District Disaster Management Plan (North Goa) Final Report ,October 2012 Rev.1, November 2012 Goa Institute of Management Ribandar, Goa District Disaster management Plan, 2012-13,North Goa FOREWORD Goa though blessed by not being affected by any major disaster till date is still vulnerable to the natural calamities like Flood, Cyclonic Storms, Earthquake, Landslide, Mining hazards and Sea Erosion. Apart from these natural hazards there are chances of man-made disasters like major fire, industrial accidents, terrorist attacks etc. Goa being a small state has 2 Districts namely North Goa and South Goa and it comprises of 11 Talukas. The total area of the state is 3700 Sq. km having a population 13, 43,998 with 50.23% living in rural areas and 49.7% of the population residing in urban areas. The aim of this project is to formulate the District Disaster Management Plan, North Goa, in the context of Preparedness/ Mitigation, Incident Response System & Rehabilitation from natural disasters. This Plan should be useful to tackle the multi-hazard vulnerabilities to population buildings livestock crop area, industries, civil facilities and infrastructure and should be based on the factors like ever-growing population, the vast disparities of income, rapid urbanization, increasing industrialization, development within high risk zones, environmental degradation, climate change, state and national security, economy and sustainable development. The objective of the District Disaster Management Plan, Goa is to facilitate execution of activities for prevention and preparedness, response operations, coordination, rehabilitation and community awareness and involvement. In preparing the Plan, the existing manual has been studied; the prevailing documents and various stakeholders were consulted. The framework of the plan is based on the paradigm shift in Disaster Management from a relief centric approach to a regime that anticipates the importance of preparedness, prevention and mitigation. The team has followed the guidelines for preparing District Disaster Management Plans and Incident Response System issued by the National Disaster Management Authority. Acknowledgement 2 District Disaster management Plan, North Goa We take this opportunity to thank the North Goa Collector, Mr. Mihir Vardhan for giving us the responsibility to update the District Disaster Management Plan-2012-13. Throughout the process his guidance, cooperation and suggestions helped us. We also extend our thanks to Mr.Mahesh Corjuenkar, Dy.Collector (Revenue), North Goa for his whole hearted support at various stages of the preparation of this manual. Contributors Prof.P.F.X. D’ Lima, Team Advisor Prof. Prabir Kumar Bandyopadhyay Prof .Fernanda Andrade 3 District Disaster management Plan, North Goa C O N T E N T S PREFACE NEED OF THE HOUR Page No. ABBREVIATIONS 1-2 DEFINITIONS 3-4 INTRODUCTION KNOWING DISASTER 4-10 What is a Disaster The Disaster Management Cycle Objectives & Priorities Disaster Management Plan SECTION-I: STRUCTURAL CHAPTER.1 DISTRICT PROFILE 11-17 Location Area & Administrative Set-Up Demography Land Use Pattern Climatic Indicators Agriculture Forest Industries River Systems And Reservoirs Transportation Network Communications CHAPTER 2 RISK ASSESSMENT AND VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS 18-34 Economic, Occupational, Social and Educational Profile of the Population District Specific Proneness to various Types of Disasters Disaster Probability in Various Months Specific Vulnerability of River Systems CHAPTER 3 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 35-52 AT DISTRICT LEVEL District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) District Control Room Basic Objective of DCR Officer in-charge of the DCR Assembly in DCR Arrangement in DCR Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 4 District Disaster management Plan, North Goa Emergency Response Checklist on Receipt of Warning Coordination and linkage checklist for DCR Normal Time Activity for the DCR Field – Level Control Rooms How to Document a Disaster CHAPTER. 4 ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF 53-66 DIFFERENT OFFICERS / OFFICES District Collector & Chairman DDMA Additional Collector/ Additional District Magistrate (ADM). Deputy Collector in-charge of DCR/Emergency Officer Superintendent of Police (SP). Responsibility of Different Officers in Pre & Post -Disaster situation: DHS/ CEWRD/Fire Services/CE- Elect/PWD/SP/Mamlatdar/RTO/BSNL. Role of PSU/Private Sector Armed & Paramilitary Forces NGOs/CBOs/SHGs/Youth Clubs/NYK Groups/NSS CHAPTER. 5 CAPABILITY ANALYSIS 67-70 Inventory and Evaluation of Resources Capability Analysis of Institutions at District Level Communication Media Relations SECTION-II: NON-STRUCTURAL CHAPTER. 6 DISASTERS IN NORTH GOA DISTRICT 71-88 1. Earthquake 2. Floods / Heavy rains 3. Cyclone 4. Landslides 5. Tsunami 6. Manmade Disasters CHAPTER. 