H202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 20, 2010 State of Tennessee, and we are grateful Antioch Road in Overland Park, Kansas, the daughter of Howard M. Crilly, a for those grants. shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Con- newspaper publisher, and Lenore N. Through her advocacy efforts, Am- gresswoman Jan Meyers Post Office Build- Crilly. Jan and her brother Donn were bassador Brinker is to be commended ing’’. raised in Superior, Nebraska. In 1948, (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, for saving countless lives as a trail- map, regulation, document, paper, or other she graduated with an associate fine blazer fighting for the health of women record of the United States to the facility re- arts degree from William Woods Col- worldwide, empowering patients, and ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to lege in Fulton, Missouri, and with a raising billions in funding for contin- be a reference to the ‘‘Congresswoman Jan B.A. in communications from the Uni- ued breast cancer research. She has Meyers Post Office Building’’. versity of Nebraska in 1951. Following worked tirelessly, building an impres- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- graduation, she worked in advertising sive resume of accomplishments, most ant to the rule, the gentleman from and public relations. recently being named the first ever Massachusetts (Mr. LYNCH) and the Jan Crilly married Louis ‘‘Dutch’’ World Health Organization’s Goodwill gentleman from Illinois (Mr. SCHOCK) Meyers who eventually became a Kan- Ambassador for Cancer Control. each will control 20 minutes. sas City television station executive, I commend Ambassador Brinker for The Chair recognizes the gentleman and they raised a daughter and son, standing with all women to raise from Massachusetts. Valerie and Philip. Jan’s career in Kan- awareness on the issue of mammog- GENERAL LEAVE sas GOP politics began in 1966 when she raphy rationing in the health care re- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- served as Overland Park chairwoman form bill and continuing to advocate imous consent that all Members may for Larry Winn, Jr.’s campaign for the for increased access to appropriate have 5 legislative days within which to Third Congressional District U.S. therapies and screenings for all Ameri- revise and extend their remarks and House seat. Two years later, she was cans. Her contributions to society de- add any extraneous materials. the district co-Chair for the first of serve much praise, and each points The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Senator Robert Dole’s string of five back to her original goal: to ease suf- objection to the request of the gen- successful Senate races. In 1974, Jan fering and raise awareness to eradicate tleman from Massachusetts? chaired Republican BOB BENNETT’s gu- breast cancer for all, and to honor the There was no objection. bernatorial campaign in Johnson Coun- memory of her sister. Today, we honor Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- ty. her. self such time as I may consume. From 1967 to 1972, she served as a As chairman of the House sub- member of the Overland Park City b 1100 committee with jurisdiction over the Council, presiding for 2 years. In 1972, Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I continue United States Postal Service, I am Jan won election of the Kansas State to reserve the balance of my time. pleased to present H.R. 4095 for consid- Senate and served there for the next 12 Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, with that, eration. This legislation will designate years, rising to chair the Public Health I urge all Members to support the pas- the United States Postal Service facil- and Welfare Committee as well as the sage of House Resolution 708, honoring ity located at 9727 Antioch Road in Local Government Committee. When one of the finest Americans, Nancy Overland Park, Kansas, as the ‘‘Con- Representative Winn retired in 1984, Goodman Brinker. gresswoman Jan Meyers Post Office Jan entered the GOP primary to suc- I yield back the balance of my time. Building.’’ Introduced by my friend and ceed him. By that point, the district Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, in closing, colleague Representative DENNIS was a narrow north/south sliver, nes- again I urge my colleagues to join Mr. MOORE of Kansas on November 17, 2009, tled in the northeast corner of Kansas SCHOCK of Illinois in congratulating H.R. 4095 was reported out of the Over- across the river from the metropolis of Ms. Nancy Goodman Brinker on receiv- sight and Government Reform Com- Kansas City, Missouri. In a five-way ing the Presidential Medal of Freedom mittee on December 10, 2009, by voice race, she won the party nomination; through the passage of H. Res. 708. vote. Notably, H.R. 4095 has the sup- and in the general election, she faced a I yield back the balance of my time. port of the entire Kansas House delega- formidable opponent in the Democratic The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tion. candidate, Kansas City Mayor Jack question is on the motion offered by Since the lead sponsor, Mr. MOORE, is Reardon. the gentleman from Massachusetts here, I would like to yield him such Jan emphasized her long experience (Mr. LYNCH) that the House suspend time as he may consume in bringing in State politics and campaigned the rules and agree to the resolution, this resolution to the floor. around the district. When Congress- H. Res. 708, as amended. Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, woman Meyers arrived in the House The question was taken; and (two- I am pleased today to rise in support of after winning that race, she was ap- thirds being in the affirmative) the bipartisan legislation which I intro- pointed to the Committee on Science rules were suspended and the resolu- duced with my colleagues in the Kan- and Technology, the Committee on tion, as amended, was agreed to. sas congressional delegation, H.R. 4095, Small Business, and the Select Com- A motion to reconsider was laid on designating the post office located at mittee on Aging. In the 100th Congress, the table. 9727 Antioch Road in Overland Park, she transferred from Science and Tech- Kansas, as the ‘‘Congresswoman Jan f nology to the Foreign Affairs Com- Meyers Post Office Building.’’ mittee. CONGRESSWOMAN JAN MEYERS Jan Meyers was elected to represent Jan was most active on the Small POST OFFICE BUILDING the Third Congressional District of Business Committee where she intro- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I move to Kansas in 1984 and reelected in five duced a number of legislative measures suspend the rules and pass the bill subsequent elections. In 1995, she be- to protect small business interests and (H.R. 4095) to designate the facility of came the first Republican woman to to ensure they had fair representation the United States Postal Service lo- chair a standing House committee, the in government. She worked to bring cated at 9727 Antioch Road in Overland Small Business Committee, in more permanent tax cuts for small business. Park, Kansas, as the ‘‘Congresswoman than 40 years. That milestone capped When Republicans took control of the Jan Meyers Post Office Building’’. Jan’s long tenure as a public servant House in the 1994 elections, Jan Meyers The Clerk read the title of the bill. that began with 5 years of service on was promoted to chair the Small Busi- The text of the bill is as follows: the Overland Park City Council and in- ness Committee. It marked the first H.R. 4095 cluded 12 years in the State senate. As time that a Republican woman had Congressional Quarterly described her, chaired the House committee since Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in Jan was ‘‘a mild mannered social mod- Edith Nourse Rogers headed Veterans’ Congress assembled, erate known for her willingness to Affairs in the 83rd Congress from 1953 SECTION 1. CONGRESSWOMAN JAN MEYERS compromise . Meyers’ middle ground to 1955. POST OFFICE BUILDING. instincts make her a case swing vote.’’ ‘‘Leadership positions come as a re- (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the Janice Lenore Crilly, Jan, was born sult of seniority,’’ Jan said. And later United States Postal Service located at 9727 on July 20, 1928, in Lincoln, Nebraska, she said, ‘‘I sincerely hope that women VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:04 Jan 21, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K20JA7.015 H20JAPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H203 continue to run and continue to get owners as some of the greatest accom- fort on several occasions, and I value elected, and I think that will ulti- plishments in her career. her kindness and gentle spirit. While mately result in more women being Throughout her five terms of service, we recognize Jan today, it’s also im- elected to leadership positions.’’ Jan Congresswoman Meyers believed that portant to note the recent loss of Jan’s declined to run for reelection in 1996, it was very important to ‘‘listen to husband of 56 years, Dutch. Together, noting that she wanted to spend more your conscience and your constituents, Jan and Dutch made a good team and time with her family. ‘‘There are other both. Most of the time, they’ll agree.’’ raised two wonderful children. things in life I want to do, and being a Mr. Speaker, to honor Congress- Our Nation needs more public serv- Member of Congress, if you take the woman Meyers’ career of service and ants like Jan Meyers, people that are job seriously, simply does not leave the work that she did both for her con- good stewards of taxpayer money and time,’’ Jan told the press.
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