13200 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 43 / Monday, March 8, 2021 / Rules and Regulations * * * * * proposed rule to remove Bradshaw’s No. FWS–R1–ES–2019–0013, under [FR Doc. 2021–04720 Filed 3–5–21; 8:45 am] lomatium from the List of Endangered Supporting Documents. The SSA report BILLING CODE 6560–50–P and Threatened Plants (i.e., to ‘‘delist’’ documents the results of our the species). Please refer to that comprehensive biological status review proposed rule for a detailed description for Bradshaw’s lomatium, and has DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR of the Federal actions concerning this undergone peer review. The SSA report species that occurred prior to November does not represent any decision by the Fish and Wildlife Service 26, 2019. Service regarding the status of Bradshaw’s lomatium under the Act (16 50 CFR Part 17 Summary of Changes From the U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). It does, however, Proposed Rule provide the scientific basis that [Docket No. FWS–R1–ES–2019–0013; In response to public comments and FF09E22000 FXES11130900000 212] informed our most recent 5-year status in the process of developing this final review, which resulted in a RIN 1018–BD59 rule, we have made the following recommendation that the species should changes from our November 26, 2019, be removed from the List. The SSA Endangered and Threatened Wildlife proposed rule (84 FR 65067): report also served as one of the bases for and Plants; Removing Bradshaw’s • We added language in the final this final rule and our regulatory Lomatium (Lomatium bradshawii) post-delisting monitoring plan to decision, which involves the further From the Federal List of Endangered indicate that additional Bradshaw’s application of standards within the Act and Threatened Plants lomatium populations may be visited and its implementing regulations and upon occasion, as time and resources AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, policies. allow, to provide for a ‘‘spot check’’ on In this final rule, we present only a Interior. the status of additional populations that summary of the key results and ACTION: Final rule. are outside of the 18 priority sites conclusions from the SSA report; the full report is available at http:// SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and identified for regular visits during the Wildlife Service (Service), remove post-delisting monitoring period. These www.regulations.gov, as referenced Bradshaw’s lomatium (Lomatium abbreviated field visits may collect above. bradshawii, also known as Bradshaw’s information through assessment of Summary of the Biology of the Species desert parsley), a plant found in western population abundance, photo points, and/or evaluation of management Bradshaw’s lomatium is a perennial Oregon and southwestern Washington, herb in the carrot or parsley family from the Federal List of Endangered and practices and habitat condition. • We incorporated into the preamble (Apiaceae) that is endemic to wet prairie Threatened Plants. Our review of the to this final rule mention of the recently habitats in western Oregon’s Willamette best available scientific and commercial developed MOU among the U.S. Army Valley and adjacent southwestern data indicates that the threats to Core of Engineers, the Bureau of Land Washington. These seasonally wet Bradshaw’s lomatium have been Management, the Natural Resource habitats may be flooded in the spring, or eliminated or reduced to the point that Conservation Service and the Service, to have soils saturated at or near the the species no longer meets the provide for the long-term conservation surface due to factors such as heavy definition of an endangered or of Bradshaw’s lomatium, regardless of precipitation in winter and spring, threatened species under the listing status. flooding, and poor drainage. A high Endangered Species Act of 1973, as • We made minor editorial changes in light environment is important for amended (Act). the preamble of this final rule, including Bradshaw’s lomatium to complete its DATES: This rule is effective April 7, revising our description of how we life cycle and reproduce, as reduced 2021. develop and implement recovery plans, sunlight is associated with lower flower ADDRESSES: This final rule is available adding additional discussion about and seed production (Alverson 1993, on the internet at http:// which recovery criteria were met, unpublished data). This species is often www.regulations.gov under Docket No. inserting an updated description of our associated with tufted hairgrass FWS–R1–ES–2019–0013. Comments regulatory and analytical frameworks, (Deschampsia cespitosa), and frequently and materials we received, as well as updating our description of how we occurs on and around the small mounds supporting documentation we used in determine species status throughout all created by senescent tufted hairgrass preparing this rule, are available for or a portion of the species’ range, and plants. In wetter areas, Bradshaw’s lomatium occurs on the edges of tufted public inspection at http:// making minor textual updates to our hairgrass or sedges in patches of bare or www.regulations.gov under