TrlUHSbAV, OCTOBEH 19. 1944 PACE HERALD, T«rr»iN«. Servicemen's stationery? C" Torrance 444 or 448. Women in Service Democratic TORRANCE SPONSORS " F.S. Carpenter 0) Have Benefits of 3 YEARS AHEAD Rally Here Will Speak at R A,N , —————— of oil others .' "Bill of Rights" THEATRE Turning the sword back Int Next Tuesday A. I. M. HI. c. FHONI TOIUNCI 16» 3 WE HAVE the plowshare one of the mas Local Democrats swing Into First It was "V" day, then It wns changed to "V-K" diiy, Tho guost speaker of the eve­ ter-jobs of the post-war era- the tempo of the rapid-fire na­ and now Torranrc Chamber of Commerce suggests tbut H he ning will he F. S. Carpenter, NOW ENDS SAT. will be expedited by the Unite tional political campaign next "C" dny for "Continuation" of (he war effort just us lianl after factory manager, U. S. Hubber States government through th Tuesday, Oct. 24, with a rally the full of Germany. Other chambers are iisked to follow suit, Company, Los Angeles Synthetic EVERYBODY'S G.I. Bill of Rights, particular! to be held at Torrance Civic 111 the following release sent nut by lllllmmi U. Ix<p, ehalrmnn Plant. Mr. Carpenter will talk SWEETHEART B. F. GOODRICH in fitting women, now: In un Auditorium at 8 p.m. under the the merchants division, and on the subject, "The Synthetic form, into their rightful place auspices of the Torrance Area Harry B. Lewis, executive sec Rubber Industry, Its Develop­ "JANIE" when peace finally comes. Democratic Club. retary: ment and Its Future," at the SILVERTOWNS The War Department need Jay Ray -Files, Los Angeles Fairless-Sproul "A proposal to combat the 'V annual fall meeting of the Pe­ women to serve with the Med attorney and former president day plans suggested by some ol troleum Division of the Ameri­ —— IN STOCK NOW!!! cal Department of the Unltee of the Los Angeles Democratic the large cities in the United can Institute .of Mining and States Army through enlistmen Luncheon Club, will deliver the Rites Announced States was advanced by thi Metallurgical Engineers at the "SECRET OF in the WAC, and to further thi principal address. He will be ail merchants division of the Ambassador Hole], Los Angeles, aim, the film, "To the Ladies, introduced by, Congressman Ce­ Torrance Chamber on Friday, Oct. 20. SCOTLAND YARD" THREE YEARS BEFORE depicting the work done by the cil R. King. "Mr. Files is a At Huntington merce. According to Jan Law, pro­ ther company, B. F. The Only Women's Army Corps In the dynamic speaker and won high "The original plan gram chairman, a group of Huntington, W. Va., Oct SUN. - MON. TUES. Surgeon General's Office, has praise on a similar talk at the Hazel Hat field Spi business- establishments, have eight technical papers will be Mrs. to secondary th i/nthetio rubbe TIRES been serened before thousands Rosslyn Hotel in Los Angeles Benjamin transportation cease en rout presented relating recovery, production engineer­ "RECKLESS AGE" tart in lynthetn of women Interested in the pro recently," states Ben H. Lingen- and return to points of origin, Backed by gram. felter, president of 'the local | nml similar plans, does not ap ing, engineering research and today's B. F. ected in "To the Ladies" has been Democrats. j pear to be in the best interest? other related topics regarding ch Silvertownt. 3 Years' shown before members of the Gall Sondergaard, star of | of industry, commerce and la our oil reserves. will be opened They have already proved -ivilian Advisory Committee to "Christmas Holiday" and other | nor. Since voting to go along The meeting EXTRA with an address by Commander emselves over BILLIONS the Women's Army Corps; to motion pictures, has definitely with the initial arrangement, groups of Parent'Teachers' As take the- Torrance merchants voted V. H. Wilhelm; regional vice NEXT WEEK Starts WE-D. lies. And satisfied users Synthetic accepted nn invitation to sociatio'n; the Junior League part in the rally and a number to exempt the food and drug chairman of the petroleum divi­ they seem at least a> he Assistance; the American nutlets from the plan, owing to sion. TIRE of other Hollywood artists are session will in­ "GYPSY WILDCAT" od tlr, federation of Women's Clubs expected. Other entertainment food* spoilage and emergency , The morning clude papers by H. C. Miller, re eligible, get the Experience Catholic, Protestant and Jewish Is planned, according to the medicine purchases. church organizations, and before principal engineer of the U. S. XTRA VALUE built in by committee In charge of the pro­ "The war plants have com­ Bureau of Mines, on "The Bu­ Business and Professional Worn gram. plained about the encouraging "CRIME BY NIGHT" TRA EXPERIENCE . reau of Mines Research on Syn en's clubs. ceremonies will be of workers to throw down their for B. F. Goodrich Master of thetic Liquid Fuels"; "The Meth Enlistees in the WAC for the Al Griewe, director of the Dem­ tools at a given signal. We on od of Determining Well Efflu ORRANC Medical Department, not only ocratic speakers' bureau for the west coast will havo the cnts from Different Sources and perform a noble duty, as thou­ Southern California. Griewe Is added responsibility of keeping Injected Gas," by E. P. Valby H E A T R. sands of soldiers are being hos­ of war urgency materials flowing- DRIVE IN! also personal representative Richfield Oil Corp.; "Measure pitalized each month, but they U. S. Senator Sheridan Downey to the Pacifib after Germany Pressure In Torrance ment of Capillary WE'LL HELP YOU APPLY! are preparing themselves for and states that he is endeavor- has been conquered. Small Core Samples," by Q. L. NOW ENDS SAT. future work, in the home or in ng to arrange an appearance servicemen coming home qn fur­ Hasslcr and E. Brnnner, Shel the business world. of Senator Downey on the pro­ loughs from the Pacific theatre Development Company, and wil "LADY FOR A DAY" gram. of operations stressed they H would not be enjoying a 'V dny. lonclUde with a paper by R. NOW IN STOCK 1", The public is Invited to the Olds, B. H. Snge and W. N STORKatorials rally next Tuesday. There will "The Torrance merchants feel Laccy of California Institute of be no admission charged nor that 'V day will be when all of Tech n o 1 o g y on "Volumetr' "HARI KARI" lion, were the Axis powers have been sub­ BE Good rich Born at Torrance Memorial collections solicited, it is an­ in a simple ceremony at the Phase Behavior of Oil and Gas nounced. dued. The defeat of Germany MON. TUES. hospital during the past week home of the bride's parents, Dr. and the diverting of war mate­ frohv the Paloma Field." SUN. SILVERTOWNS rj were children. of the following: and Mrs. H. D. Hatfield, 1550 The afternoon session wili rials to the Pacific should be T LAUREL & HARDY in Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bliss, 542 Bth ave. The Rev. Hugh Thon n signal for 'Continuation Day' open with a paper by- W. E. Carson St., a girl, Oct. 17, at Hospital Cases son Kerr of the Shadysidc Pi - C Day.' Cardwell, Jr., and R. L. Parsons 8:22 p.m. byterinn church, Pittsburgh, Pa of Standard Oil Company of "PACK UP YOUR Mr. and Mrs. William S. Among those admitted to Tor- officiated at the ceremony. M "There may be some excuse California on "Average Perme­ Campbell, 1429 W. 219th St., a ance Memorial hospital during Fairless is a member of Shad; for the larger cities to attempt abilities of H e t e r o g eneoils TROUBLES" girl, Oct. 12, 6:25 a.m. he past week were the follow- side church and is a close pe to prevent damage to their es­ Sands." Following this paper Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher, ng: sonal friend of Dr. Kerr. Mrs tablishments, however, If appro­ will be "A Method for Deter­ ———AISO——— HARVELS priate propaganda is properly 1617 W. 204th St., a boy, born Edward W. Groves, 1910 218th Kerr, who accompanied Dr. Kcr mining Fluid Movement In SUPER SERVICE Oct. 15, .at 8:21 p.m. on the trip to»Huntington, wa applied, 'there will be little pos­ Wells," by Sherman L. Pease, "HIS GIRL FRIDAY" Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sea- Mrs. Zulu Hanks, 1304 Acacia also present at the wedding. sibility of malicious damage. Shell Oil Company; "An Experi­ bridge, 1616 224th St., a girl, ve. Dr. H. D. Hatfield, the bride' "How about granting a bonus mental Water Flood in a Call 1530 CRAVENS TORRANCE born Oct. 13 at 11:57 urn.' John C. Smith, 1924 Pacific father, was formerly governo of. some type for employes n fornla Oil Field," by E. C. Bab- ve., Lomlta. of 'West Virginia and Unitei maining on 'the job 'to finish son, Union Oil Company, and Servicemen's stationery? Call Luther D. Timm= 2343 260th \States Senator from the sanv the job.' The Army, Navy, Air the technical sessions will con­ Torrance 444 or 443. t., Lomita. )state. Mrs. Fairless is the for Force, Wa Man] ower Commis- clude with a paper by Norris sion, Wai Labor Board, Mari Johnston, General Petroleum * Jmer wife of John Roach Sprou of Philadelphi time Commission and our Com- Corp. of California, title "Water ander-in-Chlef appreciate Permeability of Reservoir After a short wedding trip is gesture. Sands." iMr. and Mrs. Fairless will mak* The day's meeting will- con their future home at Ligonier Tor: vill take the lead, par seems to have given the American people a P&.
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