Geographic Characteristics of Soya Production in Agricultural Areas of Vojvodina Region Geographic Characteristics of Soya Production in Agricultural Areas of Vojvodina Region Igor Stamenković1, Danica Bošnjak2, es, linoleum, tires, fibers, water resistant Aleksandra Stamenković3 Introduction glues. Besides that, soya oil is used in phar- The earliest written European sources on macy when making stearin, soaps, glycer- food made of soya bean date back to 1597 in, different creams and is as well used as a Abstract when Florence inhabitant Francesco Car- component of oil and printing colours and By its quality and energy value, soya ex- letti visited Nagasaki. Moreover, food high quality sprays used in automobile ceeds most of agricultural products and made of soya came to Europe earlier than and airplane industry, when making med- not only those concerned with husband- soya bean itself. The Dutch, as requested by icines and in confection, textile and other ry. For almost three centuries, its grow- Louis XIV, started importing Japanese soya industries (Đorđević, Nenadić, 1980). Fur- ing has a rising tendency observed both sauce to France in 1670 which was used as a thermore, soya has a great agrotechnical through the aspect of sowing areas and as- food spice during baroque banquets at the importance since it enriches the soil with pect of yield, which inevitably leads to the court. Soya is one of the basic agricultur- nitrogen (100/200 kg/ha), which equals growth of production scope. The applica- al crops from the group of industrial-oil 500-1000 kg/ha of mineral nitric fertiliz- tion of selection methods has contributed plants. It has important nutritive charac- er. It leaves the soil in a rather favourable to the significant growth of protein content teristics and as such is considered a signif- physical condition, and as such it repre- in the seed, which additionally contribut- icant raw material in food industry. Apart sents a good component in crop rotation ed to the permanent trend of soya produc- from the fact that it is used in human and (Todorović, Kondić 1993). There are two tion growth in the world. The data about animal nutrition, it also represents a la- section plants for soya processing on the the areas, yields and production of soya bour form. Unfortunately, when soya pro- territory of Serbia, one in Obrenovac and per production areas were gathered first in duction is concerned, except the common the other one in Bečej. Each day the sci- different municipalities, which were later appearance of economic inefficiency due ence and economy acquire new knowledge classified into production areas which de- to agrarian measures, what is also present of the possible usage of this magic plant. manded the use of statistical methods: av- are certain biological constrictions which Soya has a great economic importance as it erage values and base indexes. The result disable its more massive presence. Name- has a high place when areas, yields and in- of the research showed that there is cer- ly, this agrarian culture implies the growth ternational sales are concerned. tain accordance when studying the yields on quality soils and does not bear being Soya belongs to some of the oldest on areas determined by natural factors varied in a crop rotation more than 17 %. plants on the Earth and it originates from and those determined by the level of aver- Asia (China-Manguria) where it was grown 0 0 age crop yield. What has also been noticed Origin, distribution and economic in the areas between 20 and 45 north lati- is the need of a further study of regional- tude in 2.700 BC (Đorđević, Nenadić, 1980). ization problems, which would only help importance of soya It is thought to have originated from wild prove future justification and determine Great economic importance of soya lies soya bean Glycine usuriensis. From China the development of the arrangement of in the chemical composition of its bean it spread to Eastern and Southeastern Asia agricultural production in Vojvodina. which has a high content of proteins (24-55 (Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia and In- %), oils (17-24 %) and non-nitric extractive dia). It started being grown as a field crop Key words: soya, geographical character- substances. Soya proteins, according to in Europe in the 19th century. According to istics, production areas, agriculture/ hus- their amino acid content and digestibility, Shurtleff and Aoyaga (2004) it was taken to bandry, Vojvodina are very similar to the proteins of animal America in 1804. It came to our country at origin. Its oil is semi-dry, edible, of good the beginning of last century. It started to quality and is used for further processing. be grown more intensely just before World Soya flour is used when making bread for War II. The optimal areas of its growth are diabetics and is added to