War Found the Red Cross Ready—Your Donation Will Keep It So ! Average Daily Circulation For the Month of November, 1S4I The Weather Forecaat of I). S. Weather 7,010 Increasing ejoodlneee followed Member of the Audit by occasional rain; slowly risiag Bureau of Ctrcnlatlone temperatnres. ' ’ i----------------------------- Manchester— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXI., NO. .73 (ClaMiaed Advertleing On Page 12) MANCHE.STER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER.26, 1941 (FOUJPraCT PAGES) PRICE THREE CBI Churchill. Sees Initiative Taken hy 1943; Navy Reports Two Jap Warships Snn When Roosevelt and Churchill Met Press British Hammering i Will Give Axis Lesson Axis Troops After World Won’t Forget; Taking of Bengasi Taking Heavy Toll of SoViCt FotCG Repulse Jap Attacki German Forces Seek- » o i* » ing to Retreat Far-| BaCK bafeiy Probable ther Westward; ‘Con­ Speaks in Senate Two Otherr JapJan 'vpciaplHVessels fused Fighting' Now As Job Done Britain Sent ber to Members Congress; Says North of Agedabia. Harry German Commu­ Awaiting Hour of Cairo, Dec. 26.— (IP)— The nications Behind Battle Usted Sunk; Press Qf AvtotorS eration When British Army, with the ruins Operations Against ____ Will Be Able to Lines in North for of Bengasi in its possession, Submarines; Manila Is Biggest Contingent Ever hammered home its advan­ Almost Four Months. Part; Production Declared Open City, jo Cross Atlantic Jump in Year or tage today and was reported Moscow. Dec. 26--{JP)~A Soviet Ar- by the Middle East command guerrilla detachment which tor al­ Washington, Dec. 26.—i</P) rives Safely to Join Washington, Dec. 28.- most four months harried German to be taking a heavy toll of —The Navy confirmed the Fliers IV aging War. —Prime Minister Wins German forces seeking to re­ communications and garrisons be­ sinking of two Japanese war­ j Churchill told Congress treat farther westward after hind the Russian-German bat Roosevelt smokes a cigarette in his customary long holder and British Prime MlnUter A British Port, Dec. 26—(JP)— lines in the north has returned Churchill his Inevitable cigar as they alt side by side behind the chief executive's desk and answer ques­ ships in the Far East and the The largest contingent of British day the Allies would be : loM of Libya's second-largest from its mission safely, Tass, the Empire airmen ever to cross the tions duslng thrir hlstprlc Joint press conference in Washington. The two leaders voiced the utmost con- probable sinking of two oth­ on dty. The bulk of the Axis troops, official Russian news agency, re­ fluencf In the Aillties of their countries to uin the war. Atlantic arrived here today to join “to take the initiative said today's communique, was ported today. ers in ji^ommunique today the British, Canadian, New i s ­ ample scale” by 1943 and engaged by the British In "con­ The detachment, traveling on as the Army reported repulse land and Australian squadrons fused flghting” north of Ageda­ foot or on skis, covered more than which already are waging the antl- the end give the Axis powc of repeated enemy attacks on bia, 60 miles south of Bengasi on a lesson the world "will ne the coast road to Tripoli, capital (Continued On Pnge Two) (Con tinned On Page Four) the main Lingayen front; in forget.” Standing in the of Italy's North African empire. Hong Kong Taken by Japanese; Uison, largest of the Philippine Near Bengasi Itself and aromd ter of the green-corpstsd islands. Tbs Navy sold that Admi­ Barce only "laoiated bodies in va­ rostrum, the stocky-Briton rious stages of disorganlzattun'' Holiday Story ral Thomas C. Hart, commander Will Continue bis intently-listening aud still were offering resistance. Singapore Waits Intense Drive of the Asiatic fleet, Usted one these questions about tbs Fliers Harry Axis Forces enemy transport and one mine The R.A.F., in operations rang­ In Far East sweeper sunk with the probable Making Plans mans, Japanese and Italians: "What kind of people do . ing as fur west as Tripoli itself, Fall of Hong Kong Ex­ Remnants of British Im sinking also of another transport also harried the Axis forces in the and a Seaplane tender. think We a re ? pected to Signal In-1 Dutch Report Agedabia sector. Ita communique Lacks Cheer perial Garrison Or Naval Operattons Pressed On Strategy Will Never Cease to reported "considerable . damage " tensification of Of-' dered to Stack Arms Naval operations ore being "Do they not reoliss that done to armored cars, guns and pressed against submarines in the shall never cease to motor transports uuthwest of Two Japanese Japanese Bave Driven fensive in Malaya. By Noontime Today. eastern Pacific, where attacks Roosevelt Arranges against them until we hara I Agedabia. The Air Force said di­ have taken place off the California them a lesson which they rect hits were scored on the Kara- Spearheads Closer to Singapore, Dec. 26.