C M Y K www.newssun.com EWS UN NHighlands County’s Hometown-S Newspaper Since 1927 Dragons advance Change at the top Defense shines in Avon Park to eliminate emotional tourney win CRA director post SPORTS, 1B PAGE 2A PAGE 14B Wednesday-Thursday, January 25-26, 2012 www.newssun.com Volume 93/Number 11 | 50 cents Inside Cowboys 100 years of Sebring Decade by Decade Schools closes rank Mugs on 27 to open there soon The early days: Nothing PAGE 5A 52 out Forecast but trees, sand and bugs of 67 Rated above Mostly sunny surrounding and warm counties High Low By ED BALDRIDGE 80 60 [email protected] Complete Forecast SEBRING — “As a school board member, I am pleased PAGE 14A overall that we are making Online progress,” said school board District 1 representative Ronnie Jackson Tuesday, responding to questions about the new rating system instituted by Gov. Rick Scott and the Florida Department Question: of Education (FDOE). Should a candidate’s Highlands County ranked 52nd out of 67 counties, just sexual history be a above Polk, Hardee and campaign issue? DeSoto, despite a B grade on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). Yes The numerical ranking sys- tem is based on each school’s Photo courtesy of Sebring Historical Society 48.7% The L.O. Doud family, among the early arrivals in 1911. They left within months, defeated by the harsh conditions. total points derived from FCAT scores, George Sebring had a vision for his new city and is part of Gov. Scott’s No Editor’s note: This is the first chapter emphasis on in a centennial history of the City of education. % Sebring. Each chapter, published Districts are Jackson 51.3 monthly throughout the year, will be awarded one devoted to a particular decade. point for each percent of stu- dents in the district who were Total votes: 119 By CHRISTOPHER TUFFLEY enrolled in the fall year and Next question: [email protected] scored on grade level or SEBRING — By 1911 tensions higher on the FCAT and Should a presidential were rising in Europe as governments made annual learning gains, candidate’s business talked peace and prepared for war. according to the FDOE web- history be a campaign In America, women began to organ- site. issue? ize and seriously fight for universal The FDOE claims the new suffrage. system will help “provide Make your voice heard at In New York City, a vast complex clear, transparent metrics to www.newssun.com of subways was under construction. help parents of school-age In Florida that October, George E. children, educators, and tax- Sebring, a successful pottery manufac- payers in Florida evaluate Obituaries turer from Sebring, Ohio, bought their school districts.” Edward Brosi 10,000 acres of wilderness around Highlands County scored Age 74, of Avon Park Lake Jackson. 498 points out of a possible Ruth Pfeiffer Sebring had a detailed plan for a 800, just one point below dream community he called Lakeview Photo courtesy of the Sebring Historical Society Baker County at 499, but far Age 89, of Indianapolis Park. Before the first shovelful of dirt A portion of Lake Jackson’s shore circa 1912. below first place St. Johns Obituaries, Page 5A was turned, he knew how the streets County’s 594. would be laid out, how utilities would Madison County ranked be provided, what kind of people he character and clean living. to encourage retired missionaries and last at 67 with an overall Index wanted to attract, and how he wanted He used his own wealth to build pastors to make Lakeview Park their score of 411. Celebrations 9B them to live. and subsidize the town to insure its home. “There are a lot of factors Classifieds 9A A life-long Methodist, Sebring’s success. He donated free land to any Religion was an organizing factor that go into the new rating Clubs & Organizations 7B dream was to create a community group looking to build a church (or Community Briefs 2A based on God and family; high moral synagogue), and provided incentives See SEBRING, page 3A See SCHOOLS, page 5A Crossword Puzzle 13B Dear Abby 13B Editorial & Opinion 4A FLY Lady 11B Josh Thompson to perform at 75th Food 10B Friends & Neighbors 9B annual Highlands County Fair Lottery Numbers 2A Movie Times 13B By SAMANTHA GHOLAR This year’s featured artist est track, “Comin’ Around.” Music 11B [email protected] will be Josh Thompson, an Thompson will perform the SEBRING — The Highlands RCA Nashville recording coun- last Saturday of the fair, Feb. NASCAR This Week 3B County Fair is less than one try artist who has risen to fame 18 at 8 p.m. Sports On TV 2B month away and is gearing up over the past two years. Local favorite JJ McCoy will for a fun-filled 75th anniver- Thompson’s debut album open the fair during the first sary year. “Way Out Here” placed the weekend, Feb. 10-11. Sales and Marketing musician in the limelight with McCoy will also return to the Courtesy photo Director Tenille Drury, has the growing popularity of his stage at 7 p.m. on Feb. 18 to Rising country star Josh Thomson will headline the released the fair’s music and hit singles “Way out Here,” entertainment at this year’s Highlands County Fair. 0790994 01001 entertainment line-up. “Beer on the Table” and his lat- See FAIR, page 5A Phone ... 