THOMSON BAGLEY AUCTIONS (2007) LTD PRESENTS AN AUCTION OF VINTAGE TOOLS FROM NOEL SIMPSON’S TOOL COLLECTION ON SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2009 - 10.00AM 69 PORT ROAD, WHANGAREI, NZ 163 Viewing: Friday 13th Nov 2009 9.00am - 5.00pm Saturday 14th Nov 2009 9.00am - 12.00 noon Sunday 15th Nov 2009 8.30am - 10.00am Auctioneers: Dave Hodson, Morris Cutforth, Chris Findlay Thomson Bagley Auctions (2007) Ltd Phone: NZ 0064 9 4383759 PO Box 25006 Fax: NZ 0064 9 4388811 Whangarei 0148 Email: [email protected] New Zealand Website: www.thomsonbagley.co.nz All goods will be sold GST Inclusive. A Buyer’s Premium of 15% including GST will be charged on all purchases. Noel Simpson - Tool Collecting from 1934-2009 Noel began his tool collection at aged 9 when he acquired a fretsaw. From this young age he became at- tracted to tools, then he began his woodworking days as a little businessman where he made small items to sell to school friends. His career began as an apprentice joiner in 1941. Tools in the days during WW2 were almost unattainable but he was given some by some old carpenters and retired joiners he had worked with and so began his love of tool collecting. Noel was intrigued by the craftsmanship he saw in old tools and appreciated their quality. He used them in his trade and continued using them throughout his life. Collecting tools became a passion and his collection grew particularly after he joined the New Zealand Vintage Tool Club. It was then he began to source tools from all over the world. Noel and Maureen (his wife) have spent a great deal of time combing through Antique shops for different and specialised tools both here in NZ and overseas. This auction represents Noel’s life long interest in tools. Every item presented is in fine condition and has Noel’s eye for quality. Noel is now 84 years of age and he hopes the buyers of his tools get as much satis- faction from them as he has enjoyed over the years. CONDITION CLASSIFICATION FOR VINTAGE TOOLS Category Useable Finish Wear Repair Rust Misc N New totally 100% none none none + original pack- aging F Fine totally 90-100% minimal none trace G+ Good + yes 75-90% normal minor or light some nicks or none scratch OK G Good yes 50-75% normal - minor light minor chips moderate G- Good - probably 30-50% moderate - correct moderate chips OK heavy Fr Fair no 0-30% excessive major moderate - heavy P Poor no N/A excessive damaged heavy Note: Some tools with a lower value have not always been photographed 2 1 Boat Builders Slick king sized 16 Two Aluminium Sash 32 Pin Mall used for boat build- chisel G+ 50-70 Clamps 4ft G 30-50 Each ing, very old G 80-110 2 Peg Tooth Saw 6ft two man 17 Record Sash Clamp 6ft + 4ft 33 Adze used for boat building saw G 50-60 T bar G 150-170 G+ 90-110 3 M Tooth Cross-cut Saw two 18 Augers 26” x 2 3/8” & 1-1/8” 34 Crossley Mills Post Axe man 6ft G 50-60 G 20-30 G 40-70 4 Pit-Saw complete with filler & 19 G Clamp No 8 x 2 Fr 20-30 35 Tomohawk Axe G 25-30 box G+ Museum Piece 300-400 36 Ship Wheel from Lauchin 20 G Clamp No 6 x 3 Fr 25-35 caste iron with brass binding on 5 Disston M Tooth Saw 3ft one each spoke G 120-150 man with hand grip G 30-40 21 Two G Clamp No 6 quick release Fr 