P.12 P.7 P.14 AWARDING ACTIVISM GOING FOR BROKE! BOSSES BEWARE! PRESIDENT’S REPORT ONTARIO FEDER TION OF LABOUR WINTER 2014 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1 CAN YOUR MEMBERS AFFORD A $5,766 PAY CUT? If not, join the fight against Hudak. P.4 P.9 SAVING CANADA POST JOEL DUFF PHOTO: P.7 JOEL DUFF PHOTO: THE FIGHT CONTINUES FOR A $14 MINIMUM WAGE WINTER PRESIDENT’S REPORT VOL. 4 2014 ONTARIO FEDERATION OF LABOUR NO. 1 P.4 STOPPING THE HUDAK AGENDA PETER BOYLE PHOTO: 2013 OFL HEALTH & NEW UPCOMING 10 CONVENTION 16 SAFETY/WCB 18 AFFILIATES 19 EVENTS FEATURE: THE PEOPLE’S AGENDA FOCUS ON CONVENTION ON THE COVER: Hudak’s Not So Hidden Agenda ....4 OFL Convention Adopts a “People’s Agenda”.........10 Campaign Roll-Out Begins with Global Panel Tackles Austerity ..............................10 Regional Meetings ................................................5 Equity Tops Agenda for the OFL ............................11 Common Front Joins the Call for a OFL Officers Get Mandate for Action ....................11 People’s Agenda ...................................................6 Awards Gala Recognizes Labour Activists .............12 Going for Broke! Campaign Ramps up for a $14 Minimum Wage ..............................................7 Labour calls for a made-for-workers pension plan ...8 HEALTH & SAFETY/WCB Niagara Byelection Shapes Up to Be a Showdown ...8 Injured Workers Mark 100 Years of Meredith ........16 Roofing Company Conviction Sends a Stern Warning to Bosses ..............................................17 Toronto Star Echoes OFL Demand for Public Attention to Workplace Fatalities .................17 LABOUR SOLIDARITY Canadians Rally to Save Canada Post .....................9 Making Every Job a Good Job! OFL Budget Submission Calls for an Meaningful Job Strategy ....9 EQUALITY & HUMAN RIGHTS Ontario Court Affirms Union Representation Gearing Up for WorldPride Toronto 2014 ...............15 in Richtree Dispute ..............................................14 OFL’s March 8th Project Celebrates International USW 9176 Tells Crown Holdings: Women’s Day 2014 ............................................15 “Take-Backs No More” ........................................14 Ajax Police Shooting Claims Another Life ..............18 SUBSCRIBE TO THE OFL E-NEWSLETTER AT HTTP://OFL.NATIONBUILDER.COM/SIGNMEUP FEATURE: THE PEOPLE’S AGENDA HUDAK’S NOT SO HIDDEN AGENDA LABOUR GEARS UP TO DEFEND WORKER’S RIGHTS AND DEFEAT THE HUDAK CONSERVATIVES It isn’t alarmist or over dramatic to say that At the recent OFL Convention, delegates include waving placards or chanting slogans everything that unions stand for – securing fair passed a sweeping resolution to put the about the Rand Formula. At the same time, wages and decent benefits, elevating working campaign to stop Tim Hudak ahead of all other they gave a strong mandate for the OFL and its standards, ensuring safe workplaces, providing union work and to launch a fierce crusade for affiliates to be more active than ever before as retirement security, defending social justice and the hearts and minds of the voting public. the champions of social justice. Therefore, the generally raising the bar for everyone – is at campaign will have two distinct components: stake if Tim Hudak’s Progressive Conservatives The Conservatives have 1. To engage union members in person-to- form the next government of Ontario. person conversations about the dangers of That’s because Tim Hudak’s hidden agenda for launched an aggressive attack the Hudak agenda and to empower them to a low-wage economy is, well, not so hidden. He on workers’ rights ... Defending take this conversation back to their dinner has been up front about applauding jurisdictions workers’ collective rights tables and community gatherings. that have squeezed out unions and where, must be the top priority of our 2. To engaged our Common Front partners in according to U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, movement and every union creating regional groups in every community workers earn an average of $5,766 less than organization in the province. to identify local issues, mobilize for social their counterparts in neighbouring states. Hudak - OFL Convention Resolution justice and defeat Hudak’s Conservatives at has set his sights on stripping Ontario workers the polls. of their collective bargaining rights and making The period between now and the calling To do this, every union officer, every local staff union dues payment individual and optional. Can of the next provincial election is the critical rep and every labour activist must be engaged your members afford it? window of opportunity for organized labour and in the campaign to reach out to every one of The consequences for working people in its community allies to launch a campaign to our one million members, their families and every sector will be devastating if Ontario’s defeat Hudak and his divisive agenda. neighbours across Ontario. labour movement is dismantled to pave the way However, convention delegates called for a The timeline is tight! With a provincial election for a low-wage