E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 No. 52 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was County, in the congressional district I a signer of the Declaration of Independ- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- have the honor of serving. ence. pore (Ms. FOXX). He graduated from West Orange High Governor Byrne is a wonderful father and grandfather, teacher and mentor, f School in 1942 and served during World War II in the Army Air Corps, where he colleague and friend. His dynamic and DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO advanced to the rank of lieutenant and vivacious wife, Ruthi Zinn Byrne, is TEMPORE was awarded the Distinguished Flying known to many New Jerseyans for her The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Cross and four Air Medals. significant charitable activities. They fore the House the following commu- One of his fingers was frostbitten as are an integral part of the fabric of nication from the Speaker: the result of the conditions during his New Jersey. On his 90th birthday, I congratulate WASHINGTON, DC, heroic air service over Germany late in April 1, 2014. the war. Governor Brandon T. Byrne and wish I hereby appoint the Honorable VIRGINIA Governor Byrne was graduated from him many years ahead of good health FOXX to act as Speaker pro tempore on this Princeton University in 1949, majoring and happiness. day. in public and international affairs, our f JOHN A. BOEHNER, first Governor to receive an under- TRIBUTE TO GARLAND TUCKER Speaker of the House of Representatives. graduate degree from Princeton since The SPEAKER pro tempore. The f Woodrow Wilson in 1879, 70 years ear- Chair recognizes the gentleman from lier. Governor Byrne received his law MORNING-HOUR DEBATE North Carolina (Mr. HOLDING) for 5 degree from Harvard University in 1951. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- In the 1950s, as a young man, he minutes. Mr. HOLDING. Madam Speaker, last ant to the order of the House of Janu- served as a close aide to Governor Rob- year, we mourned the loss of a true ary 7, 2014, the Chair will now recog- ert B. Meyner, who appointed him servant of our community, Garland nize Members from lists submitted by Essex County prosecutor in 1959. Gov- the majority and minority leaders for Scott Tucker, Jr. Garland dedicated ernor Richard J. Hughes reappointed his life to sharing his love of Christ. In morning-hour debate. him prosecutor in 1964 and named him The Chair will alternate recognition family life, in business, and in his com- president of the State Board of Public munity, Garland was grounded and between the parties, with each party Utilities in 1968. limited to 1 hour and each Member guided by his faith. Respected by both political parties, Garland was born in Raleigh in 1919. other than the majority and minority he was appointed by Republican Gov- After graduating from UNC Chapel leaders and the minority whip limited ernor William T. Cahill to our superior Hill, he joined the family business, to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- court in 1970. Tucker Furniture, in 1941 and moved to bate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. He was overwhelmingly elected Gov- Wilson the next year to manage the f ernor in 1973 and reelected in an uphill eastern North Carolina stores. political campaign in 1977. During his He eventually became president of HAPPY 90TH BIRTHDAY, tenure, the Pinelands Protection Act GOVERNOR BRENDAN T. BYRNE the company, a position he would hold became law, and casino hotel develop- until his retirement in 1985. In 1954, he The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ment began in Atlantic City. Impec- joined the board of directors at BB&T Chair recognizes the gentleman from cably honest, he served as our Gov- and served as chairman from 1979 to New Jersey (Mr. LANCE) for 5 minutes. ernor with great distinction. His dry 1987. During that time, BB&T would Mr. LANCE. Madam Speaker, I rise wit is a joy to hear and deeply appre- grow from a community bank into a today to honor the distinguished public ciated by countless New Jerseyans. major player throughout the South- service of the Honorable Brendan T. I was honored to have Governor east. Byrne, the 47th Governor of New Jer- Byrne as a professor when I was a stu- Beyond a very successful business ca- sey, who today celebrates his 90th dent at the Woodrow Wilson School of reer, Garland was a true family man. birthday. He has lived longer than any Princeton University in the early 1980s He married Jean Barnes Wilson in 1946, governor in the history of our State. and recall fondly his superb teaching and over the course of their 67-year Governor Byrne was born on April 1, skills and generosity of spirit and time marriage, they had four children, Gar- 1924, in West Orange, Essex County, as the class met weekly at Morven, the land III, Edwin, Sarah, and Macon, who and currently lives in the Short Hills historic Governor’s residence in in turn blessed Garland with 15 grand- section of Millburn Township, Essex Princeton, built by Richard Stockton, children and three great-grandchildren. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2749 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:11 Feb 05, 2015 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\APR 2014\H01AP4.REC H01AP4 DSKD7QTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H2750 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 1, 2014 Garland’s life was marked by his Affairs Journal entitled, ‘‘Money Pit: deadline of registration for the Afford- commitment to sharing his faith with The Monstrous Failure of U.S. Aid to able Care Act, popularly known as others and serving those in need. The Afghanistan.’’ The article states that, ObamaCare. primary focus of his civic engagement in 2012, the United States budgeted On March 12, 2014, HHS Secretary was his support for Gideons Inter- $11.2 billion for Afghan military train- Kathleen Sebelius testified before a national and the Salvation Army. ing, with another $5.8 billion for 2013. House Ways and Means Committee. Through both organizations, he was The article goes on to say: When asked, are you going to delay en- able to improve his local community In Afghanistan, a big problem is illiteracy. rollment beyond March 31, she defini- and the world at large. Almost 3 years ago, when Lieutenant Gen- tively answered, no, sir. Garland served Gideons International eral William B. Caldwell IV, took command Well, Madam Speaker, April Fools. in a number of different capacities, of the NATO training mission, he noted that Millions of Americans are finding spanning local, national, and inter- ‘‘overall literacy’’ among Afghan military ObamaCare today to be a very expen- and police stood ‘‘at about 14 percent.’’ How national involvement with their mis- sive and harmful April Fools’ prank. can an illiterate policeman read a license One of those individuals is Sondra, a sion. In his time, he served as one of plate, the General asked, how can a soldier constituent from Clinton County, lo- three members for their finance com- fill out a form, read an equipment manual? cated in the Fifth District of Pennsyl- mittee and also one of 20 members of Now, even though these concerns have vania. the international cabinet, which serves been on the table for years, the special in- spector general for Afghan reconstruction Sondra emailed the following on Fri- as the governing body for the entire or- day: ganization. said in last summer’s report: The literacy rate of Afghan security forces as a whole is I was just on the marketplace, and I can’t At the peak of his responsibilities, 11 percent. believe the prices. I also am wrong about Garland was responsible for the dis- Again, I want to repeat that, in 2012, ObamaCare including eye and dental. I see tribution of Bibles across 41 countries, the United States budgeted $11.2 billion that it does not. I thought this was supposed including countries in Europe, South to be better than what I would find pri- for Afghan military training, with an- America, the Caribbean, and the Near vately. Not to my surprise. other $5.8 billion for 2013. East. Even with the tax credits, it is going to Madam Speaker, for the United cost us just as much. It seems they doubled At the local level, Garland was an en- States to continue funding these Af- the price on there to eat up the tax credits. gaged and active member of the Salva- ghan security forces would be a mis- This whole thing has us so upset. tion Army, both in Wilson and Raleigh. take. It would put our servicemembers’ We only make between $30,000–$40,000 a While a Wilson resident, he served as year, and our health insurance is going to go lives in danger, and it would waste the from $320 a month for both of us to doubling, chairman of the Salvation Army’s American people’s hard-earned tax dol- board of directors for several years and at the least. We will pay more and get less lars. coverage and pay way more out of pocket. similarly joined the Salvation Army’s Why are we, in Congress, not putting How does our President think this is help- board in Raleigh when he moved back a stop to this abuse, especially consid- ing us, the working poor? This is a class we to Raleigh in 1996.
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