35-45 Each 37 Ice Axe belonging to Oscar 6 Laidlaw-Leeds Saw with hand Coburger from Arthurs Pass, grip very rare G+ 50-70 22 Hand Clamp x 2 Fr 10-15 very old G+ 150-200 7 Disston Mill Docking Saw old 23 Ohio Antique Wooden F 38 Kent Axe G 40-60 metal handle G 30-50 Clamps x 2 wooden screwed G+ 50-75 39 Carpenters Adze G 80-110 8 Superior Saw one man G 30-40 24 Clyde Spanners Set of 5 40 Starrett Builders Level with own wooden box G+ 80-100 largest 24” - 6” G+ 100-150 9 Pitch Fork 3 pronged with Ash 41 Continental German Jack handle very old G 50-70 25 Cane Cutting Knife from Aus- Planes x 2 one adjustable tralia Fr 40-60 Fr 40-60 10 Gumdiggers Spear very old G 50-60 26 Shingle Splitter or Froe Ash 42 Marples Razee Plane wooden handle G 40-60 G 30-40 11 Tram Conductors Screw Driver used on Auckland trams, 27 Shingle Splitter or Foe Ash 43 Edward Preston Jack Plane Beech handle G 30-45 handle G 40-60 wooden with Matherson iron G 40-60 12 Sash Clamp 5ft with extention 28 Broad Axe very old G 80-120 T bar G 100-150 44 Matherson Tri Plane wooden 29 English Trade Axe used for G 20-30 13 Two Record Sash Clamps trading land with Maori G 250-300 4ft light weight G 60-75 Each 45 Matherson Tri Plane wooden Fr 20-30 30 Antique Slasher with hand 14 Record Sash Clamp 3ft T guard G 20-30 46 Sash cramp wooden G+ 35-50 bar with extention G 90-125 31 Post Axe G 40-70 47 Draw Knife G 20-40 15 Sash clamp 2ft6” + 3ft6” G 40-50 28 47 29 41 32 39 31 37 26 34 35 27 33 23 3 68 67 64 63 61 66 65 62 60 53 59 58 57 56 55 54 52 51 50 49 48 Disston Saw panel 57 John Moseley Side Rabbet Plane G+ 20-35 G 30-60 Planes x 2 right and left hand G+ 40-60 67 Rounds Planes x 6 wooden, 49 R Nelson Planes x 2 wooden, various makers G+ 100-150 side snipe G+ 20-40 58 Throating Planes x 2 1/4” & 1/8” various makers G+ 40-45 68 Hollows Planes x 9 wooden 50 A Reed Trenching Planes x 2 G+ 120-180 G+ 20-30 59 Rabbet x 3 3/4”, 1”, 1-1/4” G+ 50-60 69 Boxed Antique Drill Bits 51 R Nelson Trenching Plane G+ 40-60 60 Grecian Ogee 1” G+ 35-40 1/4” G+ 20-25 70 Eric Anton Berg Boxed Set 61 Matheson Tongue & Groov- 52 G Mabey & D Malloch & Son of 6 Chisels very sort after, Swed- ing Planes x 2 G+ 35-40 ish chisels, almost new F 150-250 Ovolo Planes x 2 G+ 40-60 62 C Nurse Beading Plane 1/2” 71 Stanley No 55 Universal 53 D Malloch & Son Ovolo before 1844 G+ 35-45 Plane 1/4” G+ 30-35 Combination Plane includes all cutters G+ 300-450 63 JS Watson Tongue & Groov- 54 Beading Planes x 3 - 1”, ing Planes x 2 London G+ 3/4”, 5/8” various makers 72 Irwin Set of 13 Drill Bits 1/4” 30-45 to 1” complete in Oak dovetailed G+ 50-70 64 Beading Planes x 2 various box G+ 300-350 55 Beading Planes x 3 - 7/16”, makers G+ 30-35 5/16”, 7/16” various makers 73 Stanley No 45 Complete with G+ 50-70 65 A Matheson & Son Multipule 18 Irons in its own Totara box G+ Reading Plane G+ 30-40 200-250 56 Beading Planes x 3 1/4”, 3/16”, 1/8” various makers 66 W Sargent Skew Rabbet 74 Starkie Pinex Beveler in Box G+ 50-70 G+ 10-20 73 71 74 72 70 4 84 86 75 Rack of Rasps Fr 10-20 85 76 Hold Fast Bench Clamp very rare G 60-100 77 Log Dogs x 2 old G 10-15 78 Disston Hand Saw G 30-40 79 79 Marples Bow Saw G+ 30-40 80 Disston Rip Saw G+ 30-40 81 Disston Rip Saw G+ 30-40 82 