SPORTING COLUMN TARIFF BILL LENGTHY ON PACIFIC COAST Charlie Miller and Jess Willard may Dr. Herbert Metcalf, resident sur­ box four rounds in San Francisco on geon on the lonely FanJD^ln>,, is Electric Coffee MOST ALL ARE NOW IN ERUPTION June 20 or 27. THE RATES, AS PROPOSED, WILL dead. SENDING OUT GREAT FLAMES Edward Payson Weston, the veteran BE LOWEST AND FREE LIST Three men are under arrest at Se­ > AND DENSE SMOKE. pedestrian, is walking from New York THE LONGEST KNOWN. attle pending an examination for an to Minneapolis. attempt to extort 11000 from Nick Perculators Pantages by blackmail methods. A meeting between Leach Cross and Let us show you our new line of electric perculators, While walking with friends neai MAIL STEAMER BRWCS ALL THE NEWS Bud Andérson is the Independence day AS REVISED BÏ SENATE COMMITTEE roasters, grills, etc. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. fight program at Los Angeles. the summit of Mount Wilson, Cal., J. D. Cole of Albert, Colo., lost his foot­ Many Volcanoes on West Side of John Paul Jones of Cornell, holder Among the Articles on Free List are: ing Friday and fell over a precipice Six Cup Perbulator for $10 Coast Inlet Showing Unusual Signs of the mile record of 4 ; 14 2-6, has an­ Meats, Flour, Live Stock, Wheat, to bis death. Triangle Electric Iron, $3.50 of Actavlty—Great Clouds of nounced his retirement from athletics. Probably With Countervail!ig At high noon Monday Rex Oregonus Smoke Pour Out. The Ad Wolgast-Johnny Dundee 20- Duty. and his retinue were welcomed In round bout scheduled for Tuesday Portland, where, with suitable cere- night, was declared off on account of Seward, Alaska—All the volcanoes mony, he Inaugurated the seventh an­ Ad’s thumb injury. Washington.—As they will go to the Bonner Water & Light Co along the Alaska peninsula and adja­ nual rose festival and carnival of flow­ •9 Democratic caucus, the tariff rates t cent Islands as far to the westward as Jimmy Britt says Bud Anderson will ers. H. A. GALE, Manager will be the lowest in history and the Unimak Pass are in eruption, emitting soon be the lightweight champ. He A petition signed by 60,000 Oregon thinks that Bud Is the class of the free list will be the longest ever school children expressing the desire flames and dense volumes of smoke. bunch, and Britt knows. News of the activity of the volcanoes known. As revised bY the senate sub­ that the battleship Oregon be detailed to lead the parade through the Panama was brought by the mall steamer Dora, Chris Von der Ahe, owner of the committees, and likely to have the ap­ from her monthly voyage to Dutch four-time winners, the Bt. Louis canal at its formal opening has proval of the finance committee ma­ reached Secretary Daniels. Harbor. Browns of the old American associa­ jority, the free list will contain, among Mount Shishaldln on Unimak Island, tion, was buried Sunday. other articles, the following; Frank Esola, former police detective arrivals by the Dora said, was shoot­ in San Francisco, was found guilty of ing flames high into the air, and The swimming championships of the Meats, flour, live stock, wheat, prob­ grand larceny in complicity with the P. N. A., to be held in Spokane Mon­ ably with a countervailing duty; oats Bonners Ferry Mounts Pavlof and McCushlon were operations of the “Forty Thieves” smoking when the steamer passed day, June 1Ü, will be the first that have and oatmeal, barley, rye, lumber, coal, bunco gang which operated In that v them. Mount Katmal, which was in ever been held in an inland city. boots and shoes, breads and biscuits, city for many months. violent eruption Just a year ago and Llghtweigut Champion Willie Ritchie raw wool, sugar to be free in three Southern Pacific train, northbound Lumber Com which covered fertile Kodiak island having agreed to make 134 pounds years; buckwheat and buckwheat from Albany for Portland, was with a thick layer of ashes, Is send­ ringside, or 133 three hours before the flour, cocoa, coffee, tea, cornmeal, fish, wrecked near Salem Saturday and ing up a great column of smoke, fill­ Fourth of July fight at San Francisco. bananas, Jute, hides, India rubber, In­ several persons slightly injured. The ing the heavens with' a haze discerni­ Spokane has secured a new $50,000 digo, cottonseed oil, castor oil, codliver train struck a “kinked” rail and three pany, Limited ble at Seward. coaches turned partially over. Redoubt, Ilamna and St. Augustine automobile factory, which will enter oil, potatoes, sago, vegetables, ivory, the actual field of active manufactur­ sewing machines, typewriters, print Because of a