i : 1 CLUBBED TO DEATH. EXONERATE PAUL VANUtKVUuni. NEWS OP OTSBKASEA. MOORE IS ARRESTED. Reform Press Association Docs Not Sus- IZZ: Him. FATE OF KICAKUU HUii WORDS Against HORRIBLE TOLD.IN AFEW tain Charges Confirmed. SpTS"a was - 24. Tuesday's Manger PRISON. A swindler named uilcr l EM- Memphis, Tenn., Feb. , IN A SPANISH tradingarniibo- - IS CHARGED Wl n Washington-- Feb. 19. William H. nfc TTnnsas Citv. chnrtrcd with session of the Reform. Press association IRaL BARE, EDrroRAiro Proprietor IN i a horse uenms BEZZLING STATE FUNDS. has been confirmed as judge for EVENTS OCCURRING ALLotu iura Missouri land for of interesting talk. The dis- Munger Pay fifirrlo.Tr. an aired Uhicacoan, was full of Nebraska. Authorities of tho State Dopartment SUMMARIZED. ieuuuu precipitated and the angei the district a stairs at his home and fractured his skull, cussion was No Attention to Ills Defends For SUBSOEIPTIOK BATES. - Brought the Trobate Court of by the state- Postmaster. death following an horn- afterward Action In of the delegates aroused Three Candidate For "IVarship to Protect Amerlcaa Citizens. IL25. Xe-duc-ed County-Informat- ion Alleges had 23. One Year, cash in advance Happenings From Homo and Abroad James Sykes, a line repairer for the "Wes- tancastor ment of Secretary Parker that he Republican City, Neb., Feb. Is Critical. .75 Cents $27,208.05-Pr- e- from the Situation at Havana Sir Months, cash in advance Prom Columns to ilsss Every- tern Union, slimjcd and fell before a train a .Deliberate Steal of received an official communication There are several candidates for at Hickorv Grove. Ky., and was cut to Hniinar7HearingtoBeiieUionMarch34 tilfi Teijraska Rsform Press association nostoffice here. Tho most prominent thing Bat Facte Eliminated For Oar kid- - World n'oepe Grissom. suspected of - Whitney Havana, Feb. 25. (New York EnteredattheNorthPlatte(Kebraska)pogtofficeas John W1UUU U1CIC111.U 0 u arc Mrs. J. Reynolds, C W. Headers' Convenience. naninff at Stroudc. O. T., was shot and askea Cahleirrani.l The state department Ex-Audit- or Yandervoorfc aud e econd-cIas- E matter. Feb. 25. Eu President Paul and A. T. Smitl killed bv Sheriff Bentley and a posse, Lixcols. aud ex- refuses to answer General Lee's cabled a charged with that Mr. Yandcrvoort be tried udgesoip. Friday, Feb. 19. white resisting arrest Edward Ferry, gene Moore is under arrest Mr. Sullivan Gets the J question as to whether or not it win new railroad public pelled from the association. Hol-com- b laborer employed in building embezzlement and theft of Prr Feb. 19. Governor man-ot-w- ar ms aemauu i A statuo of St. Patrick, a present from communication charged Mr. Lincoln, sustain with a shorts at Shawnee. O. T., was sctuck on came into his hands dur- said the today appointen H. M. Sullivan of upon Americans Karspaper his holiness, the pope, was delivered at St. and died moneys which with being a paid spy of that Spanish outrages The first the head by a falling timber his term of Vandervoort Broken Bow to succeed William L. lives, liberty and Patrick's church, Montreal While Thomas Malone ot Uttawa, xiis., ing the last two years of cease and that the crop of Florida pineapples reached Chi- Chicago men had been notihed. ana Greene as judge of the Twelfth judicial rrftntv richts of the citizens ot tne containing tens Krekincr work at three office. Mr. Moore cago Friday, and half crates, manner and robbed county at-- district of Nebraska. States he respected by the Span- Three-year-ol- brutal walked into the office of the United two dozen, sold at $8 d money. Mich., while him of all his tornev and accepted service of the war Burns to tho Ground. ish authorities. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1897. George Hurst of Lincoln, rianlng Mill an American citizen oi playing with a carving knife, cut himself "Wednesday, Feb. 24. rant. Consequently no formal arrest Hastings, Feb. 19. The large plan Kicardo Ruiz, Weyrick, Yalley education, has just been muracreain with fatal results Frederick It is rumored that the Hocking was macte. no was uiuuitjamuvx j ing mill of F. L. Pade & Son burned to for capitalist of Milford, Ind., was thrown go into a receiver's hands The prison and Charles W. Scott, another , The national oppropriation a road will attorney. ground, xne entire iosa is esuuuiwi from the back of a fractious horse and United States Leather company has de his the Amflrimn citizen, has been kept 14 days Trans-Mississip- pi exposition sev- - $8,000. There was not one aouax s the injuries Andrew Nolan. of 1 per cent on the pre After a conference extending