VOL. NO. 189. (CteMlllea Advertlrijig Pag* 19.), SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1932. (TWELVE PAGES) Body of France’s Slain President Lies in State j BIGGEST DRIVE LEBRUN IS ELECTED ARMYATWORK $91,929 FRENCH PRESIDENT FORHOSPITAL CUT PROPOSED IffiRE Head o( Semte Receires 633 WORLD’S FINANCES Soliciting Force Gets Its Fnal Bdfols of DiilrieU Om To •f 747 Votes Cast To Sac- Order; Starts Today To NEED IMPROVING Suggested Changes Eght, District, and ceed Paal Doaner Who Raise Badge! For Man­ Under New Budget ffigh Schod Conpletod B; Was Assassinated. Radical Changes Needed, Ex­ chester Memorial Highlights of the changes made^ One drawing supervisor for whole Board of Educitioii—Do- pert Declares — Tariff necessary by the school budget VeraaillM, France, May 10.—(AP) There waa plenty of enthusiasm town. —Albert Francois Lebrun was proposed by the Town Board of Naming of Supt F. A. Verplonck crease of 21.36 P. C. Ef- Changes Upset Baknees. and confidence last night Among the Education and decided upon a t a In charge of schools of whole town, elected fourteenth president of volunteer workers gathered at special meeting thih morning are as making no provision for continuing France today by a vote of 633 out the Masdnlc Temple Jor the offldal follows: Supt A. F. Howes. fected — Salaries Cot of 747 cast to succeed the assassi­ Basel, Switzerland, May 10. — Salary decreases of 16 per cent Abandoning special fees for opening of the 1932 Memorial hos­ throughout sohools. teachers taking summer courses^ nated President, Paul Doumer. (AP) —Unless International eco­ pital campaign for a quota of 320,- lSP.C.(hiNewCoDtncts Paul Faure, noted Socialist leader, Drop 7 full time- teachers, and Suspension of evening. scho^s. received 114 votes and 49 were nomic relations are radically Im­ 000 to bale ^e the 1932-33 budget one half-year teacher. Consolidation of physical training proved, Gates W. McGarrah told the SoUdtatloD of a prospect list of Eliminate dental hygiene work. supervision. blank. Eliminoto muslo supervision. Suspension of open air school, 8th A reduction of 391,929.00 in school In the Interest of harmony there annual meeting of shareholders In more than 8,000 persons gdt under­ Deoreose substitutes’ pay. district. was virtually no opposition to the the Bank for Intematlonsd Settle­ way today as workers bent their expenses for the Town of Manches­ Cut pre-vocation work. Closing of Oakland district school. ter will be effected by the budget veteran statesman whose service as ments today, a durable monetary efforts to complete as much of the Decrease ooet of books and sup­ CToordlnatlon of building mainten­ president of the Senate had put stability cannot be expected." work as possible by the first report plies. ance. proposed for I8S2-SS it was decided him In line for the presidency of the "If the relative position of Inter­ meeting, to be held at the Temple by a epeolal committee of th« Town nation. national balances and payments is 'Friday evening at 6:15 o’dook. After the brief ceremony of In­ Board of Bdueatioa la meeting thla continuously to be upset by changes "See them, tell them and sell morning. The result Is a decreasa vestiture, M. Lebrun’s first act was In tariff barriers, with profound ef­ them," waa the final Instruction of DYING. REFUSES to start for Klysee Palace to pay fect on the equilibrium of different While France’s millions mourned the death of their kindly, patriarch­ General Chairman Jay E. Rand, as JUDGE HYDE RULES of 21.86 per cent from the sohool his respects at the bier of his slain countries," the president said, “If al leader, the body of President Paul Doumer lay In state, .as pictured he predicted the success of the cam­ TO HARM FATHER appropriation of last year. The predecessor. the flow of capital from one nation here. In the Green • Room of the Presidential Palace In Paris. French paign through the whole-hearted 1831-32 schools or education appro­ Then he was to go to the Tomb of to another is to be dammed by ob­ authorities' sought to link Dr. Paul Gorguloff, Doumer’a assassin, with co-operation of the workers and the Son Mortally Wounded Will Not priation was 1430,313.00. The pro­ the Unknown Soldier and later In political or terrorist organizations. ON CONSOLIDATION posed appropriation for 1982-33 la the day to the Luxembourg Palace stacles which make the fulfilment townspeople. The hospital Is of Sign Paper to Send His of contractual obligations virtually paramount necessity to thii com­ 3338.384.00, or a decrease of |81,- to receive the diplomatic corps and V Assailant to Prison. 