FWS–R1– assessment of Bradshaw’s lomatium’s open soil. In drier areas, it is found in ES–2019–0013. status throughout a portion of its range. low areas, such as small depressions, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul I. Final Delisting Determination trails, or seasonal channels, with open, Henson, State Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Background exposed soils. Self-fertilization is rare in Wildlife Service, Oregon Fish and Bradshaw’s lomatium (Kaye and Wildlife Office, 2600 SE 98th Avenue, Status Assessment for Bradshaw’s Kirkland 1994, p. 8), indicating that Suite 100, Portland, OR 97266; Lomatium pollinator-mediated outcrossing is telephone 503–231–6179. If you use a A thorough review of the taxonomy, required for reproduction. Over 30 telecommunications device for the deaf life history, and ecology of Bradshaw’s species of solitary bees, flies, wasps, and (TDD), please call the Federal Relay lomatium is presented in the document beetles have been observed visiting the Service at 800–877–8339. ‘‘Species Status Assessment Report for flowers (Kaye 1992, p. 3; Kaye and SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Bradshaw’s lomatium (Lomatium Kirkland 1994, p. 9; Jackson 1996, pp. bradshawii (Rose ex. Math.) Mathias & 72–76). Bradshaw’s lomatium does not Previous Federal Actions Constance) Version 1.0’’ (SSA report) reproduce asexually and depends On November 26, 2019, we published (Service 2018), which is available at exclusively on seeds for reproduction in the Federal Register (84 FR 65067) a http://www.regulations.gov in Docket (Kaye 1992, p. 2), but does not maintain VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:10 Mar 05, 2021 Jkt 253001 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\08MRR1.SGM 08MRR1 jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 43 / Monday, March 8, 2021 / Rules and Regulations 13201 a persistent seed bank in the soil. for identifying recovery of the species. discovered or introduced within these Although some fruit survives in the soil The recovery of a species is a dynamic zones, they could be considered as for 1 year, the seeds are not viable (Kaye process requiring adaptive management contributing to the recovery criteria for et al. 2001, p. 1376). Further that may, or may not, follow all of the the species (under the category information on the basic biology and guidance provided in a recovery plan. ‘‘Additional Populations’’). ecology of Bradshaw’s lomatium is In 2010, we finalized the revised The expression of recovery criteria in summarized in the SSA report (Service recovery plan for Bradshaw’s lomatium terms of population abundance, 2018, entire). (Service 2010). The recovery plan states numbers of populations, and that Bradshaw’s lomatium could be distribution across recovery zones Recovery and Recovery Plan considered for downlisting to reflects a foundational principle of Implementation threatened status when there are 12 conservation biology: That there is a Section 4(f) of the Act directs us to populations and 60,000 plants positive relationship between the develop and implement recovery plans distributed in such a way as to reflect relative viability of a species over time for the conservation and survival of the species’ historical geographic and the resiliency, redundancy, and endangered and threatened species distribution, when the number of representation of its constituent unless we determine that such a plan individuals in the populations have populations (Shaffer and Stein 2000, pp. will not promote the conservation of the been stable or increasing over a period 307–310; Wolf et al. 2015, entire). To species. Recovery plans must, to the of 10 years, when sites are managed to look at it another way, extinction risk is maximum extent practicable, include meet established habitat quality generally reduced as a function of objective, measurable criteria which, guidelines, when a substantial portion increased population abundance when met, would result in a of the species’ habitat is protected for (resiliency), numbers of populations determination, in accordance with the conservation, and when populations are (redundancy), and distribution or provisions of section 4 of the Act, that managed to ensure maintenance of geographic or genetic diversity the species be removed from the List. habitat and to control threats. (representation). The recovery criteria Recovery plans provide a roadmap for The recovery plan states that, in laid out in the recovery plan for us and our partners on methods of addition to the criteria described above, Bradshaw’s lomatium were, therefore, enhancing conservation and minimizing Bradshaw’s lomatium could be informative for our review of the status threats to listed species, as well as considered for delisting when there are of the species, as that analysis leans measurable criteria against which to 20 populations and 100,000 plants upon these measures of viability to evaluate progress towards recovery and properly distributed, genetic material is assess the current and future status of assess the species’ likely future stored in a facility approved by the the species (Service 2018, pp.
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