economy. different type of campaign; one that does not rumoured this spring, we cannot wait to act! 4 WINTER 2014 • VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1 SOCIAL MEDIA CORNER E-NEWSLETTER Sign up for the OFL’s new e-blast updates by visiting http://ofl.nationbuilder.com/ signmeup TWITTER Sign up for a free Twitter account at www.Twitter.com Follow & Retweet the OFL at: OFLabour SidRyan_OFL PRESIDENT’S REPORT ONTARIO FEDERATION OF LABOUR The Ontario Federation of Labour represents 54 unions and one million workers. It is Canada’s largest provincial labour federation. Volume 4, Issue 1 of the OFL President’s Report was produced for the February 11, 2014 meeting of the Executive Board of the Ontario Federation of Labour. CAMPAIGN ROLL-OUT BEGINS How to reach us: Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) WITH REGIONAL MEETINGS Fédération du travail de l’Ontario (FTO) Full participation at “urgent, all union, all Regional meetings are already set in some 15 Gervais Drive, Suite 202 local” regional meetings is a crucial first step locations, but plans are under way to bring them Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Y8 in the campaign to stop Tim Hudak. This type to every corner of the province. These meetings 416-441-2731 1-800-668-9138 of action cannot be left to the usual labour must draw labour leaders from every union and • TDD: 416-443-6305 • FAX: 416-441-1893 activists. Every grievance officer, health and every local. Here are the first round of meetings [email protected] safety rep and bargaining committee member that have been scheduled: also has an important role to play in reaching • Feb. 27 Durham (Unifor Local 222 Hall) out to the full union membership. • Mar. 6 Toronto (OFL Building) Locals are being called upon to cancel or • Mar. 18 Sudbury (USW Local 6500 Hall) postpone some routine union work in order to • Mar. 20 London (Unifor Local 27 Hall) make these regional meetings a big success. • Apr. 1 Thunder Bay (Location TBA) The stakes are so high that we cannot afford to In every other region, connect with your local be “too busy with other things” to fight to defend labour council for details or visit: This document was proudly produced with unionized free collective bargaining in Ontario. www.ofl.ca/index.php/campaigns/workersrights labour: JD/ph:cope343 OFL PRESIDENT’S REPORT 5 FEATURE: THE PEOPLE’S AGENDA COMMON FRONT JOINS THE CALL FOR A PEOPLE’S AGENDA JOEL DUFF PHOTO: A cornerstone of the OFL’s recent Action Plan is For the Common Front, the People’s Agenda capturing their imagination and connecting the Ontario Common Front, which has been a vital is a political laboratory and a process where on a deeper emotional level; and partner in labour’s mobilization against austerity. spaces are created for sharing information, 5. Engaging individuals and communities First launched in 2012, on the eve of a rally of experiences and ideas. In the Common Front through active listening in order to generate 15,000 against then Premier Dalton McGuinty’s report circulated at the August 2013 general discussion and progressive proposals for final budget, the Common Front connects 90 assembly, “Social Movements and the Defeat of creating a new future for us all. labour and community groups in collective action. Neoliberalism,” five criteria were put forward to Organizing remains at the heart of the Common The London Common Front will be hosting a guide the development of a People’s Agenda: Front. Regional Common Front initiatives regional assembly on February 22. On February 1. Engage people from a variety of continue to pop up across the province and, 27, the OFL and Ontario Common Front will backgrounds and experiences to create a as the collective work of this new movement be hosting a conversation with the Premier’s broader and more inclusive tent; becomes increasingly decentralized, each Council on Youth Opportunities and other 2. Use messages that resonate with a wide community coalition is encouraged to identify government representatives about addressing audience, such “the 99% vs. the 1%”; local priorities and actions, while working to youth unemployment and underemployment 3. Connect issues and short-term goals with support province-wide mobilizations. Through in Ontario. These are just two of many events, the need for broader social change, while these new networks, labour and community being sponsored by the Common Front and its uniting across issues to confront underlying activists will be able to coordinate the campaign allies that are aimed at exploring alternatives threats, such as neoliberalism, austerity and against Hudak and mobilize for social change. to an austerity economic framework under the anti-democratic governments; For more information and to share local heading of a “People’s Agenda.” 4. Use creativity to engage new audiences by organizing efforts, visit: www.WeAreOntario.ca. 6 WINTER 2014 • VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1 OFL’s Convention rally takes demand for a $14 minimum wage to the heart of Toronto’s financial district.
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