants 74 12 Section C : Grants for Building and Appliances Grants for Building and appliances 75 13 Application for grants 76 13 Report of Inspecting Officer 77 13 Communication of order 78 13 Conditions of Building grants 79 13 Bond to be executed 80 14 Conditions for the payment of building grant 81 14 Conditions for the payment «f equipment grant 82 15 Total grant admissible 83 16 Section D : Registers and Returns Registers etc. to be maintained 84 16 Registers to be examined 85 16 Entries in Log-Book 86 1 Annual Returns 87 16 (iii) Contents Articles Page Sectioni E : Grants-in<aid for the revision of scales of pay of teachers Condittions of grants 88 17 Categories of Teachers who arc eligible for the grant 89 17 How p>ay in the revised scale is to be fixed. 90 18 Rates <of grant and how to Calculate 91 18 Chaptcer-III'Fee and Fee Concessions Scales of Fees 92 19 Scales of fees in Govt. Schools 93 19 Scales of fees in Privately aided 94 19 schoolls Scales: of fees in Model/Nursury 95 20 schoolls Scales; of fees in Go-educational secondary 96 21 schoolls floardling House Fee 97 21 Fee le^viablefor Twelve months 98 22 Migraation from un-recognised schools 99 22 Tranaifer from one recognised school to 100 22 anothier Fees from Rusticated students 101 22 Ratess o f fees in Recognised aided schools 102 22 Admiiss;ion(£ntrance Fee) 103 22 Admiissiion of casual students 104 23 Fee-CConcession on account of Poverty 105 23 Otheer Fee concessions 106 24 Goneerai 106 (Para 1) 24 (iv) Contents Articles Page Brothers/Sister Concession 106 (Para 2) 25 Teacher’s Childem Concessions 106 (Para 3) 25 Fee-concessions and Free Education policy 106 (Para 4) 26 Facilities of free Education to certain classes 106 (Para 5) 26 of Persons Fee concession to children beloging to 106 (Para 6) 27 scheduled castes, backward classes etc. Fee concession to scheduled Tribes 106 (Para 6 a) 27 Fee concession to Scheduled Castes/Backward Classes 106 (Para 6 b) 27 in Non-Govt. Schools List of scheduled Castes and scheduled 106 (Para 7) 28 Tribes— Names of Backward Areas of the State 106 (Para 8) 31 Rates of Stipends 106 (Para 9) 32 Scholarship holders not eligible for 107 33 concession Payment of fees by school authorities 108 33 Eductional grant 109 33 Chapter IV: Scholarships and Stipends in Schools: Section A : General Rules. Scholarships from Public Funds 110 34 Award of Scholarships 111 34 Alteration in Scholarships 112 34 Closed Scholarships 113 34 Admissibility of two or more Scholarships held together 114 34 Period for which scholarships may be 115 35 drawn. Lapse of Scholarships 116 35 Forfeiture of scholarships 117 36 Transfer of Scholarships 118 36 Re-award of Scholarships 119 36 (V) Concents Article Page Gertifica.e to accompany the 120 36 schoUrslip bill Preferential claims to admission 121 36 Scholarsiips paid from Public funds where 122 36 tenable. Responsibility for booking the expenditure 123 37 Section Middle School Scholarships : Number \^alue, and Tenure of Scholarship 124 37 Disribution of Scholarships by Sub>Sub- 125 38 Division Age Limit 126 38 Award 127 38 Section ‘C’ High/Higher Secondary School Scholarships Number and Value 128 38 Open atd rural area High School 129 38 scholarsiips Tenure of High School Scholarship 130 40 Age limit 131 40 Procedure and Mode of Selection for 132 40 high Sciool Merit Scholarship Submission of joining report of scholars 133 40 Final award Roll 134 40 Scholarships bills to be presented 135 40 Section *D’—State Merit Scholarships : State Mtrit Scholarships on the basis of 136 41 Matriculation Examinarion Distribution of Scholarship 137 41 Section *E’ Rates of Scholarship in Sainik Schools 13S 41 (vi) Contents Article Page Mode of Payment 139 42 General Conditions 140 43 Sanskrit Scholarships 141 44 Conditions for the award of Sanskrit 142 44 Scholarship Other conditions 143 45 Section E (i)—Endovved Scholarships Endowed Scholarships 144 45 Sectiou ‘F‘ Stipends/Scholarship ia Traiaing Institutions. Value of Scholarships 145 45 Stipend in JBT classes (men and women) 146 45 Payment of Stipends during absence 147 46 Paymnent of stipends during confinement 148 46 Chapter V—^Teacher’s Certificates ; Kinds of certificates 149 46 Certificate/Diploma Examinations 150 46 Issue of Ccrtificate/Diploma 151 46 Special Certificates 152 46 Eligibility for special certificates 153 47 Other certificates not recognised 154 51 Refusal/cancellation of certificates 155 51 Date of Validation of special drawing certificates 156 51 Award of regular grade to holders of Special Certificates 157 52 Duplicate Certificate 158 53 Validation^and revalidation of the date of special certificates for teaching all subjects to various Departments 158A 53 Chapter VI-Geoeral Rules : Section *A’ School Buildings ; Furniture and Apparatus Dimensions, and Locations etc. 159 54 Repairs 160 54 (vii) Contents Article Page Duty of supplying equipment 161 54 Minimum Equipment 162 54 Apparatus for Science and other subject 163 54 Entry & Removal of Stock from School property registers 164 54 Section ‘B’ Teaching staff General duties of the Headmaster/Principal 165 55 Duties of the Teaching Personnel 166 55 Class-Promotions 167 55 Deposits of Pupils’ funds 168 56 Corporal Punishment 169 56 Fines for breaches of School discipline 170 56 Expulsion and Rustication 171 56 The attendance of Teachers 172 56 Pecuniary dealings with students 173 56 Extramural duties 174 57 Private Tuition 175 57 Postal Work 176 58 Section ‘C’-Interna! Economy : School Timings 177 58 Time-Table 178 58 Work load for Teachers 179 58 Attendance how registered 180 58 Fine for absence 181 58 Application for Leave 182 59 Monitcw 183 59 Limit of number in a class 184 59 (vui) Contents Article Page Payment of School/Boaiding house fee 185 59 Age limit 186 60 Admission Tests 187 60 Admission to Scholarship Holders 188 61 Admission & Re-admission to Model Schools 189 61 First admission 190 61 Transfer Certificates 191 61 Rules governing the transfer certificates 191A 61 Entry for Public Examinations 192 64 Responsibilities for age entries and other 193 64 verfications Mis-representation of age 194 64 Final School certificate 195 64 Responsibility for the disposal of unreserviceable articles 195A 64 Vacations in Schools 196 65 Miscellaneous holidays 197 65 Local holidays \9 l 65 Registers to be maintained 199 65 Conduct Registers 200 66 Religious Instructions 201 66 Cleanliness to be enforced 202 66 Use of Tabacoo and intoxicants 203 67 Physical Education/Training 204 67 Curricula & Text Book 205 67 Section ‘D’ -School Boarding House Boarding House 206 67 Dormitories 207 67 Residential Superintendents and their duties 208 67 Medical attendance, etc.
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