over at with nothing to died from his clared a dividend - i. in soiitary confinement $275,000. - n - of insurance on it. has been increased to HOvears old. a sailor, committed suiciuo ferred stock At La Crosse, wis., Aora- cral hours. Judge Cochrane nnauy sei- worth door, nn bnt a wet stone noor. xvuw. shooting, the home of a friend, Syrian, stabbed his wife and . released by at nam Tobit, a hearing for March 24, and "Women to Chose lady Managers. kept incommunicado 13 days before are now sell Hugh McArdle, in New York city A He will die The Missouri was Texas strawberries himself. nf with killfid- - prevent Scott from 4.i, wJ t-- n cm at-- xi a bill Mr. Moore on a bond iu,uw, Fkemont, Neb., Feb. 20. Congress i,o vns To ing- - 20 cents a quart. If the ,f.Mi,nc a General Lee demanded at tornev named S. iuM. Galloway, charging roouirinir that all executions of criminals L. F. Bilhngsley and Dr. Hoover oi man Mciklejohn has designated that being murdered - J.-- m Texans would accept pay in the him with takine public records from Jus-- RhaU ti-- e in the penitentiary at Jef- coi t t Sutherland of Tekamah, mass convention be held in this city of General Ahnmaoa on xnimy Dr. E. W. Sawyer of Steel Canal Boat con - of 25, select two brought out of close connne- - voted for the price ticc Wood's court ferson City The lvpr- O. A. McCloud next Wednesday, Feb. to Scott be monev they a 1 Si. I . 1 A . .1 I nf Milford and Has commenceu iuriuuiwjr was u.mur. congressional to see friends. cheap enough. Uhicago suit pany, whleh organizes iur lady directors from this ment and allowed would be exposi- by baturday ana - Tim-firs- t district for the Transmississippi This was not done j utr. t,a i.1hi-h-1 his -n, . i fninoronm it! fleet nonnt of the luiormanon Secretary Olney road announces svm v,.i;,ii McCloy, 3, tion. General Lee cabled to The Burlington eve A student named Monroe at tho frnm six to 19 boats Charles B. ntrn;nst Moore alleges that on Jan. many warships - - 8,000, facts, asking how catering- to the short- school at Valparaiso, Ind., took Michigan for embezzling Q feloniously by a Train. the that it is not normal wanted in Moore unlawfully and Judge Thomas Killed Florida coast and if one morphine to cure headache and was found surrendered to United States Marshal , , own use City. Neb., Feb. 20. Judge E. were on tho and will not make - rnnvertto his Falls haired fraternity ,.,.1 yA r.-r- f. ,w Winn- taken an 1,1, n? a,n Vmnriwn vestcrdav. Ho did fraudulently would be sent here in case it became - A. Thomas, a prominent lawyer of this to the Corbett-- h ltzsim- Wk a nnn Rfin'sh of Chicaeo in the Second Is a-- aud embezzle of tho pubuc money $11, to enforce a demand. Not a cheap rate wicn ka ncSccnf. mib.r cirv. was rnn over and killed nere at necessary We believe in this is suing the Knights of Honor to recover tional bank of Bay City, Mich. ine 703.80. The second count is praccicauy PAUL VAXDEUVOORT. one word in reply to these questions mons fteht. life of Eu- tno . - party and a traitor to midnight while alighting from a south Wed- officials take 2,000 insurance money on the Wisconsin supremo court continued fiiinrr. with a few tech- the Republican had came from Washington up to matter the Burlington she claims um-iu- u " hound freight train, on which he was a gene Beresh, her husband, who decision oi tne iocu couuy Dr.i;cm Tim convention howled at nesday morning. Bell Telophone company hiding promulgated by the meal change s in moment passenger. crossing a parallel track the proper stand is dead The that the rule date and barges and showed in a In emergency still exists. The of Canada has appealed to tho gov- state board of health in 1894, requiring all third count sets up the same Mr. he was struck by a northbound freight. Tho h utmost least said, released from the school to be vaccinated amount, charges Moore-wit- having Spanish authorities do not in the Chauncey M. Depew, it is ernment to be children attending but Yandervoort, both as a man and as a no the 1 (Ren.. Tenn.) Intro ,tto Sopher Acquitted. treaty stipulations that which restricts invalid Gibson count al Mrs. Anna Is respect the new ambassa-- 1 act of parliament stolen the money. The fourth party. is certain to be the company making its own rates the house a joint resolution auth- member of the Populist City, Feb. 19. The trial prisoner must be kept in soli- duced in leges that on Jan. 7, 1897, Moore unlaw demanded an inves- Nebraska American dor of the United States to the Miss Anna Groverstock, sweetheart of F.
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