Crew chiefs VITA program offers tax assistance Page A-4 keep MAG-24 birds flying KBay bowlers roll for gold Page A Page B-1 Vol. 18, No. 4 Serving MCAS Kaneohe Bay, 1st MEB, Camp H.M. Smith and Marine Barracks, 11111Wail February 2, 1959 End to auto lien problem in sight CAMP II.M. SMITH - Shill velar Seven ,le. ottl 1,1 tinte in most cit.- Ilawaiiiiii Bank. 11i1V1- 111111Vil te the t111. 111111k of IloaFod uala.u Hank, and lit.111.fioi:11 I II'.en I I I', :11.,t'oo11,..111 ,,mm! le stn, eruct( so.1111 .1, .1. 1'1,161111111S 1111 141 .0;1;11111 ,1111) .. ti 0,1111111 1111'1118 4110111dd Ve1111-11, Lc rtl scrvive men and womia. I.o II,. , 11,111i The agreement is S1`1'/1 by 11111111111 military officials as the lua major hurdle in a inn,. I,, 111.111 ,r ward getting all state lending na id ii - 11 L. 111.1 institutions to relax their Unlike], . 111.,1 iii, policies surrounding a stale Utgrft,ittt.ttt n ..lt .itt.ttoly t 1111 11111 law that prohibits the ship ;111,1 fairly 1 t .1. 11,1 wilt of privately owned ye- of Pistil, Ili, Iu .I 1 c:lltn hides out soilIntot the 0,m.und ill. ',embers id,- ire written 1 1111140111 111 the lien- holder. I: 11. Military officials have ar- gued that the law places an .1111 ' o 1,,' undue burden on military tiod tt Ili. 1 people, who have fequently S1.111111 fill /1.1111, been forced, despite satisfac- wits '111.1 121 I, 1 I. 11.1 .1111 tory payment records, to sell of the their vehiel,, forfeii vehicles to reiiiii.se,doli 1111.,1 1 t' 1 make large 'le] I 1,1.,11 VI, Aloha Phantoms 111111 payoffs in order to ship their 1,1111, 111,111111 lions in tilt , low maintenance ten years. It was so reliable, believes it is time to move on. vehicles out of state when By Cpl. David Kershberg advanced, HIvi. the "Due to age, the F-4 needs ordered to a new duty station. What has been dubbed by fighter designed to keep up the "J" became the Blue its prnhlern Radar Intercept Offi- Angels' tool of aviation more man hours to keep it As a result, say the military pilots, with the technology in officials, many service- cers (RIOn), and countless modern air-to-air and air-to- showmanship for five sea- up," he said. members have faced serious ;111,1111. HI 1.11 I the others as the greatest fighter ground warfare. sons. The Air Force Thun- The first squadron to relin- financial hardship when or- 1,...1.1t111. IA III /11111 ..1 of the 60s & 70s and one of McDonnell Douglas began derbirds also piloted F-4s for quish its Phantoms was dered to transfer. Hawaii is 1 II,' ro the best combat aircraft of the F-4 five years. VMFA-212, in Sept;mber. the designing of in the only state having such a nr%%011,1 r)r r all time has departed after 28 the summer of 1955. The first The next and most current Soon after, the pilots of the law. 1., 1,, ,! years of service to the Corps. model, the F4H-1, came off Phantom model was named unit began attending F/A-18 While the law hasn't been Tomorrow, the last F-4S the St. Louis assembly line the "S" in 1978. Because classes at MCAS El Toro, changed, the new agreements I. v. , r,i to Phantoms of Marine Fighter less than three years later. the changes in the plane were Calif. Maintenance person- by the lending institutions ,her Attack Squadron-235w ill taxi More than 5,000 Phantoms not major, the old "J "s were nel headed to NAS Lemoore, reflect changes in policy that will help serviceinembers in the Air Station runway, have been produced since. converted to "S"s. Calif., for their training. I IINS/A-2 rumble the sky with a final Between 1978 and 1988 blast of afterburners, and rise The Phantom, the first nearly 600,000 hours had The process continued in Air Station employees above Hawaii for the last time fighter in the Marine Corps been flown in Marine Corps November when VMFA-232 on their way to retirement which fulfilled the dual role Phantoms. sent its F-40 into the horizon convicted in federal from active duty. of close-air support and anti- ""I'he F-4 is a hard-core and began its Hornet orien- The Phantoms of '235 are air warfare, joined the Ma- airplane. It was probably the tation. court for theft, conspiracy the last F4S's in the Marine rine team in 1961 as the F- beat plane for its time," said Tomorrow'235 will follow to squadrons, and C nrPs' active-duty inventory. 