split in a switch both Building material of all kinds including volcanoes, on the west side of Cook ing in the course of the next few paper, steel rails, pig iron, ferro man­ engines and two baggage-mail ex­ inlet, are also showing unusual signs weeks. of activity, smoke in Increasing vol­ ganese used in manufacturing steel, press cars of the Santa Fe Overland umes pouring out of their craters. Agreements have been signed up by photograph films, and many chemicals were ditched near Pomona, Cal. The Finishing Lumb er, the regatta committee In charge ot used in manufacturing. passengers were unhurt but the en­ As Reported Tuesday the first annual Coeur d'Alene regatta gine crews were badly scalded. Seward, Alaska.—Although a west July 4-16, and the Portland, Nelson, B. Comparative Figures. Those of the 700 or more amateur Mouldings, Laths and wind has been riving smoke and C., Victoria and Vancouver rowing A table prepared by the senate wireless operators on the Pacific coast fumes from Katmal volcano over Sew crews. finance committee showing compara­ who do not by July 1 report to the Shingles and Flooring ard no alarm is felt here as there are Alfred Crane of the Stadium high tive figures based on the Underwood government the location and descrip­ fourcraters on the mountain giving school, Tacoma, broke the American tariff bill and the present tariff law tion of their plants will be prosecuted vent to the internal convulsions and a interscholastic record for the running shows the average ad valorem rate in and subject to Imprisonment, fines of terrific outburst like t' at of last year high jump recently when he cleared the proposed law to be 32.99 per cent, *500 and the confiscation of their out­ is not anticipated. It is believed, how­ the bar at six feet 2% inches. Crane as against 43.64 per cent under the fits, it is said. We are also prepared to make prompt delivery of Payne-Aldrich law. The estimated ever, that Katmal will continue to is 18 years odl. loss of revenue through the augmented Dawson, Y. T.—The much-talked-of emit vast columrsof smoke indefinite­ Forhall Keene, captain of the newly- free list in the Underwood bill would rate war on the Yukon river began selected American polo team, broke his ly. The fumes from the smoking be $24,718,..29 on an import valuation yesterday when the White Pass steam­ collar bone Saturday in a practice mountain we~e noticeable here. of $102,534,466. Revenue under the er Canadian and the Side Streams game at New York. The accident will proposed bill exclusive of the Income Navigation company’s steamer Vldette, compel the selection of another mem­ tax is estimated at *266,701,130, as operated in connection with the boats ber of the American team. of the Northern Commercial company, Wood NOTED PERSONS DIE. compared with $304,216,694 under the Playing tennis that ran the gamut present rates. With the Income tax departed side by side from Dawson for White Horse, the head of navigation. at following prices delivered ; from sensational to mediocre, the Aus­ revenue estimated at approximately Mark H. Cobb, a contemporary of Each company cut last year’s freight Horace Greeley In newspaper work, tralian team defeated the United $80,000,000 the total revenue under the States pair in the double match ot and passenger rates 50 per cent. Planing mill wood, $2.75 a load died In Philadelphia of old age Sun­ proposed bill would aggregate about the Davis cup preliminary at New $347,000,000. It Is announced officially that all the load day. 16-in. dry slab wood, $2.75 a York by 2—6, 6—2, 6—7, 6—2, 6—7. heavy concrete work of the six locks 16-in. green slab wood, $2.00 a load Charles M. Faye, tor 16 years man­ There is little fear of Arthur Pelky, Mission School, Riverside, Pendleotn, of the Panama canal has been com­ Green blocks from sawmill, $2.00 a load aging editor of the Chicago Dally the American heavyweight, being and Prosser. pleted. The lower guard gates at News, died Sunday at bis home in Au­ brought to trial to answer the charge Every town will send Its delegation Gatun and Pedro Miguel and the upper guard gates at Mlraflores will be Add 25c for delivery on north side of river, within rora, 111. of manslaughter as a result of his of boosters, tue railroad rate of fare killing Luther McCarty in the first and one-third for the round trip re­ closed as soon as possible after June one-half mile of county bridge and on Mahoney The Rev. James I. T. Coolldge of round of their fight for the American ducing the cost to a minimum. 16, the plan being to allow Lake Gatun hill.
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