—(/P)— Vessels Sunk Tokyo, Dec. 16.—(Official coast, the communique sold. Meetings with Supply, vorld will never forget?" manli mole at Tripoli. Heart of Allied De­ It announced that Manila has This brought a loor of a, (British occupaUon of Bengasi The Christmas Day fall of ----- Broadcast Recorded by AP) been declared on open city, an at­ Military, Naval Chiefs; from the packed-and-jamme. was acknowledged today by' the fense at Singapore. Hong Kong after a week of Destroyer and Tran^ort —The remnants of the Brit­ tempt to save the capital of the Canada Head Expected ate chamber, where Houqs Italian high command, which --------, ' « PhUipplnes' from pomlbls devasta­ bera were sandwiched in bi claimed the Axis supply port had fighting upon the island itself ^ Hit in Air Attack on ish Imperial garrison at Hong tion by olr raids and land atUeJes. the regular Senate desks. Ms fallen only after Italian and Ger­ By Dewitt Mackenxle The War Department said that Washington, Dec. 26.—(JP) — of the Supreme court, the man troops had destroyed and Associated Press Writer was expected by observers Shinpinff Kong, estimated at 6,000 Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur, com­ President Roosevelt arranged abandoned it.) Concentra- The Clirtstmas story from the today to fjignal intensification men, was reported to have mander of the United States forces meetings today with British and' (Continued On Poga ' A The British communique Said Far East lacks the cheer of the of the Japanese offensive lion Off Kuching. In the For East, had reported from 13,(KM) Axis prisoners already had been ordered to stack arms the field that he bad reorganised American supply, military and . been shipped to the rear.' season for the anti-Axis forces, against Singapore, British Batavia, N. E. I., Dec 26—OPJ— by noon today in conformity and strengthened the positions Nhval chieftains to continue plan­ May Get To Trlpolitanla since on the whole the Japanese bastion at the tip of Malaya. held by his troops In the vicinity ning anti-Axis strategy os Prime (A London military commenta­ have driven their spearheads clos­ Hong Kong's garrLion, under as­ The Dutch, whose air and subma­ with yesterday’s surrender of Lingayen gulf. Heavy enemy re­ Minister MocKenzte King of (Cana­ tor said that in apite of the re­ er to the heart of the AUied de­ sault by land, sea and air since rine forces have set a doily aver­ to Japanese siege ssssult. The dis inforcements were indicated. ’ Flashes !i peated stabs by-British umored the outbreak of the Pacific war, age of one Japanese ship sunk or da came to join Prime Minister (Late Bdilettns ot ON (F) patrols which were whittling down fense—the all-essentlai base of arming got swiftly under way at was forced to yield the island, the seriously damaged since they went various points of the now occu­ Winston ChurchUl in the Anglo- his tank strength, German Gen. Singapore. heart of a crown cplony establish­ TwodVay Assault to war with Japan, announced to­ pied British crown colony follow' American conferences. Another victim’s Body 1 Erwin Rommel still might succeed The citadel of Hong Konk final­ ed by Britain af the mouth of the Ing the British command's formal in getting some of his forces ly has surrendered after a gallant Ciantpn' rlve^ .100 years ago, by day the sinking of a Japanese de­ On Manila Intensified . The president arranged to work Hartford, Dec. 26— HP) through to Trlpolitanla. - .acceptance early this ; morning ot Manila, Dec. 26. (5:50 p. m., 3:50 at the White House while Mr. body of a fifth-workmaa I stand, thereby giving the 'Japs a the overpowering numbers of the stroyer and trans^rt in an air demands presented by representa­ (Other informed quarters, how­ highly Important base {from which invaders. a. m., e. s. 1.)^-0p)—A two-way Churchill spoke to an Informal the new Cohnectlcnt river ever, asserted few of the Naxi attack on enemy- shipping con­ tives of the Japanese Army and Japanese assault on Manila has In- that eoUapeed Dec. 4 to strike at ,Slngapore and the Water SuppUea Destroyed Navy. •tenalfied, with on artUlery fight meeting of Congress. tanks were likely to reach safety Philippines. The Nipponese sdso re­ (London .officials sal<) destriic- centration off Kuching, capital of sarfaoe. ot the river today/; even if they managed to break portedly have captured Kuching, Sarawak, island of Borneo. Japanese Demands northwest of the capital and k Due In Early Afternoon vage crews removed tion of' all water auppliea handi­ The -Japahese demonda p.rovid-. tank battle to the southeast where Prime Minister King was due the falsework plUng t past the British interceptors near capital of Sarawak, on the great capped the Britiafa,' Indian, Cana­ (Aneta, official Dutch news Agedabia.
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