SPE spit vi. SIR WILUAM SPENCEH, -who married Elizabeth, Alice, m. to Granado Pigott, esq. of Abingtoo daughter of Thomas Dee, gent. of Bridgenorth, but Pigott. died without male issue, when the BAHONKTCY passed Sir Brocket d, 3rd July, IOCS, and was $. by his son, to his cousin, (refer to Richard, fourth son of the first n. SIR RICHARU SPENCER, of Offley, who married baronet,) 23rd July, 1P72, Mary, daughter of Sir John Musters, VII. SIR CHARLES SPENCER, who was a minor in knt. of Colwick, Notts, and by her (who married se- 1741, at whose decease the title became EXTINCT. condly, Sir Ralph Radclifie, knt, of Hitchcn,) he left at his decease, in February, 1687-8, a son and succes- Amis—Quarterly, argent and gules, in the second sor, and third quarter, a fret or; over all, a bend sable, m. SIR JOHN SPENCER, of Offley, bapt. 27th Febru- three escallops argent. ary, 1077-8, at whose decease unm- 0th August, 16i)W, the title reverted to his uncle, ir. SIR JOHN SPENCER, of Offley, who d. s. p* 16th November, 1712, aged sixty-seven, when the BARO- SPENCER, OF OFFLEY. NETCY became EXTINCT. The manor of Offley became CREATED 4tb March, 1626.—EXTINCT Sept. 1033. vested in IIIB four sisters, who all d. s. j>. save the eldest, Lady Gore, whose grdndaughter, Anna-Maria Uineage. Penrice, conveyed it to her husband, Sir Thomas Sa- lusbury, SIB RICHARD SPENCER, knt. fourth son of Sir John Spencer, knt. of Althorpe, by Katharine, his wife, Arms—As SPENCER, OF YARNTON. daughter of Sir Thomas Kitson, knt. inherited from his father the manors of Oflley and Cockernhoo, Herts. He married Helen, fourth daughter and co-heir of Sir SPRIGNELL, OF COPPENTHORP. John Brocket, knt. of Brocket Hall, and had issue, JOHN, his heir. BROCKET, created a baronet in 1642, (See next article.) Elizabeth, nt. to Sir William Colepeper, bart. of ^fe2 CREATED EXTINCT Aylesford. 14th Aug. 1641. | '— J ill Aug. I«H, Anne, m. to Sir John Boteler, K,B, Alice, m. to Sir John Jennings, K.B. Sir Richard died in November, 1624, and was J. by his eldest son, i. JOHN SPENCSK, esq. of Offfley, who was created a BAKONET in 1626. He married Mary, daughter of Sir Henry Anderson, bart. of Penley, and had an only SLtneage. daughter, ALICE, m. to Sir James Atham, of Mark Hall, Es^ i. RICHARD SPHIGNEI.L, esq. of Coppenthorp, in the county of York, who was created a BARONET in 1011, sex, and had an only daughter and heir, Mary in. Anne, daughter of Mr. Gideon Delaune, of London, AI tli am, who m. Sir John Tufton, but d. $. p, apothecary, and died about the year 1659, leaving a Sir John d. in September, 1033, when the BARONETCY son and successor, became EXTINCT. it. SIR ROHI'.RT SPRIQNEI.L,, of Coppenthorp, who m. Anne, daughter of Sir Michael Livesey, bart. of East Arms^&.» SPENCER, OF YARNTON. Church, Kent, but dying without issue in 1690, was s. by his brother, ill. SIR WILLIAM SPRIGNELL, of Coppenthorp, at SPENCER, OF OFFLEY. whose decease unmarried in August, 161)1, the BARON- ETCY became KXTINCT. CREATED 26th Sept. 1642.—EXTINCT 16th Nov. 1712. Arms—Gu. two bars gemelles or, in chief a lion SLiueage. passant guardant of the second. i. BROCKET SPENCER, esq, only brother and heir male of Sir John Spencer, bart. inherited Ofliey at that gentleman's decease, and was created a BARONET SPRING, OF PACKENHAM. in 1642. He married Susanna, daughter of Sir Nicho- las Caicw, of Beddington, in Surrey, and had by her, who d, 9th May, 1682, with other issue, RicHAEkn, his heir. CREATED RUTIN uT JOHN, successor to his nephew. 17th Aug. 170!). Elizabeth, m. 2nd November, 1677, to Sir Hum- 11th Aug. 1041. phrey Gore, kilt, of Gilston, by whom she had an only daughter and heir, ELIZABETH GORE, m. in 1714, to Sir Henry Penrice, knt. LL.Ji- judge of the Admiralty Court, and had issue, Spencer Penrice, d. unm. tLUxtatt. ANNA-MARIA PENHICE, m, in 1751, to Sir Thomas Salusbury, knt. LL.D. and d. This family, an old one of the county of Suffolk, is s. p. 7th MaTch, 1759. first traced in the records of public charity, in the Susanna, m, to Abraham Nelson, eaq. church of L-avcnham, in that county was erected a Anne, m. to Roger Meredith, esq. statue of brass to the memory of 30(1 SPR SPR THOMAS SPRING, (son of Thomas and Agnes Spring, Thomas, d. unm. of Lavenham, deceased 18 HENRY VI. 1440,) who, as John, d. young. the inscription on bis Monument states, built the ves- Elizabeth, d. unm. try of that church, where he lies interred. He d. 7th Catherine, m. first to Capt. Laurence, and secondly September, 1480, and left by Margaret, hid