6 GEMC�ャーナル6号.indd 1 12.3.9 0:34:45 PM GEMC�ャーナル6号.indd 2 12.3.9 0:34:45 PM Preface The earthquake which hit eastern Japan on March 11th 2011 was truly dreadful, and unlike any we have known before. We offer our heartfelt condolences to all those affected. We are extremely grateful for all the many warm messages of support and condolence which Tohoku University has received. Our Tohoku University Global COE Program entitled “Gender Equality and Multicultural Conviviality in the Age of Globalization” is committed to academic work on issues caused by and brought to light by the natural disaster. Our Program established in 2008 at Tohoku University attempts to present solutions for the broad set of problems emerging in a world of advancing globalization. Furthermore, as its primary purpose, this GCOE program aims to cultivate young researchers able to generate deep understanding and effective answers addressing the problems of globalization (for further details please visit the GCOE program’s website available at http://www.law. tohoku.ac.jp/gcoe). Since the second year of this project we have been also able to welcome the participating students of our Cross-National Doctoral Course (CNDC) allowing the GCOE program to unfold its full research capacity. To aid in achieving its stated purposes and objectives this GCOE program launched a journal which publishes its academic research results in academic year 2008. Adopting the first letters from the GCOE’s program title “Gender Equality and Multicultural Conviviality”, this periodical was named “GEMC journal”. Since academic year 2009, we have published two GEMC journals, English and Japanese volumes every year. Numbers 6 and 7, published in March 2012, both featured articles on the disaster. As a general rule, the journal is divided into two sections. The first section includes invited articles requested by members of the journal’s editorial board and features papers based on presentations held at one of the GCOE’s workshops, as well as research articles from program members. In order to provide young researchers the opportunity for publishing their research work, the second section of this journal features submitted and reviewed articles. The journal accepts articles related to the GCOE’s program regardless of the author’s academic status and qualifications, and invites the authors of articles considered for publication to present their work at a workshop and to share the results of this research work. All submitted papers are subject to a review process conducted by the Referee Board established within the Editorial Board of this journal. Given the broad nature of themes the submitted papers cover, this Referee Board evaluates the articles by inviting additional opinions from anonymous experts from each article’s academic field. Based on these evaluations the Referee Board aims to provide a firm and fair review process. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all external experts who have been kind enough to provide their help in offering their opinions on the various articles. Accompanying the advancement of globalization, the differences created by gender, nationalism, community and generation have caused severe and structurally entangled negative effects for society. This GCOE program was initiated to support the seeking of ways to overcome these negative effects and to construct a society sharing a plurality of cultural values. In 2008, the year of the GCOE program’s founding, the world was been dominated by the globalization issue of the financial crisis spreading from its epicenter in the United States of America. The Great East Japan Earthquake, which hit at a time of global economic crisis, made the difficult issues facing Japanese society far graver. Yet, while this crisis has created challenges of a complex and immediate nature, this GCOE program wishes to create through academic ventures reliable and sound research building the foundations for addressing these challenges. Therefore, we hope that this GEMC journal represents one effort in this endeavor. March, 2012 GEMC journal Editorial Board Tohoku University Global COE “Gender Equality and Multicultural Conviviality in the Age of Globalization” 003 GEMC�ャーナル6号.indd 3 12.3.9 0:34:45 PM GEMC journal Contents PartⅠ Special Issue Preface GEMC journal Editorial Board ……… 003 The Disaster-Related PartⅠ Special Issue: The Disaster-Related GENDER ISSUES IN DISASTER PREVENTION, DISASTER RELIEF AND GENDER ISSUES IN DISASTER PREVENTION, DISASTER RELIEF AND RECONSTRUCTION PROCESSES IN JAPAN HARA Hiroko ……… 006 RECONSTRUCTION PROCESSES IN JAPAN HARA Hiroko SETTLEMENT IN POLLUTION CASES: SETTLEMENT IN POLLUTION CASES: Contribution to the Dispute Resolution of Contribution to the Dispute Resolution of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s Melt Down KABASHIMA Hiroshi ……… 014 the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant's Melt Down KABASHIMA Hiroshi A HEDONIC APPROACH TO RADIATION CONTAMINATION DAMAGES MORITA Hatsuru ……… 026 A