232 SOA BEDFORDSHIRE. [ KELLY's SmTH-:,BLACK~:>MITHS & F ARRTERS-con .. .Ampthill Young Women's Christian Luton Conservative & Constitutional Litchfield .Tesse, Ri!i<Pley, Bedford .Association (:Miss Maria Brown, Association, Park street, Luton Lowing-s 'William, Silsoe, Ampthill president), Dun,table st . .Ampthill Luton Law Institution (Walter Keve, Luff Mrs. John, lklxton, St. 1\'"eots .Aspley Guise & 1Yoburn Sands Cottage pres.), George st. west, Luton McDonnell ·waiter J. Chapel ·st. Luton Garden Society (E. G. Miller, sec.), :M a -unic Lodge (" Stuart " No. 540) Mann I.;1aa.c, Silsoe, .Ampthill W o burn Sands, Bletchley (~ark Whyley, sec. ; .Arth. Thnrley, Marriott Thomas, 1 Thme st. Bedford Beaudesert Masonic Lodge (:Xo. 1087) tyler), Swan hotel, High st. Bedford l\Tartindale Thomas, Milton Bryant, (Johmtone Harris, '\oV.:M.; John H. ~ational Deposit Friendly Society Beds Woburn R.S.O Folmer, sec.), Corn Exchange, Lake & Hunts divi•sion) (James Phillip8, Mastin J ames & Sons, 1Vilshamstead, street, Leighton Buzzard sec.), Market square, Biggleswade Bedford Bedford .Auxiliary Church Pastoral .Aid ~ational Deposit Friendly Society D. Matthews J.Little Staughton, St.Xeots (Sir Horace Nevile Blakiston bart. Wootton, sec.), George street, Luton Matthews T. l\I. Pertenhall, St. Neot~ hon. association sec.), 5 Lansdowne ~ational Deposit Friendly Society l\Iearl W. Mill st. & Gads by st. Bedfrd road, Bedford (branch) (William Gray, sec.), Sun 1\Iedlow <;has. Eaton Socon, St. ~eats Bedford Charity Organization Society street, Potton, Sandy l\Iedlow Frank, Eaton Socon, St . .!'<eats (Joseph .Adams, enquiry officer), Xational Deposit Friendly Society 1\Iehew Harry, Stotfold,Baldock R.S.O. Corn Exchange, St. Paul's sq.Bedfrd (Sandy branch) (John Kent, agent), (He~s) . Bedford Conservative .Association (Jn. Church road, Sandy Mill;; Edwm, Barton, .Ampthill W. D. Harrison, hon. sec.), 5 Gold- National Society for the Prevention of ~ewhv Charles, 1Va~er street, Luton ington road, Bedford Cruelty to Children (Richard Day­ ~ewell M. G. Wrestlmgworth, San.dy Bedford Liberal .Association (G. W. E. ball, district inspector) ; dep!'Jt, 70 Norman Charles, Maulden, .Ampth1ll Russell esq. president; .Alfred Geo. The Grove, Bedford Odell H~n_ry, Clophill, .Ampthill Carruthers, hon. sec. ; John Cole, Xorth Beds Constitutional .Association Page W1ll1am, Sharnbrook S.O agent), 20 Silver street, Bedford (Lord St. John, chairman; Hmry Payne .Alfred, Sharnbrook S.O Bedford :Musical (Dr. Henrv Skelding, H. Green esq. vice-chairman; Arth. Phillpott Jn. Thos. Thurleigh, Bedford hem. sec. & tre3 s.), St.. Loves st. E. Thornton esq. hon. treas.; John Putts 'Villiam, Toddington, Dunstable Bedford • W. D. Harrison, hon. sec.), 5 Gold· Potts William, Woodside, Luton Bedford Young Men's Christian As~o- ington road, Bedford Powley E. Bridge st. Leighton Buzzard ciation (Arthur Edmonds, sec.), Sil- X orth Beds Liberal Unionist Associ­ Prigmore Benjamin, Blunham, Sandy ver street, Bedford ation ( 0. B. Halliley, sec.), 8 St. Procter W. T.4 Mill rd.Leightn.Buzzrd Bedford Young Women's Christian As- Paul's square, Bedford Prudden William, Bromham, Bedford sociation (Miss Lucas, hon. sec.), Oddfellows' (Independent 0Tder of) Randall William, Church end, Marston Silver street, Bedford (~ianche~ter Unity) (Band of Hope Morteyne, .Ampthill Bedfordshire .A.rchceological & Xatural Lodge 1\'o. 4687) (J. Stacker, sec.), Reeve 'l'homas, Heath & Reach, Leigb- Historv. Society (Thos. Gwyn Eiger Red Lion P.H. Sandy ton Buzzard Rice Joseph, Woburn Sands, B!etchley F.R . .A..S. hon. sec & curator; Wm. Oddfellows' (Independent Order of) Uoberts G. Bedford st.Leightn.Buzzrd Davis, assistant sec & curator),J3ed- (.Manchester Unity) (Lodge, Widows' 4 Hobinson J. High st. Kempston,Bedfrd ford Rooms, Harpur street, Bedford Refuge, .Ko. 3058) (Walter Robarts, Rootham William, Oxford terrace, · Biggleswade & District Choral Society sec. ),Rose & Crown .Assembly rooms, West street, Dunstable7 (Hy. Franklin, hon. sec.),Biggleswd Potton, Sandy RuiThead George, Oakley, Bedford Biggleswade & Di~trict Constitutional Potton & District Market Gardeners' Ruffhead George, Stevington, Bedford Aswciation (C. T · Lindsell esq · .Assoc'ation (Fredk. Wm. Richardson, 'Smith John, Upper Sundon, Dunst-ahle D.L., J.P. chairman; F. 1V. Gee, hon. sec.), Bull street, Potton,Sandy Squire T. Hough ton Regis, Dunsta:ble hon. sec.), Biggleswade Royal Bedfordshire Banner, Ancient Squires w. Limbury, Luton Biggleswade & District Liberal Asso- Order of Buffaloes (Biggleswade Squires William, jun. Leagrave, Luton ciation (F. \V. Conquest esq. B . .A. lodge) (George Wagg, sec.), High st. Stacey Richd. Old Warden,Biggleswade president; C . .A. Heath, hon. sec.), Biggleswada Stanton & Thompson, Castle st. Luton Shortmead street, Biggleswade Royal Society for the Prevention of Btanton P.Farrer st. Kempston,Bedfrd Cotton End Friendly Society (.Alfred Cruelty to Animals (George Walker ..Stevens W. Stanbridge,Leightn.Buzzrd Thody, sec.), Cotton End, Bedford Robins, inspector), 4 Commercial rd. :Summerlin Albert, Stagsden, Bedford County Agricultural Society; meetings Bedford ·swaby C. North st. Leighton Buzzard held at the Swan hotel, Bedford Rural Deanery of Bedford National Sa· Taverner Wm. Studham, Duu~table Discharged Pri,oncrs' .Aid Society ciety (Rev. W. F. Lindesay B .A.hon. Taylor C1eo. Brewery la. Biggleswade (.Toseph Adams, sec.), 28 Stanley st. sec.), St. Cuthbert's stTeet, Bedford Taylor Thos. Wilshamstead, Bedford Bedford St. Andrew's Masonic Lodge (Daniel Thompson Thos. Colmworth, St.Neots Dunstable Gymnastic Society (H. Gor­ Miller, sec.), High st. Biggleswade Titmus Levi Charles, Duke st. Luton / bold, hon. sec.),rz7 West st.Dunstbl St. John's .Ambulance Association(Mr~. Tomlin Edward, Sandy · Dunstable Horticultural Society (.Alfd. .Ann Robinson, caretaker); station, Tompkins J.W.Houghtn.RPgis,Dunstbl George Inwards, ;;ec.), Albion street, r·g St. Peter's street, Bedford Trigg S.XorthWood