wife, two to John PalgTave, esq. of Norfolk. sons and a daughter, viz. Dorothy, m. to Sir Christopher Culthorpe, K. R. THOMAS, his heir. of East Barsharo, in Norfolk. James, slain in a fight between Laveuham, and He d. about the year 1050, and was *. by his son, Brent-Elly, in 1493. u. Sin WILLIAM SPRINO, who m- first, Mary, daugh- Cecilia, m. to Robert Sexton, gent, of Lavenbam, ter of Sir Dudley North, K.B. but had no issue by that lady. He m, secondly Sarah, daughter of Sir He was s, by his elder son, Robert Cordell, bart. of Melford Hall, in Suffolk, and THOMAS SPRING, of Lavenbam, who m. first, Alice, had daughter of Thomas Apple ton, esq. of Waldingfield, THOMAS, his successor. and by her had JOHN, who succeeded as fifth BARONET. JOHN (Sir), his heir. Sarah, m. to John Macky, esq. Robert, in. Anne, daughter of Thomas Eden, esq. of Lavenham, which lady surviving him, m. se- Sir William d, circa 1684, and was s. by his elder condly, Sir Philip Paris, knt. son, in. SIR THOMAS SPRING, who m. Merilina, fifth Anne, m. to Sir Thomas Jermyn, knt. of Rush- daughter and co-heir of Thomas, Lord Jermyn, by brooke, in Suffolk. whom (who in. secondly, Sir William Gage,) he bad Rose, m. to — Gibbon, esq. of Lynn Regis, in surviving issue, Norfolk. WILLIAM, his heir. He m. secondly, Anne, daughter of — King, esq, of MERILINA, m. to Thomas Diseiplence, esq, of Bury Boxford. Mr. Spring, who was an opulent clothier, St, Edmunds, a justice of the peace for the d. in 1510, and was &. by his elder son, county of Suftblk, and had two daughters, Sin JOHN SPRING, who received the honor of knight- MEKELINA, who m. Michael Lehcup, esq. and hood from King HENRY VII. He m. Dorothy, daugh- had a son, ter of Sir William Waldegrave, knt. of Smallbridge, MICHAEL LEHKUP, esq, who m. Mary, in Suffolk, and had, with two daughters, Frances, m. daughter of George Waddillgton, esq. of to Edmund Wright, esq- of Little Buckenham, in Nor- Bury, and had issue, folk, aud Bridget, m. first to Thomas Fleetwood, esq. MICHAEL LEHEUP. and secondly to Sir Robert Wingfield, knt. of Lethe- Mary Leheup. ringham, a son and successor, at his decease 1 ELI- Merelina Leheiip. WABU VI. DELAHIYIERE, nt. to John Godbold, esq. SIR WILLIAM SPRING, of Pakenham, who received MARY, in. to the Rev. John Symonds, rector of the honor of knighthood from Queen ELIZABETH. He Horringeth, and had issue, tn. first, Anne, fourth daughter of Sir Thomas Kitaon, JOHN SYMONDS, LL.D. recorder of Bury, ap knt. of Hengrave, and aecondly, Susan, daughter of pointed professor of modern history at Cam- Sir Ambrose Jernryn, knt. of Rushbrooke. He d. in the year 1599, leaving one son and three daughters, bridge, 1771, living in 1802, at his villa, viz. called St. Edmunds Hill, an estate which he inherited from hie maternal grandmother, JOHN, his heir. the Hon. Merelina Jermyn. Margaret, d. unm. Thomas Symmonds, capt, R.N. d. in 1792. He Anne, m. to Thomas Hyuson, esq. m. first, Mary Noble, and secondly, Eliza- Dorothy, m. to Edmond Jermyn, esq. beth Mallet, by the latter he had His son and successor, Jermyn. JOHN SPRING, esq, of Pakenham, w». Mary, daughter of Thomas. Sir John Trelawny, knt. of Trelawny, in Cornwall, Mariana, m. to John Benj afield, esq. aud by whom (who m. secondly, Sir Robert Gardiner, knt.) had a sou, he left at his decease in 1B01, an only son, Frederick Benjafield. SIR WHUAM SPRING, who was knighted by King Elizabeth, m- to the Rev. Mr. Higbam. JAMES 1. He m. the daughter of Sir William Smith, Delariviere Symmonds, m. to the Rev. Mr, of Mounthall, alias High Hall, in Essex, and had issue, Casburn, and had issue. WILLIAM, his heir. Anna-Maria Symmonds, rf. «. p. Anne, m. to Sir Thomas Gaudy, knt. of Gaudy HENRIETTA, rf. unra. in 1733. Hall, Norfolk. DELARIVIERE, d. unm. in 1733. Bridget, m. to John Hobart, esq. of Langley, in Sir Thomas d, about 1710, and was J. by his son, the same county. iv. Sia WILLIAM SPRING, who rf. until, in March, Frances, d. young. 1730-7, and was s. by his uncle, Elizabeth, m. to John Sidley, esq. of Morley, also v. SIR JOHN SPRING, who m, Elizabeth, daughter of in Norfolk. Mr. Nightingale, and had issue, Dorothy, m. to Thomas Drake, gent, of London. John, m. to Miss Cordell, andd. before his father He was s, by his son, s. p. i. Sin WILLIAM SPUING, of Pakenham, who was Charles,^ knighted by King CHARLBS I. and afterwards created Defore th a BARONET by the same monarch, 11th August, 1641. Sarah*' l **' eir father- Ho m.
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