50¢ October 26, 2008 Think Green Volume 82, No. 39 Recycle www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend this paper TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC Teens inspired to live their faith BY JUDY BRADFORD All in NORTH MANCHESTER — The beautiful fall day rolled out crisp and clear. Not so much the hundreds of the family Catholic teenagers, who rose sleepily long before dawn to pile into cars traveling from all over the dio- Faith unites them through cese for this year’s confirmation rally. They did fully wake up, however, and the day’s smooth and rough times purpose became abundantly clear to them as “Catholic Pages 10-11 Hero; Use Your Gifts … Rock the World” unfolded at Manchester College. “It really taught me what confirmation is all about,” said Lexie Pappas, 13, an eighth grader from Sacred Heart Parish in Warsaw. “Confirmation means Schools committee more to me now. This (rally) showed me how impor- tant it is, and how big a thing it is to the church, and Recommendations made for me.’’ Page 3 Some 900 people, mostly eighth graders like Lexie, spent the day in sessions that will help them be con- firmed in the faith next spring. They came from 41 parishes, representing about half of the churches in diocese. Immigration help “Catholic Hero” was a spin-off from the popular interactive game “Guitar Hero,” and the overarching CLINIC offers workshop theme brought in plenty of references to contemporary rock and roll songs and super heroes. in Fort Wayne But spiritual transformation was also at the heart of Page 4 each message. And, that it is not so difficult to be con- firmed in the Catholic faith — since all Christ asks is that they use the gifts they already have, or are devel- oping. The hit of the day was Apex Ministries, a JUDY BRADFORD Young Adults! Baltimore-based Christian vaudeville act of two Confirmation rally participants eat lunch on the lawn at Manchester College. In the back- ground are tents used for the “Wind” and “Fire’’ round robins where confirmation work- Where God leads and RALLY, PAGE 20 shops took place. Butterfinger guilt Page 9 ALL SOULS’ DAY Cardinal beatifies parents of St. Therese of Lisieux All Saints Day Saturday, Nov. 1 LISIEUX, France (CNS) — Cardinal Jose their “ardent faith” to their children. The Saraiva Martins encouraged those present at pope said he hoped their example would be Not a holy day of the beatification of the parents of St. Therese “a source of joy and hope for all parents and of Lisieux to thank God for their own par- all families.” obligation this year ents. Cardinal Saraiva Martins said St. Therese, “I have thought about my own father and who died of hemoptysis, or bleeding of the mother, and I would like you also to think at lungs, at age 24, had described her parents as this moment of your father and mother, so we “more worthy of heaven than earth.” will thank God together for having created us The “secret of success” of the Martins’ and made us Christians through the married Christian life, the cardinal said, had been love of our parents,” said Cardinal Saraiva their readiness to “walk humbly with God in Martins, former prefect of the Vatican’s seeking the advice of the Lord,” while also Congregation for Saints’ Causes. “placing all aspects of their lives in harmony “Receiving life is a wonderful thing. But with church teachings.” it is still more admirable for us that our par- He added that the Martins were a “gift to ents should have led us to the church, which parents,” widows and widowers, and those alone is capable of forming Christians. No facing illness and death. one can become a Christian by himself,” the “Louis and Zelie are a gift for spouses of cardinal said at the Oct. 19 beatification all ages, through the esteem, respect and har- Mass for Louis and Marie Zelie Guerin mony with which they loved for 19 years,” CNS PHOTO/DON BLAKE, THE DIALOG Martin in St. Therese Basilica. the cardinal said. “They lived the promises of Among the approximately 15,000 people marriage, the faithfulness of engagement, the On All Souls’ Day, which is Nov. 2, a book attending the Mass was a 6-year-old Italian, indissolubility of the bond, the fruitfulness of with the names of the deceased will be Pietro Schillero. When he was 13 months love, in happiness and in trials, in health and old, his parents prayed for the intercession of in sickness.” placed on the altar with the pascal candle the Martins to cure his fatal lung condition; Marie Zelie Guerin married Louis Martin, in 2003, the church recognized the cure as a watchmaker and jeweler, in 1858. She died at St. Mary of the Assumption Church in miraculous. of cancer in 1877, at the age of 46, after giv- Hockessin, Del. All Souls’ Day is the com- In a message read at the beatification ing birth to nine children. Four