413. This model went fight Cpl. Patrick D. Mallon, '235'S its sister will lht .bun ':1 in the I mast the A squadron of active-duty RF- during the Vietnam War. Ma- tool room NCOIC. "I'm soon begin the extensive Slides nistriei ,ort 1111 1,111. firS1 I. '1. I .1i 4B reconnaissance Phantoms rine pilots in Phantoms were gonna miss working on it." training required before flying Di,11.1r '11 1 1:1,,111, Margaret 1111111, .1 IOW.. remains at MCAS, El Torn, responsible for the downing the more maneuverable F/A- NI a lac SI,,,ikr, was convicted the 1,1,1 '1 / 111111 at and reserve aircraft groups of three enemy MiGs. "When you work on an 18. 4,1 tw 1, theft of Marine I .d Stalion Slat,.. will fly F.4S'a for years to The "B" model never saw airplane for a long period of VMFA -212 will be return- ia.seinment Kaneohe .ierving as a come. 1111111, 111 11, 1.11;11 United duty here, but its successor, time, you feel like you know ing this month with F/A- KUM of special 111,1s1.17111t to her tlIntn. The departure of the last of the 1,-4.1, arrived aboard it," said SSgt. Robert I). 18s. About two months later, Sentencing in I to .I.to In I ntlt.t1 Marine Aircraft Group-24's MCAS Kaneohe Bay in Feb- Brown, maintenance control '232 will follow; then '235. the came is Sr 11I-Iltiled for April \ 1 0 . 1 . 1 1 . 1n Conti lor Phantoms is in preparation ruary, 1968, replacing the F- NCOIC for '236. SSgt. According to Capt. T.C. .it for the arrival of the F/A-18 8 This model of a '235 the Crusader. Brown has spent nine years Moore, RIO, if `;hockey hoes a maximum I.ynn,gt, 11 1C1.1.111ti was con Hornet Strike Fighter, a more Phantom remained for about maintaining the F-4, and i.eti lance of III years; imprison- victed onstInnintinor ran See PHANTOMS/A-2 a $2:010111 fine spiria.5 ,1,11 1'11111'd State, testdolion lid ...I. h i1,11111 propert 1/11,11:1111 I o her S11". kr, V,IS 4.111111, is a guilty plea cash], :11 the S.-5 Itsoy Woems was S11111.111-11 Ili ,1 11,eut4 S Store from 11, inloo Inn; $21,0 fine. She sin,. :1 ,1,1111.1" through .11iIN 19/.0, A review nt the Marine Corps fix Black History Month observed Run Deadline of her cash register tapes change when ...he assisted a Aloha indicated that she had been customer in the theft of mer. Late entries for the 1669 Grout Aloha Hun must lie manipulating her cash regis. eliandise. February is Illnok History Month. In observance, Pleas and postmarked no later than Monday for runners to be accepted ter to conceal thefts from her The Shockey and Weems a 15 I I Anderson Balls will serve special lunch Feb. from into the annual 8.2 mile run that draws 24,111X1 runners from receipts. Inventig cases were thiternilia.il not to a.m.-1 p.m., featuring Southern /soul food. around the world. Sul Viet- ilivonligollon of lie related. The lunch is open to all active duty personnel, their .L individuals or teams desiring to participate can obtain the ruse resulted in Shiakey's Subsequent I. .1 court dependents, and guests. The cost the meal ie $1.60 plus of applications through unit representatives. The late fee for confession to more than 100 VI. /11 ,..ported a $2.15 surcharge for Flat and above, $2.15 for E-48 and below, the race is $18.50 per runner and includes a T-shirt and thefts during her period of 1 till ill, ..hi Ile Na- and $.80 plus a $1 Of, surcharge for children under 12. postrace festivities. The run begins at 6:45 a.m. on Feb. employinent. omi 11.1/11, The menu will include chicken rice pump, Southern-style 20 at Aloha Tower and finishes at Aloha Stadium. greens with ham hock, BIN spare ribs, BIN hamhock. black- Transportation is available. ../mmemar vi P5,1' 04P eyed peas with ham hock, fried chicken, potato salad, .- Tax tips: cornbread, sweet potato pie, and cherry pie. Delay6 in processing federal income tax returns can I.. Also in recognition of Black Iiiatory Month, pokers, Happy birthday Navy Relief avoided if taxpayer. use the labels and envelop. that cone commemorating black military achievements in the I ST MEB with their tax packages and the island, will be displayed at various places throughout In celebration of the Navy Relief Society's 85th birthday, The imelioff label, which contains the taxpayer's neon.
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