wheat flour in or- between the equator and 560 north latitude 1 assistant, Department of Geography, der to enrich bread with proteins. Moreo- and the equator and 450 south latitude. To- Tourism and Hotel Industry, Faculty of ver, it is used in oil industry; first class table day soya is grown in two major production Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Novi oil is made of refined oil. In dairy industry areas; the first one is.China, Korea, Indo- Sad, [email protected] it is used for the production of cheese (Chi- nesia and Japan, whereas the second one 2 Department of Agricultural Economics nese, tofu), yoghurt, butter, sour cream is: the USA, Canada, Brazil and Argenti- and Rural Sociology, Faculty of and kefir. The seed is rich in vitamins1 B , na. It covers and area of 13 million ha in Agriculture, Novi Sad, danicab@polj. B2, C, D, E, K and provitamin A, whereas the first production area and about 11 mil- ns.ac.yu in its technological maturity it is used as a lion ha in the second one. The greatest 3 BSc in agriculture – agroeconomy, Novi raw material in can industry. Proteins are yields are achieved in the USA: Ohio, Indi- Geographica Pannonica 10/2006 Pannonica Geographica Sad, [email protected] used for the production of plastic mass- ana, Illinois, Iowa and Missouri (Tomić, et 78 Igor Stamenković, Danica Bošnjak, Aleksandra Stamenković al. 1999). Some recent researches (Bošnjak, area includes the central part with an aver- is developed on alluvial soils (Kupusina, Rodić, 2006) indicate that soya is today age precipitation level and with chernozem Futog)and hemp production on mead- grown on the area somewhat larger than loess plains. The third area includes the ow fertile soils (Vajska, Bačka Palan- 90 million hectares and the total produc- eastern part with the least precipitation, ka, Bački Petrovac and others); II area tion capacity is 204 million tones with an which is characterized by marshy dark, of Northern Bačka - includes the state average yield of 2.2 t bean/ha. The areas fertile soil (loess soils of Banat). The last border with Hungary, the road Gako- under soya in Europe cover only 1.5 % of area includes Subotica and Deliblat sandy vo-Sombor to the Danube- Tisa-Dan- world areas under this crop. They produce terrain (Stojković, 1949). Apart from forest ube canal, its south border being the averagely 1.9 t/ha, which makes an average exploitation of soil there is also thge agri- brim of Telečka all the way to Vrbas and production of approximately 2.1 million cultural exploitation where we can identi- then a subtle arch towards Bačko Petro- tones of bean. In the former Serbia and fy agricultural/husbandry, orchard-wine vo Selo; the Tisa river makes its eastern Montenegro soya was grown on an aver- growing and meadow-pasture exploi- border. The lack of precipitation can be age area of about 100.000 ha (only 0.11 % of tation. Each of these exploitation types compensated by agrotechnical meas- world areas or 7.2 % of areas in Europe un- is performed on several different locali- ures. The basic soil here is carbonat- der this crop) mainly in Vojvodina (about ties that have somewhat changed climatic- ed chernozem with meadow fertile soil. 92 % of all areas under this crop in Serbia edaphic and relief conditions, which actu- The soils of the Tisa Basin are suitable and Montenegro). ally makes the basis for their division into for the production of root-like vegeta- several parts being separate areas with the bles (Ada, Mol, Bačko Petrovo Selo), as Characteristics and determination same type of soil exploitation. well as for the production of indusrial of agricultural production areas of pepper (Horgoš and Martonoš); III area The first method used when determining an of Southern Bačka - includes the south- Vojvodina area according to natural factors ern part of Bačka. The production ca- Agricultural production areas in Vojvodi- According to the natural factors, the fol- pacity of this area distinguishes itself na are observed through different climatic lowing agricultural areas are identified from other areas due to fertile mead- and edaphic conditions. The specific con- on the territory of Vojvodina (Stojković, ow soil and chernozem that cover about ditions led to different locations and distri- 1972): half of the total area. This is the oasis bution of certain production areas on the A. Forest production: 1. areas of high for vegetable production (Futog, Kać, territory of Vojvodina, which is shown on forests (high forests of Fruška Gora Vilovo, Đurđevo and others). map 1. The area of Vojvodina in the period mountain and high forests of Vršac BANAT: IV Area of Northern Banat - it 2003-2005 handles the fund of 1.570.584 ha mountains); 2. areas of low forests (cli- belongs to steppe zone and the area pro- of ploughed fields.
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