HEDONIC APPROACH TO RADIATION CONTAMINATION DAMAGES PartⅡ Special Issue: Gender and Constitutional Citizenship Jon MORRIS ……… 037 MORITA Hatsuru GENDER AND CONSTITUTIONAL CITIZENSHIP: Combining Historical, Theoretical and Doctrinal Perspectives Helen IRVING ……… 038 A COMMENT ON PROFESSOR IRVING’S PAPER, “GENDER AND CONSTITUTIONAL CITIZENSHIP: COMBINING HISTORICAL, THEORETICAL AND DOCTRINAL PERSPECTIVES” OKANO Yayo ……… 048 PartⅢ Invitational Papers THE AGENDA AND POTENTIAL OF THE EAST ASIAN COMMUNITY: A Critical Historical Sociological Analysis of Imperialism in Asia IKEGAMI Masako ……… 056 WHO WANTED THE PUBLIC CHILD CARE SUPPORT?: Organization of“Work” of Female Weavers, Mill Managers and Families in Northern Fukushima during High Growth Era HAGIWARA Kumiko ……… 072 STRATEGIC CONTRIBUTION OF GENDER EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY IN A COMPANY MIZUNO Yukari ……… 092 THE EFFECT OF WIVES’ CONTRIBUTIONS TO FAMILY INCOME ON HUSBANDS’ GENDER ROLE ATTITUDES: Analyzing Data of the National Family Research of Japan 2003 and 2008 SHIMA Naoko ……… 104 PartⅣ Submitted Paper AN UNEASY BUT DURABLE BROTHERHOOD?: Revisiting China’s Alliance Strategy and North Korea LEE Dongjun ……… 120 List of Contributors ……… 138 GEMC journal Guidelines for Submission ……… 139 GCOE Program Members and GEMC journal Editorial Board Members ……… 141 GEMC�ャーナル6号.indd 4 12.3.9 0:34:46 PM PartⅠ Special Issue The Disaster-Related GENDER ISSUES IN DISASTER PREVENTION, DISASTER RELIEF AND RECONSTRUCTION PROCESSES IN JAPAN HARA Hiroko SETTLEMENT IN POLLUTION CASES: Contribution to the Dispute Resolution of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant's Melt Down KABASHIMA Hiroshi A HEDONIC APPROACH TO RADIATION CONTAMINATION DAMAGES MORITA Hatsuru GEMC�ャーナル6号.indd 5 12.3.9 0:34:46 PM 6 2012.3 GENDER ISSUES IN DISASTER PREVENTION, DISASTER RELIEF AND RECONSTRUCTION PROCESSES IN JAPAN 1 HARA Hiroko Ⅰ. Limited Review of International Trends Of the references I enumerated, works by Keiko Bangladeshi farming villages. To examine gender Ikeda (Faculty of Education, Shizuoka University), and development, disaster response of farming who is specialized in social geography and village residents and women’s participation in South Asia studies are of prime importance. She community disaster prevention. Her dedicated has conducted fieldwork (1996, 2009, etc.) in research in this area is ongoing (Ikeda 2011a, b, c). Ⅱ. Disaster Prevention and Gender issues in Japan In 1990, before the Great Hanshin-Awaji to statistics on earthquake-caused deaths (by Earthquake, Nihon Bosai Hyakunenshi (100- age, gender) year Record of Disaster Prevention in Japan) was Since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, local/ published by Kokkai Shiryo Hensankai. This national governments have begun to release publication includes a chronological table covering gender/age-disaggregated data on the number of the period from the first year of Meiji (1868) dead saying it is extremely difficult to ascertain through to the end of the Showa period (1989), but correct figures and a heavy load to calculate (Table there is only one mention of special considerations 1). Overall, the number of women who died was for the elderly and none at all of gender issues. greater than the number of men, and the number of deaths of elderly women was particularly high because there are more elderly women than elderly 1. The Great Hanshin-Awaji men. Earthquake, January 17, 1995 Ideally a cross-tabulation showing socio- (1) Overcoming the difficulty of gaining access economic factors like whether the casualties were 006 GEMC�ャーナル6号.indd 6 12.3.9 0:34:47 PM Special Issue 1 on social welfare or whether they paid high taxes, Table 1 Number of Deaths at the Great Hanshin- should be made available (even though it might be Awaji Greatearthquake by Age and Gender technically quite difficult). It is often mentioned age at the time Men Women Total % that there was more damage among the poor of death ~ because they live in disaster-prone areas without 0 4 67 55 122 1.91 5~9 64 66 130 2.03 firm ground that have lower property values. The 10~14 66 79 145 2.26 relationship between gender and class is another 15~19 70 102 172 2.69 issue to be investigated.2 20~24 151 148 299 4.67 25~29 81 92 173 2.70 30~34 60 85 145 2.26 (2)Activities by women 35~39 62 57 119 1.86 Among reasons this theme “disaster prevention 40~44 97 109 206 3.22 and gender issues” has been getting so much 45~49 118 162 280 4.37 attention is the activities of “Women’s Net Kobe.” 50~54 173 236 409 6.39 55~59 212 249 461 7.20 This NGO was originally involved in activities in 60~64 261 299 560 8.75 the Kobe area aiming to increase the number of 65~69 272 385 657 10.26 women members of the Kobe City Council and the 70~74 266 411 677 10.57 Hyogo Prefectural legislature. This NGO had been 75~79 222 369 591 9.23 active even before the Hanshin Awaji Earthquake 80~84 264 413 677 10.57 85~89 155 242 397 6.20 on January 17, 1995.
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