JEWISH NATIONAL FUND OF OTTAWA ottawa jewish ✡ Tamir golf fun-raiser page 15 ottawajewishbulletin.com bulletinmay 6, 2013 volume 77, no. 14 iyar 26, 5773 Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd. • 21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, Ontario K2A 1R9 • Publisher: Andrea Freedman • Editor: Michael Regenstreif $2.00 Israel at 65: Ottawa celebrates Yom Ha’Atzmaut By Ilana Belfer Their show had particular mean- If there is a road to Zion, it’s cer- ing for Erica Bregman, 36, who said tainly not Uplands Drive. Yet that’s she first discovered Jaffa Road the route upwards of 600 communi- about two years ago when she was ty members took to the Ernst & “pleasantly surprised” to hear one Young Centre, April 16, to celebrate of their Hebrew songs on CBC Israel’s 65th Yom Ha’Atzmaut. Radio. As Hebrew music blared, people “I’ve listened to them in my decked in blue and white danced the kitchen hundreds of times. If I lived hora and waved Israeli flags. Other in Toronto, I’d be a groupie, so I’m guests at Israel’s birthday bash filled excited to see this live concert,” their plates with hummus, falafel said Bregman. and other Israeli-fare. But, despite the festivities, there “It’s crucial that we, as a Jewish was something sombre weighing on community, stay in touch with our the hearts of many. roots, which to me is Israel,” said “I must acknowledge all the vic- Penny Torontow, whose passion for tims of the Boston tragedy,” Toron- Israel drove her to chair the event for tow told the crowd, referring to the the sixth or seventh time – she’s lost Boston Marathon bombing, which count. occurred the day before. “Unfortu- “It’s really important that Ottawa nately, it’s tragedies like this that and the community keep celebrating our beautiful country has known too Yom Ha’Atzmaut and keep teaching many times.” Dancers celebrate at the community Yom Ha’Atzmaut party, April 16. our children how important it is that However, a “miraculous” 65 (Photo: Howard Sandler) we are proud of Israel’s indepen- years has seen 800,000 inhabitants very close to us in terms of commu- dence.” of Israel in 1948 grow to eight mil- nity and family,” he said. This was the second time the cel- lion today, she continued, receiving Another OCJS student, 12-year- ebration was held at the large venue applause. old Adam Hadad, was making near the airport, where it moved Two big bouncy-castles on the good use of the inflatable games. when redevelopment began at Lans- side of the room served as a telling “Israel’s awesome. It’s the most downe Park where the Yom Ha’Atz- sign of the overall atmosphere: kids hardcore place in Asia,” he said. maut celebration had taken place in at every turn and, with them, young “Plus, my father was born there.” previous years. parents. Students from the various Jew- “This is the biggest turnout we “The kids are highly motivated ish schools in attendance marched get for any event of the community,” to come to this,” said Georgette in a parade around the large room Torontow said. “One of the reasons, Wolfe, 39, whose four children carrying homemade banners with I think, is that it’s in an unaffiliated range in age from 18 months to nine messages like “OMJS [Ottawa location; there’s no affiliation to any years old. “They go to the Ottawa Modern Jewish School] hearts synagogue or organizations, so peo- Jewish Community School (OJCS), Israel,” which they continued to ple just feel free to come.” so they know about it and tell us we display as Chelsea Sauvé led The program featured live music have to come.” the singing of “O Canada” and from the Toronto-based Jaffa Road, “We get to see lots of people,” “Hatikvah.” a Juno-nominated, award-winning said Georgette’s husband Yariv, 44, Athletes participating in this world music group with a repertoire who added they also come to show summer’s Maccabiah Games in Israeli Ambassador Miriam Ziv and Foreign Affairs Minister full of secular and religious Jewish support. “I’m Israeli. My brothers Israel were also part of the parade, John Baird celebrate, April 15, at the Embassy of Israel’s Yom songs. and sisters all live in Israel and it’s (Continued on page 2) Ha’Atzmaut reception. (Photo: Peter Waiser) World Class Outsourcing ... and more! 613-744-6444 613-244-7225 Providing quality service 613-744-5767 613-244-4444 to the National Capital Region since 1947! www.boydgroup.on.ca Page 2 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – May 6, 2013 Celebrations follow solemn Yom Hazikaron commemoration (Continued from page 1) including soccer player Eadan Farber, for whom the party was a precursor to his first real trip to Israel for the Games. Sheva Pinchev, a retired teacher who moved to Ot- tawa from Russia 22 years ago, said she has never missed a single community-wide Yom Ha’Atzmaut party. This time, she brought her daughter and three of her granddaughters, whose