. 5244 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD-HO-USE. APRIL 21, Oliver H. Tuthill to be postmaster at Rockville Center, in the John F. Mains to be postmaster at Stronghurst, in the county county of Nas an and State of New York, in place of Oliver H. of Henderson and State of Illinois. Tuthill. Incumbent's commission expires May 2, 1904. Sealy B. Moody to be postmaster at Lagrange, in the county of omo. Cook and State of lllinois. Louis A. Koons to be postmaster at Massillon, in the county of Elmer .E. Smith to be postmaster at Clayton, in the county of Stark and State of Ohio. in place of Louis A. Koons. Incumbent's Adams and State of illinois. commission expires June 5, 1904. INDLU"A.. Hugh S. Espey to be postmaster at Rising Sun, in the county of OREGON. I Ohio and State of Indiana. William H. Leitner to be postmaster 'at Huntington, in the John A. Hall to be postmaster at Cicero, in the county of Ham­ county of Baker and State of Oregon. in place of William H. Leit­ ilton and State of Indiana. ner. Incumbent's commission expired March 13, 1904. Hamlin Smith to be postmaster at Brownstown, in the county PE..'\'NSYL VANIA.. of Jackson and State of Indiana. Henry D. Ruth to be po tmaster at Lansdale. in the county of TEXAS. Montgomery and State of Pennsylvania, in place of Henry D. Frankie Houssels to be postmaster at Childress, in the county Ruth. Incumbent's commission expired April 16, 1904. of Childress and State of Texas. Samuel A. Smith to be postmaster at Indiana, in the county of Indiana and State of Pennsy vania, in place of Samuel A. Smith. Incum bent s commission expires April 27. 1904. Daniel Williams to be postmaster at Sharon, in the county of HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. :Mercer and State of Pennsylvania. in place of Daniel Williams. Incumbent's commission expires May 9,.1904. THURSDAY, .Apn"l21, 1~04.' SOUTH DAKOTA. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Jo ~ eph Kubler to be postmaster at Custer, in the county of Prayer by the Chaplain Rev. HENRY N. Coumi!N, D. D. Cu,ter and State of .South Dakota, in place of Joseph Kubler. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read, corrected, Incmnbent·s commission expires May 4t 1004:. and approved. TE...~TESS EE . AFFECTING llA...1\ffiER OF IMPORT.A.TIO~. Edwin C. Alexander to be po tmaster at Elizabethton, in the Mr. GROSVENOR. Mr. Speaker, I call up the privileged bill county of Carter ana State of Tenne see. in place of Senorita V. (S. 2816) to amend section 3095 of the Revised Statutes of the Alexander. Incumbent's commission expires May 7. 1~04. United States, relating to manner of" importation, which I shall Gus Cate to be postmaster at Cleveland, in the county of Brad­ send to the desk and ask to have read. lef and State of Tennessee. in place of James K. P. Marsha.ll. The Clerk read as follows: Incumbent's commission expired March 31, 1904. He it enacted, etc., That section 30~ of the Revised Statutes is hereby George B. Henegar to be postmaster at McMinnville, in the amended so a.s to reaa a.c; follows: •• SEC. 0095. Except in the districts on the northern, northwester~~ west­ county of Warren and State of Tennes ee, in place of Asa H. ern boundaries of the United States, adjoining to the Dominion of da., or Faulkner. Incumbent's commission expired February 20, 1904. into the districts adjacent to Marico, no merchandise of foreign growth Ol' manufacture subject to the payment of dutle shall be brougllt into the TEXAS. United States from any foreign port in any other manner than by sea. nor J. B. Campbell to be postmaster at Alvarado, in the county of in any ve%-el of less than . 0 net register tons. or landed or unladen at any other port than is directed by law, under the penalty of seizure and forfeit­ Johnson and State of Texas, in place of George W. Cotter. In­ ure of all sucll vessels andof the merchandise rmported therein, laden orun­ cuwbent's commission expired January 10, 1903. laden in anv other manner." James I. Carter to be postmaster at Arlington, in the county of SEC. 2. This act shall take effect one month after its passa.ooe. Tarrant and State of Texas. in place of James I. Carter. Incum­ Mr. SMITH of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I would like to hear bent's commission expired March 31, 1904. some explanation of the bill. Owen Ford to be postmaster at San Marcos, in the county of Mr. GRO::;VENOR. Mr. Speaker, the pre ent law regulating Hays and State of Texas, in place of Owen Ford. Incumbent's the importation of goods into the northwestern ections of our commission expired January 10, 1903. country was passed prior to the creation of the Puget Sound dis­ Charles C. Littleton to be postmaster