Chuck Brace 4 Jaw G+ 30-50 83 Stanley Transitional Tri Plane 24” G 60-90 84 Stanley Transitional Tri Plane 83 22” G 60-80 76 85 Gage Transitional Plan 9-1/2” repair to iron G 95-145 86 Stanley Bailey Transitional Plane 15” F 100-120 82 87 Stanley Bayley Commemorative 150yrs Boxed Transitional Plane 15” purchased from Stanley Factory, USA with Certificate of Authenticity, very rare F 200-350 87 5 88 Stanley No 45 Type 3 with 4 sets of Cutters in Box very rare F 350-400 88 89 Mallets x 2 old wooden 98 Skew Rabbet Plane wooden 107 Marples German Jack Fr 10-15 G+ 40-60 Planes G 30-40 90 Woden No 4 Metal Plane 99 Edward Preston Block Plane 108 Gabriel Ogee Patten Beech G+ 100-120 wooden with concave bottom Plane very old & sort after C.1790 G 60-80 G+ 100-130 91 Stanley Bailey No 4 Plane Low Knob G+ 50-100 100 Matheson T Rabbet Plane Boxwood Fr 100-120 109 Mundore Adjustable Sash 92 Stanley Bailey No 4 Plane Plane Made in Berlin G+ 200-250 Low Knob G+ 50-100 101 Stanley Skew Rabbet Plane 110 Matheson No 7B Screwed Steel Cased G+ 140-200 Adjustable Grooving Plough 93 Stanley Bailey No 4-1/2 Plane G+ 160-180 Plane Low Knob G+ 50-120 102 Stanley No 40 Scrub Plane antique, very rare G 80-125 111 Henry Pasley Screwed Ad- 94 Stanley Bailey No 4-1/2 justable Grooving Plough Plane Plane Low Knob corrugated 103 Record 010 No 10 Rebate with 6 irons very rare G+ 180- bottom G+ 350-400 Plane G 300-400 250 95 Marples Box Scraper 104 Stanley No 10 Rabbet Plane 112 Cranwell Screwed Adjust- G+ 120-150 repair on one side G 250-350 able Plough Plane Boxwood screwed arms G+ 200-250 105 Stanley 10-1/2” Carriage 96 Stanley Box Scraper G+ 120-150 Makers Rabbet Plane F 350-400 113 Stanley No 2 Block Plane G+ 40-50 97 Trenching Plane 3/4” wooden 106 Stanley No 3 Smoothing G+ 40-60 Plane post war F 65-75 6 102 99 98 106 105 104 103 100 97 101 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 112 111 110 109 108 107 7 114 115 116 117 119 118 121 120 124 123 122 114 Edward Preston Shoulder 118 Edward Preston Bullnose 122 Edward Preston Bullnose Plane No 1368B 8” long x 1” ad- Adjustable Rabbet Plane 4” x 1” Rabbet Plane No 1347 3- justable, rare & sort after F 240 - 300 3/4” x 1-1/8” complete with depth F 260-300 gauge & sole gauge F 270-325 119 Edward Preston Bullnose 115 Edward Preston Shoulder Adjustable Rabbet Plane 4” x 1- 123 Edward Preston Bullnose Plane No 1368A 8” x 3/4” adjust- 1/8” F 240-300 Rabbet Plane Non–Adjustable able, rare F 280-300 No 1363 3-3/4” x 1-1/8” 120 Edward Preston Bullnose F 310-350 Rabbet Adjustable Plane 3-3/4” 116 Edward Preston Shoulder Plane No 1368 5-1/2” x 5/8” ad- x 11/16” F 280-300 124 Edward Preston Bullnose justable, rare F 320-375 Rabbet Plane Non-Adjustable 121 Edward Preston Bullnose Rabbet Plane Non-Adjustable No 1366 3-1/4” x 3/8” Rosewood 117 Edward Preston Shoulder wedge F 210-250 Plane No 1367 5-1/4” x 5/8” No 1347 3-3/4” x 1-1/8” non-adjustable F 280-320 F 260-300 125 Stanley No 103 Adjustable Block Plane 5-1/2” F 60-90 125 126 Duplex Block Plane 5” Made by Preston G 80-100 126 127 Stanley No 101 Block Plane 3-1/2” G 45-55 131 128 Miller Toy Block Plane 3-1/2” 130 G 10-20 129 Stanley No 102 Block Plane 127 G
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