ages ranged from 10 to 15. “Yom Ha’Atzmaut is important because we cannot exist in the world without our country,” she said, noting that it was the first time she didn’t encounter any pro- testers at the event. “Canada is beautiful, perfect. Everything is good, but Israel – this is our land.” Earlier in the day, Yom Ha’Atzmaut was marked at Ottawa City Hall when the Israeli flag was raised in an outdoor ceremony at City Hall’s Marion Dewar Plaza. Mayor Jim Watson spoke about the important contri- butions made to the life of the city by Ottawa’s Jewish community. Watson singled out Israeli-born Sara Vered, who was in attendance, noting she was one of the char- ter inductees, last year, in the new Order of Ottawa. Others speaking briefly at the flag-raising ceremony included Israeli Ambassador Miriam Ziv, Rabbi Reuven Bulka and Jewish Federation of Ottawa President and (From left) Bram Bregman, Sara Kardish, Yael Kamil, Bobby Wollock and Ian Levitan at the “Ottawa’s First-Ever Yom CEO Andrea Freedman. Ha’Atzmaut Party for Young Adults.” (Photo: Tooma Productions) Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebrations in Ottawa began the evening before the community-wide party with a recep- and I go every year, but I felt like there’s been tion hosted by the Embassy of Israel at the Fairmont an emphasis for younger children and families,” Château Laurier Hotel and “Ottawa’s First-Ever Yom she said noting the interest in a Yom Ha’Atz- Ha’Atzmaut Party for Young Adults,” a joint initiative maut celebration geared to young adults. by jnet, Hillel, Glebe Shul and the Young Women’s The Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebrations began Leadership Council. just as Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day Ambassador Ziv welcomed more than 600 guests to for fallen soldiers and victims of terror, came to the Embassy reception including many cabinet minis- an end. ters and other members of Parliament, Supreme Court A solemn Yom Hazikaron ceremony was justices, senior military officials, diplomats, academics, held, April 14, at the Soloway Jewish Commu- rabbis, journalists and members of Ottawa’s Jewish nity Centre. community. During the ceremony, special tributes were Ziv and Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird ad- paid to two natives of Ottawa who had made dressed the gathering, noting Baird’s visit to Israel the aliyah and died defending Israel. week before and highlighting plans to establish a strate- Benny Boguslovsky was a member of Lamed gic partnership agreement between Israel and Canada. Hey, the 35 Palmach soldiers who died bringing Meanwhile, about 100 people aged from 19 to late- aid to the besieged Gush Etzion in January 30s were a few blocks away in the ByWard Market at 1948, and David Zbar was killed in the Golan the Velvet Room tasting Israeli wines and nibbling on Heights while on reserved service with the Is- blue and white sweets. Many got a thematic henna tat- rael Defense Forces in October 1974. too, like a hamsa, and enjoyed the music of the kippah- Tributes were also paid to fallen Israeli sol- clad Shir Chadash Band. diers Yehoram Shiloni and Shimon Haim who “We’re back to do another rockin’ set for our have family members living in Ottawa. favourite country,” singer-guitarist Eldan Cohen de- If anyone knows of other Ottawans who clared on taking the stage after an interlude. have lost their lives while defending Israel, they Event chair Ranit Braun, 30, who received a micro- are asked to contact the Vered Israel Cultural grant from the Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s Innovation and Educational Program at 613-798-9818, ext. David Cohen of the Jewish War Veterans of Canada, Ottawa Post, and Fund in order to put on the party, said the party comple- 243. Ottawa Jewish Community School student Raphael Sandler raise the Is- mented the community-wide event the next evening. Michael Regenstreif contributed to this raeli flag, April 16, at Ottawa City Hall’s Marion Dewar Plaza. “The community-wide event is great and wonderful report. (Photo: Michael Regenstreif) Wishing Athens Rugs Ltd. the Best Carpet • Vinyl for You Ceramics • Hardwood Floor 783 Bank 1365 Cyrville Road 230-6434 Ottawa, Ontario For K1B 3L7 Beautiful Tel: 613-741-4261 Living Fax: 613-741-2944 Naturally May 6, 2013 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 3 Ottawa Jewish Community School (OJCS) and mentor interpersonal and OJCS is more than a school. It’s a fami- Our Hebrew language program begins leadership skills. ly. It’s a place where you walk in the doors in ADK and focuses on songs, games, ac- Students who attend and everyone knows your name, and your tivities and interactive ways for students our school find their minds parent’s name, and your sibling’s name to learn new language.
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