end,Haynes,Bedfdi Dunstable Sandy & District Conservative Asso· Truelove G. 17a, Cauldwell st. Bedford Dunstable "·amen's Liberal Associa- ciation & Club ('William Green & Tuffnail Edwd. Upper Dean, St. Neots tion (Mrs.Watson, sec.), Montserrat Wm. Taylor, joint secs.), Bedford Tuffnail William, Cardington, Bedford house, Dunstable road, Sandy Turner Robert, Henlow, Biggleswade Foresters' (Ancient Order of) (Lord Sandy & District Liberal Association Turner Wm. Langford, Biggleswade l'\elson lodge) (H. vYard, sec.), Mar- (J ..Tohnson, sec.), Sandy Walhus Richd. AsplPy Guise,Bletchley ket hall, Potton, Sandy Sandy Horticultural {E. T. Leeds ·welch .Alfred, Stuart street, Luton Foresters' (Ancient Order of) (Prince Smith, treas. & sec. ; Edward Sills, We~t 'f. Campton rd. Shefford R.S.O .Artbur lodge) (George Williamson, assistant sec.), Sandy vYhitbread Mrs. D. Clifton, Biggleswade sec.), The Institute, Blunham,Sandy Shefford Conservative .Association (G. Whitbread William, South Bridge st. FrPe Gardeners'(Xational L'nited Order .A. Taylor, sec.), The Reading Room, Shefford R.S.O of) (Perseverance lodge) (Alfred High street, Shefford R.S.O 'Wicks Charles, Nether Dean, St. Neots Usher, ·sec.), Sandy SheiTord & District Liberal Association 1Vicks John .A. Yelden,Higham Ferrers Freema•ons' (Chiltern, 1470) Lodge (Herbert Samuel Billingham, sec.), 'Vildman Geo. 18 Newman st. Bedford (.A.rthur Edwin Langridge, sec. South Bridge street, Shefford R.S.O Wilson M. & Son, Shillington, Hitcbin Crawley villa), Dunstable Sick Man'•s Friendly Society (S.Wheat- Wilson James, Barton, .Ampth;ll Independent Order of Oddfellows(Loyal ley, sec.), Half Moon P .H.Biggleswd Woodcraft .A. Ridgmont, Bletchley Rose Bud lodge) (G. Wagg, sec.), South Beds Liberal Association (Chas. Woodhall Samuel, Shortmead street, ·white Horse P.H. Church street; & Cot chin, sec.), Cheap side chambers, Biggleswade; & Beeston, Sandy Loyal Dreadnought Lodge (Thomas Luton Woods Thomas, Elstow, Bedford Handley, sec.), Swan hotel, High st. South Beds Liberal .Association (H. W. Wyant William, Riseley, Bedford Biggleswade Lathom, agent), Morainville,Dunstbl Leighton Horticultural (Leopold de South Beds Liberal Unionist .Associa­ SOAP MANUFACTURERS. Ruthschild esq. pres. ; W iiliam T. tion (S. G. Wilkinson, sec. & agent), Goasaga Wm. &. Sons Limited, Clough, sec.), 11 Grove road, Leigh­ Park street, Luton Widnes,Lancs. &. 8 Blackstock tun Buzzard Wesleyan Young :Men's Christian As· street, Liverpool Leighton & Linslade Young Men's sociation (Rev. J. J. Ingram, presi· 1 Christian Association(W. G. Hinton, dent), Chapel street, Luton SOCIETIES & ASSOCIATIONS. hun.sec.),r7 Market ~q.Leightn.Bzzd .Ampthil.l Young Men's Christian .As- London ~ity Missio~ (Co~nty of Bed- SODA WATER MANOFACTBS. sociation (James Brown, chairman), fordshue) (Rev. l\. F.Lmdesay B..A. Dunstable 11treet, Ampthill hon. sec.), St. Cuthbert"s st.Bedford See Mineral Water Manufacturers. .
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