7 PREVENTION AND RESPONSE STRATEGIES 89-100 1. Parameters for planning strategies 2. Pre-disaster period 3. Immediate pre-disaster 4. During disaster 5 District Disaster management Plan, North Goa 5. Post Disaster CHAPTER.8 RESPONSE PLAN 101-138 1. Incident Response System 2. Roles and Responsibilities of the Key IRS Positions 3. Standard Operating Procedures CHAPTER. 9 MITIGATION STRATEGIES FOR 139-142 SECTOR – WISE VULNERABILITY REDUCTION 1. Sector wise Vulnerability Reduction Measures (Short Term) 2. Sector wise Vulnerability Reduction Measures (Long Term) CHAPTER. 10 INFORMATION, EDUCATION AND 143-149 COMMUNICATION (IEC) 3. Plan Dissemination and Evaluation 4. Dissemination of Other IEC Materials 5. Training and Drills 6. Community Based Disaster Preparedness 7. Plans and Mock Drills 8. Setting up of Village – Level Disaster Volunteer Force – Identification and Training CHAPTER. 11 EVACUATION PROCEDURES AND 150-152 GUIDELINES 1. Operating Procedures for Evacuation 2. General Guidelines for Evacuation CHAPTER 12 MEASURES TO MAKE DDMP EFFECTIVE 153-155 1. Dissemination of DDMP 2. Mock Drill 3. Plan Evaluation 4. Post – Disaster Evaluation 5. Plan Update CHAPTER 13 DETAILS TO BE MAINTAINED AT 156 DISTRICT LEVEL AND PERIODICITY OF UPDATES ANNEXURES IRS FORMS 157-170 6 District Disaster management Plan, North Goa APPENDIX-I INCIDENT RESPONSE TEAMS 171-174 APPENDIX-II SECTIONWISE SUB PLANS 175-223 APPENDIX-III READY RECKONER 224-229 APPENDIX –IV DETAILS OF DISTRICT 230 APPENDIX –V LIST OF OFFICERS TO BE 231-236 CONTACTED IN CASE OF EMERGENCY IN NORTH GOA DISTRICT APPENDIX –VI NODAL OFFICERS 237-240 APPENDIX –VII STORAGE FACILITY IN THE DISTRICT 241 APPENDIX –VIII CYCLONE / FLOOD SHELTERS 242-247 APPENDIX –IX LIST OF PHCS / UHCS UNDER DHS 248-252 WITH BED STRENGTH AND MANPOWER APPENDIX –X LIST OF GOVERNMENT / PRIVATE 253-257 HOSPITALS WITH ITS STATUS APPENDIX –XV LIST OF VETERINARY HOSPITALS 258-262 DISPENSARIES WITH NUMBER OF VETERINARY DOCTORS, VETERINARY ASSISTANTS AND BULL ATTENDANTS/ ATTENDANT DRESSERS APPENDIX –XII ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF POLICE 263 DEPARTMENT FOR NORTH GOA DISTRICT APPENDIX-XIII STAFF INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES 264-268 AVAILABLE WITH THE FOREST DEPARTMENT APPENDIX-XIV LIST OF NCC/ NSS/ NGO’S/MAHILA 269-287 MANDALS/ CLUBS/NYK UNITS IN GOA APPENDIX-XV FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES PLAN 288-329 7 District Disaster management Plan, North Goa LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS S.No. Abbreviation Expanded form 1. ADM Additional District Magistrate 2. AIR All India Radio 3. BDO Block Development Officer 4. CAB Civil Administration Branch 5. CBO Community Based Organisation 6. CE-PWD Chief Engineer- Public Works Department 7. CE-WRD Chief Engineer- Water Resource Department 8. COP Captain of Ports 9. COs Chief Officers 10. CPMF Central Para Military Forces 11. CRs Control Rooms 12. DAHVS Director Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services 13. DCR District Control Room 14. DCS Director Civil Supplies 15. DD Doordarshan 16. DDMA District Disaster Management Authority 17. DDMP District Disaster Management Plan 18. DHS Director Health Services 19. DIP Director Information and Publicity 20. Dir. Director 21. DM District Magistrate 8 District Disaster management Plan, North Goa 22. DMA Director Municipal Administration 23. DMP Disaster Management Plan 24. EE Executive Engineer 25. FPS Fair Price Shops 26. GSDRS Goa State Disaster Relief Scheme 27. HMV Heavy Motor Vehicle 28 IMD Indian Metrological Department 29 LMV Light Motor Vehicle 30 MDKTC Managing Director Kadamba Transport Corporation 31 NCC National Cadet Corps 32 NGO Non-Governmental Organisation 33 NSS National Social Service 34 NYK Nehru Yuva Kendra 35 PCR Police Control Room 36 POL Petrol Oil Lubricants 37 PR Public Relations 38 PRI Panchayati Raj Institutions 39 RD Rural Development 40 RTO Road Transport Officer 41 S & R Operations Search and Rescue Operations 42 SCR State Control Room 43 SDM/SDO Sub Divisional Magistrate/Sub Divisional Officer 44 SDMA State Disaster Management Authority 45 SDPO Sub Divisional Police Officer 9 District Disaster management Plan, North Goa 46 SHG Self Help Group 47 SOP Standard Operating Procedure 48 SP Superintendent of Police 49 STD Standard Trunk Dialing 50 ULB Urban Local Bodies 51 VHF Very High Frequency 52 VP Village Panchayat 53 ZAO Zonal Agricultural Officer 10 District Disaster management Plan, North Goa DEFINITIONS For the sake of easy understanding, a few of the terms commonly used in dealing with natural disasters are defined here below:- Hazard1: a threatening event, or the probability of occurrence of a potentially damaging phenomenon (e.g. an earthquake, a cyclonic storm or a large flood) within a given time period and area. Disaster1: a serious disruption of the functioning of
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