at Weatherford, in the trict. The language in the law at present is" except into the dis­ county of Parker and State of Texas, in place of William F. tricts hereinbefore described," and that description. therefore, Wieland, deceased. · did not cover the Puget Sound district. The crPation of the Marion D. Townley to be 1postmaster at Valley Mills, in the Puget Sound district brings about this strange condition of facts, county of Bosque and State of Texas. Office became Presidential that the law is different, or rather. there is no law at all regulat­ April1, 1904. ing this question in the matter of importations into that district. WASHINGTON. The Treasury Department aslrs that we make the present law George W. France to be postmaster at Hoquiam, in the county conform to the present conditions of the districts in the North­ of Chehalis and State of Washington, in place of George W. west. France. Incumbent's commission expired December 14, 1903. Mr. SMITH of Kentucky. The bill comes from the Committee John 0. Wilson to be postmaster at Cosmopolis, in the county on Ways and Means? of Chehalis and State of Washington. Office became Presidential Mr. GROSVENOR. It comes with a unanimous report from the Committee on Ways and .Means, and is recommended by the October 1, 1903. WEST VIRGmA.. Treasury. Mr. LIND. Mr. Speaker, does it affect the imports from Albert G. Holt to be postmaster at Kenova, in the county of abroad? Wayne and State of West Virginia. Office became Presidential Mr. GROSVENOR. Certainly not, because they can not do January 1, 1904. that. This is a simple change in the languacre of the present law. WISCO~. It strikes out the words "hereinbefore described " and puts it in Murdick W. McAskill to be postmaster at Glidden, in the county the form as read by the Clerk. of A bland and State of Wisconsin. Office became Presidential Mr. LIND. It does not affect the bonding privilege? April1, ~904:. Mr. GROSVENOR. Not at all. It simply conforms the law to the new condition of the districts. CONFIRMATIONS. Mr. PAYNE. It makea it the same as it is with Canada and Mexico. ExeCidi.ve nominations confirmed by the Senate April ~1, 190.1,. Mi·. GROSVENOR. It makes the law exactly as it is with PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. Canada and Mexico; it makes a uniform operation throughout that whole section of th~ country. Lieut. Chester M. Knepper to be a lieutenant-commander in The SPEAKER. The question is on the third reading of the the Navy from the 1st day of Janna~, 190-4: . · Senate bill. Ensign Walter M. Hunt to be a lieutenant (Jumor grade) m The bill was ordered to be read a third time, read thethh·d time, the Navy from the 28th day of January, 1904. and nassed. POSTMASTERS. ori motion of Mr. GROSVE...~OR, a motion to reconsider the last IL~-om. vote was laid on the table. Archibald W. Fletcher to be postmaster at Highland Park, in UNANIMOUS CONSENTS. - the county of Lake and State of lllinois. _ The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to state to the House that John Grierson to be postmaster at Monison, in the county of he has memoranda from many Members asking for the passage V7hiteside and State of lllinois. of court and bridge bills and bills that probably would not be ob- 1904. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 5245 The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present consideration of this bill? Mr. JONES of Virginia. Reserving the right to object, I should like to hear the bill read. The SPEAKER. The Chair will explain that his only reason for asking for objection before the reading of the bill was that when a bill is lengthy it may be well that the objection, if any, should be stated before time has been spent in the reading. The Chair can see the propriety in a case of this kind of asking for the reading of the bill before the question of unanimous consent is determined. Mr. MONDELL. I ask unanimous consent that the reading of the preamble of the bill be dispensed with. .; There was no objection. The Clerk read the residue of the bill; which, in its entirety, is as follows: Whereas MeEsrs. Joseph H. Brigham and Charles H. Merillat, two mem­ bers of a commission consi.«ting of Messrs. John D. Wood.I·uff, Joseph H. Brigham, and Charles H. Merillat, did on the 2d day of October, 1891, con­ clude an agreement with the Shoshone and Arapahoe tribes of Indians re­ siding on the Shoshone Indian 'Reservation in the State of Wyoming, which said azreement is in words and figures as follows, to wit: Articles of agreement made and entered into at Fort Washakie, in the State of Wyoming, on the 2d day of October, 1891, by and between John D.
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