of the Mass, Pope Benedict XVI said that the Martins’ children died in infancy. The five memoration of all the faithful who have Martins had “proclaimed the Gospel” who survived all entered religious life. departed. through their exemplary lives, passing on 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 26, 2008 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the An opportunity to be with young Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 people at confirmation retreat PUBLISHER: Bishop John M. D’Arcy just as important, and the young people liv- This is missionary territory right in the EDITOR: Tim Johnson ing there who find their faith under stress midst of this great diocese, and I feel in my and criticism, must receive the best possible heart a great love for the parishioners and a ASSISTANT EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay spiritual attention. On the one hand, it is desire to do more. Deacon Jake was a sym- Cozad very important for their growth to have bol of that — of all the Lord wishes to do NEWS these diocesan youth meetings such as the for them. Especially the young people. I Editorial Department one in North Manchester, and the one a few stayed afterwards at length, meeting with PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan &NOTES weeks ago in Wawasee. But we also must parishioners and also with the teenagers, FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, strengthen their parishes, for that is where and headed home on a lovely fall day, Ann Carey, Michelle Castleman, Elmer BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY Christ tries to meet them each day. knowing clearly the love Christ has for For a number of reasons, in great part these two parishes. J. Danch, Michelle Donaghey, Bonnie because of the shortage of priests; there has Elberson, Denise Fedorow, Diane A weekend of learning been a turnover in Blessed Sacrament, Freeby, May Lee Johnson, Sister Albion, and in St. Patrick’s, Ligonier. No matter how many years I have been The economy Margie Lavonis, CSC, Jennifer Murray Ligonier, with its large Hispanic population, bishop here, you learn something every day So now it seems we must prepare our- and Deb Wagner requires a priest who can preach in both selves for higher unemployment and for about this diocese, its history and its cul- Spanish and English. Albion is smaller, ture. Maybe it is not so much learning people in need. Already we are experienc- Business Department with a little over 100 families, but there is a ing this. Here are a few lines from a note I something, as having a previous conviction strong Catholic community there, and they BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice received from Jo Fisher, director of our reinforced. have survived this turnover of priests AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber One thing I have always known is that it Catholic Charities Center on Miami Street because of the leadership of the laity; but I in South Bend: BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol is very important for our young people to am resolved with the help of our depart- [email protected] come together. So it was a delight to spend “Due to the economy, our pantry is serv- ment heads, to give them consistent pastoral ing double and sometimes triple the num- Saturday with the staffs of our Youth leadership. This has already begun with the Advertising Sales Ministry Office and our Office of bers we were at the beginning of the sum- presence of Father Wilson Corzo. Father mer. One particular day, our (food pantry) Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) Catechesis, with the young people of our Wilson is a native of Colombia. Only last parishes, who in a few months will receive lobby was overflowing with 74 clients, (260) 456-2824 year, he lost his dear father while he was the sacrament of confirmation. It was held fearing we would be out of food before we Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) thousands of miles away in northern could serve them. Most of the clients say at Manchester College with over 900 in Indiana. (574) 234-0687 attendance. they do not care what we have, they will Web site: www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY Already he has made a strong impres- take anything so that they may feed their I arrived about 1 p.m., and joined several sion. I owe his presence here to my good other priests in hearing confessions. Later, I families.” Published weekly except the fourth had a question-and-answer ses- I hope to write a letter to all Sunday in June, first and third weeks sion, and then celebrated Mass our parishes, to increase our in July, first week in August and last and preached.
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