929.00, high officials of the nation when Impossible, with consequent destruc­ munity and everyone should be tion of general confidence, then an thankful for the opportunity to con­ Individual Cute they made their calls of congratula­ New York, May 1.—(AP) — Says Districts Merging Can­ The Ninth district budget was de­ tion. International monetary system can­ tribute to Its maintenance, he said. Following the dinner, served by Arthur Andrencci, 24, was mor­ creased from 8164,884.00 to 8130,- Much Nervousness not function properly." FACTIONS CALL TRUCE tally wounded with a pair of 284.00, or a out of 134,100.000. This Although there was a great spirit Control of exchange forces trade the Women’s Auxiliary of the hos­ not Be Effected Before Oc­ Into a straltjacket, he said, leaving pital and paid for personally by the shears today, but before dying la a 20.74 per cent deoreose. The (rf harmony when the Senate and made a formal statement to High school and Evening school the expiring Chamber of Deputies little or no room fer the play of Board of Trustees, the details of the campaign were outlined to the police charging his father with budget, Inoludlng maintenance of assembled here to elect M. Doumer’s economic forces, and in the long run IN F K M FOR CONTROL tober Town Meeting. the Trade Sohool building, woo de« successor there also was consider­ aggravates fundamental financial workers by Chairman Rand and the crime. Secretary B. J. McCabe. (Jharles W. creased'from 8128|977.00 to |105,- able nervousness. troubles. "Sign it," said the police 805.00 or a out oi 824,072.00. This This was manifested In wholly Reviews Fl>oal 3fear Holman, president of the trustees, officer who had taken the Judge William S. Hyde, counsel thanked the workers for volunteer­ statement lb a decrease of 18.62 per cent. The baseless reports to the effect that Mr. McGarrah portrayed the fiscal For First Night, At Least, AMERICA TO STICK for the Town of Manchester, today Districts One to Eight budget woe Senator Joseph Paul-Boncour and ing their efforts to the cause of the "What will It be used for?" year which ended March 31 as a rendered a decision for the Board 9ut from 8136,862.()0 to 81^il96.00 Jean Chlappe, prefect of the Paris series of financial crises which pre­ boapltal. Andrencci asked. or a decrease of 188,767.000. This la police, were dead—M. Paul-Boncour State Democrats Provide By Ability to Give of Selectmen^ on several matters sented an opportunity for the world The prospect Ilsta were alphabet­ "It will be used against your a cut of 24.83 per cent. through assassination and the police bank to show Its usefulness as a TO GOLD STANDARD father In court," the policeman pertaining to school dlstrlota con­ Long, Hard Toak prefect through suicide. ically arranged on tables around the solidation, prlnclp*! among them Police officials promptly Issued a center for Information, counsel and Far Peace But No Talk of banquet hall of the Temple and said. "It may send him up for The new budget was produced Joint financial action. being that consolidation cannot ac­ only after mgny hours of arduous denial of the report about M. each worker aeleoted the nanfea of life." tually function until a new Board Materially, the teak profited by "But he’s going to be the sole work on the port of the various Chlappe and Senator Paul-Boncour a Campramiie Haard. LoMdinf Bankers State It thoie whom he or ihe chose to can- of Education has been elected in Oc­ committees represented. The Town established the fact that he was 16.000. 000 Swiss franos, which was vaie, 18 to 20 names eaob> Chair­ support of my mother now," tober. unharmed by appearing on the tri­ 4.000. 000 more than in Its first year. Andrencci protested. "I won’t Board of BducfUoa, The Ninth dla- man Rand pointed out that perioni Have Special Aot trlot committee and tbe High sohool bune at the Joint meeting of the The year’s events, said the presl- who are In a position to contribute sign it." Town Counsel Hyde first ruled By Asaoolated Presa. WoaM Be Very Difficult And then be died. Tbe father, committee worked harmoniously Senate and Chamber. ibould be aiked for ai much as th^t the general statute maklag throughout tha entire deliberations. It was exactly 4:8 p. m. (10:38 a. (OoBttniwd OB Pago Throe) posaible to offiet the lose of contrl- Frederloo Andrenooi,. w u or- school district oonaolldatlon in any m. Basterp Standard Time) when With a truce formally i f reed upon Edward J. Murphy, ohoirman of tbn To Drop IL orreetsfi and charged with town or city ofleoUve on tbe July l Ic trd ef Bduoatioh and Howell the official tabulation of the presi­ thipt BO fight over oe&trol ihall be (PpBttqned tn Page Sevan) bemioMe.
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