385-6155 Fax ... 385-2453 Online: www.newssun.com WAUCHULA STATE BANK; 11.25"; 1.5"; Black plus three; process, #1 front strip; 0 0 0 1 6 1 7 9 C M Y K Page 2A News-Sun ࡗWednesday, January 25, 2012 www.newssun.com COMMUNITY BRIEFS Avon Park does away with Sebring chamber Southern Ridge Band on Saturday from 7:30-10:30 banquet is p.m. at the clubhouse, one Thursday mile behind Walmart off Schumacher Road in CRA director position SEBRING — Win a 50- Sebring. inch flat screen TV at the Cost is $3.50 for mem- By CHRISTOPHER TUFFLEY Greater Sebring Chamber bers and $5 for non-mem- [email protected] Banquet. bers. Coffee and ice will be AVON PARK — City Yes, a brand new 50-inch provided. For more infor- council signaled a new direc- flat screen TV, an $1,100 mation, call 386-0045 or tion for the city’s Community value is up for grabs at the 273-0875. Redevelopment Agency banquet Thursday from 6-8 Monday night when it did p.m., at the Island View Hughes to speak to away with the position of a Restaurant, 5223 Sun ‘n city-wide director. Lake Blvd. Historical Society Instead, the council wants The Chairman’s SEBRING — Andrew the Chamber of Commerce to Reception is at 6 p.m., fol- Hughes will be the special work more closely with each lowed by dinner and speaker at the quarterly CRA district and for the advi- awards banquet with your luncheon meeting of the sory boards to take a more choice of stuffed tilapia, Sebring Historical Society active role. chicken picata or grilled Saturday at noon at the The reason behind this, eight-ounce flatiron steak. Jack Stroup (Sebring) Civic city council members said, Cost is $35 per person, Center. The public is invit- was financial. It had nothing cash bar. There will be ed to attend the covered to do with the CRA’s current silent and live auctions and dish luncheon. Bring a dish director, Wes Hoagland. In door prizes. Please RSVP to share, and the cost is fact, councilors went out of at the Greater Sebring $1.50 each, which includes their way to praise him. Chamber of Commerce by beverage and table service. Mayor Sharon Schuler calling 385-8448. News-Sun photo by CHRISTOPHER TUFFLEY Hughes is manager at the opened the discussion by say- Director Wes Hoagland at the Community Redevelopment Agency’s monthly meeting Fairmount branch of ing financial shortfalls, espe- Monday night. Later in the evening, his position was eliminated. CAAT plans classes Wauchula State Bank. He cially in the Southside where AVON PARK — was born and raised in tax increments are minimal, Children’s Academy of Arts Sebring and is a 1986 grad- meant the city “can’t afford being done,” he said. “People done by the CRA can be done committee as the ears of the and Theater will host the uate of Sebring High (the cost of a director) as it are just dragging their feet.” in-house. community, but puts the following events: School. He will discuss his stands right now.” She said Councilor Terry Heston “No way are we saying responsibility for success in Session 1 is from Feb. 7 growing up and life in the approximately $60,000 to agreed, “We have to go in a you’ve not done your job,” his neighbors’ hands. through March 22 (kinder- Sebring. $70,000 that would be saved new direction,” he said. he said, looking directly at “People have to get more garten through fifth grade). For further information, by eliminating the position “Wes was always respon- Hoagland, “but the money involved,” he said, “not 10 Classes will be held from call 471-2522. could be used for redevelop- sive to me personally and to could be better used.” percent, 100 percent. A CRA 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the Avon ment. the boards,” Councilor Parke No date for ending the is only as good as its commu- Park Community Center, Red Devil Pride Councilor Paul Miller, in Sutherland said. “I don‘t position was set Monday.
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